
4:43 PM

4:43 pm.

Dantes Divine Comedy.


A J B O B. A.


Its a Video Game.

Human Evolution Awakening play is a Video Game.

It moved from a Spell of which children were placed under- by using Story Telling, which all Children Love- and Hypnotizing them by using their innocent and trust as children, and Belief.

The storytelling was meant to be a Teaching Took, to prepare children for the play of entering life, instead, it was transformed into a lesson which served the adults, to tailor and mold the children into being that which they, in turn, were programmed to become.

Grimm, Grimy, life as suffering and surmounting.

And creating stories of heroes who surmount insurmountable odds but which never translated into actual reality.

This was the spell of the Great Witch and Warlock.

And the reason the world’s play is based on children as the Beautiful Illusion, who were set to evolve from Alien Council, A-Lien Council to Babies Children then Wise Children, and then to Beautiful Youth.

And why this entire world population past to present have been under the Hypnotic Spells of stories and ideas planted in them when they were so young.

Beautiful Youth are the wise children who were able to see through the Bull shit of these self-serving and mainly illogical stories, twisted from their original truth.

The entire planet’s population has been stuck in their childhoods where they were trapped, put under a Spell, and then Spirited away from the natural alignment of particle and wave in one.

And thus Spirited Away ( Yes Stephen Johnson South Africa S A.. Arts Science Code on Ardens Photo age 9)

* Arden told me that by the age of 9, he stopped letting his mother have any influence on his world view and how he perceived reality.

He made a stance. just as I did and others who dodged the trap of parents, books, storytellers whose stories made no sense.

Because within us is the natural Blue Print of Existence which creates a reaction and pauses when we hear things that do not make sense.

And how the James Dean code comes into being ‘Rebel but with a Cause

Most children want to trust and forgive their parents as children and thus willingly go into these illogical spells and stories which eventually trap them in a spiral.

It is the reason so many children are so angry with their parents, when they hit puberty, because they see how most of their parents lie to them, not simply about reality, but rather by themselves being Hypocrites. observing how they say one thing, but act out another.

And get angry at their children when they call it out.

In the older cultures, it is enforced in a manner, of social responsibility and hierarchical system- of the common good- an even more insidious spell. Because if you do not conform to values and beliefs which are illogical but which the community conform to, you are seen as a selfish and evil child and risk being ostracized by the community, and for many, it is a great burden to be made to be alone and isolated.

The fairy tales, which were meant to help children be inspired, to solve the riddles of existence, to be the Ready Player One’s Character, seeking the Easter Egg, to solve the riddle of why we are here- which was to find the Silver thread which weaves harmony into being.

Instead because of the hurt and often rejection of what our parents did to us, the lack they inoculated in us, by their own sense of lack created by their own parents, families, and communities, the children grown-up or transform into self-absorbed narcissists, all intent on proving their worth and value from the lack of attention and praise not given to them by their parents, or the praise given only when the parents, they themselves transformed into Selfish Narcissists, most times even without being aware, and even when they become aware of what they are doing- that need controls them, moving them to expression actions so evil, but they no longer care.

Everything becomes about filling that void, that gap of need, needing to be loved, appreciated, praised, seen as worthy, valued respected…

So no one could take your Dignity away.

No one could steal your Beauty.

No one can… unless you keep forgetting…. Your Self.

And this is A Fact.

This is not rocket science, this truth is revealed everywhere, in movies books, films, stories – it is Known.

And yet despite it being known, people lack the self-discipline and focus to pause, check themselves when they find themselves in those situations in which they are becoming that very thing which they witnessed or understood that their parents became.

Self Awareness became the key, but Self Awareness carried lightly, like having a spell check, a light bulb you carry with you, or even an alarm- to be vigilant, watchful.

Instead, it became an idea of being owed, being cheated as children by God, by society, for denying them the right to simply be, for lying to them, for making what they knew was the Garden of Eden which they came to boogie in, have a wonderful adventure, transform into a lie, and a living hell.

Being Aware.


That is why Awareness and I are Siamese Twins, why the codes are Emeka Arden, and then K AH.


( MER KAH B A C K.. E K)

Mer means Sea in French.

K is the Twin Doppelgangers. Particle and Wave.

BC K is the Being of the Connection the C of the K doppelgangers. To the BackPack…


Beautiful Pride of our Pastas Particle and Wave always had been in One

How else would Beautiful Youth- the few who evolved from the trauma and betrayal of childhood to ignore their parents and the adult world ( having compassion but refusing to enter the same trap) how else would they fight back?

Is the American dollar backed by Gold in the Federal Reserve?


Thus the paper money is backed by nothing at all.

So it is virtual and its value is only based on a consensus agreement of the Sheep addicted to their need.

So if Beautiful youth who jump quantum leap over the trap and make it to the Beautiful Youth- fearless bold, invincible youth and who turn around and see their little brothers and sisters, other younger children entering the same trap they avoided…

And having seen witnessed the consequences of the imposed adult spells.

Witnessed the behavior of their parents as not at all being grown up, but they themselves stuck in childhood – though wearing and showing off the fact that they are in Big Boy and Girl bodies, but are even younger in attitude than their own children and not pure or true, but perverse.

Yes see the gazillion movies which prove this point, but in my personal script right here in South Whitney, it has been the anime Spirited Away, in which Mackayla Burgos brought the poster and placed it here on the third-floor apartment we shared.

It has been spirited away.

and what were the girl’s parents transformed into?


Pigeons are actually courier birds. Messengers who deliver messages.

Post Office.

Jon-AH in the Belly of The Whale, ( Wail) what is a whale?

Sperm Whale.

C Men.

A Belly Stomach… what does the stomach do?

It organizes information. it is a sorting house, which organizes what the body needs and what it throws away, that which is healthy and that which is Toxic.

Where does the Whale live?

In the Ocean.

Poseidon Neptune.

When the planet was forced what was cover it completely?


Only afterward based on a lone Ass-Hole rising from the depth and core of the Earth as a mountain spewing forth molten lava- Gold- Because it brought Fecund matter rich in materials which brought forth Natures Expression and the second stage of earth.

For the earth was all Blue and Green Water, first.

Noah’s Ark-

First, there was only a mass of Water… and yes, link ICE Age. I A.

Then it became one landmass.

then it ended up as 7 continents.

and 4-5 oceans.

Blue and Green are the 5th and 4th Notes.

The planet is 4.5 Billion Years.

Humans’ bodies are made up of 73% water.

We can not survive without water for 3 days.

3 is C … and also the code of a Trinity.

C is Consciousness.

What does water do, it transforms to all states, Vapir Gas, Liquid-Solid.

What is Virtual Reality…

is it not what some might call the Astral Plane?

Spirit realm.

Has the journey of being Human reached its completion?

Or is it not that we have been traveling as Elegant Nomad through space-time- last in space trying to figure out our purpose and what we are here.

And is not the desire in every child to be happy, to see his family happy and in Harmony.

His her, environment safe, and his playmates happy.

To feel happy and safe in the playground.

The Garden of Eden – is that now where that dream and story came from.

And does not art imitate Truth? Life and so where did this Garden of Eden come from?

It was founded on truth.

Why is Arden called Arden which is meaning Great Forest, Garden of Eden, Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet… Do you know that Juliet comes from the name Julius which means Down haired youth, meaning he was male? And Julius as in Jupiter 5th planet.


The name Romeo is a boy’s name of Italian origin meaning pilgrim to Rome, Roman. It wasn’t so long ago that Romeo was considered as outre for an American baby as Casanova or Cupid.

Eros Cupid… Beautiful Youth from the 5th Dimension.

Art reflects life.

What has taken over this reality is it not Virtual Reality, Video Games


So if that is the current state of reality actual reality and life is seen as a Game from nearly its onset, what else would the evolution awakening play morph into.

All played out through a T.V Screen and TV Monitor?

Laptops PCs and who are the masters of Video games…?


Who arte masters of T V and cartoons – anime?


And just because many divorce themselves from what they deemed as Childish things- it does not mean the foundation of which formed your ability to reason, the things you did to full the time and which helped Craft you Mind Mind Craft… the space ship, Aladdin’s Flying Carpet- Imagination Interfaces with the Real World of the past of actual events world you loved mixed up with its twisted lie. which you had to extricate it from. A world which inspired you to Imagine Dragons, imagine a world of Eden… Simply evaporated because you were forced into the Adult world to Pay Bills and be a good citizen, or become another person because you got a girl pregnant or she got pregnant.

You know of course, that those dreams never go away.

While others are haunted by the need for love from their parents, family society, words spell echoing in their beings, which they can not get rid of, influencing every moment of their lives, transforming them into abominations because they are still trapped in those spells.

I have no patience for such creatures, one of which is right here where I am staying, I checked his her harmony, it is perfection itself, but the choice to remain that infantile self, of things it felt, was denied in its childhood, at this point in one’s life- and the expressions it makes from that space, of everything is centered from me, is the disease which makes me wish to gag and take a sword and cut its frequency out.

Instead, I say, each to your own choice, since you already know, but each day, despite making it clear that I wish no contact with it, it tries to insist on being part of something which it was given a choice to understand everything about this play and chose to see it the way it wishes to- and yet still seek to invade our space by adding its putrid expression, diseased by at this point in being part of a conversation of truth and conscious it chose to refuse despite knowing and acknowledging it all as true and experiencing it.

That is the nature of the disease and the horror of allowing the diseased Zombies – the Dead who move such beings, the past, their past, who can never be here present because they made their choice, and their need to infect the Living Real over and over again despite giving a perfect explanation.

No, I look to the Beautiful Youth,

who rebelled with a justified cause, who took over the Matrix and are of the Universal Simulation Awareness Awakening and its Sims

( /S M I S S ION 8… Supreme Mission bring eternal harmony by proving Infinity, but the E way with Infinity Standing up.

6:12 pm.

* Hey Arden.

A play of which Beautiful Youth aligns to the Eternal Original Beautiful Youth.

And what another interface would there be other than all the stories of humanity passed to present aligned, to create a manifestation of that Beautiful truth and the end Boom! Doom Bomb to end this video game.

And the antagonist?

Of course, the Adult Zombies caught up in the spell of their being the power and source of this reality.

I ignore them because they do not even exist or count.

But this Video Game V G. 22 7 ( 7 22 resolved at 29.

Yes from 29 Lincoln street 2 months at Green Point assessment Shelter, and delta manor shelter 27 months

2-27… 29 months straight- and then to 29 street, then to Jeron Serenity, J S/ Stephen Johnson.

10 19= 29.

29 B I.

A-Z+3 = 29 A Z A B C.

To Square Waves B I… AT E Gift from Liberty C Liscomb

Where numbers as Hidden Figures Dark Matter, Ore, BlackBoard, transform people as numbers caught in a matrix, transformed from numbers- programs back into letters.

A B C.

Colors Blue to Red and then Violet and then Transparent Bodies Prisms (not Prisons) to OH light… OH O8 back to what they originally were from the Big Orgasm and then finally back via Solfeggio from a Human Voice.

Do Re… Me Fa Sol!

Sophia Oscar Lauren.

S O U L… S O C C… S F A.

Sensational Feeling Awakening having been Activated Aroused.

A-A 27 A-Z-A.



Doe- Sol.


Dharma Santana.

La Tea… ( in a Tea Cup Boston T Party or the Tea Ceremony japan and the UNivsersla SEnsies of Smells Scent and Focus on the correct scent View…?)

L T.. Liberty Thomas?

no Loves Transparecny.

C T.

Connect I Cut…

Consciousness Transparent.

T C True Clarity…

20 3.


Tea La T L 20 12 =32= 5 E Sol

Sol S F C

Fa Me. F M Band

Rey Doe. R D 900 South Rd.

And thus back to E Sol… 5th Note

Jupiter 5 Expression but this time the ante upped to use not Sound but Silence.

6th Sense E S P.

Jupiter Saturn


And now adding the 6 as 9.

represented in this play of children by Isaiah age 8.

Via Leander J Gemino age 11 now 12

Snd this the Sol 5 moved through Indigo and Violet.

I V.

9 22.

Royal Mayan R Santana in my personal blueprint to Jesse Macias Orejuela and his son self Zion.

Isaiah’s mothers are Jesse and Kamora.

How on earth can you not see this at this point.

That the Matrix and the Universal Simulation is a Video Game/

Alignment and Perfect Timing?

Jeron Serenity… Isaiah

J S .., I.

I S J.

In a Video game, are you, or we the ones who set up the rules of the Game?

G A M E…

No, in this case

Eternal Arden G A M E. K E does.

E K E M A.G Arden Emmanuel Nnamdi line does as the Twin Doppegangers 11… K. Knowledge

Kim Gold Dorado… Dore radio.

Aurela- Gold.


Philosophers Stone.

Knowledge is what brings Gold Wealth.

Using the Human Virus and their play, and taking their vile play, and turning the tables on them.

They steal from the Energy of us, and use it to fuel their world,- A E K, in turn, takes the that which they stole from us, our energy and then via using my Expressing Knowing and Knowledge with Kim also expressing Knowledge of this reality and transforming it via Common sense embodied Naturally to Gold.

That which now can be the true foundation of the Federal Reserve filling up the Empty foundation of money circulation ad distribution of wealth, and then stealing it back transparently right under their noses.

Now is that not what you even as humans love, sticking a finger to the lie done beautiful and with panache and aplomb while everyone is distracted by Covid 19 Sheep Supreme.

E E E Virus 5 5 5 22…

And hypnotized by TV Shows including, and capitalizing in their fear, and growing panic as they watch their world spiral out of control? Instead of it being the Spiral of the Golden ratio.

What did Celia at 29 LIncoln say again? That she never conceived that in her lifetime she would see such horror or people all over the planet wearing masks.

1.5 million people dead.

Do you know how many people have died from war, famine, murder, violence, all of which Humanity, Governments could have prevented?

Do you know how many people are incarcerated in the states and are killed?

Do you know that 73% of Americans are addicted to opioids?

And the worst are the Hypocrites Supreme who knows all this, butt into conversations where they are not welcome to add their two cents, copied from another, who then go back and enact the very disease itself and become outraged when they are called out. And literally have the brazen balls to fight back and seek to flip the blame on you.

Kim is fully aware of this set up- he just wrote about it.

Take nothing personally, its a video game and if you allow yourself to take it to heart and are so hurt then the program which created them is victorious, but take it to heart so that while knowing that this person is a product of a programing which the person did not have the self discipline to see that they are being used to create evil, know that they are not real and that all their diseases come from it Source which is powering them you.

Instead with great passion ( as we do when we are playing Video Games) roar with a passion of the warrior you are and can create for yourself as a character and Attack and demolish them in the video game- prove them out of existence, and when that it’s done, take off your headphones, put down your con-sole and controls and chuckle with victory and make yourself a sandwich, give your self a pat on the back and when it is time, get back into the game until you can put the game away forever because you have reached your final destination and defeated the Grand theft Auto the Invasion of the Body Snatchers, the walk-ins-Zombies , the Changelings.

By transforming Brother Grimm to Mario Brother.

Julius and R-O. ME.O

And what was the purpose and point of his play, so easily discernible?

G A M E…

H A M..E… * Hampshire Bay

I A M E K.

So who is directing the play of my awakening and that of my E Family?




* Check out Ardens tel number it 403 ends 91.

See sacred Portal 91

Ms manners.

Allen Ginsberg. Arden Gemino. Aurelia Gemino.

Arden Harmony

Alexander Harmony.

Arthur Hind-Sight.


I Alpha Adam- AD-ON-AI… A-Don-I S. Donald Trump D T 4 20 24

I Aphrodite Cupid Eros.

I A Fact.

F A I. T H E

Faith is Knowing.

Infinity Awareness.

The man who knows Infinity.

Is I.

Sacred Portal 147. B A

7:04 pm

7:40 pm. Ha look at that… 36 mins to spell check.

The Beautiful Play.

7:43 pm.

It was meant to be a Comedy.

A Comedy of Errors…?

A Comedy of Era’s.

Dante Devines Comedy.

7:43 pm.

7:44 pm 7 8 7 16

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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