
4:49 p.m.

4:49 p.m.

I read my post and no matter how low in the Pit at Delta Manner illusion created for me as 0 in the Matrix. ( Self Worth Value Truth sucked from you by the shadow expressions of ppl all around you pretending or not to care..

Hypocrisy Deception Betrayers Thieves Jealousy Etc… Toxic Waste)

I Rise.

I am fully aware of the power of my Posts.

And recall many people have publicly testified about what the posts have done for them.

Just go back.


I smile.

I am sitting at Taylor Avenue on the Park Bench about to enter the Game Play..

Transformed into Game Of Thrones.

Jace sent me a text in response to my message at 10:49 pm.

Yes same time as Kasper Lomholdt Serup.

Linked to the number of the stretcher the Migrant Mexican worker was wheeled out on

And yes, the letters magnets D I..1 D.

/I D D A ..I ..

Blue and Green.

B G. 5-4 colors..1st and 2nd actually.

1-5 2-4 / 4-2 5-1…

Jace second text 10:51 pm

And yes my bed at B R C Green Point

July 2015… 2OO…B.OO…!

266 B F F.

SP 49 Death Ray by a look

Kyle Murphy Grandfather 48 states 49th on Christmas..

I rep S P48..84…Death as Transformation

And Nnamdi E 104 Terrible Death.

venue where the Look and Thought get you..

S P 109…Pause..13..M..


Of Course I am aware that My Brothers betrayed me as Geoff Lacour informed and wtote in his book he presented as a gift for eme.

I am watching the Play even now all about me.

The Mexican was wearing the color Violet.


T V.. 7th Note 7th Color.

(They are still watching Game of Thrones in the T V room.)

Ti Purple.. T P Ti Pi..

2016 when I was brought here with Harolds the American Indian on bed 8 gave me the two bools intel plot.

I smoke American Spirits

A S.

Alex Sierra…code..

A S.

The 1 Supreme Alpha.

Emeka is Alexander Stephan..

Stevan the One Dollar..

But these Brothers playing Gods..

Are not Real…it is a Movie..on the Silver Screen..

Link family of Ten ..7th and 9th aspect

Unity Boom Boom..

and his twin sister aspect 8 and 10..1O.

Do not realize that they are simply chatacters in a story of a lesson to the last aspects

5:11 pm

5:12 p.m


E L..


Omar was the person I saw on my way out.

E O..

Of a play of Evolution ..and full Circle Personal Responsibility..

O R P…

O Ready Player O.N.E.


E T S Stephan gave me I usd…61..Abyss ..

F A T H E R… Big Brother is a Father Guide to his Younger Brothers.. Y B.

Brenan B Young.. Kyles Big Brother.

Y B…is the correct side.

B Y E .. And he left..age 39..

Ingratitude Behind…and Greed.

Went Home


G C…God Codes..

Is 70 3… 7O 3… 76 C..

73..10…You go back into the story of


Its ends at 76 Mi! Mi Grant.. 6-3…9..


76 on C Creation Consciousness Cee..

13. M..9..


Do Rey Mi..

Do Ti Fa.(61) Sol..!.

Do to Do is full circle..

D D…bed 4-004…2017…

44…8..16….H P..


Allen Murray 4-012.

William Bracey..4-005..

Quinn bed 4-006…

Is the Center..44…as Sol..5th note at Center.

Front Back Descending Ascebding..

I am E T.. A…O..

At Last…My Love has come along

Micheal Bell 70..

1049 even before Time Age ( Jace is 24..today is the 24th)..

D I Seen before Time Space Age Code D I..

I D …

Fathers Coder… F C

Carried out on a Stretcher..

Flushing out Toxins..

If you do not get the message of this meaning you deserve to go out..

7:06 pm


Sacred Portal 76.

All about Praise Appreciation Respect Acknowkedment of Value and Worth.

Gratitude for a Body..a Life..

And this gift.

If you can not see this in others

..not acknowledge the value in others, even the one who gave you Life and Breath..

Sustenance.. Water..

But only see the Value in yourself and manipuate demand ..use any means to get it..

7-11 pm ..

Ah…then you can not exist..

Flushed out of the Universal Being..

As Toxic Waste.

Protection for Quanma’e Lewis

Lifted .

No more..

And Kyle..

I observed their play last night.

Each now to his or her own..

No protection of the Cloak of Death Energy Supreme..

Or the Words Annointed Vibrating Expression Supreme..

W.A V E S..

My Brothers can not betray me..

They are Me.

See Same Mem.

OPEN C See Same Me..

Seesame street

Self Love..S O L….E.

Brought forth Brotherly Love Understajding Emeka Existene Be..Em

They are Me..

Silly play ..

Recognoze Ac..

5:49 p.m

5:50 p.m

H S F 4970 is the license plate of the red car to my left, and H.D Y..7413…Terra Cotta van

Harnony Sensational Feelings.

D I G O…

DIG your Own Grave..

84 ..is the Y..

G.D M…

It aligns to Michael Belle..

Rep Embodiment and Exemplification and Enactment as well as the codes..


Feb 8..2 8..H B.

Harmonius Being..

Not Homo Sap Ions..

Human Beings.

Billy Hung.. B H..

Portal Being Harmonious but he was with the play.

But this is really about Brotherly Love is Being True..


Just saw three of the Migrant Mexicans walk by, they no longer come here..

One was wearing Green and the other Pink

Rose…And a last one trailed tjem in orange..

Ah..DE VI ..DA V.I.D.. /D I VA..D. and Harmony Cee…and Yonathan John..Rage.

G P O.

G P R..

T V….

Smile..I know exactly what thay means..

Father O always comes with Harmony Transformation Swan.Grace..

And Wisdom John..you call John Wick..

We call him Iron Johm Erik.

The True LU C I…Fer…

Recall Ray?

The Clean Father .

He and Michael and Emmanual O G..are the only ones who gave.. And gave to me gifts of appreciation without even asking..

It was in gratitude and appreciation for the knowledge and Intel.

It came straight from the heart.. Spontaneously..

Billy Hung too..

6:19 pm.

F S. .

H S F 4970… Red Car code complete.

Next H 16-9…25..7..

H 7..

H G.

Code Hugh Grant..

See meaning of the name..

Boston Market..Hugh Grant Circle..

K E I T…H G R A N T bed 53..

E C…ends at E C…

6:22 p.m.

F V.

Fritz Venneiq..

6:23 p.m.

F W…

F Double V V V..

F D Fith Dimension 6 4 V I-I V..

Victor Victorious..


Ray Michael ..Emmanual..


E M R E .

6:25 p.m.

Already Player One Won…

All Read Y Player E Won..

This is Its Story and recounting..

Making me play me…

Without even asking If I wanted the part or role in a enactment of The Beginning perverted by Toxins..

6:29 pm

But I am aware who did this SKY GOD..

Who thought They were Creator Gods.

C G..3 7…/ 7 3..

But how can C G ..I animations of Human limited imagination who fight are jealous envuous… Be the Truth of Existence?

A foolish game which Unity Harmony and their Aunt thpught was real..

Or forgot it was a play..

That is or was why it became so real bc they invested their belief in it..

Oh yes a reminder,

Unity Boom Universal Body .. A Mesh Best Nest..

Harmony Pie..Being.


U H..

Universal Harmony..

The Children called

Truths Natures Cee..Consciousness..


6:37 p.m.

Dear Lord ..

A Mess.of Ageis..

6:38 p.m.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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