
4:46 p.m.

4:46 p.m.

76 USD In my Wallet…

51 usd in my wallet yesterday…

1967 L.I.. Limitlessness Infinite…

The Knight Templars Cross and the letters B.K.E 67 Red wallet bought by Christopher Filgueira. at 29 address E C E C…

Burgundy wine red color… Bacchus… Terracotta…

Mine is Perry Ellis… P.E… Planet Earth, same make as my Suitcase gift from Jonn and Donna… 18 Mountain View, who gifted me this H P Computer,

Whats in Your Wallet. Capital One… C O..

3O.. C F…

31 30 30 23 19…

Sacred Portal 76 is the Awakening of the World, linked full circle back to the first Big Orgasm…

Bombay O.lIve.

Harmony Perfection = Peaceful Calm Awakening

and the Purging, all in the Wallet…

Not in the Bag…

The Laundry Bag which Jonn Blackwell (Delguidce year of Birth 1964) Is an literal Army Bag..

coded with the intel, C.O.. D E S:


Bed Field,Barracks.. B.F.B…

Shall I decode it for you…

Laundry Bag is cleaning cleaning..

And those who helped me with my Laundry while I did their Homework- Solving their riddles acknowledge that I helped them get clean so that they they could pass through to ..

5:08 p.m right now..


E H..

To Eternal Harmony.. E H O M E…

4 people did…in this Dimension..

Christopher Filgueira we went together

Esteban Miguel Filgueira

Sarah Kaizer

John Mack

Observe the code it forms, by simply taking the first letter of each name…

C E S J. J S EC… J is One Second…

Numeric code..

8 41..5.. Harmony D.A.. Da Enlightens… Darius Alexander…Cinq..5…Hartford Connecticut 5th State…

84… Esteban born 84..(Birth year date on my Page, Novel 1984)

15= Letter O.. The full circle attained confirmedat his portal rep 29…I am at 219..B.S.. 29-10..T E N…19..Letter S

meaning that I was challenged to prove that I manifested the Family of TEN..

O 1… Code of my Sisters E-Mail.. mine is 1999, the year the Matrix Movie came out and the year I came with John Jason Lee to New York and rented an apartment in the Lower East Side to Film my short Film The Ethnic Odyssey ( J J L… 32…) to return in 2001 on the date 3-20-2001… Linked to the code represented by J J L..

And to 3-20-2001… 3-23..

Linked to John Mack J M.. 10 13… 23… And to McKayla Rays Intel from the Astral Plane, -her Dream vision of a Woman informing her, infront of a grocery shop that the Shift had now been confirmed to have taken place 3-23-2019…

*Time now 5:23 p.m ..

3-23= 3 5


W E..

World Earth aligned

V V.E.

See sacred portal 23… Who is o, the one I.D behind the veil, Back Stage ( b s 2 19) Directing and Organizing editing Filming Conducting, creating a setting with colors of Emotions – a picture and Vision of the Awakening through Evolving and raising vibration and Consciousnesses to see feel and percieve what is behind the Viel.. The Wall-E.T..

7 Vision Violet ..Ultra Violet…


By expresing non stop in consistency and constancy in the Void, and in existence of living in emptiness, a life with nothing but negation of Light Photons, filled the Abyss with knowing, generating from a life isolation and solitude- generating the X factor to a point of Light at the intersection of that which forms the X.

Which then grows to a point of Light, all generated from nothingness and a life of emptiness comes a Expression which soon becomes a voice of constant and consisten expression of Brotherly Love, filled the Gap The Abyss with his Cee, Agape Brotherly Love, until the Black Hole of that his emptiness of existence given in The Script to Transform and Flip The Script..

( F T.S..)

To simply

Flip J Hendrixs

F. J.H

To H J F F J H..

By willing it with the Light of Liberty Dawn..

* Liberty C Liscomb

Angela Dawn

Tiffany Dawn Haynie

Dawn Chimento

L.A…T D…LA! Sith Note… TD/ D.T.. 204/ 4 20 Easter 2019

And from that Abyss emerges the point of that beings lone conversation with himself, which then Echos, Responds as Expression Energy Silence transformed to Sound..

Which Mirrors and Reflects his quiet contemplation that this Abyss and Cell of Constant focus and concentration was the transformed interpretation and illusion of not knowing his HOME and how He and All came to be.

The place which he first rose and then which he, it transformed into the Cosmic Egg.

-His Home Eternity

Which was filled with Sensational Feelings..

Ecstasy Bills…

He should know because I was there…

I created those expression because that is what I did feel when I rose from the place which I always dwelt and will forever BE..

And my Space created City of Eternal Light which goes on as Infinity..

This was all about its Transformation, but how on earth could have it been Transformed.. That beautiful Truth impregnated and planted in all by I, have become such a cruel evil sadistic two faced Lie.. And with so much power to resist ?

01 represents my sisters code 7-28..19 64..must return to 65

John Mack gave me 64 usd and claimed 65…

Its is obviosly the Line of John Mack and McKayla Rays I was sent down to rescue from terrible death.

See sacred portal 114.. Grant Moor

and 13…

The Truth…and the Supreme Understanding of

Harmony Unity.

H U..

The Truth of the HU M.A.N..RACE..

Humming Birds..

The Voice of the Heart Beat is a Song…

Its Sings..

HE Sings

Trumpets…Drum Beat proclaiming The Truth Its Confidence in now the words, verse poetry of its Song of Praise to the One Father of even the Spirit of the True Human Race a process in Progress to be as He..Hue man beings…

082 O 82… 1982 Full Circle ( 3-23..323..8..)

82/28… 82 is when Nnamdi rep Died.

I am born 28… 11 My sister 7 28.

Nnoyem Nnamdi.

N N… Nourishing Necessities

28./82…Fritz Venneiq born 1982 my sister out of the blue years ago chose him as her facebook friend.

1982 is 47 years ago… New Mexico. Andrey Klebanov is the 47th State..

47= 11…28… 39.. C.I.

Nnamdi is I, Emeka..

28 82 D.A.Y- Y-EAR T.. H… E…


1 O 1O…

2 6..

B F..B.. Full Circle.

Best Friends HE and I…

N E…14 5 ADD..19… S.. Steven Stephan..E Estaban


7123… 71.. G A.. E..G A/ A G…E…23..W..VV

8 7 6 5.. I Descended, came down to a lower, the lowest vibration which all thought there was no possibility of light and planted a seed and through Time and Space ( an invention of mine.. called the illusion of a Gap.. not knowing and through Tme Space, The Script, you would come to a realization..

Total Recall.

7 123 (Intel from McKayla Rays children 456 Names A B C..




Sacred Portal 51 Sex S.E..X… God Lord L.O…120 I CONNECT I CUT..See post ended 1:20 a,m..

Sam Be Mixing Benjamin C. Krajewski

@ 12 51 Facebook Friends

6:18 p.m

F R… Car License Plate Sarah Kaizer


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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