
4:44 pm. – * Script-URES. John 4

4:44 pm.
* Script-URES. John 4:44

4 (3).

8-23-2020=1, 2021=41-5.

H.W. A-E.

I am at 1802 Facebook Friends.
A.I.O.B./ B O I- A. BOY -A

R O B.

I am so ashamed by the Enders Game, that such a play was possible or even allowed by Universe Creation Nature, that I do not even wish to comment.

I was watching the American series last night called Black List.

So when I got up from bed where my mind was filled with Kim Arthur Hinds Jr, was it him or what he represented and the price to bring him home?
But it wasn’t Kim’s fault, but I was angry, so angry with the play and the use and the danger which this play in this world was made so subtle, so vile…

I was reflecting and contenplating about A-Lien father all night, and the reality of this play and script becoming so real and solid, but seen only by the few who paid attention to a person weaving linking for 9.8 years day and night about a truth about o manifest but made so quiet that, it appeared like a joke and mockery to what its intent spelled out, Extinction of an Entire species, weeding, to bring forth Evolution Awakening.

I used to wake up for years, with this awful feeling in my stomach for years, apprehension dread, of the betrayal of truth, I would never choose to present this way, and the growing disbelief and incredulity that.

5:11 pm


That this could not possibly be the play of Evolution Awakening.
Its was impossible, not this way, the Enture Universe and Existence as Eternal Law would rise up in protest.
But nothing happened, and each time I sought to say “Naw” and walk away, the grip on my being-and then my body grew more intense.
The amount of time I was moved to confront Madness, Insanity, and Death, to wish to leave my body and unhindered by this human body, race up to this Unseen Dimension with such a fury and rage…

It was as if this force had desired such revenge on Humanity that it had done the unthinkable and when I found Al Satana, and he confirmed the intent of Absolute End.

5;17 pm.


But enough.
All existence, creation, and all of you know my feelings about this, and it is recorded here for prosperity.

I was so angry with Alien Father and even Kim Arthur Hinds Jr last night, but It took me a while to recognize that Kim had been used also, and that the influence he had on the world rep Jae, that Kim had found ways to resist and that is why I was brought here.
But it was all set up.

I saw what Kim Arthur Hinds Jr posted on my page when I got up and relief filled me, as well as anger, anger for this script, this play, the deviousness
Two Black Mambas.

A.F. 11122

Are you kidding me?
You wait until I am provoked to a point beyond endurance for 31 years night and day and then at the very edge, with my holding on to Self Restraint, you move the play forward via a confirmation and I am here, made to feel a victim of your play?
No, I fight back, every day I have lived in this hell of an existence given to me…I fought with a force power will and determination which believe me, aligns my inner will to The Source of Existence- that is how hard I fought back, because I was Correct, Right- and lord knows I checked.
And look at the play, it was as if all that effort, all that sheer genius had no effect, on this outcome, this way it was manifesting.
It did, of course, but looking back at the last 20.5 years.
5:26 p.m.

I know that the trust and confidence I once had for existence, creation nature will never ever come back.
The Truth became my enemy, Natures Truth and with Truth and Trust, it no longer mattered by anger rage, because that meant that what Beautiful Truth it will be restored to, that this will All End, the Eternals, even the Beautiful Truth because even if I tried, it would never be restored to me and my heart.
It sought to destroy me, my confidence but all it did was destroy itself and its beautiful truth and possibility and potential.
It will manifest back to its Beautiful Truth, but then it will all end.

The very thing which holds even the Eternal realm together is Trust Truth and once that is betrayed, and lord knows I spent decades looking for ways so that Trust would not fade in me, I fought and found ways, excuses plays and yet finally, I know it was gone forever.

And so I grew calm.
Once I accepted that, especially when I was forced to go and live in shelter in front of you all, after already spendiing 16 years here, and having provenn this script and corrected it with a year then three- then spending this much time saying and proving the same thing over and over as a man reduced to the lowliest being.
Cosmin Being.

I was done.

Cvon Done

It no longer mattered that it would be resolved in the end, I was done.

So when I looked at my screen and saw that I had left the series Black List on and one it was a statue of a Black Helmeted Figure standing on top a a dome like capital building
“Your name will be on the Guest List” was where I had paused it at.
Season 1- 14 episode 73 “Madeline Pratt” M P.

5:43 pm.

Magical Portal
Made Line PR ATT.

I had been. at 114 Grant Moor motel.
73 was the code as death Absolute Zero. Celcius 273.315

5-20-73 Boom Boom -Ndibisi Kolo.

And then I saw Alica Norris had responded to the message I had sent her last night.
I responded at 3:26 pm.
C Z. Guest.
Me, in the Guest Room as Z.H.

*”Lucy Douglas “C. Z.” Guest was an American stage actress, author, columnist, horsewoman, fashion designer, and socialite who achieved a degree of fame as a fashion icon. She was frequently seen wearing elegant designs by designers like Mainbocher. Wikipedia
Born: February 19, 1920, Boston, MA
Died: November 8, 2003, Brookville, NY
Spouse: Winston Frederick Churchill Guest (m. 1947)”

As I responded to Alicia,
I knew, at last, the money code play was over.

You saw my Facebook friend who arrived yesterday whose name meant “Offering, Contribution- Donations”

I realized that it made sense, at last, Alicia Norris was born the same year as Nnamdi on the 10-31 Halloween.

I had expected this evil and vile money play to have completed in 2019.
The money codes where all part of the Matrix play taken over by the forest people and the use of money as current, currency “money makes the world go around” not Love.

Liberty had sent last 81 which had a marked 20 bill with 220 and J B 9 18 … B
and with Alicia there was none and she had sent 66 – which was Kim Arthur Hinds Jr door so for all intent and purpose, I knew it was over, and with Kim Arthur Hinds Jr leaving on the 26th to Atlanta Georgi for a family reunion that what was left of that play was between he and I.

Kim had already given me the 20 which is of course 20 20 and a mirror of the twenty with the code V, so he too now is V mirrored.
Recall the Victory in red and light blue coaster he had brought for me?

5:57 pm.

But I could no longer continue to play my brother’s keeper,
Kim had passed with Flying Colors, and it was cheating to keep me here, looking out and prompting him with reminders, when I knew if left alone he could do what was required of him.

5:59 pm

/7 69.54.

NZ 46 46 67 B.
Ferrell Gemino F G = 67

*”Absolute zero, the temperature at which a thermodynamic system has the lowest energy. It corresponds to ?273.15 °C on the Celsius temperature scale and to ?459.67 °F on the Fahrenheit temperature scale.

I had coded this, all this alone.

6:04 pm.

Whatever was left to code in this play of 66= 1.A
Was done and he has to do alone, without me, and I realized why I was had been so agry with Kim Arthur Hinds Jr it was that I was being made, used to do what the Beautiful Ancestor and Beautiful Assassins had elected him to do.

It was not Kim’s fault, but they had made me carry his load and I have resented it from the get-go, as I have for being made to carry yours.
The BluePrint is in him as you all can see, so I was made to train him and bring him up to speed, and, done at such a terrible cost, and since we must be Equal on some level, that is the play he must do on his own and not by the Ancestor, or the Naturals or the past using me.

I did the entire journey alone without support, even to having to endure 7 years of the insulting Money Code play right up to Alicia.

6;11 pm is a play that has fueled such fury in me, it brings the end of everything.

6:12 pm Arden.

Just so as to reach Arden who has already mastered the play from the moment I arrived to the very last day and is still in silence after not seeing each other in 13 months, and not spoken to each other since 8-6-2020.

With all the obstacles that were present in his own play – from mother to siblings and so much and he being 16-17 years old.

I do not make comparisons, but I was 32-33 when I wrote the Story of Colors,
31 when I was on the Cover of Hurriiyette.
Nor is it about being famous, that means nothing here it is about fulfilling the blueprint of Augusta Georgia. It is August right now.
Atlanta Georgia. Atlantis Geroge- Farmer.
Atlantis at Fort Lauderdale
Apt 511 E K

6;19 pm F S

6:22 pm. F V

I have an idea what the script is demanding of Kim Arthur Hinds Jr but I do not bother to read it, you elected him and made me solve his riddles to this point and Pure Hatred.
You, not he, made it seem that he was more important than I who have been at this since 19 88- 19 89.
I am aware that it was not Kim’s fault, nor your swelling is Ego, that by making me act as his Universal Sensei, to align it.

6:26 pm.

I trust what I have made rice and activated in him, but I do not trust him based on your constant meddling and interfering with what the truth he represents in your play and the role you gave him to play.

Even with Alicia Norris, I saw what you made me do, fight to move her from the 7:44 time she sent me her response to move her 7-5.

And now Kim 76?

6:31 pm.

With the arrival of Duy Thai Truong D TT.

And Dani Dadan D D 44

Dadan *”According to a user from India, the name Dadan is of Indian (Sanskrit) origin and means “Giving; bestowing; donation”. Search for more names by meaning. Submit …”

Giving Bestowing – Donations”

That It was a directive to you, that since Alicia fulfilled that pay to perfection at the end right to Kim Arthur Hinds Jr door.

6:40 pm.

*6:39 pm Alicia sent me a message saying thank you.
She is going through a moment of sadness, it will be beautiful Sadness.
After all the world is ending, that is what she is really feeling with her perfect 6th sense 66 above and below.
6:39pm code is 6sense C I.

I am the Fact of it, proven via 66 6 F L 6 12 and L F 12 6 in front of an entire world for 20.5 years by putting it to 6th Sense to Logic and Reasonable Explanation full circle to I.

What is left for Kim Arthur Hinds Jr to do?
I have no idea just be I suppose, read?

I Do not know or perhaps I have an idea.
But let’s no deal in ideas but facts and I will not post the connections just the facts like the meaning of a Name- the message.

Love Respect – Consideration.

So sick of Selfishness, Green and people taking advantage of my circumstances of being made present and accessible.- because a script allowed it and that means its okay.

See the Morpheus post, If you think it hard having a job, trying to wake people up…
and then having your body mind soul existence based on it.

6:59 pm.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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