
4:51 PM

4:51 pm.

Delta Square Diamond Light.

Area 51.

Sexual Energy.

Sexual Healing.

S H.

Serenity Hinds.

Jeron Lang-U -A.G…E.

Jeron means He Sings

H S.


A L T B A.

/ A B T L -E- A.


I watched a film about SEX MAGIC yesterday, of a man based in Sedona Arizona.

It made me sad, I understood the efforts and intention but I kept shaking my head until I finally had to switch it off.

My third book of sacred portals is called The Book of Sex And Desire.

S A D.

This entire planet is based on Sex and Desire.

Sex and Love which brings Consciousness Of Creation -Knowing Expressed.

C.O C K …E.

Cock A Do Le Doo!

The Cock Crows at Dawn.

Penetration brings life.

But Penetration starts off as E-Spirit- Expression- Ethereal a nothingness which brings Somethingness.

Emotions Feelings which arise from out of the blue and then through the penetration via Expressing feelings

Desire to Know, Touch…

This thus manifests into A Solid Fact life.

Sex Magic does not begin with the Solid fact, but rather through Sensational Feelings.

Self Penetration.

Sacred Portal

Third Eye- First I.

First, Know Thy Self.

5:11 pm

E K.

And its final product creates the body Solid Matter A Fact.

Creation as Matter Earth – a Child.

This is why it comes as no surprise that the completion of this equation of True True life, is represented by Earth Heart…


Hence We Are the World.

W A T W.

O A T W O.

Area 51.

Jeron Satya

Jeron Serenity.

Omega Alpha rep by TWO.

See sacred portal 87.


And hence why the Children, Childhood the fetus.

Expression language has so been attacked by the force which grew to this force of evil done to Expression and to the Child.

I found myself meditating yesterday, after the most intense play yesterday of completing the play of the Tan line- Mixed Race Ebony and Ivory

Stephen Johnson S J.

to Rainbow Children.

Kamora Herrington’s post.

I came back from meeting with Kamora to find Stephen commenting on her share of a prince- Rainbow Children.

* You may recall that it was Serenity Hinds who had a rainbow on her cheek and who for months and brought my awareness of her connection ( and will) to link Kamora.

And her signaling to me, the Rainbow Bridge on her Cheek.

And again recently telling me ( and her father) that she missed Kamora which instigated us to action and awareness but by my recalling Ocean 11 with Will I am Brad Pitt mentioning got to find Kimora

And you may recall Kimora Lee Simmons the model and entrepreneur married to Russel Simons. R S.

( Afro- Asian ancestry)


Ravindra Singh.

Srinivasa Ramanujan.

S.R – 900 South Road-9=I. OO


Spectrum Rainbow.

Yes, Somewhere Over The Rainbow- the song Arden and I communicated with a secret sacred code of Eternally Knowing.

Which aligned to beautiful youth and codes not of Age as a number but as the meaning of age our A G E

Arden Gemino E.

Allan Ginsberg E

I met him at age code 51 ( E A) and he age code 16.

E A P… E Attained Perfection ( Stephen Johnson).

Meaning that the code of Somewhere Over the Rainbow represents that which is not within the spectrum rainbow, but beyond it and thus not in the play of the Body as the prism journeying through Time and Space.

and to be beyond the rainbow O 1-7.. 8.

Had Already attained Infinity. I as what can be called The Individual.


And thus, this play had nothing to do with E KA.

But rather than, I and I as E- K A

E- 11 1… guiding the Children born of the Two I and I home via


H represents the Harmonies moving home to infinity by Harmony Standing up.

Hence the age code 51 when we met and 52 when I left 900 South Road, and Arden 17.

Yes, Sacred portal 147 AB as 17.

Father of Infinity.

You may note, that the 2015 Film starring Jeremy Irons ( J I) as G H Hardy and Devi Patel ( David Powers) as Srinivasa Ramanujan was released in 2015, the year I first was forced by the Script as Particle ( rep me) and Wave- the Music/CI SUM… E R I C.

( Eden in SU-MER -KAH BA) starting at Bed 49.

States by its title the man who knew Infinity.

Its title does not state that SR ( I E R I S E… R I Z E) is Infinity but rather, the man who knew Infinity, meaning that it SR knew infinity which he states in the movie, that he could hear the voice and God-truth.. ( The Beautiful Truth, because like Einstein and some many other great minds, who each testified to the elegance and beauty of the equations itself) so one can surmise that the man was aligned to God-Truth Bella.

And thus, his work was all about his praising God.

Ishmael- means To hear… one who listens

G H H did not believe in God, but he believed in the Man, Srinivasa Ra-Manu-Jan.

( please see the meaning of the name Ra… Manu and JAN… January… J..AN… Jay 1 14 Room 114 Grant Moore Motel where Esteban M Filgueria E M F fist moved me to after he invited insisted I come to Connecticut, ( I Connect I Cut, of course, he had no idea what it all meant.

But I did, because I had met a person called Keith Grant, the first day I entered the shelter and he arrived moments later into the shelter where we both sat waiting for our bed in the waiting room.

I recognized him instantly. I was assigned bed 49 and he, bed 53.

* my current age code. E C/ C E 1729.

Yes, Arden is 17 and JS= 29.

29 months straight in the Shelter, 31 in total from the first day we met.


A.F K G= 25.

This play had nothing to do with myself and Arden, and yesterday I had to prove via hours of conversation with Kim, to prove to the Alien Council of children the naturals and the naturals that nor did Kim ( Tree Sage Chiefy) that nor did he, via a peacock feather play in which I learned that Benjamin had initially brought the two peacock feathers, and told Kim that they were for myself and Kim.

after which Kim had suggested that since they were coming to see me at Libetrys place and that Kim had brought me gifts that perhaps it would be nice to present a gift to Liberty since I was staying there.

This was misrepresented by the Unnatural Children as the Diseased and Dead as Kim denying that he was of the P E A COCK line of the All-Seeing Eye and that it was Liberty.

6:04 pm.

Liberty latter rejected the Peacock feathers, after initially accepting the gift, signaling that her Horse Spirit of Guide was saying, that she recognized that she was not All Seeing-eye.

Recall Ferrill House of Horus… Eye Of Horus. E O H.

I ended up with the two peacock feathers. Two All-Seeing Eyes.

Emeka and Kolo.

Emeka and Arden- the Two in One. ( T I O… T O/ O T 15 20 Facebook friends, the height attained).

Just as she had not taken up by herself ( as Susan Train had intended) the mantle and responsibility of the E-Manuals but had simply done her part by leading it to Fahad Hassan and leaned on Kim after our months of training to help her with it, meaning that she felt that she could not do it on her own.

6:12 pm.

Hey Arden M.E.

A M. E K.

Cock E-a Doo Le Do.

Kim had suggested that she ask her kids to help her.

She dropped the ball, and I did not hold her responsible for it because, despite the vision she had as a girl that she was destined to edit a great work, she chose or felt that she could not do it on here own initiative, I knew that though she had the intelligence and I had wondered why I had had to train here and stay with her, working day and night on her to prepare her, that she was not the persons qualified to edit them, and that from the first conversation when she rang me, after she and Thomas Lang, father of Jeron split up, that I was actually coming to her portal for the Children and not her.

But since this was not my script, and I protested it vehemently and that this most sacred book instigated by the force within me and outside of me, since 1989 when I began writing it to understand the strangeness of my life, and what was going on with the direction of my life.

The same with a force which made me begin to write journals in boarding school ( which my Bio Father stole) suggested by my aunt Ieasha ( Theresa Ijeoma, my bother immediate younger sister and the same person, who read my book I wrote when I was age 7-8 of the destruction and resurrection of the True World.

But even then, that book was shown first to my teacher in school who was a replacement teacher, while I was in Grade 4 of while Ms. Wall was absent for a period of time.

It was this replacement teacher who had suggested we write an essay for school. which was in the .perfect timing of that vision and memory which was I knew was instigated by my eternal family who I recollected had dropped me off in this dimension and then just left, me as a boy, with myself fully aware as to why and yet very annoyed.

I had written the book from a memory vision, clear.

Just as I had done on Halloween at 57 street in New York at Michelle Lobsinger’s home, where I used Geoff Lacour and Johny Larkin, came to meet me.

I had met Jonny Larkin long before at 33rd street recon studio and Geoff Lacor at the night club Cielo Heaven in English.

Heaven was the nightclub I used to attend at times while I was a part-time student at Central St. Martins where. and when I had stated that I was a dancer ch

Of course, I was already aware of all this.

P S.

I just was completing the play of the proof of the Woman as the Lie which manifested World War Z.

Not the White Man.

When Jae Sherman came in…

I had asked her not to address me,

* 8:45 pm.

Because of the Disease in which I had already aligned and linked as COVID and E EE Virus via the play of Liberty.

And that the correct code linked to White Men.

W M/ M W.

She then made her point of asking if the internet was working, of course, a reference to her paying 30 USD for the Internet, and her last Savage Passive-aggressive expression which I warned her about.

I have access to the internet through the phone given to me by Kim.

But once again, because there was no consequence, she was emboldened to go as far.

And so after making a play at distracting me from my post proving that lie of White Women out of existence and the proof that they are the source of Existential death.

And giving the proof of it… I raised my voice to call her out while she sat in her room.

After calling her out and completing the proof of these posts, and just before I could post it, I heard her switch the internet connection in her room off.

Obviously hoping- or that force of malice and vindictiveness hoping that I would loose the entire post.

I didn’t, just the part of the prooving the White Woman- as Kamora confirmed yesterday, as being the sources of the End.

Will I AM Brad Pitts World War Z and that she was the Z-Ion.

Sacred Portal 49 the Expression of Existential Death which is the bed I first lay in when in 2015..

Yes, the same year as the movie, The man who knew infinity came out.

And were that first day waiting for my bed, I met Keith Grant.KG he took was assigned bed 53, yes my age code now.

49 to 94.

53 to 35.

Code C E 17 35

What she and the portal she represents of the Witches did not realize…

9:00 pm right now.

SR 900 South Road

Spectrum Rainbow was that she was being set up, to see if she would dare…

She did, which offers the evidence of the White Woman as that which is diseased.

For how could there be anything called the White Woman when it is only as of yesterday the Evolution of Woman to the E of the Y Chromosome has been confirmed?

The woman who did not even exist could not even exist without the completion of her evolution of Y.

Hence White Man WM 69 represented Man Woman.

And that all this posting and proving was all set up to set her up and witness if she would dare.

I knew that because the moment I heard the Click in her room of the power switch the Cosmic Black Panther rose for the first time since 900 South Road where it rose constantly in the presence of Liberty.

Just as Grotesque and Petty as that portal here.

But it was a court case in which evidence was required from the Alien Council.

I knew it was already completed, I had watched the film Jimmy P which aligned to Kim who literally spoke to me as if he were T V Radio as Jimmy P.

Jolie Pitt.

Angelina Jolie.. 1 10 which was two days ago which was completed with Stephen Johnson and Serenity to Kamora yesterday 1 11.

She, it had asked for a Job, and that she would be content, because of her fear of being without and no trust or FOI

just as Liberty though dependant on her ex-husband Tom and myself and now back to Tom who works away 7 days out of months out of state.

Male code Chris, Tom E. Arden.

Tom means Twins… E A.

/ A-E C T …I.

Etcetera. E T C Terra Earth.

And that the only reason she and her line of the lie of which is the disease and great evil had been allowed to go this far was because of the rescuing of the Tan or Mix race.

The mixture of all humanity as both brown and Pale.

And so because of this unexpected Grace which of course as Narcissists they would align to that blind spot of all this being about them.

And not realizing the Amazing Grace she had been given to be in the presence of myself and Kim.

9:17 pm

And that everything she had gained right to her jobs Cats, Alaska Pearl and Norman Bates Yes Psycho came from the presence of me here and my will and intent… until she revealed herself as that portal for the disease.

It was never about the post or my coding Angelina Jolie who was the correct frequency of Brown and Pale.

And of Earth.

3 3

Both on 3rd marriages.

3 3 Catherine Coleman.

3 children adopted

Maddox C… M C.Jolie Pitt. 19

Pax T PT Jolie Pitt. 17.

Zahara Marley ZM J P.. 16.

E -Spirt Children not born of her Womb but of the Intuition 6th sense.

Which then followed their Bio reflections as ( 9 months in the illusion of a Womb… post office)

John- Shiloh- J S Jolie Pitt.

Jeron Satya.

John Serenity

J S = 29…. 29 months straight in the shelter and grand total add 2 months with one year and 1-day pause ( 101). code 31.

29 11 1.

31 = 4 The Story as the body.

Which has nothing to do with myself and Arden and Kim B EN. J A.MIN…. 60 mins.


Sixth Sense Full Circle.

John Shiloh.

and Twins Knox Leon J.P.

Viviene Marchand V M J P

One which becomes T W O.

both Age 12.

12 12 = 1… 24 1= 25.

AF KG.= 25.

Keith Grant.

114 Grant Moore.

And just as the film The man Who Knew Infinity meaning that he did not claim to be Infinity but that he knew him…

Just as the film’s character played by Devi Patel ( David Powers) SR said that he heard it all through Intuition 6th sense.

MW 69.

M M the equation 49 94 13 13…

A M M… M M A.


= 9.


Everything is about Intention which is the literal words that Jae had stated as identifying as a he, had said.

I knew her intention, and so did the expression of which was not mine, which rose in me when I and It H.E, heard her flip the switch

I felt nothing but revulsion addressing myself to that Expression of Cosmic rage of the Alien Council of babies and children- because as the code song expressed by Arden and I. Somewhere Over The Rainbow and the Petty play of proving that Kim was also not in the play of the Body as 1-7 but already at * as harmony and now to Infinity Standing Up. I S ( Bella 9-19-20)

This was about the Rainbow Children learning their A B C… Indigo Crystal Children I C… E I C I…

Yes Still at 15 39 Facebook Friends and now news from Benjamin C Krajewski still despite Kamora being the one who has a Pay Pal account which held up his sending a gift code because Kim does not have one, and my statement to him not to stress it because this is a play and his harmony was perfect and it would reveal the truth.

Kamora has been waiting, I have been waiting, Kim is waiting… not really for him but the proof of his and this last play of White Woman Supreme or is he as he said Sorry for holding up the awakening of course, no one has the power to do that, it was about the completion of the Script.

See Sacred Portal 3.

2-3- 3-2

Now aligned 3-3

9:45 pm.

I D E.

And I D E A planted to see who would take the Bait.



B Lack…. Ego Oge Play…

Money Dawn play.. sacred portal 50.

M D./ D.M.

Willam Brad Pitt.

Angelina Jolie.

6 Children.

Liberty has 5.

I passed through her portal code 56 56…

expression Sixth Sense

Angelina Jolie was born


Yes, 64th Movie.

Ardens Godmother C J and her vision memory of she and Angelina Jolie in an undercover mission.

The True and new Father-Mother Earth.

Sacred portal 54.

Yes Jae is 45

And Liberty will be turning 45 in a few weeks

W Brad Pitt 12-18-63.

L R F C.

Left Right

Living Room F C Full Circle.

12 18= 30… 63 is 9.


C I..

6-4- 75

10 12.

The Day Jeron Lang came here.

9:53 pm.

Yes, I am, was aware.

But imagine that Srinivasa RA-MANU..J A-N.. ( see the meaning of the names Ra Man- Manu and J.AN.

J 114 Grant Moore…

Grant the Moore who are both a race as Brown and Pale… Black and White being denied access as SR was denied access but was he?

In the moves, while in India his work is recognized as Important but not understood by one man.

then sent to Trinity College Cambridge… ( Came Bridge)

and then grounded by G H Hardy who does not believe in God but believes in Srinivasa the man, which causes him to recognize the truth as God via the Exquisite beauty of SR equations formulas.

Expression Sixth sense.

Expression 5 of six Children Particle and Wave merged into one.


Emanual Nnamdi Manu father of the Human Species.

Where do children come from not from Matter as 9 planets/

But from I.

Jae has no children.

56 56…

E F E F…

Not 65… that was only achieved by my going beyond Vocal Expression Sound by using Expression and Silence.. after all, no one on Facebook has heard my Voice only my post all moved via 6th sense Ceacilia.

Rome O… Julius

And my transforming it through a pres set up a play to Fact.

Imagine that even with G H Hardy and the Two giant book of formulas which only he and his friend Littlewood could grasp yet the true import and had to ground it via Proofs before SR was granted a Royal Fellowship without even having a degree.

5 years spent there, in England Cambridge, ( C E C E 17 29) and 1 year back in India.5 1…E A= 6 F before he died at age 32.

I am myself arriving here at 3-20-2001 but in the role of my little brother self Jon Jason Lee. J J L= 32.

I came with him in 1999.

Yes, Kim is John.

Shilo its in the middle east and means:

The meaning of the word Shiloh is unclear. Sometimes, it is translated as a Messianic title that means He Whose It Is[2] or as Pacific, Pacificator or Tranquility that refers to the Samaritan Pentateuch.[3] Regardless, the name of Shiloh the town is derived from ??? and may be translated as Tranquility Town (or Fair Haven or Pleasantville).[4]

Tranquil Serene Peaceful.

( yet the Diseased an infected will always seek to War… M V Mars Venus..? 18 Mountain View

M W…M VV 69 smh)

Angelina Jolie is an American actress, filmmaker, and humanitarian. The recipient of numerous accolades, including an Academy Award and three Golden Globe Awards, she has been named Hollywood’s highest-paid actress multiple times. Wikipedia

Children: John Jolie-Pitt, Vivienne Marcheline Jolie-Pitt, MORE Trending

Born: June 4, 1975 (age 45 years), Los Angeles, CA

High Commissioner: António Guterres; Filippo Grandi

Citizenship: United States; Cambodia

Spouse: Brad Pitt (m. 2014–2019), Billy Bob Thornton (m. 2000–2003), Jonny Lee Miller (m. 1996–1999)

* yes Hindu Indians created the concept of 0 Zero. As did the Arabians

Both aligned to my ancestry and Nnamdi’s Godmother being Hindu.

My Mother’s sister Ieasha married an Indian Brahim.

Their daughter to a man Caucasian from the Great Lakes area.

My youngest brother married in Japan.

the list goes on.

10:12 pm.

No, this was not about me or anything other than the A-lien Council of children who sought the truth they could not resign themselves to that mother such as Liberty who did not recognize their own children until I arrived on the scene.

And claimed themselves as Lord God Almighty because of Motherhood and yet are dependent on a man.

And yet seek to dominate them and even blackmail-extortion hiding behind the shade of language them by the idea that they are the sources of life and that they are Woman as Goddesses- Mother Earth and the Source of Children and Child Birth and Labor of bringing a child into the world.

While knowing the truth and even with all Evidence Facts and proof deny the sources and sources and the truth to my face, our faces simply because they are emboldened by lack of consequence and think men weak if they are not violent and do not use their strength on them or align with women as well as man sexually when sex is just the end product manifested physically of that which took place via Espression.. Ethereal Energetic Elemental .. AT OM twins.

Arden Atom AH Tom: Emeka Thomas Chris. all I.

E K.

Now Imagine that it took Prof G H Hardy and Srinivasa 5 years to attain that goal of grounding and explaining those two and three books ( the last was discovered and was used to understand black Holes.) with people qualified at Cambridge Trinity College.

Now imagine that I had to explain for 9 years every day on a public forum of the most base savage brutal cowardly mentality and egomaniacs twisted, tower of babble Cosmic Entanglement Twisted Expression intentionally done… To Laymen and woman who the ones who were still natural, I had to break it down to A B C of that which they already knew and proof it publicly while this White Woman Z Zombies of Disease moving White Men and man and women to a play using white magic.. Sex magic to control dominate via secret societies acting as the powers as the true Hidden Figures using Manipulation and Control

Madox Chivan is 19.

Ferrill was 19 when I took over his room and he was able to move out: Free at last.

10:28 pm

19.9 years

Bella 9-19-20

Writing on the Wall.



Isaiah Serenity Trinity

St Francis. Free person trinity in 1.

I was bait used to cut out the White Witches

The Lie which never existed

And the Question?

There never was a Question.

Just be and you will C See that you are Aware. C A B/B A C… K E/ E K

I already proved in the original play of Adam linked to God.


Eri C to Chukwu. E C

David and Goliath. D G… BG

Jack and the Bean Stalk. J A T B S. Tree at 2 19 South Whitney.

right to Kim here present Stairway to Heaven. The spiral that they were never separated divided that the Two THree Four .. Five …Six 33 Trinity were always one.

Only their Avatar -Descendants came down not even as bodes but as the dreamer is wide awake to learn their A B C to I… E K

Eternal Knowing.

To See I.

It was already planted in all of these in the Eternal Begning.


The example of the Idea.

An individual

A I.


K I.

C I.

And little did she and her line

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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