
4:47 p.m.

4:47 p.m.


My reality is very different than most peoples..

I don;t just see people, places things…

I see numbers, colors, words, letters codes..

A constant stream of meaning, but most of all impulse and Stimuli…

Which Is why I post..

Because of the steady stream of information, inundating me 24/7.. Awake it is the outer world, the environment…

And at night, a deeper appreciation of that which I had read,echoed and rising from the depths of the Implications and Significance (I.S) to Everything full circle..

I that Alternative but parallel universe where I do not sleep, but rather, enter a state of a Coma but full aware.

To the point that my eye are literally open even though my eyes lids are closed.

And I see perfectly, but not what I would see when I open my eyes…

But rather the meaning of what I am seeing when I open my eyes, translated into a much greater clarity..

And the Dimension, Lines or wave lengths of Sine which are translated here,as Signs…

And those Sine Dimensions are the resonance and Echo Resonance, Reverberation, Reconstruction, Resurrection, Response of Existence Truth…

And as I lie in the Coma, getting to the base of the Expression understood with the Day, I realize that at the base is the Original Expression of that Expression.. The Blue Print if you will…

And with that I rise up to up through the Dimension of the Foundation Base of who I am…

Existential Truth, so Beautiful.. which I translate and re-align to is meaning in each Dimension and Idea’ of Existence which come from Empirical Experiences and Expression I have heard from Others through out my life which counters that Beautiful Truth…

And That I expression and I meet in the Center, and there is where I pause and realign…

5:00 p.m..


The Two Full Circles of Expression from outside, with its foundational True, So Beautiful, Sol! Exquisite that the only expression I can make deep with in that Quiet filled with the sudden noise of the Other Expression from Ghosts in the Machine is

La.. There in French, also Here and Every-where..

La! La! La! La Bas..

Over there

And even this is said in a deeper silence and Quiet (Quantum)..

As I work solving, each resistance to my getting a peaceful nights rest.. Peace of Mind..Manifests Expression..


This proving of Harmony, Harmonies..

Me, making Rise the Original Song of Existence.. Expression..

From you call the Subconsciousness- or Unconscious,

I call the Un-Consciousness the One Awakened you, which I have proven non stop in this play of Harmony Infinity, The Hi! Story and the History..

That the only force which can move you, with or without your permission is the Song of your Existential Truth..

Because you too are made of Lines of Sineand Sinema’

A Reel…

Which manifests on your T.V-ie, Monitor.. because that which you call the Gap and lines forming D.na is really the meeting of Two Lines- Two Great Serpents…:) A.S..CLE PI..U.S…

Just got a call from P.I..O.. Doctor Patrick Okolo wishes to meet up on the 19th…19=S…N.E. 14+5…19….S..U./U.S..As if I do not know already because I never had to reach 19.. I stopped linking at 5..

The 5th.. Expression…

The D.na are the Lines and the Man is the Consciousness Aware and in Being, both Standing up as 8 Harmony Infinity.. H.I..Story embodied, but also lying down in bed.. in Coma…

5:14 p.m.

But full aware of the connection between himself on a B.E.D..in Room A, in two Dimension, in which only one is real…

And so that point where the two lines meet in the Dna strands is where I am. realigning, the Song that is Outside and Within Linking them and there is where the picture of the H.O.W and Why exist..

And that formed the Memory..

And in this play the Dissonance, is naught but the Ghosts in the Machine of the People as a Group (not really a people… people are united and there is no such thing occurring in Human History..unified to A.B.C All round… just Groups)

And this Dissonance is what prevents me from sleeping,

from walking the streets.. without having the urge to put on Sun Glasses to dim the glare of the Truth, streaming all around me, like lines lateral and vertical-La te.r-Al…Vert..I.C.aL/La..La!th Note Green 4th Color… 46/64…

Yes, I doing exactly that now.. Resolving it the Foundational Truth to the Resident truth occurring in Nature’s Expression as well as Peoples Individual (P.I…O) expressions to create perfect symmetry..

A Note, A Key..

A Song of Life Beautiful..

Life is not Good.. Life is Beautiful…

Death is not Bad/Good… it is Beautiful…

Because in all things there is Truth…

And that is why placing me, orienting me to places, persons, things.. situations and circumstances of the deepest illusion…was the way to keep me working 24/7 on the dissonance which literally effects my body..

Pulling at my literal Skeletal Frame and Muscles…

This terrible dissonance, interrupting constantly my rising from within from the place beyond memory. now a paved road which any one cam now walk through.. Through these pages, over 60,000 pages on Face Book… and on E mail.. sacred portal, stories.. of my resolving each of these Diss of the Original song which my muscles are the Strings and my Bones the Support Structure…

The Instrument…

I wish to rest, but each moment I seek to escape the constant Impulse Stimuli… the sound of the lie, like flies to shit…

Fill me with such disgust, irritation, that a professor, correcting a pupils, careless spoilt brats, sloppy and hideous interpretation of the most exquisite elegant equation..

And then seeing the awe in the pupils face, and pausing to enjoy that appreciation of Beauty on the Pupils expression, before recalling its expression before.

Fully aware that it had never heard the original equation.. and thus, not responsible for that.. But held full responsible and accountable for the filthy homework of what it has perceived as the meaning of Its Existence and Existence Itself..

My contempt is not because they did not reach the Exquisite Elegant Equations level of Understanding…

But rather the manner they chose to read Existence and present it as Expression to others.. to me…

When all about them the blue print is obviously Beauty.. Cleansing, Links, graceful lines…

Golden Ratio…

What right do you even have to be in this Class Room, this Body, if your foundation is not based on one obvious fact..

I have no care for the elementary expression or language used..

From a tolddlers painting to what is called a Master…

All are the same to me, their foundation must beauty, symmetry, fluidity, Graceful Lines which complete sentences which are Logical and Orderly…



Lao Tse.. Tsu…

From the dimension of the very source of Existence of Omnipotent Intelligence, to this most Rudimentary Foundation the alignment can be made of a Landing of the Song and the Twin Sine Wave Lengths of ONE and FIVE.. in perfect simplicity and elegant as a Swan Landing.. Swallow.. Robin Nightingale..Birds of Paradise..

5:50 p.m


Even now, I am aligning through the stream of the Two Serpent.. A MAN A.S..CLE…P.I.O..U.S…The Key of the Pi of us.. TT..

Being the Golden Note of G.. Sunshine Silver Screen

Which is not Sun and Moon but their Expression and their Source meaning which brought their form into Existence and Being,…

I never set out to Quantify Space and Time..

To Measure Existence…

I set out in 1989 to prove that the World was and is created in Harmony, and that people were no longer seeing, clearly.

Hence,no longer understanding or recognizing.. even knowing how to respond to the Impulse Stimuli of their Lifes.. and Life..

Because most were unaware that they were living within the echo’s of their own Expressions…

And on looking deeper into reflections and thoughts… there being Nothing there…!

Because they had not thought about it.. or the source of that expression…

And others who had not looked deep enough,gotten to the bottom of the matter, the truth, before coming up for Air’ and instead of saying there is more, that they did not reach them bottom..

Lie.. or circumvent the issue entirely and by implication and insinuation imply that they have the answer…

Any thing to make a buck and get some attention for having attempted to Understand the deep.

So you have a Sub Conscious which reflects in the Mind Brain Action Expression Mindlessness with no Naturalness, because they have simply Aped like Sheep popular beliefs…

It was Harmony I came to prove,.

There was no desire to Quantify, Qualify. and Manifest that which did not require any help from me..

The Original Song and Score was Written in the One Eternal Beginning ant it is Symmetrical Beautiful a FullCircle of meaning linked and Expanded as a Fractal.. Or seen as the Whole…

What Vanity?

Conceit… to be have achieved that which does not require quantifying because Natural Evolution is already set H.. in place to the E Frequency…

And what Glory is there is having what no one has done, if it takes away from the very meaning and point of being in Existence…

Beauty Joy, Laughter, Fun.. Boogie.. Sex Sensuality Intimacy…

What is the point..

Proving Harmony of Everything has a point, it shows scared little children or a new species of the Eternal that there is nothing to fear of being in Existence..

That they can link it, read it see it as long as they are seated in that their Naturalness..

And that it is a Song, and within the bars of this song, no matter what the illusion of the worlds layers of veils and curtains hide..

The X-Ray vision Sixth Sense, Intuition Voice Instinct will enable you to the Truth behind the Closed Eye Lids:

Eyes Wide Shut…

6:09 p.m.


I am being prompted by time…

It is asking me to come back to the Rising See from Within and Outside, and how the Two Wave ;Lengths 69… Merge in the Rising from within from the Foundation to the Surface by linking the Truth within and outside, while discarding the Dissonance…

Expression Off Key if you will..

Instrument which require tunning…

Fine Tunning.. Refinement… Re Find I mean..

Go back down, Dive deeper,

Dig Deeper… Investigate..

The is nothing wrong with the Pro-Found..

It is a Proton- as is Everything in Existence.

Already Energized with Magnetic Truth…

And the alignment is in that Resolution which is the Space Dna Forms.. a Picture.. A Memory.. And opening of an Eye…

Which sees beyond the now erased image of expressions without Common sense Reason or Foundation Outside or Within..

And the Resolution creates 69… 15.. O.P.E.N…SEE S.A.M.E…54… Energetic Dimension!…

O.D.E.. And Ode.. A Song…

Of 6 and 1..

Sixth Sense La Do.. A Dear..

Fa! in the Fourth Dimension, from the Fifth.. Linked to the 6th..

And 6+1.. 7…=x..76…

See 007… And Sacred Portal 7.. And where do you think you are going., you shall not Pass

Sacred Portal 76… Awakening…


6:19 p.m.


To Feelings Sensational…

6:20 p.m

Fact Truth.. B.O.. Being Full Circle..

Link Bruce Okoye/..B.O… 34 years ago with Dean Dunkwu


and 28 years almost 29… Patrick Okolo…

6:21 p.m..




Esther Ufomadu

Esther Uzoma

6:22 p.m..



Phavour Alegbe

It only makes senses that the notes and the reps of Equations, Words would be Human Beings..

Tangible and real.. Solid Fact.. at least their bodies are.. eben their consciousness is not.

6:24 P.M

F.X.. Ah I see why we had to read X… Expansion to..


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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