
4:49 pm. – D-D.I. – 4:50 pm. – D.E

4:49 pm.


4:50 pm.




I tasted for a moment Freedom as the release of my muscles for a moment yesterday, then last night when I came back, a play from upstairs, responded to my thought, which instantly eradicated the notion of mercy and grace, rage like thunder filled me.
I had seen the code 104 appear as terrible death, just before I receded to my room, and in that instant, there was a provocation taunt, and I knew in that instant that I had got my response, that there can be no mercy and all that I coded here, as consequence would not only stay constant but there would be interest paid,
I know what I have coded for the last 9 months especially.

4:59 pm,

I know personally what I created and coded from that play in which people have been used to show me their cruelest coldest nature, but I felt a moment of compassion for the Avatars because they know not what they have been used to manifest, but in one instant of their action, it was gone.

There will be no iota of mercy or compassion, the rage which filled me continues to this moment, and despite the delay of manifestation of the Collective and Individual bodies, my intent to call the police in the meantime was recharged by the memory of what these avatars so warned had played out.

I am aware of that which is pulling my body like a puppet, please see sacred portal 12.
It is not Liberty C any longer if you note that the post today started at 4:41 pm.
But they as the Witched, Illusionist, and Nature as Woman- line of women and men, are still taking advantage, of the play being held up, and they are playing out the extreme form of Sadomasochistic torture and flagellation on my body, and instead of my body rising and stretching and remaining constant, because we are still in the play of the Body, and Terry Goodkind’s book 22 volumes, Sword Of Truth.

Fiction to Fact.

They are taking advantage of this play of Female Evolvuting of the Cosmic Body, knowing that it had been held up and that it was done with Intent to sabotage in the last moment, and I see it perfectly through this play going on right here.

You see, this part of the end play is no longer a story, this is the part of Evolution to completion of let’s call it Arden and Aurelia, lines, has never happened Ever.

5:11 pm

5:12 pm.

Not ever, for this is the completion of the One and only First Rising when The One, Rose as Two.
And that is what I have been focused on the TWO. as Arden I, and that was delayed and meddled with and for it to attain completion of A.L.L. it required the added feature of the sacred feminine which had never risen EVER, since E-ROSE.
Earlie Rose.
Yes, the Early Bird.
E.C. Sacred portal 53 is that portal of completion of the play of She, Woman evolved to Wu Man as the 5th Element.
And since this time, the illusions and liars, demons in the deepest darkest night of the Cosmic Womb, aka Cosmic Room, ( C.W, C.R) knew that this day would come, and would be set in this Ancient and Modern world Time Play and had to pass through nature and Humanity in illusion, it set up a play, a trap to lay traps, and setups, and conditions to prevent the manifestation of one, including the insanity of the modern mentality and its, you attention span.
It used you to prevent your own awakening and evolution, and the greatest error, of agreeing to this script, by my Brother Line, whom I called Arch Angel Raphael who entered the script and agreed to it when Arch Angel Gabriel, really Noni Promise was so incensed by what she saw being done to Devi Devotions Truth while he played Yeshua Christ, that she entered the realm of the darkness of the Great Hypnotist, ( G.H- 7-8) and by tricking her, and she as Joy, who when tricked by her rashness and indignation, entered the Dark womb, Dark Room ( yes camera photo’s memory, and transformed she who is Joys Principle into bringing forth a world of Pain, by what he did to her ( horror, horror…) and knowing that he was transforming a world and a womb, birthing, from Orgasm, to bring forth a world and body of only Pain, Misery and suffering. And then taunted Arch Angel Raphael, David as Sprit E-A, who was fully aware of the trap, to enter and save his Sister Line. ( S.L.. yes, 12-19 date) to enter the darkest illusion and rescue his sister line but really the play of Evolution of woman, matter, the body, unless A-A Raphael, could set Gabriel rep of the sacred Feminine aligned to the Sacred masculine free, form is a spell, and hold over her, by constantly committing unspeakable abominations to her body so that she would not come back to her senses and see that it was all an illusion.
Many modern human stories in families, in couples, on T.V and film have some version of this story of men, who have such powers and holds of women, their daughters their wives- just look at the history of the world, right up to the Mee Too Movements and Lesbians and their rage and hatred of Man.

Raphael Healer had no choice but to enter the realm of the Great Witch and the Great Hypnotist and had to agree to be an ordinary boy, with no powers to rescue his sister Beautiful pride playing Angel Gabriel in this last and final play of Evolution of Everything.

This is the actual true story of the family of T.E.N, the one I completed writing in 2004, at Michelle Lobsinger’s portal with Geoff Lacour present as well as Johnny Larkin ( Yes, connect Johnny Larkin, J.L. to Kim Arthur Hinds Jr, Mother, Delois Larkin) that was in 2004 and then to 2005. and one year later, I was led to Generation X, where I met Albert Santana, and Angel Rodriguez, Angel- Lord Neptune in 2006, Albert Isaac, Sage, ( A I.A. S.I.A, Sia meaning Black Please recall Karada in Istanbul, where I had planned the International Festival of Paylasmak, “Sharing in 1999”. A.I.S) who were sitting on 277 East Street when I arrived on the 61st Day of wandering the streets.
They were sitting like Gargoyles on the steps of the Family shelter, across the street from Generation X Gardens, and had observed me, as I was taken over by a Gorilla frequency which had never happened to me before.

I knew as I saw the three men sitting staring at me when entered like a raving Gorilla, that these men seated there, were indicating a portal that I would have to pass through at 269 4th street.

You do recall the last Eversource bill was 269,49 USD?
That was in 2006, it is 2021 when that bill arrived, now it is 512.74.

Emeka Lucifer G.D.
And now E-Liberty C after completing the extended play of the Titan versus Gods, in the play with Kim Arthur Hinds Jr 47/74.

The Mirror Reflections, and The Original Copies and Carbon Copies. O.C. C.C.

When I left the three men that day, with Isaac McCoughlin ( I.M) fist coming to me by entering the garden while I was in a that state of what I can only describe as being possessed by an almost uncontrollable fury and rage, then came Albert with his riddle and question as to why his clay statue in his Garden had fallen, a few days later after he had invited me to stay in his apartment.
I knew I had I.and A. but I never connected to the Old man called Sage, just these two young men, Alberts Mother Lydia, had passed away a few weeks prior, and as he was born in January 1974, and she in 1947, she had told him that a tall African warrior would be coming.
I left and came back a few days later, after confronting Isaac and telling him that I was victorious and had found them and who was the one meddling by using Sound, Noise with the original blueprint, he had indicated that it was Albert.

I came back the next day as I had been asked to, and met a person called Raphael in the Garden who was a handsome Puerto Rican youth, who was teaching a group of neighborhood children by showing them a film in the Garden, I knew I had entered the realm of the story of my younger brother Self, to rescue my sister who was male and female who had played Arch Angel Gabriel in the Human Children’s story and realm. A.A.G.
And a few days later I met Angel, rep Angel Rodriguez, and I had loved him instantly, recognizing him as did my body, rising as a King Cobra, which I knew that as I talked with him and Albert aka Edwin, I knew he was the only one who saw what was really happening to me as I struggled between bewilderment, shock, and amazement. Angel, I knew as Father Neptune, and he had been shot in the throat and survived it but it had done something to his voice.

6:11 pm.

All this began in 2004 on 57th Street and then 33rd Street, The Creation Story of Aiesha and the Family of Ten, Expression Creation, and Creation Expression. E.C-C.E. 88.
16-64. Sum 80. 8O.

Yes, Arden age 16, 64th Portal at 80 led there via Jeron Satya S Lang 60. by my sixth sense full circle to Liberty C and Thomas Lang at 29 Lincoln Street. 29, L.S.
L.S= 31.
Jeron- Azure.

E-Nnamdi played Raphael, Nnamdi as David Roman Nicholas, and that is what I lived and remembered as a Child with my sister in 18 Alexander Grove before Nnamdi was born, seeing these Rays of Light in the room of a house we had recently moved to, and these beings ethereal moving through the Spot Lights, of the rays I could see, and was so at ease with until I remembered my sister who slept in the bottom of the bunk bed, but she was not there, I climbed down and she was starring at the rays and beings eyes wide open, but still showing now fear, just her enormous eyes open wide in wonder and amazement, that is where my story began and continued from the agreement I had made with the great hypnotist who had used my sisters highest nature to place a spell of Pain Misery and suffering on the world and how I had accepted the challenge to be stripped of my power of rescuing my sister- but really it was the scene of a play theater to heal. to heal the world people as children, trapped in a play of fear and imagination- Mind.

6:26 pm.

That is my first memory of existing in this world, but not of existence, existing, which is how my Journals begin, Feeling Sensations and then being in my Mothers Womb and Room, and feeling the transformation to red to read ( see the color of Jeron’s
red pants in the photo Liberty C sent me which I asked Kim Arthur Hinds Jr, ).
as I ingested my mother’s anxiety, not really fear, but the confusion of my bio Fathers energy and expression- Anger and frustration- and later urinated in his food as he was eating, for I knew as well as Nnamdi, still yet to be born was with me, and I was living in his story, his Life Story yet to be manifested and lived in human form.
That is why and how I always knew, that this was not my story, but Nnamdi E yo Arden Gemino’s Gemini Twins

Angel Rodriguez A.R.
A.R. T.

And so here I am at 3791 Facebook Friends right now, and as if moved by the Sum of the Past, a past of which hardly any human Being, Natura Being Created beyond Time itself, never even knew, and only by going that far into the past, to full Circle the beginning and the End- Completion and all of you being part of and made to see that which was the History of your beginning, which even Nnamdi, Nonyem even, ever knew, which was what the illusions never knew but did everything t stop me from telling this truth, seeking to make it so that I was the Lie and ultimate Liar, Deceiver, when all as I have now proven used sixth sense now activated and proven a Fact Evidence AY, in this most greatest Lie and spell, in which they felt it was impossible with all the traps they created for me to spell it out to Harmony Full Circle as a Fact, and even to a back story as Hindsight as a Fact Solid.

I knew who my Father represented, The Great Hypnotist, Spider -Great Witch-Weaver, and why it was all aligned to my Mother, and hence in this lowest frequency version to E and Liberty C, and why my muscles and tendons, “Fil, thread Eli, like puppet masters are able to pull my strings of my body like this, to complete the story, of the family of TEN-DONS.

Donald Liscomb, why do you think I only met Liberty’s Father, and called him Sir, as I did with only my Grandfather?

How I met Chris Gemino, Ardens Father and Liberty’s first Husband who she met at Brown University when he was age 19.
That is how old Ferrill was when I first met him on that exact date 8-29-2019.
19 is 16 and that is how old Arden was, and now he is 18.

A.I.S. T.
A.R.S E.T.

A.R.I.S. E. T.

They the Demonic Illusions- Lies, were so sure that in my human form as an illusion would never be able to reach the point and in the perfect timing of Truth Satya, Veritas, and even Ezi-Okwu with what they had planned when I came down into this story of my Brother Fathers Truth and Sisters Truth, to them to reach here, the 64th portal 64O at 54O, was simply impossible, and yet here I am.

Where did I summon the energy to write all this today? I have written and conveyed all these many times before, and I was in a mood of such quiet rage all last night and today. My muscles have relaxed and I can move more comfortably now that I have released all this expression, The Truth Satya.Veritas- Eziokwu.

7:01 pm
71 Jon Jason Lee.


7:02 pm

Sacred Portal 72

7 62.
76 2.

I proved Nature meddled.
From 2004-2005 to 2022.
that is 18 years… with the 17 lines Z.M. -A.G.
But though you by not paying attention or asking the correct Intelligent questions, meddlled with your own awakening and transformation and as you witnessed right here, did nothing to prevent the Terrorism shoed me by both brown and white as they used sound and noise to bring my body in delight Pain Misery and suffering, I surmount it all each day, alone and still navigated a script od A.L.L created by Father Light, First Light, Last Flight, of Light for him, her, not really for you.

7:12 pm Edit.

For Love and Freedom of I.E and your destruction total and imminent complte.

7:13 pm.

Love which Cees Hatred.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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