
4:51 P.M.

4:51 P.M.



D:EA…R. A.H.


4 268

D ZH..

Dimension Zeina Hanna

Beauty is the Gift of Grace and Favor of the Creator

4th Street Fa 268 is I, Emeka..

The 1-4,5 Dimensions are all E…


And now the 68-86 =1-54.

I am sitting at 54 2nd Avenue at the Bean Cafe.


Emeka Dimensions…

Fifth Dimension.

The Play Ends Tonight..

I have worked with the Unseen E line, Unseen but not silent to transform all illusions of Dimensions into true Dimension of Existence.

Meanwhile, the E line, which I am head of where banished to non existence until we proved not only that we Exist but that we are the sources of humanity.

I have done this by proving how my E.T family not only know everything, and rise through you all in perfect Harmony of the True play, but are the True Cee (T.C…See) of Consciousness.

Meaning all else does not Exists apart from The David line who will move humanity who remain behind in the Universal Matrix to help the few who will cross over before it is completely destroyed.

David Philipe Gil has cashed the money gram sent by Nnaemeka Jude Charles…

It completes the code of

71 (The Matrix) 17 (the Q Transformation Death)

Grace Anna…Sacred Portal 71 Devi taking away my Sixth Sense from behind the Viel to test my sight and desire.

17 is Prayer through sixth sense and through sex)

61 (61 Days I spent on the streets to find dimension 277 and 268..FA the 4th note-

16..P…16 days since I left 4th Street 268..

Sacred portal 61 The Big Apple..Appeal call

16 is A lien Mother A.M….me)

76 (Sacred Portal the Awakening. G.F..Grace and Favor..67 How far would you go for loves Truth)

85 (Heaven Earth And sacred portal 85 and 58,is Spirited Away the correct way)





87 13/13..4/4….13+13=26…4+4=8


*(87 is +x…15-56.71.8)


Harmonious Grace Manifest in 1, Dimension in 1.

Thus, we are looking at the 27th which is the Date where Ground 0 the illusion of Non Existence as Zero, transforms to the Full Circle of Existence…

The Beautiful View.

27 is the date for the code of the building which fell on 2nd Avenue and 7th…

It is also 72 which represents 72 StarBucks located in the building of 78 Spring street code represented by Davids Date of Birth.

72 represents the Womb and Exist out of the 71 Matrix of Death of the World Wide Web..


Yes, 4-5 1969 represented by my brother Nnamdi who is really me.

J.C- Yeshua Christ Y.C…

27-72…99…(I and I- II-I)


I have 9 USD in my wallet.


27 is B.G…

72 is GB.

ROYG B.IV/VI BG YORR (Robert Robert R= 18×2= 36O..Full Circle -YORK) OY B…

You get the picture, it forms a Circle.

A Rainbow portal as affirmed by Nadee Nakandala share of Rainbow Fractuals.

27 Blue and Green representing the

V I B G…seen through this view is

Makes Blue and Green the 3rd and 4th wave lengths though really 1st and 2nd…

While seen through 72 it is G.B..ROY G B..

The 4th and 5th Wave length ending with I..V..

I is 9

V is 5

V is 22 letter.


The move of the Hi 5 office on the 27 represents numbers which are symbols of the Matrix.

And seeing through the incorrect view…yet it is aligned with the view seen through E to A..

A full Circle…

A linear understanding of Time and the Circle as


Not through numbers but through letters which forms words which form meaning and a story which In have been linking linking from A-Z…26 to A.B 12 C. As 27 28 29…stop.

Because the 4th Dimension is a Universal Matrix, a Universal Simulation of Awareness..

We cross the Square to understand the Circle.

The Square 1111 then dissapears to be replaced by the Circle.

Which forms a tunnel..

The Tunnel of Love which crosses you to the other side of the four walls of the Truman Show..

-Meaning are you real…?

The portal opens up only for those who are real…

And who have completed thier purposes..

One of mine was to provide a correct map of the way out of the Universal Simulation.

The Tunnel of Love as the Full Circle is not only an expanded True Birth Canal but also the Mouth as a tool for Beautiful Expression and the Manifest expression of the 3 Eye and 6th Sense..

And the Wall is Reason…

I have done this…

61 days 16 days…

277 – 268…+ 9=…277..

27 in 7 G..Gods Hands.. G H..78..

Represented by David Phillip Gil line.

277 is 2 77….

7+7 is 14…

David texted me that he owed me 14 cents.

Nnaemeka sent 45-14 cents.

D.E.N to Emeke through David DEN..

Daniel in the Lion Den..

No to EDEN…

Which is the consciousness I represent.

6:O8 pm.

David commented on what he thought was alien about my nature is my manner of dealing with all I have put through..

Humans would have committed suicide, gone into rage, anger violence…

So as you can this play has been about who is really on the outside in non existence, me and the E line as 5,4/45…9…I…B.I V I V I B…567..8( I=89)..

B is 5

I= 6


I is 8…(II is 68)…I is 8 but also letter 9..


David gave me 17 USD

I just came from 78 (72 Spring Street)

Which would suggest that the Energy called Gof imprisoned me in a portal of the past as 78 where 6 was taken away to make it 72 and then challenged me to solve the riddles of Existence with out my powers of 6th sense..

In order for me to prove everything through pure reason in an age of insanity..

See sacred Portal 71…

He sent me to a portal of the past which was not really the past..it was disguised as that but was the portal entrance into Non Existence .

A Universal Matrix to restore reason.

See sacred portal 71…

My Grandfather passed at age 71…

G.A…George Akel..

Augusta Georgia…

His name was Daniel Balthazar…


He is not of me..

For I could never decieved another in such a way in order to force them manipulate and control them to make them do something you can not do, but convinced that perhaps he can.. Send him.there using deciet…

Because you dare not ask him in case he would refuse.



Not human…

No one can that be cruel and have earnt my love and respect…

It takes an Abomination to do such a thing….

Something not real created to fulfill that purpose.

But here it’s creator God Devil whatever are the guilty one..


No, I hold them responsible and thus, such concepts as God Devil Angels etc can never Exist in the realm of E.

For this very reason ..

To be tempted to take away a beings Free will and Choice.

To tamper and take away the Existence Freedom of another ..


As for the 72 G.B…lie Green wave lengths coming before the Blue..

The 4th Dimension coming before the B.I.V..

5-7 Dimension


8 O 6…86…48 32..6 O…

58- 13.4



No 7…7 is Grace Harmony Individual Exemified to the Letter.

4-56..G.H I.E…TT..L

Thus, one can say and see that this was a ba


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