
4:52 p.m… D:E.B.

4:52 p.m… D:E.B.



3-8-8…C-H-H..Completion of the Two Harmonies…


As many of my older face books are aware, I have been solving a riddle and putting together the pieces of a Jig Saw Puzzle, while proving the Existence of the true Origins of Man (And Wu-man) as from being from beyond.

But who reside deep with the Humanity.

I have been doing this by speaking to the world in the consciousness of that 5th dimension aligned to the 3 dimensional being of the child seated within each person…

(Hence, an alignment of the Extra Terrestrial part of Humanity and the Anchor of the truth of Humanity called the Child).

I have began doing this naturally my entire life, but found that by addressing that part of People- I was disturbing the illusions of the which people, adapting to this current reality had built to protect their inner truth called thier inner child who is the access point to the memory and recollection of the other realm…

I came into this world with full memory of the other realm which I now describe as the 5th Dimension, called the Line of E..5=E.

But though awake to my origins, I sought to adapt to the Existence here.

It was easy to navigate this world, but I realized that people had begun to see and call me E.T. simply because I addressed most people through that consciousness.

Yet the people could understand me, were moved, every single one of them momentarily coming undercover- to peer incredulously at me ‘How did you manage to retain that consciousness of the Child (Truth) and the Energy (Expression) in this place? They each asked.

But they had become literally possessed by the experiences which made them go so deep undercover, literally changing into illusion of themselves so alien to their true natures that I was in a constant state of Shock Horror Wariness..

Yet I discovered that they were still being moved- rather than possessed by that which they had forgotten existed within and beyond..that Eternal Truth from beyond. But most could no longer even call its name, Their names much less access it, yet it moved every part of them, even the demonic aspects of themselves were still being moved by that one Eternal Truth…

And I saw a great riddle and quandary. How could I make them aware that they were just as I, of the E.T, that they had of forgotten.

I perceived the riddle as far back as 1989, when fresh out of University, freed from familial obligations (created by the most dramatic and unfortunate circumstances which even then, I could see was tailored made for me to begin the mission I had been consistently been reminded off by people and strange occurrences which aligned perfectly to a small illustrated book written at age 8 of a Story about the awakening of the world and a great battle. I realized that there was an intelligence behind this, an intelligence not of this world and of which I was hesistated to acknowledge- For I had seen visions all my life, right up to experiencing an Evanescent Light, which spoke to me in 1992 December 23 -6 in Paris…

I had understood the Riddle, butt I had had no intention of solving it- or piecing the puzzle together..

I only wished to find like minded persons…

My family whom I suspected were playing a game of hide and seek with me..

Not realizing that for me to ever find peace in this world- I would have to solve this riddle and go undercover- literally as James Bond the Spy.

Suddenly my very existence, my well being became determined by my solving the riddle of Where the Devil is my Family’ – the family from beyond who not matter what I did, I could see them, to my astonishment deep inside the Human Beings of this consciousness…

I found that to get Home with all my family from beyond that I would first have to go through Humanity…

And that idea, considering the expression of the current state of humanity and the rapid fire degeneration and rate of decomposition of the truth nature of humanity. Being eaten away as if radioactive current was steadily diminishing their sanity. 2O years ago I wrote about what I could perceive of the human trajectory…I saw the bombings and the destruction of values which equated to now.

The Species were evolving, and from my ring side view of being forced by my True Nature, to exist on the fringe of society, because I could not full adapt and assimilate this Insane society who embrace the lie, embody the lie even as they seek the truth-

and my quiet secretive search for the Beautiful Ones, I of course, had a clear view…From my twenties to my 4O’s I saw Humanity devolving rather than evolving and so few seemed to even notice…

But I did, but did not believe it my problem…

Because this was not y world..

this was not the world I had wished to enter..

Until I began to remember, putting together a puzzle of interactions and personal occurrences until, Lord Help me, I began to remember…

And I was furious for it was an impossible thing which was being asked of me…

it seemed so impossible and overwhelming and so fundamentally cruel that I even began to doubt the intention of the family of E beyond.

No one, not even the God as Universal Nature had the right to demand this of anyone, not in this present society..

I felt I would be massacred, crucified killed…and I was, but I could not die, and I really did wish to die- for Death I remembered represented a literal memory of my a Beloved one to me- so beloved that I never spoke of Him…it was so deep and profound a recollection…

But no matter what, I would not die, and kept on being reborn.

Constantly killed I was informed by people- messengers sent to affirm my path through the years…

They torture kill and even maim you but each time you come back reborn

I too had noticed this, I could surmount extraordinary amounts of pain, and something kept bringing me back…

And death would not open His door- until I figured out that Death was evolving from Him my beloved to the S.HE…

But A.M.UN…The Dawn of Universal Nature God (Harmony ) the God of Mystery would not reveal his reasons to me, for closing its gates of death, to make me live in a state of Limbo, living in the Library of my mind- spending fro ages 22-34 studying and study, then till age 44 researching, refining an even more training to prepare me to come to face book still a Youth living in a realm where Time was suspended – but now 45 years old..

And that is when I rebelled…

But something had begun happening to my physical body- cancer, brain functions and neurons,motor skill, possessed by Demons, Voodoo, poison, Ogu, so many words diagnosis of a condition which began immediately I moved to New York almost 15 years ago…

A condition which became more intense, more acute to the point that I an athlete my entire life, began to feel like a cripple…

It felt like binds, really as if all my muscles had been bound and fused together as if Embalmed as a Mummy.. And of course, evidence was made available that I was in the Spirit world, entombed in Ancient Egypt..

In other persons testimonies I was Osirus- and to be honest it really presented itself that way, Osirus chopped into many pieces and thrown scattered and thrown asunder..

And my literal experience of moving through the world gathering through people all aspects of myself…

But I had to will myself to common sense..

using self mastery to not give in to illusions made to seem so real, but rather ground myself in the actuality of the moment.. Which was rather the consequences of this condition which cumulated in 2OO4 when literal higher Aspects of myself rose in me, independent of my, moving through my body- speaking to people through me, bowing, dancing, courtly Beautiful Ones..

But they were part of me, instead of apart from me- I wished to to engage with them via others, why were they contained in my body- occupying my body as distinct individuals, all known to me…And thus, became the most horrendous and yet beautiful struggle of that comforting presence struggling to rise in my literal body, while binds of what I came to realize where human thought patterns and behavioral patterns literally belief systems literally brought to life…

Lies and distorted rituals and stories..Warped from their original meaning, into horrific lies…

And to rescue my family and my own bodies independence I had to rescue the Truths of my own Family of E who had come through human time line to plants the seeds of Memory of Being, through Stories, Actions- play enactments, to inspire the World to move wave after wave to the point..

Which was my family moving from the E through to the E.T and Supernatural (Universe Nature) through the Child ( Earth 3rd Planet from the Sun), to Youth..

Yeshua Christ…Child Eternal Youth Immortality…

Yes, immortality.. I had to solve each of the riddles of the original stories they had enacted through out this Human time line, and consequently free them from their prisons created by the perversions of their Play Theater off Inspiration..AH!…

And at the same time, rescue my body from the twisted knotted locked form of one who was fighting the literal consciousness of Old Age death disease decay…

And of it was Unseen, for the Species were in the last story of human evolution -After Jesus Yeshua Child (Christo- Words Waves embodied) Eternal Truth…Story of the Holy Spirit AKA Energy Love, Expression True, Evanescent Light..E.L..E.T..E.L…E.L.L.E..Linked by E.T…

My family were imprisoned in Humanities Web of lies- and belief system!

And it correlated with what was happening with my body!

Disbelief incredulity…And of course, I could tell no one- not until I had the evidence and proof which would make sense in this language of human consciousness of irrational…

And so research…

But I saw that the condition was intelligent, I could no longer work, my condition became uncontrollable.. sabotaging me in the middle of my seeking to get a job, or escape this play…

It had a motive, it was intelligent…

I knew I was in the E and E.T play passing through Universal Nature, the Undead, the Evil Dead, the Evil Deeds and the grateful dead.. But I could tell no one until I found a language of communication which enabled me to pass through solve the riddles of Human Expression releasing my Families truth, find their avatars in a set up play or movie of the challenge to Existence Itself..

The truly inconceivable story and play which many have heard me protest its impossibility to the high heavens…At such a set up… of Humanity moving from Child to man by passing the link to E as Youth consciousness and instead moving to the illusion of Man Woman and finally the abomination old age and Se-Nile and Awful forms of Death.. without compassion and without respect..

*As I was writing the code of Yeshua Christo, ..Face Book friend Yeshua Sananda Daitenku- Christs name in three aspects texted me at 11:28 pm..

Its is now 11:48 p.m..

11:28 is my Birth date and 48 is still my code age in the play.

He said he had a dream or visit from Death.. He said he can not stop smiling…then he left me a message 1121..K Ba ..A..

And solved the riddle MER KA BA…Rebirth..

Edited complete 11:55 p.m

My deep and quiet question, as I moved through the world in my twenties was a disquiet in me, questions..

Why could they not sustain their truest most beautiful and cool selves, which as if with X-ray vision, I could see, feel, literally fall in love with, why would they replace it with these Angry Hate filled Demons?

Humanity I realized are possessed…

The other question was Where the heck am I? Where had I landed?

What world was this?

You see, as a child to young man, I possessed a secret, a treasure.. a treasure so Rare and valuable…

I could see, and this ability to Cee..See Beyond Sight enabled me to people clearly, and consequently, no matter how deeply I might go undercover (To investigate the experience of the illusion of forgetfulness by adopting the consciousness of each society I lived in, which was like going underwater, as a Diver, who has to hold his breath, and then I would find myself forced to come up for Air…But each time I went down, I would return with treasure of information from each experience of momentarily forgetting myself by absorbing the consciousness of each experience, which I learn were the rules and governing principles of this reality…

It was a physically painful and constrictive, putting on a mask, yet obviously fooling no one..

People were always aware, that even under the mask, or disguise the costumes I adapted, that not only was I for real, in a land of the fake- but that I was looking for something, for some one… That I was a mission.. Even if I was temporarily deeply immersed in the role and would not come back to my senses until I had gotten what I had come to get, before rising then going back down…

Yet I was not in control of when I went down, I knew I was born here for a mission, I even remember being dropped off..

I recalled everything, but I could not name them in the language of this realm because I had no correlation with the words such as Universe, Existence, Harmony, Beauty…

I just recalled that which IS…which I always knew was my home.. It was a place.. yes, of course…

But before that it IS a state of Being, a way of seeing and perceiving which creates a sort of bubble..

I would not call it a protective bubble or a suit of Shinning armor. it is more like a Luminous light which is the manifest expression of that energy which your State of being radiates naturally…

Sort of walking about in that 5O state described here as Paradise, Hawaii…

but more accurately the Garden of Eden..

I noticed that people entering my home state of my Natural State of Being when I wasn’t undercover,transformed into Flower Children (not as in children defined by age, but that freedom of being which children possess- naturalness- a state of Being, becoming so rare, that as far back as 26 years ago, I had to finally accept that I had to go undercover to investigate this consciousness so destructive and why it could not be sustained.

It took me, an entire scope of my life, to finally find the answers to these questions translated into the language and consciousness of this reality..

26 years- Not in my wildest imaginings could I have conceived of not just a the duration but the intensity of the experiences at a speed so swift, gaining such momentum..that I had no time for anything else… much less a life..

I realized that I was being moved, propelled guiding by something..

What I knew and understood to be True, in the 5th Dimension was not welcome in my 3 dimensional Child consciousness who not only recalled the Truth beyond the 5 Dimension that coming into Creation Existence is to Play.. Boogie..

But I was being controlled Moved by a Wave and blocked by what I was able later identify as the Wave of Resistance to Change, and then an even darker Wall of Death and Dying, filled with Bodies, murdered Spirits and Humans, A Wailing Wall of Rage Wrath Vengeance, And another of Evil created by human actions of cause and effect which manifested in the Alternative Reality called by many the Spirit realm but which I call the realm of the building blocks of Beautiful Expression – Nature and True Nature..

Then there was the Wave of Human Consequence…

Evil beyond Evil…

Wave after wave..

And that is when I knew for certain that which I always suspected and even wrote about, drew, danced, created through any creative process, had revealed through my Chi.. That I was not in this world…

That I was living in the Spirit Realm, the Realm of Consequence of humanity adopting certain attitudes and expressions…

Each wave was a dimension, and as I walked around the City of New York, and peoples Bubbles I realized that I was entering their realms and then together with their Child and the E.T in them whom I call my Family- were cleaning up their Rooms and evolving it back to different aspects of the of the Pathway, and finally the literal Truth of the Garden of Eden…

Expanding it through reason until more more people who I worked with Danced with their child connected with them- and together we linked the E.T aspect of them to memory in a play…

A play meant to be beautiful, but which became the waves of the darkest nights- the consequence of a reality based on Fear Violence Disease Pain Suffering and Extinction-

At the Brink of Annihilation..

The Wave was controlling me, and for a long time I did not have the Language to communicate through Words my meaning, my memory, our Origins-

The language vibration here was so contaminated with misuse and abuse.. Words created to make rise, instead transformed into weapons of mass destruction…


In this Battle field unseen by most yet portrayed so much now, through movies and book- was reality for me…

To be trapped in a story which was being portrayed all around you- while you experienced the Actuality of it… An actuality which becomes a literal Labyrinth. A Maze, Pans Labyrinth- while no one around you can conceive thatthe experience you are literally going through, portal after portal, time traveling world after world..is real.

Despite it being portrayed everywhere…

The only Solution I realized was the very memory which I recalled in the Manuscripts and poems I created which flowed naturally through me.

I fountain and Font, I knew how to access, the same way I have been posting on Face Book- That deep well, with a River running through it, to an ocean so Vast- to a pool of refections, to a mountain water Fall to a Spring from a Rock..Pegasus Medusa…P.M…

Access to the River of Death the knowledge and memory of Everything…

Its is a technique…

Absolute Surrender,

Absolute Confidence

Absolute Truth..

The Meaning of letting Go…

My experience of the last 14.8 years was the absolute battle with my memory my access, all the intel and treasures of the Truth of Human and the real truth of my Individual experiences of my Life Behind the Veil…Lot, Ado Lots Wife.. Beauty.. A Vacant Lot -Ado, of Beauty, Edith, Joyous Happiness Wealth Riches…The Spoils of War Deborah! D.E.B..Deborah (Old Testament)..

A Beautiful Lot, behind the Veil of the Beloved of Amun, the God of mystery..resides

A-bra-h-a.m Father of Many

Sarah the Princess..

Hagar the Flight of the Ba (Individual Personality)..

Ishmael…The Who who listened..the one who Heard

Isaac The One Who Laughs

Rire… Laughter of a World behind the Veil of the original template and actors of the most beautiful Story, the seed planted in every country in every age..

Which became perverted and distorted as experience and expression transformed and distorted the Mystery behind the Veil into a tool of Fear…

And so, that is how I found myself here..

I finally understood how to let go of control…

I began to exert control on the direction of my life because it was not going in the direction I had intended..

Curious at first, I investigated..

What I saw and understood turned me almost to stone..

And I became a literal moving Statue…

-Literally, people especially in France would remark that I looked like a Statue while fleeing my Life, on the streets of Paris.. A man made out of Stone- who finally cracked from the pressure of the force of the 4 Master and 2 Mistress Sensie to open up and make access that River of Death and Move it back to the Flow of the Sweet Waters leading to the Garden of Eden.. Through a non stop flow of words for 14 years, and 45 months on Face book of the Expression of the Truth of our Home..

Is a Consciousness and Energetic expression which gave birth to the Planet Earth, Geography, Weather, Universe, Order, Logos Unity, Harmonious Understanding of Beautiful Expression is Music Song…Song Sing and Dance…

From the Marble Stone Statue of the Beloved,

from the man of stone, a crack in his chest and out poured

Lord Pegasus, Lord Chrysaor, Lord Bellerophon

*In Greek mythology, Chrysaor (Greek: ???s???, Khrusaor, gen.: ???s?????; English translation: He who has a golden sword (from ???s??, golden and ???, sword)), the brother of the winged horse Pegasus, was often depicted as a young man, the son of Poseidon and Medusa.


Bellerophon (/b?’l?r?f?n/; Greek: ?e??e??f??) or Bellerophontes (?e??e??f??t??) is a hero of Greek mythology. He was the greatest hero and slayer of monsters, alongside Cadmus and Perseus, before the days of Heracles,[1] and his greatest feat was killing the Chimera, a monster that Homer depicted with a lion’s head, a goat’s body, and a serpent’s tail: her breath came out in terrible blasts of burning flame.[2] Bellerophon was the son of the mortal Eurynome by either her husband Glaucus, or Poseidon.

P.C.B…children of Poseidon Medusa…P.M

Personal Computer Being (P=Letter 18 which is 88 (28), C=3, B=2..Twins are B.C of P to manifest M…3 8..2 8..3+2=5..58… 13..M.D..

P.M= P.C.B.E.M P…….Harmony perfect symmetry.. leading me through this post as a River,the Heart of stone from which sprang Forth thee Spirit River the P.M…of Humanity, to the Expression of the River of Death (R.O.D), PM P.C.B.E.M.P.H…A.M…

*By Solving the riddle of Ham, see old testament…and aligning it to its truth E,H.A.M…

Welcome Eunice Mulosa…E.M…

Eunice means Joyous Victory

O.E..By J.O.V.E!

Mulosa is a Zambian name but I could not find the meaning…So I will use codes…/A Sol U.M….A as the beginning Alpha is the 5th note called…Um is the code I have identified through 14 years of contact with my E.T family is the Sound of Universal Manifestation…

M-U (Metatron Universe)..L.O (Code name Orien Laplante) S.A (Code name Stella Antley)…

E,M Represents in the equation above; ERos Medusa…

*See meaning of Both names, which identifies the as the missing link of as Energy (Expression) Manifested (Matter) Harmony (Huemanity)…

And so the Cycle and Circle of Death as the P.M of the Species is Transformed through the full circle of Death 48 years my entire as the code in the play, is transformed to 31 years as my life and True Age moved from 48 to 31…1966 transformed to 1984…18 years gap…Agape…AH..

18 Mountain View…M Double V…M.VV…Milky Way..No, Male and V-Male…

Thus P.M.-P.C.B..E.(H) M.P…Is the Circle Complete thus moving to

P.C,B E.M.P.A.M..B.-A.S-S.A

Code Micheal Ponty..(Ponty meaning Bridge)

Pamela Stefaniotis….(Meaning all Crowned With Laurels)

Micheal Barron (Linked to Rob Barr) MB..R.B. R.M.B

Alberto Santa…A,S.

Assa Mpete is a OINRI Igbo phrase Meaning Astonishing Beauty…

What is… See the response in the name of my 445 Face Book Friend

James Kamanga….

James Jacob see the equations posted yesterday of Esau Esaw and Yacob…E.Y…E.J…

He who grasps the Heel… but really the Twin of Esau- the one who protects…

Kamanga is a name for a people and the Kamango Dance of the Full Circle.. A Rite of passage initiation and Healing…

Which aligns perfectly to the meaning of my name Kolo Slav for All Around or a circle..And to the play…

*P.S Jonn Blackwell just informed me that a lady called Sabrina A. (Code S.A..A.S SA..Beautiful) posted that yesterday was a releasing and clearing of a great hatred…

Considering what was experienced witnessed and played out here at 268 by the Two Harmonies being acted out by both Jonn and Donna O’Sullivan and my subsequents feelings (The Beautiful Rage of Lucifer and the distortion of his Truth- representing the passage way to his truth as Son of the Morning Star, the Peacock Krsna..And my posts yesterday on Andrese Harris Burton share of the Black Panther- symbolic of B.P Beautiful Pride.. See Brad Pit in Meet Joe (Joseph meaning Add) Black…

I would state that she expressed absolute truth of IS.

Eunice Mulosa…E.M/M.E…

(About to watch a movie with Anthony Hopkins A.H recommended by Jonn..called The Efficiency Expert..E.E….See sacred portal 55..EE It is called EMME…

Completes the last gap in Rock to Water Body- to Golden Sword Crystallization- off Bell Eros phon-e..Being as Energy Expression (45 months of public Expression aligned to 26 years of conscious expression moves creates Evolution transformation to raise the Frequency of Human consciousness to…a Full Circle of Evanescent Light conquering Hate, to reveal

J.K..J…A.M..ES..-PIRIT…Kamango- The rites of passage of the circle to reach


represented in its physical representation as NASA Galaxy I.C 11 O1 / really GA LA XY..Z..I.C..1O-11…111..1…2O+11=21…


A B.A…

See meaning of Ba…the Personality I.D…

Alpha began with I.D..

Our Identities were Established in the Beginning.

Which is why I always knew my ID..and had to find its correlation in this world, as well as the Identities of All the family undercover..which I have done..

Thus, we are at the portal complete of the Energy I represent of A BA….

That frequency of C.I..1O 11… 1 21… 3…A.B..A C..Beyond.

8:33 pm

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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