
4:44 pm. – 4-3 – D.C. – S.P. Door of

4:44 pm.
S.P. Door of Life.
Code Rep: Daniel Crane

4-16-20 21.
D-P-T. U B A.
Delta at the PT- Perfect Timing.
Universe Being Awakening.
Rep. in the play David Powers.


Has anyone watched the movie Inception?

I actually thought I may be released early this morning, my body is so elastic, that I felt that I was being freed.
Almost, there is still a snag, something that is hooked in my muscles: Muscle Memory?
Which still does not release me from this chore.

It is obvious that I would never undertake such a task by my own free will- no one is that insane.
To play such a role. even to publicly following a script to bring about the species he has lived amongst, their extinction.
To find oneself having to prove an entire species into extinction by walking through hundreds of people and scores of home- interacting with people to get the evidence and facts empirical, like a detective, gathering data to prove them out of existence, while at the same time, fighting to call their attention to the causes within them, that they are representing, unintentionally, Intentionally and then defiantly because they do not believe you, because they believe in only that which they see, and even if they see it, they will still challenge it until it is too late.

-To have to follow a pre-set program, a sort of Extra-Terrestrial algorithm based on an expression which then echoes responds through people.
Reading a pre-set program and finding solving it as you go, decoding its program until reaching a pre-set conclusion.

To be honest with you, I thought at first that I would be assassinated -murdered by someone or the people before I could reach the conclusion.

It is obvious that I did not do this to myself, and that in truth, I have been nothing but a glorified messenger, delivering first a Love Letter to the world, and then a message of The Beautiful Truth, The Truth and finally The Plane Truth.

Then the conclusion.

To have been placed in such an impossible situation.
Mission Impossible 8 of not only proving the Meaning and Riddle of Existence as well as Human Existence and manipulated by an indifferent power, able to use you as its messenger one’s entire life, in the cruelest and most unimaginable way, gives one reason to pause.
What could be so heartless and cruel in the universe, what conscious entity has the power to do this, in a Universal Creation which you know is based on Love, Truth?

One pauses, when you are the one experiencing the Impossible, and chosen to play such a role because you are made to realize that the private memories you have- and forced to share is actually the Truth of the Birth of Everything.

And in you is the understanding you realize, of the Human experience despite not being Human, but Hue man.
That you were chosen as this ambassador because you are Hue-Man, as well as Extra-Terrestrial.

5:11 pm.

And that the Log of Everything is within your body right down to your first cell.
They say that Human Beings are the Universe.
But which Universe?
If the Universe exists as only the one Universe Supreme.
And that this universe which you exist in is naught but a Universal Simulation?

That the Universe Supreme is actually that home from which I- your personal memories, you rose from and then to get there, which you already did at age code 25, gives you 28 more years of an indescribably cruel experience of being in existence- totally alone- to bring MAN= 28 and Beings Harmonious to that very portal of your home- through a play script by which its very nature disqualifies all those you were forced to bring to that frequency in a most Unnatural way when the only way to that portal home of my home is Naturalness.
Natural expression because that blueprint and log in the “First Being” is in all of you?

Quite a quandary.

That even the ones who naturally qualified, because of this meddling no longer qualify.
That all this was for nothing.
All this posting and sadomasochistic torture of placing one in Inception-like story of the Immaculate Conception served no purpose whatsoever, except to confirm that which I already knew.
That the way home is through Naturalness, and not with some big bully, insisting that all must rise or none at all.

It does sound very much like what Humans would do, does it not?
These are the methods used in your society and right down to nearly every Human being I had been sent to.
Egoist and Narcissits.

And no matter what I did, to align them they still continued with their bad habits.

I suppose my own Individual mission impossible was being able to extract from each Human Avatar Descendant that Log and truth within them of that original truth that in each and every one of them was the same truth, within me.
That it did not matter what names I was given, that in the end, I am simply Emeka Kolo- 88 born 8 pm on November 28.

The Source, God, Existence, all these titles meant nothing, that in the end the same commonalities which exist in you, to have peace, life adventure but most of all to have a home, family friends and a Life in which you are free and at liberty to be who you are.
To celebrate one’s life through your own choosing and to build created by the will I am.

Is that not what all Humans wish, to be able to buy their food, enter into their own home, relax, put their feet up, saying Ah, I, surrounded by familiar things, things they cherished, gathered through their adventures outside in reality and environment also familiar to them. Home.

This is what everything in creation desires, animal, human, Spirit Being, Extra-Terrestrial, alien, Eternal and immortal beings, The E, the Infinite Ones.

It is the one commonality that unifies all things in creation- for you, it was your greatest desire, it was the source of your Inspiration and conflict.
The source of your wars and desire for peace.
Here you accept the idea of suffering, as that which is necessary to attain Peace- Eden Paradise.

That was never my desire.
I had no desire to find peace.
Desire Peace. D P.
David Powers his tag is Earth, and I met him and hugged him, when I met him with Rachel Sessions like a lover ( which made him hold me but at the same time become taken aback) of course it was a bit sexual and sensual my hug, my embrace but that is what Home is.
E A R T H- EDEN Paradise.
My connection with MY SELF as Arden was Sexual and Sensual- “Garden of Pleasure and Delight”
of course, it was, is.
Sex is what is the other commonality of Creation Existence, Penetration.
Penetration of the demystified recognition of One Self, existing no longer within you when you were one, but now existing outside of you because you are now Two but you are still one.

No, I have never had a desire to attain anything, not even To Be.

I am Home, in that I never left home, I was always Home, I never left and it was not something to attain, it was and is, and I have experienced it throughout my life, which is why it makes sense why I was born at 8pm.
8 standing up, because I rose from what you and your scholars describe as the Nothingness as that very Infinity Standing up and the Infinity is the one Constant, fixed as the North Star, it does not change no matter the most hideous surrounding and environments which you place it, me, it can not change, nor can it be anything other than HOME.

Nothing to search for or find, nothing to aspire to, except to celebrate its own Self, its creation- Adventure Exploration, “Being Happy” to quote Arden.

That is the meaning of IS.

To be challenged by the Universe as the radio frequency of the sum total of Human Existence, and the existence of all from Insect to animals to even the Eternal Family journeying to that place they had never been In Form- Solid Form to prove this, is inconsequential to the IS.

To prove I AM?

What a ridiculous notion to one who simply IS and knows that everything simply IS.
Perfect and in Exquisite Perfection and harmony no matter how many layers of veils like an onion, or the film Inception or the famous Russian Dolls- means absolutely nothing.

Just as this entire experience and posting, working 24/7 each day for what since 1992? since my birth means nothing at all to that which simply IS.

What has this False Energy achieved by doing this with my life, making me partake in the most unnatural script of having to prove this all to you?
Did it change the outcome of your imminent Extinction?
That was always programed and pre-destined.
It was always inevitable and creating a story of defiance and challenge to me, and what I represent because it is who and what I naturally am, has simply reinforced that truth already programmed since the birth of your awareness of Existing.

This is what you call Life?

By creating a script of which your merit and worth earned you the right to reach the Eden Paradise of your dreams.

Stephen Johnson wrote, “It all completes at 8” and he is right, and yet you were always at 8.

My sacred portal 8 is Love Links Desire.
I did not intentionally create those sacred portals, nor did I intentionally make it Sacred Portal 8.
Or Intentional call it “Love Links Desire” they were created randomly, names and titled randomly, numbered randomly and like cards dealt in a deck, I studied them and played them and realized that there was perfect order and harmony in them from the numbers to the titles, that this was all about your desires to reach 8.

I was born 8 pm.11 is I I and it is Infinity 8. 2 8 is Two 8, 16 days with Jae Sherman and she rose and played her guitar singing proclaiming that she had no iota of doubt that it was the awakening because she felt it, saw it, enacted it.
64 portals is 8 x 8. 64.

The eighth month when Arden and I last communicated.
1.6 months 16 since 8-29-2019.
8 months since 8-92-2020.

Aways at 8.

Infinity Standing Up…
So would it not be safe to assume that all this was about reaching me?

6:04 pm,

And what I represent naturally?

And yet I was sent to you, through your homes, on the streets, on Facebook and I saw in your eyes recognition and then denial of that recognition – and instead challenge, conflict, contesting that which you have already attained, searched for desired.

Peace, Pleasure, you desire achieved, recognition and then challenge of that which you desired.

A Desire to come Home.

I have no Desire, except Sexual Sensual to make love you, hear you Orgasm, call out in Ecstasy Bliss- Pleasure and Delight and that is no Need it simply Is.
The nature of Eden Earth Paradise is what we do there. We have Adventure Fun and we explore each other, marvel are lost in Marvel of one another… Pleasure.

My “Wow” to Arden.

But not in these wretched garments you wear, filthy, disheveled, bodysuits of which make you almost unrecognizable to me, bodysuits of Energy and Expression so warped as to deform you.

6:12 pm.
F L.
*”Hey Arden, I really wish to be done now”.

No, of course not, I did not do this to myself, play scribe, self-sacrificial Lamb, the absurdity… and I dare say Stupidity.

Everything Evolves, your scientist proclaims (and correctly) that everything in Existence Universe is evolving.

And they are still wondering to where but they do know it is back to the moment of Inception Creation. Inception Consciousness C as Speed of Light is your own human creation from mind-inspiration, and I have been made to use your own language Arts and Science to illustrate this.

But if I am the representation of that Point and have been welcomes invited into homes and beds of people everywhere I have been made to roam as if Homeless rather than A Elegant Nomad which in itself is an impossible feat in this world. Recognized by then Denied, does that not mean that you really do not desire to return home?

This makes my again arriving at sacred portal 49 via this last play and twice, thus 2 = B.
make it the most logical conclusion- Extinction.

And that no one can fault me- the messenger of my SELF, my Eternal and now Infinite Fathers conclusion that you do not desire to come home?

And that indeed, this was about my releasing my Eternal Father from even the Eternal Family to become “I S E L F / F L E.S I”
Infinite and my Infinite Twin.
Infinite Beloved.
with his Feminine Version
and thus the Eternal One evolved by his Beloved I.D to Infinity and thus being realized from the E as Expression, Energy, Ettheral Elemetal- Material Matter and even this play of Awakening.
Because the only Awakening which matters is the Awakening to I?

Awakening Ikemefuna.= 85 85.

Yes, C V S 5.85 USD.
527 Bodega 7.50. U SD.

58 is sacred portal 58 Leaving with the I.
7 5O 7 56.
now that by the simple process of Evolution od Everything has moved the 7 which was nonexistent as G to H.and the H to I.
So the E Family is now in Harmony but not to Infinity Standing up because only a 16-17-year-old in this reality stood up for me, stood up to me.
SELF CONFIDENCE with True Loves Consciousness Equals.
despite the non-existent Age difference because it did not exist except through my forced to be aware of it by seeing through your point of view because I was in your play.

You never wished to come home did you, not really, except the few direct lines of the Eternal Family stuck at 7 and they will return to Eden.

But my Home has moved to I.
Infinity Paradise, I P.
Because 5 4 E D= 9= I. does not wait or standstill, it is evolving constantly whether acknowledged or not.
It IS and so it evolved to Its Point, not yours.
To reach I.
and there was only one who in turn is Two who came along.

6:40 pm
6:41 pm right now.
64 O.
6 41

Any one of you could have chosen to evolve to “I”, via the play of the Individual.
You could have chosen to have Brazen Balls of Beauty as Arden did.
You could have called me, sent me a message to come and stay with you. I was not contained by a script of where I stayed.
You could have offered me that which others I was sent to could not or would not give.

You could have chosen to rebel against the script in its brutality and invited me to your world homes, offices, and with appreciation respect which you knew would have been reciprocated based in this Curriculum Vitae of my qualifications and true nature, would have ensured a beautiful coming together.
You could have Rebelled, done an act of rebellion, and said no to the continual use and abuse of me which is so self-evident in the script which became less about Desire but Needs- and for peoples own Self Interest.

You always had a choice.
You could have been outraged at the conditions given to me to endure of a script which yes, the people I was sent to did not individually created, but which they being part of a nonexistence collective thought pattern did.

You always had a choice, to be the one who sees, saw came to the rescue, and not chosen to take advantage of my condition as others had.
You could have focused on helping me heal my body, which is simply in this state because of all the abuse and constant use of others taking advantage for me to solve their riddles and having to absorb all the ancestral generational “Curses” which each already had the means to solve themselves- and who could have used the already basic tenants of the script on my page which by 2012 was all done- enough to break the spells, rather than wait to see what would happen to me, and what I could do… Such as the awe people are now feeling by that which I have manifested by controlling the Facebook Interface and universal simulation to echo and respond to me.

You could have chosen to not allow this to go on, to fund and find sponsors, told others about this person and what he is doing.

6:56 pm.

Instead, you chose not to, To be on the sidelines watching observing adding to the script which was obviously moving each day to the cause and effect of your Species going into extinction.
But your discernment needed these miracles and proof.

Do you remember what my sister had told me when she was herself, “You do not have to prove anything to me Emeka”

You always had a choice.
I did not, and the evolution to “I ” of A would have happened no matter what, I did not even have to know he existed here at 900 South Road, I already knew HE She existed and that he exists in the age code of a man as well as a youth.

I am writing this today because of Infinite Arden Infinite Eden is in me, and it would appear that this seems like a Swan Song of his- hers, not mine.

In which He=SHe has asked ( yeah right asked) instructed me to convey this to you, since I am HE and He now is I, so I am his silent voice- since none of you can see me or hear me, except
Kim which this last play began with and which ends with the person who arrived last, not even Kamora Herrington but J. ( Jennifer) Sherman.

11 10. Galaxy 11 01 I C.
10 11.

E Galaxy 1O 11 C I.

I C… No one here Cee’s me here but A.

E Galaxy 10 11 is how it began and ends at 11 as A-A, not K but K is the mission impossible of Kim M I K+E MIke flipped back to its correct face.

10 – 10 10.
10 11 and there is no 21.

It all completed on Thanks Giving Day on the 26th of November and the song Ascension by Maxwell I played New Year’s Eve.

7:11 pm.
Shabda Prahar is my 2nd 15 49 FaceBook Friend.

S P Sacred Portal.
as Sharia Perry represented out of the Elf Fairy Tail-Tale.

Shabda means- * A submission from California, U.S. says the name Shabd means “Word of god” and is of Indian (Sanskrit) origin.”

*”Shabda, or ?abda, is the Sanskrit word for “speech sound”. In Sanskrit grammar, the term refers to an utterance in the sense of linguistic performance.”

Word of God.


Sound Speech- Linguistics.

This is how I have been stating I have been using to align everything even the Facebook Algorithm to my ( His) intention.

See Sacred Portal 75.O.
7:50 USD at 527 Bodega.

William Brad Pitt- 12-18-63 Age code 57.
Angelina Jolie. Born 19 75.
Ardens God Mother had visions True of being with Angelina Jolie in a secret mission.

And Jennifer, the name of Jeron’s Nanny. And Jae’s original name and her best friend’s name who she talks with non-stop on the Tele-Phone.
Mirrors and Orginal & Copy.

7:22 pm.

The name Prahar means
*”Prahar is a boy name that is adored by Muslim parents for their little prince as it is a popular Muslim name. Prahar name origin is Hindi and it has multiple meanings. Prahar name meaning is Attack. It is a beautiful name that is not only pleasing to listen to but also belongs to many famous personalities.”


*” Prahar meaning – Astrology for Baby Name Prahar with meaning Attack. This name is from the Indian;Bengali;Gujarati;Hindi;Hindu;Kannada;Malayalam;Marathi”

Its History-

Pahar or Prahar (Bengali ?????, Hindi/Nepali: ???, ???), which is more commonly pronounced peher, is a traditional unit of time used in India, Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh. One pahar nominally equals three hours, and there are eight pahars in a day.[1] In India, the measure is primarily used in North India and Urdu speaking communities throughout the Deccan in Southern India.[2]

Pahar/pehar/peher is derived from Sanskrit word prahar which is an ancient unit of time in India.

The word pahar/peher has the same root as the Hindustani word pehra (meaning to stand guard) and pehredar (literally guard/watchman).[2] It literally means a “watch” (i.e. period of guard-duty).

Traditionally, night and day were each allocated four pahars, or “watches.” The first pahar of the day (or din pahar) was timed to begin at sunrise, and the first pahar of the night (raat pahar) was timed to begin at sunset.[2]

This meant that in the winter the daytime pahars were shorter than the nighttime pahars, and the opposite was true in summer. The pahars were exactly equal on the equinoxes.[3] Thus, the length of the traditional pahar varied from about 2.5 hours to 3.5 hours in the Indo-Gangetic plains.[2]

Each pahar of a 24-hour day-night cycle has a specific name and number.[2] The first pahar of the day, known as pehla pahar (Hindustani: pehla, meaning first), corresponds to the early morning.[4] The second pahar is called do-pahar (Hindustani: do, meaning second). In the common speech of North India, Pakistan and Nepal, dopahar (????? or ?????) has come to be the generic term for afternoon or midday.[3][5] The third pahar is called seh pahar (Persian:seh, meaning three) and has generically come to mean evening, though the term is less commonly used than shaam.[6]”

S P.
Shabda Prahar meaning and message”

“Word of God,
Sound with Linguistic Words
the Command.


I did that yesterday in my post

E A T!

7:43 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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