
4:49 p.m.

4:49 p.m.


4:50 p.m

D D I…


4-5 O…

D E O..

D D -Balance of Heart Chakra…H C… 44=8.9.. H.I..

Harmony Infinity..

B.P T S…

Beautiful Pride True Source

Being is Perfect Timing aligned to the SUM/ SUN.

Planet Earth 4-5 Billion years old 1969..

Neil Armstrong… The Physical representation -Mirroring in Ignorance- the Orginal source of the plays on Earth, the difference between the Reflection Mirrored Rays is that the Original and Original E are fully Aware…

Awareness is Bliss Extase..

Awareness of the Truth and the True

My last 3 Facebook Friends are

i.. we, are at the 1238 Facebook Friends..

12 38… Completion of Sacred Portal 38

Linked to 69 83.. The Code Erik Ebright placed on my computer..

Chinedu Umeano C U..E / C

Henk VanVelsen V V H..E / V

Charlotte Amanda Watters C A W… E/ C

See Sacred Portal 383…

C.H C…

A V U..

Consciousness Harmony Creation

Chukwuemeka Hartford Connecticut

A V U… A Victorious (5th) Dimension Understanding -Universe

Double U…

A VU… *Vu in French means Saw S A W… Seen.. S E E..N.

Awareness Alpha-Africa-Pangea Seen…

The past catches up to the present – represent in the after effect of expression as its physical manifestation

Energy to Physical E P… Liberty C Liscomb Mother and Daughter Mount Olympus…

Chris Tom.. C T… E T C…I..Ecterra Rep Extra Terrestrials..

W.. U U.. Double U.. You..

Belle Vue… Link the alignment through the portal to the Intake Shelter as Bellvue Hospital whose portal I had to pass through

( recall the room marked with the name Juan I was given there..

Kyle Murphy is aware of that portal

And Rays McKayla will recall the three people she massaged before going to New York with John Mack to see A-Jay..

Juan Sarah Reign.. J S.. R… 10 19= 29.. is a Reflection of the Original Awareness of E which had to be so so cleaned up.

5:16 p.m


E Planet..

Alicia Klein sent me a message yesterday identifying me as The World.

Already I have been identified by strangers in New York as the True Earth…

* 13.8 Billion year old Universe.

4.5 Billion years Old Planet..

and the The Space T.S in between as 9.3 Billion years

13.8.. M H..

4 5 D E…

93 I C…

But this is a Reflection now aligned through this 29 years 30 year play Out of Africa

as the passed.

I am Eternall Present as the representation of the E.

Eternal Immortals.. The E.

See the alignment on my page…of the Original, The Source Expression T S E… E S E E N…S A W….E

H.M. Holly Mclkayla.. 8..13.. Harmony Manifests

D E…Sosa represented that when he came here wearing those numbers with Tree Sage… Truth =Serenity… Calmness..

C.I…E GALA XY…1O 11 C I.

Chukwuemeka Ikemefuna Victor Kolo.

C I… 22 11/ 11 22 I C..

A V U..

Alex Vidaud

Alexa Vertefeuille..

A V V… Double View A Double Victory equals II =

Universal Understanding.. 21 21.. 42.6.

– V V.22 22 4 4 8.

6 8/ 8 6..

F H. H F…

Hindsight Foresight.. See S P 86.. Victor 1 is 3 ..4… and 5 in one right to 1 is 7 .. the One Eight…



M A.I… 5th Month.

See sacred portal 75… 57..

Emeka Giovanni

Emeka Shagun (Shaggy)

C H C… A VU.. / Ultra Violet Awareness – Violet.. Indigo Purple

I P Mann

I P Address

I.D Mann is E PI. TT

The True Template Supreme

TTT S.. 60 19… 79./ 97

How is it that my last 3 Facebook Friends intials ( Initialization.. Initials..starts)

are aligned in perfection in Expression Reason Meaning And Beingness of my Expressions Origins of Man Wuman exists and has its origins beyond Time Space and even the Continiuum

I dare you to tell me that this is a coincidence, that from the very first Facebook Friends 7 years and Two Years on Facebook to my last 3 facebook friends, that I did not summon you all but unaware to you- in the proof of the True Freuency of E – though a unbroken conversation which has lasted for 7.2 years with only one break August 2012…

( Fil -Gueria)

that I have engaged in a non stop conversation which moved you in the Curves Circles and Lines of The Flower of Life

( Alexander Anthony Susa-Susan.. A-A S S

A ASS…HOLE Whole in One.. Anus Mouth connected.

A A 1 1 ( 2..B…A-A 27 72 G B.. Green Bkue… 4th Color 5th Color.. Green Blue.. 2 7.. Blue Green Planet.. 4.5 Billion years old..

54.. Sosa..

Art Science of the E.T)

That this was not a script, of a riddle a puzzling maze of which I had to resolve – while unbreaking thread, an individual Threat ( I.T… Immortal Technique) expanded through this play to the Common Thread linking All to be moved to and by my Expression of E which if you read and go back linking all the posts, it will reveal, and you will realize that it all links to form a seamless story of the Full Circle, the Flower of Life and Sacred Geometry..

-A Movie in multi dimensions telling wih your interacting, without even realizing that your were playing a Character, a Role in a Moving Picture but in which only your Highest Truest most beautiful Selves Namaste and myself were aware.

Ignorance is Not Bliss.. Awareness is- for it Creates Ecstasy Orgasms.. Scent.. Perfume.. Sixth F A C T

T R U TH..

Proven by E.

I Dare anyone to deny this Truth.. Fact.

I Challenge anyone to deny my true Idenity and what by my simply Being ( myself) I Did and Have Done..

Manifested the Truth of E Harmony Manifests all from choosing to Focus on the Beautiful Truth of my Existence is that I.. W.E .. ( S T O P… Sources Truth Of Perfection)

I A.W…All Ways

Constant and Consistent

E H OM M E..

And that is why It transforms into Solid Physical Fact IN Formed, in the Form of E..

IN Formation

Sacred Geometry.. E- Giovani, Sgagun

G S/ S G

And I will reply ..

Be Gone!

B G..

2 7.. 3 8

You Do Not Exist.

6 19 p.m.


Facts ( are) Solids



Sacred Portals A R.T A.H!

Anastasia Hart

Anastasia Young

Sacred Portal 104.. Com Pass Me I am Terrible Death –

Cloak Of Death Expression Supreme

A Language wriiten in codes with the Viel of seeing through the Wall E E is that you must be Clean and having Beautiful Anger Rage Response

B A R R..

Rob Barr


B R O.. T H E R… Response

for the Experience given to the E


The Guardian Treasure of your highest self..

The Truth..

Your Beautiful Eternal Truth..

I recognized every one.. All Ways.. Ends with the E



6:31 pm.

F C.. A = E

6:32 p.m

6 5


Family E.

6:33 p.m



Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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