
4:47 pm. – I Just received two

4:47 pm.

I Just received two new Facebook friends which logically should have moved me from 3332 to 3334 Facebook friends,

333 2
333 4.

It’s 4:49 a.m.

4:50 am.

I have done my part with others of the Educating and proving the E Consciousness, and made the point of the One moving within me, and as you have witnessed, it is not a man, a Y Chromomosome Energy which moved me or was capable of such selfishness and cruelty, it was that of Woman expression moving through Women and Men.
No true man or Y line is capable of such extreme selfishness and cruelty to put any being The Source to a man through such play script, in order that they evolve.
Men can be evil as seen and witnessed but see sacred Portal 90 and sacred portal 116 and you can see how women in men and women, can move to enact such a play to such a script to get what they want.

4:59 am.

No matter how unjust and vile, as long as they get what they want, and it was confirmed, by this script and play, both Lie, manipulate, and deceive but it came from Woman and her womb as her being the Creator.

Have you ever wondered why that after all these years in the United States, a Woman has still not been elected as President?

*”The founding fathers sealed the declaration on 4 July 1776 and that makes the country 244 years old as of today.”

That is 244 years. C.Town 1544.
I went there as a man.
Liberty C was born in 1976.
As was Erek Mateo “Eclass” Born 1976 too.

I am in contact now with only one, Liberty, but I began with Erik Eclass Mateo.

E E M / M.E. E
L.L. Liberty Liscomb. / L L
L.C/ C.L.

Pls see sacred portal 76 and link connect to S.P 110 and from July 2020 it became S.P 22

And do you remember how Stephen Esteban gave me a Key Chain, Key Holder of the World Globe, just after I was about to move here, in 2018-2019 Dec January, after, at the Restaurant Flora, I noted and called out how I was given a fork by the waiter with fork engraved with the words “World 55”

World 55 is W.E.E.
It does not equate to WEED. But W.E.E. 5/5= A.

W E E A.
W A.
A W.

WE. E.D. My Age Code in this play is 54. E.D.

5:45 a.m.

So it works any way you wish.

Omeh King O.K.

Laura Pugh L.P.

Toya Maria T.M.

Maria Judith M.J.

Melissa Lesa M.L.

Virginia Dudley V.D

O.K. L.P. T. M ( 13) M.J. M.L.V.D

OK L.P.. is The PT. Manifestation, M.J.( Mary Jane) M.L.V Delta. ( Square Box See the Square BoxGift From Liberty gave to me.

M L V.D.

Roman Numerals

M 1000. L – 50 V-5, D=500.
1, 5, 5, 5.


6:02 pm

See Sacred Portal 155-5-E.

First Name First Letter.

O.L.T M, M.V.

Last Name First Letter.

K. P.M.J. L. D

6:06 pm

66. 1- 12 ( 2 6)

666 = 18- 3-6

6:07 pm.



6:08 am.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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