
4:40 pm. – 8-6. 20 20- 1. 20-21

4:40 pm.

8-6. 20 20- 1. 20-21.

Both codes, I am sure you recognize the significance.

44 O is 1544 C Town Supermarket. 15 is the letter O.

8-6 is The One who is Three. Victor Light of Existence, and the last time I spoke to Arden Gemino.
8-6-2020. exactly one year today.

At 1:41 pm. I received intel from Liberty C.

It was code 75 42.
75 as you know represents 57/75 Enders Game Full Circle.
7 Continents and 5- 4 in one Oceans Aka The World.
T W.O.

I was at 17 42 Facebook Friends and now I am at 17 45 Which is Liberty’s age code.

42 is ARDEN – SELF- CECILIA= 42.
Meaning of Existence *”Douglas Adama” D A./ A D.
= 42.
* Obviously I am cast as Douglas Adams D A.
See the meaning of the name Douglas “Dark Skinned -Black”
Adam- First Man”

Grant Moor.

Love evolves back to C- Speed of Light ( SOL)
It has done so in this play theater on my page by those who have had to pass through the idea of Duality to become Conscious.

Sacred portal 85.
That is Thomas Lang’s code.

He is with Liberty.

Liberty C via Chris C – Gemino moves through Last Chance via Chance Liscomb here “Twin” Brother male self trough Chris Gemino to Thomas Lang and then Me as E K and back to Thomas and herself as Complete Love.

Love is Self Confidence.
Love is Cee.

Lyrical Conversation which allows you to Cee.

Liberty C is Age code 45.
The age of this planet is 4.5 Billion Years old and she is living at 900 south roads though the house is in a process of being Sold, it has not been sold yet, should I say why it is being delayed?

I wrote a masterpiece called Lyrical Conversation and another piece called Covering Letter ( though it was letter meddled with)
“Lyrical Conversation” L.C.
“Covering Letter” C L.

I wrote these pieces in 2010-2011.

5:11 pm.
E K.
E A-A.

As you may recall, the Covering stunned a young mathematician in 2010 who discovered that the Lyrical Conversation in the original covering letter, prose equated to the constant C “Speed of Light”
Sol which is the 5th note Solfeggio.
The Blue Note Azure.
5 USD.
3 left in my wallet today.

Covering Letter aligned to Libertys Brother, Chance Liscomb who came as if summoned to visit Liberty and Family at 900 South Road.
Lyrical Conversation L C aligns to Liberty C. Liscomb-Gemino.

5:19 pm.

If you look at the codes of my last 3 Facebook friends- it tells you everything you need to know.

Liberty expressed concern for the confidence I have in her, that is normal.
for, this is an event which it makes sense to be nervous because it has never happened in the history of this Universe, much less this world.
And it was held up for soo many years to my blue and orange rage fury, by the E Family seeking to make sure you are all prepared.
And did that which is to me personally unforgivable, used me to confirm that their chosen ones were ready and to prove it to them over and over again.
But there is no amount of preparation or qualification and proving IQ which can prepare you.

For what is written in that Covering Letter I was so proud of when I wrote it, is about the step-by-step way the literally awakening manifests in this reality.
How people wake up, and they move in perfect sequence, how they even greet and recognize The Source.
You have to remember that you will awaken as if Total Recall, a Perfume of memory begins to rise in you.
You will not be the same person who you are right now, that is what happens is it not even here, with awakened memory of things which for years, decades, which you forgot.

This was my wrath with the E Family who was so concerned for Humanity that they ( You) would not know how to handle the Evolution Awakening that they insisted on putting through this nightmare.
I had argued that every person who rose in the eternal beginning would rise in the end.
They who were One with Tail which I call their line would rise as these Individuals, along with their line complete.
But they were nervous about all the people they saw who would not rise but die, and my argument that those persons were not real, and had to leave because they were simply used to give a contrast in which you could each understand the experience of yes no and the understanding that through that process you become solid fact and Confidence in who you are is a sild Fact, and so from an Ethereal Being you now become a solid Being because you now know for sure by passing through the play of Life on an EM Field.
EME Field actually
A E.M.E= A E O- Field. of K A 11 1 to A:AA.

Let me give you an example of the fact that you possess Eternal Kowing- The play on my page for 9.7/8 years.
Do you see how people were summoned and some rose up to add to the play.

Liberty sent me a message at 1:41 pm.

2020-= 1. = A.
2021= 41.
She sent the code 75 42

Enders Game E G-
Meaning of Existence.
Douglas Adams D A= 4 in 1.= 5 USD.

I had not wished to ask anyone, for a money code despite the play having narrowed it down to Liberty Alicia and Kim, A-E.I.
It had been a process which for years, my very nature made me suffer so deeply because even as an ordinary man here, I always earned my own money, and here I am constantly taunted that my wealth is coming, is present but for the last 7 years, I found out, had to discover it was actually part of the script and riddle to identify through a process of elimination the people I had to ask.

You all know how everyday people here treat a person, even to my astonishment a man who is qualified, shared so much invaluable intel, and yet he has no sponsor, no investor, and believe me I know this realm- it was impossible that I had not found an investor, a sponsor.

I had no problem with asking Liberty or Alicia, but after all these years, being forced into that position while witnessing the value and worth of what I was doing… That is not Love, that is Selfishness to the extreme beyond Evil or even Hate.

And yet 4 days ago, I heard a whisper, asking me yet again to ask Liberty.
I literally just couldn’t accept that and not at this point.
So I refused and kept quiet, and yet 5 USD was part of the play, 3 USD I had left was part of the play and if I did not ask, it is I who would suffer now from Lack.

5usd 3 USD.
See Sacred Portal 53.
And who was born 5:53 am?

Liberation L Consciousness ness Treuffileum Plant.
Love is Light which enables you to see.

Do you know how much Liberty sent me via Kim Arthur Hinds Jr?
81 USD.
Do you see sacred portal 81?
Its is Transformation with 3 Male Youths and a Boy who transforms into a Ballerina Swan Lake -Female form.
Swan Lake. S L.

Do you recall Cosmin Being I am his 8th Facebook Friend?at the time code was 11;04 pm and then 11:33 pm
Or Isa Haladu ( Lisa Cathy L C) sent me intel that via Samsung that I had won 8000 USD, at 11:04 pm and again at 11:33 pm Kims Birthday code and age.
And so despite my misgivings and aware of the code Isa Haladu is I H as in 98, as in 9 ,8 months on Facebook, I felt for a momnt they can not be that evil to seek to con me using the perfect timing of the codes.
I thought of Shanona Larkin Martine and her 8 USD left and her so called willingness to share.
I thought of 1544 C-Town.
Ad I listened to her insistence that it was real and to help the poor.
I saw the same with Jerome Miller-Bey J M B. Really John Mack Beauty or Being and his alignment to Mackayla Burgos.

So I spent a few hours giving her my details as well as my decision if was true, to give 4,000 to Kim.
But I was sceptical still, and not until this afternoon as she insisted it was real, did I realize it was all, as usual, a lie.

This is how evil this realm is and even worse the ones behind them.
If I had had that 8000, I would not have asked Liberty for the last cash code, which literally had me contemplating leaving my body rather than being continually dishonored for 7 years.
While a Facebook Script constantly calls out my Praise via Facebook Friends and my true ID.
81 H A as well as Infinity Standing up.
I A.
H A I A.

That is how Evil this awakening play is for me, and the E Family once beloved to me, I feel disgust and shame for how far they as Extra Terrestrials were willing to go to hold up the play script because of Liberty and Kim?
Or the W.E.
When the code is C I.
U S.A.
Use E.K.

Pulling at my body, felt like Torture for 18 years, being held back because people kept on going back to their insecurities when already indented perfectly with the truth.




Douglas Adams is the 4th 42.
The 5th 42 is the 42 Judged in the underworld of Ancient Egypt confirmed by Kasien Thompson and Adam Farler

C A S A-A- E.


The Case of Benjamin Button.

The CASE of Emeka Kolo proving Harmony was always present H O H and made to prove it again and again since 4-5-82.
When Nnamdi
was born in England 5-4-69.
5-4-O 69= 15 Letter O. A E.

5-4-O. 9O…. 96.
5-4-A E.


6;55 pm.

54 is 9. x 20 M G = 20.

And 45/ 54 is 9 9

99 + x = 18, 81.= 9.
9= I.
Ikemefuna = 85.
Awakening = 85.
H E.
Sacred Portal 85 H E is also I.E 95.

Why was it necessary that I take 81 USD from Liberty at this point?

Even Jae Sherman came over to point out she was seeing the code 8, and the event of the Lions Gate.
L G. Leander Gemino. L G 12 7= 1984 “Big Brother”
My facebook year of birth- check is 1984.
I met Leander G M.
Leander means MAN.

Gentle Man. G M. 7 13.
Greatest Warriors G.W 7-23.

7-7= 1 36 O.
Double VV 22 22 = 1 – 44= 1 8-9.

I spoke to Kim Arthur Hinds Jr today, it was like a Miracle of eloquence, I was talking to literally the E Family, it was almost difficult to recognize the man I had met over 2 years ago and the man I began the last phase of the play in Hindsight 9 months ago.

And now after all the lies decieption lack of trust of The Source, after such a play right to Toilet Seat. T S= 20 19= 39.

You are telling me the Lyrical Conversation and Last Chance to Covering Letter C L Chance Liscom 25 years ago code age 31 in the article – 7-11- 1996 is the code I manifested as Truth 25 years ago, at Le Mann ‘Poille Sur Vergre” P S V”
7:11 pm.

25 years of wasting my life of HH Hugh Hefner PlayBoy, Lover of Life for this…
That I was always correct and that this was done out of Love for you, that I explain over and over again with the same result and then Repeat?
Telling me that it was for love becuse the people were unsure.

Do you know how Eagles, Birds animals, Humans teach their children to Fly?
When they who can see their children better than they children see them selves, all nervous and anxious of the thought of flying for the first time…
Do you know what they do…
Naturals -Humans
Nature’s Harmony Adapt.

7:17 pm.

That is why I have confidence in Liberty, evolving to C. E. C I
In this world People and thier nature as Liberty represnts “Outside” and rep as Kim Inside to know what to do and how to respond when that moment presents its self in which ever way.

The truth is I have no doubt what I am reading, even though the once absolutely Evil and malicious scripy, I have no doubt, mot an iota of doubt of what is it is saying.

7:21 pm.


G Beautiful Assassins.

But the what was allowed to be done to the True Script, to make me the Teacher – Lecturer- Explaining over and over again that which was already self-evident and encoded in you- to make me the lowliest slave in Existence to code, and prove that the fear in you, and inability to pay attention was really the truth of your being worthy over and over of extinction, termination extermination as well as the Source who refused to admit he is wrong which powered it and allowed such abuse.

So, no the awakening was inevitable, and there is good reason to be anxious and nervous because the original plan has been upgraded of Death and Devastation and me as Terrible Death and the vow, oath that all will pay for using me and not even a token of Appreciation or Fair Exchange.
A. F E-E.

Liberty and Kim and Alicia did at least.

L A K./ K A L I.

L A K. E.K.

When Liberty sent through Kim Arthur Hinds Jr the 81 USD it left him with 88 USD in his WhatsApp account.

H H Honey Herbs ( Ricola Cough Drops) on the far side of the edge of my Altar Art Table. right across from Everyday Energy E E. H H

H E H E.
85 85.

I placed the Ricola Honey Herbs first on the extreme Left and then EE on the extreme Right.

Living Room.
Brad Pitt, 12-18- 63.
Age code 57.

57 24 = 81 81 USD
75 42.= 117 Mixed Blessing A-E

I am fully aware of how deeply I embedded the code in Liberty and Kim. With so much force and will and yes even Beauty as well as Fury.
I have absolute confidence in them and the W. E as VV.EE.

A.W A V E S.P.

They may not realize it yet, but at the moment of awakening, they and all who remain and rise will.

7:50 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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