
4:43 pm. – Hello. – As many of y

4:43 pm.


As many of you know, I have been attempting to leave Facebook for a very long time, and was not able to. Not because I became addicted but because not only was it never my cup of tea but because I had no idea why I was being led pulled to this platform.

4:48 pm.

I was aware of the Awakening but not the part of Evolution.
Evolution of Consciousness.
That actually took me by suprise, as well as the condition which overtook my body and effected my way of Being and how I chosen to be.

I knew there were people I had to find but this was not the way I chose.

And Evolution was not something I ever saw in my plan.
Or posting intelligence to people about another realm, to remind them or play a character Total Recall the correct version. Nor to appear Naked and baring my soul to the world People.
Nor tell my story to this World People.

When I would inform Facebook Friends that I was being moved by my own body, and that my body was Evolving Awakening with a mind of it’s own, I was aware and awake to the truth of this parallel universe of Duslity and how I would appear to people of this world.

4:59 p.m.

I was always aware of this world population was primed for Extinction and Extermination, I even wrote about it as a 7- 8 year old boy.

That I would have to prove what I had written as a boy came as the Ultimate Suprise to me.
But something was actually controlling my body.
Which believe me, it took me years to even acknowledge because in my world and in this world both ideas were impossible and yet I told the truth.

5:04 pm


Who could believe such a tale?
For even though I knew for an absolute fact that I was telling the Truth how could I state it, how could I prove it and address the world people whom I knew were fast asleep in forgetting and forget fullness?

Nor did I wish to prove it to anyone, I told the Truth that was all that mattered and the idea that my body, ones own body could take over and dictate my way of being, my life, my income, by way of Living to me was insane.

And yet, I was and have only told the Truth.

It is only people who had met me and especially when this condition in my body and being would literally shove my own Voice and Expression aside and then use my voice my body to express for me. To them can recollect my dismay bewilderment and my beseeching gaze of did you see that. who could understand and yet to my own quiet amazement would not testify for me.

It really stunned me, I did not ask people to lie or defend me just corroborate the thing they had witnessed experience around me, in me.

It took everything from me, everything and I found that people who I thought would be frightened or stunned or amazed were simply delighted many of them inviting me into thier homes, recognizing me and the condition and even providing me Intel often so precise Intelligent and many recognizing me from thier dream life of which I noted they only shared with close friends or kept it a secret only revealing it to me… that they had even greater Hindsight than even I who was experiencing it.

There were times when I began to doubt that this was even happening to me.
It was,
But peoples response just stunned me.
Doctors healers said that they had never seen such a condition like this before but yet were so nonchalant about it, inviting me to dinner or to meet thier familes.
Do not fight it they would say.
The Energy Beings they said were Delight ful Beautiful charming, courtly in thier manners and worse still, familiar to them, they said.

But what about me?

How am I meant to Live and Exist in such a state?

Why were people not freaking out?
I knew I was.. more inside because I did not wish to alarm others who did not understand and yet I was hardly led to them
64 Portals Humdreds of people and yet no one could help me with the one thing which had taken away my Independence Freedom and Liberty.

All I could do was fight through each day, the homes of people I found myself in and because the idea of living with people I did not know but I did know from another realm and my body would move in gestures to them.to me that it knew them.

I felt the only thing I could do was explain and remind and prove by waking them, reminding them of that inner world in which I or my Body awake had met them.

5:33 pm

But how could this be happening?

It is impossible!

The quiet agony the years of research to find a cure, yet knowing suspecting what it was but not able to acknowledgement that that which I always knew in my secret Inner world as Truth was forcing me to prove it a Fact in an entirely separate reality and Existence.
And it was a Bully.
A Beautiful Bully yes, but still a bully.

Do you know all this posting 10-11 years on Facebook
And the last 21 in the U.S A.
29 since 1992, to 1993 was not of my own will?

It actually began as a plea for help.

Someone Help me.

Someone tell me what is going on and happening to me.

There was of course my actual experience with the Light Fantastic and all that, but I would Never Ever have shared that inner truth with anyone, not even my own Mother or Sister knew what was happening to me.
I kept it to myself.

There would have been no Emanual.World.Com.
No meeting of Arden Gemino-
No Meeting of Liberty C Kim Arthur Hinds Jr or any of the people I was lead to via the cause and Effect of this condition in my Body and Being.

No posting on Facebook, no Sacred Portals, no conversations or Doing The Work…
Nothing if this situation in my body had not rose in me begining in 1993 and then in 1999.
And finally exploding in 2003.

It was the truth of my inner world.
My truth which I had no intention or desire to share with anyone much less a Facebook Page addressing the World Population.

And it all came to be because I wanted Help.

Not with anything in this idea of Life but because without having Soverignity over ones body. Not being paralyzed from a car accident or some disease or illness but a body which was not only aware but Lucid Eloqunt even Courtly and Articulate that many people preferred that which was using my bodies persona of mine you know the one meant to have Sovereign rights over his own body.

Do you know how many times I wanted to leave my own body and was torn between my Truth as the Body as Living Art, and could not through myself off a building or in front of a Train?

And let me assure I tried countless times, but just could bring myself to go through with it.

I was worried anxious all the time because I never knew when my body would rise up and take over and sabotage my intent.

Why would no one help me understand what was happening to me?
So just as Susan Train had made it clear to me that its was what I created which was more important than my Life my existence.
I threw my self in proving my worth, that I am not lazy, that I could work, use my talents to prove I am worthy of help.

That was 1993.

And when I said no dramatically to publishing my Journals.

My body and well being was more important than what I write or cresate.

That is why I said no.
And No.

I fought the Intention of the Dark Matter I heard as I was about to merge and pass through the Light.


Because not this Bloody Way!

Let me at least do.it in my own terms.
Write a books or books, make films. Productions.
I had it all planned out.

I.lnow how to reach the people.of this world.
Tell them stores, show them Beauty in away they had not seen before

But this?
This way… This Play.. Script?

Who is doing this to me, I would wail silently to the still night.
” This Impossible!”

So I wrote
Telling you all my Story.

Not the Story of my requiring help with what was.gping on with my body, but my piercing together by “Chance” or Circumstances that which was way my bodies condition had forced me to see and perceive.

Piecing the pieces together every day, day by day.

I was not interested in anything such as Evolution, and Awakening was something I knew was meant to Manifest in the Blink and Twinkling of an eye.

And not by being led to some many peoples homes who I began to recognize and see the patterns meaning which formed the Story
True Story of when Energy Expression met Atom Ahtom.

Or the Elegant Nomad.

And the True Story of the Family of TEN.

That all those and came into being and Awareness because I began to recognize what I was seeing via the Patterns and Sequences of what I was Experiencing Recollecting Remembering and knew as the Truth inside of me.

All because of my Body giving me Hell if I did not Express. Talk, Post. Converse and Share.

Why am I even writing now?

I know that one at least just as I began to piece back full Circle to what I wrote as a boy age 7-8.

To Destroy this Reality
And have it’s TRUE Identity rise and takes its place.

The Children of Lucifer Eos Dawn.

I know this now.

As Axel Love posted, this world Universe is Flat and Black.
Two Dimensional

I had stated this many times throughout my years on Facebook, that Humanity are living suspended over A Giant Black Hole
An illusion if you will.

And idea

Is it something which could be added to L.E.D

Light Beings Light Fantastic Luminosity or no

Bad Idea.

6:43 pm

I have always known this a Fact for ages.
But they were being given Time to prove themselves A Fact and not illusions

A Dream turned into Nightmares
A Terrible Dream.

And yet see what has been done to my Life Existence
Lights Expression in a two dimensional Book.

6:47 pm

Ah..I have been granted permission to stop this post.

Perhaps my Body and Truth are merging into one.

No offense, but I was never in these last 10-11 years really talking to anyine of you.

I was always and made it clear that I have been Talking To The Silence.
But I did not mine too much having to share my thoughts with you infact it was imposed on me and I met and did not mind too much explaining my thoughts to people who recognized in my Experiences Like Waves my expressions.

But soon. Very soon it became about challenge, contesting to be heard and not misunderstood.
It became a burden, wiight, heavy…

And I began to recognize that it had transformed into Evolution of Consciousness.

7:04 p.m

There it is again..

G O D.

I just went to the bathroom and came back. Posted then paused.

7:04 pm.

G O D.

I have had enough

I have said what my body as Harmony Trith True GOD and my own self wished to say or me convey

I don’t really have anything else to say.


That boat ended a long time ago.

I loathe this world people.

7:09 pm


Who do not even at this point Listen or Care to Help someone so forced out his way to help you all see in Crystal Clear Clarity
Diamond Light Cee.

You are already taking the Credit of your increased clarity and perception all to and for yourselves.

Let it begone.

This species who I was made to help Cee and See.

The True Ones rise with me in Perfect timing of their True Expression own accord.


Well Done.


I will never ask from you that.

Its Natural Expression

Thank you.

That is how that works.

7:16 pm

Truth does.
It saw the truth of you and tour true Expression without me.

He is Death Extinction
My Younger brother tw8n

The Devil as Harmony GOD.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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