
4:39 pm. – D:C.I. – 6-30-2020- 1 –

4:39 pm.

6-30-2020- 1
F-CO-2020 Vision play complete.

I too was part of the Enders Game Play. Game Plan.

Yes, I was used to uncover the True Beautiful Script.

We see we have Two- Three-star Players in at the end.

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr
Laura Walsh
and the rep of the new and original Blueprint, in The Play in the play of East Meets West is Liberty C Liscomb.

And the portal representing the End Challenger is Stephen Johnson.
* We have 26 Mutual Facebook Friends, Brad Pitts World War Z.
Stephen was playing Terrible Death and Loki ( Low Key)
The Darkest Night.
D N.

Thus the Universal Simulation Awakening set in the U.S.A- Enders Game in which the whole world people were invited to take part has left us with One Two and Three Victors from the “Adult World” versus the Human Children in Adult Form”

The play was never about self-promotion, it was about the ability to understand the script, follow its rules.
Basically learn to play the game.

Two- Three lines are Victorious.

And it was based on Planet Earth aligning to the world, through thousands of candidates.
Near and Far.

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr
Laura Walsh.

Then Liberty C Liscomb.

Kim played Earth.
Laura the Gap- Proving that the Gap did not exist.
She represented Natural Intelligence.

Then Liberty C Liscomb as the Blue Print to Intelligence Quotient to I Quantum.

As you know, I did not come here to play games.
Not an Enders Game and Ready Player One.
And you saw me grumbling mightily at this play.

I am at 16 45 Facebook friends.
That was the last amount I had in my wallet after I left C-Town and spent 13.55 USD.
I had 45 USD.

Planet Earth is 4.5 Billion years old.
Nnamdi was born 4-5-1969
really 5-4-1969.

This last play was not about the Evolution Awakening of Humanity from the Spell and deep coma.

But more aligned to the Human Body still connected to the Earth.
Meaning that Human Evolution was not only through “Being”
But through the Body attached and linked to the Earth and so it was not just Being which had to evolve to B H, B I.
But also the Body as Time.
Time of course is linked to the age of the planet recorded by Humanity, but to all the experience of the Earth in Time with Humans, and the “mystery” of time before humans walked the earth.
So that play was more aligned to the age of the Milky Way. MW
MW is 69.
And the blue print on T.V as Deep Space 9.

This was not my play as I have called out, protested, and got so pissed off.
It was yours, designed by Nnamdi to reach Arden.
Arden to Aurelia but through rep Nnoneyelum and Nnamdi.

It would not have been so bad, to be hijacked into this play, if it had not been for the conditions, and circumstances of forcing me into this play and dealing with Humanity not even in the Animal Nature, but as Viruses who spread Fear and Negativity and who are no longer Natural.

Heartless, apathetic, monstrous illusions.
Lord how I loathe them.

And then being forced to walk through their altered timelines and self-projected ego of lies and superiority, through the Akashic Record, find the true naturals and then have to indulge their Demonic Monsters who love to use the truth and lies of omission- preying on those who are not seeing the truth.
Those creatures of only Self Interest and “What’s in it for me?”

5:11 pm.
All I really wanted to do when I found myself in my Brother Father Lover… then sisters play was to take my Sword and make their blood flow.

But I couldn’t.

I had made a promise to Nnamdi’s Eternal Truth ( N E T) that when I entered his world play School, that I would not interfere.

Only to find that the Truth of Nnamdi an abominations of Naturalness.
Energy and even Truth, had taken over the script, created their own agenda, put Nnamdi line in prison, waylaid The Elect, and set a trap for me, knowing I was about to be born in this world.

They had made the Z = N.
Nature they made their Bitch.

But a Bitch is a female dog? in the true meaning of that word.
The Dog is always loyal to its master.
just as the true human is always loyal to God- The Truth.

This was the altered Universe, where it was so rare to find anyone loyal to Truth, they no longer even knew what truth meant.
All they recognized was the lie, they were no longer even able to recognize the Truth or when someone was smiling at them being affectionate, and lying to them through their teeth.

I watched the whole human play for 20.3 years, here in the USA, and 9.6- 7 years on my page.

Why did I have to indulge with these aberrations, move through them, sifting through the lies, their use of language?

I kissed no man’s hand.
The Hand you kissed Stephen was of your mirror reflection as a Black Man that you originally were.
He was a mirror reflection, it was wearing my Face?

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr do you recall the play with Albert Sanatana who was told to make a statue of a being on top of a globe awakening everything, and this was a most sacred instruction which he was given and then, turned around and with unbelievable audacity, took the face he had been given specific instructions to make, and turned around and put his face on it instead.

Your post of the Mirror reflection of only seeing one’s self was the play with took place with Jae Sherman was it not?
J S/ S J.

I could not even be bothered to respond to that comment in detail, it made me sick, nauseated.

Link Thomas Jefferson and what he did to his common-law wife Sally Hemming, and then as a founding Father, what was done to the Bill of Rights.

No, you did not see me, all you saw was yourself.

And now after 2 years of being my Facebook friend, you begin to reveal that which you say you always knew.

Oh yes Thomas Jefferson T J loved Sally Hemmings, but he loved himself way much more.

That is why we have 26 mutual Facebook Friends.
It is not BF, is it? Best Friend.
it is A B Fact.

Look at the other players, the play responds to is The Script, not to ideas and self projections of who they secretly saw themselves as, simply waiting for the praise and acknowledgment to prove their value as a Fact.

Why, to test me, check over and over again what you said you were sure of the first moment you became my Facebook friend.
Fair enough, check, examine but to tests me to such a point.. you dare? Did you not see the way, Arden tested me after already being sure, and telling me everything is transparent?

I am the Beautiful Devil *B D/ D B)… I set the traps and this time Nnamdi NNNN did it themselves.

But then, this was a play theater, each person was cast in a role, and while in the play- I observed the true play of Black and White.. People.

The object of the play became not who wins, but those who understand and follow the Script.

It had nothing to do with Emotions even Feelings, it was a script of Empirical Knowledge, Transparency, and Facts.

Nor did it matter, who somebody said they were, though they were, it was about seeing who was really before you and were they playing by the rules of The Script, which used me to make things abundantly clear as the Example as how the rescued play, plan, plan-E.T is played.

Soo as far as I am concerned Stephen Filgueria and Stephen Johnson, Jae Sherman all of the same play and line.
It is perfectly clear- any fool can see it from the script on my page.

I went to Flora Restaraunt invited by Stephen ( Esteban) over 3 years ago.
It was all documented here, and was given the fork with the code “World’ and number “55”

Jeff Sulivan J S, had a painting, one in the main room of 29 Lincoln Street. 9 Black Hands, grasping at the World.

Do you recall what happened in that play with Jeff Sulivan and then with his wife Sol?

Or my not being aware that Flora
( Flora Auernheimer F A) the cat 1 of 3, at 900 South Riad was not a repeat of that same play at Flora Restaraunt?
Fork in the Road, World 55.?

And that Jae Sherman when she gave me the gifts from Bali, why the one called Flora, is on my altar placed beside the Gemino Mug?

And that it was a repeat of that same play going all the way back to an expression by Jon Jason Lee and a note he wrote to me when he came to visit me in Istanbul in 1998 “Where ever you walk Emeka Flowers just ope and burst into bloom?”

F L. O R A C L E.
Flora Azikiwe.
Flora Nwapa.
F L O- RA./RE.

When I wrote the Title of my Journal about my Birth to you and entitled it “Does Anyone Know My Name?”

It was not that I did not know My Name, rather it was asking you, does any of you know my name.

“Call me by your Name.”

As I stated it was dealing with the level of stupidity, that was the true depth of the insult if being in this play for so long.

8:00 pm.

Listening to the same stupidity over and over again of that which considered itself Superior.

Not even worth a laugh or a smile, just the impatience to send them to a place of a hell beyond hell, these liars and the deceit and self-deception.

But it is a play, each played a role, characters in a play, my job was to return the characters back to their true selves, but the last part they had to do on their own.

Nor did I need them to come back to their senses, there is another right behind them or the original waiting in the wings to take their ( Your) place.


I Play Theater Perfection.

The Original Version is at Home at Eden. I completed this play, the moment I agreed to enter it, and came to New York.

I loathed it, sought to escape but that did not mean that I was not aware that I would be Victoriously Triumphant.
I have been and done this all before, and that is why I did not wish to be in this play, it was all about you, and would not be fair to you since, I would always be Victor Truth Sataya.

I have always known who I am,
it never was a big deal for me, but for you along with your system of beliefs, it was something you were willing to turn into abominations Monsters to prove you my equal… which simply does not make sense, and proves you Insane Mad and not worth even acknowledging but simply cutting you out.

6:12 pm.

Hi Arden. Do you see these creatures?

Anyway, rescued the true, by the true meriting and earning their right to evolve with the lines they represent, now that the E M F was cleaned up by their own view ( nothing was wrong with it, in the first and last place- just you).

And so A Fair Play with
1 2 3 lines of champions.

One of whom I never met.
Laura Walsh except through Facebook.
*Remember the Astrological play with her and Jae Sherman when I first arrived here.
Tell me who ended up being correct.

Kim and Liberty I met in this both playing Fields,

K L is 11 L? No 11 must have LL

K L L Liberty Laura.

Yes, this K I. LL. KILL.

Then K = 1 1 A -A L L.

Do you understand except for the line of the Y Trinity 3 who are 1.

A- A A A
Liberty Laura evolve from L L to 12= 3 C

1 3 3.

133 is the code for Extinction.
A-C C.
is different.
A.F. A C-T.

I sent a message back to Liberty today is was 3:03 pm
Laura at 3.33

Meaning of my three new Facebook Friends’ names.

J D- Jonathan Deborah. Isaac B Johnson.
I B J/ J B I.

*”Johnson is a surname of English and Scottish origin. … The name itself is a patronym of the given name John, literally meaning “son of John”. The name John derives from Latin Johannes, which is derived through Greek ??????? I?ann?s from Hebrew ?????? Yohanan, meaning “Yahweh has favoured”.

*”Deborah (Hebrew: ?????????) is a feminine given name derived from ????? D’vorah, a Hebrew word meaning “bee”. Deborah was a heroine and prophetess in the Old Testament Book of Judges. In the United States, the name was most popular from 1950 to 1970, when it was among the 20 most popular names for girls.
Meaning: Bee”

Yes on the Mug, Arden signed Bee- Flying Fish

Isaac Brian Johnson.

*”Derived from the Hebrew ??????? (Yitzhak), the name Isaac means “one who laughs” or “one who rejoices.” In the Old Testament of the Bible, Isaac is the firstborn son of Abraham.”

*”It is of Celtic, Irish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Brian is “high, noble”. … It is common in the English-speaking world.It is possible that the name is derived from an Old Celtic word meaning “high” or “noble”.

Justice Ebeujo. J E.

*”In English Baby Names the meaning of the name Justice is: Just; upright; righteous. ”

*”Justice Name Meaning … English: nickname for a fair-minded man, from Middle English, Old French justice ‘justice’, ‘equity’, Latin iustitia, a derivative of iustus ”

Ebe *Ebe means “God is abundance”, “God is my oath” and “God has sworn” (from Elizabeth), but as well “wild boar” and “youth” in Greek.”

and Ujo… hearest I could find was Uju.
*”According to a user from Nigeria, the name Uju is of African origin and means “Born in wealth and plenty”. A submission from Nigeria says the name Uju means “Born in plenty/wealth”.”

In Code E B E.U. J O… E.

Curtis Curtis- Andrews. C C.A

*”Curtis or Curtiss is a common English given name and surname of Anglo-Norman origin from the Old French curteis (Modern French courtois) which ultimately derived from the Spanish Cortés (of which Cortez is a variation) and the Portuguese and Galician Cardoso. The name means “polite, courteous, or well-bred”.

*”The name Andrews is derived from the baptismal name Andrew which in Greek means manly. The name was popular as both a personal name and a surname, likely because it was the name of Scotland’s patron saint. In Gaelic the name is Aindrea and Anndra which again means manly.”

Year ago, when I was first in this play, some one, more than twice told me that my body was connected to the literal planet Earth and as long as I was connected to it- I would never be Free until it was purified and aligned… to obviously Eden,

When I was first told that, I laughed nervously, saying that was impossible, that nothing as Evil and Cruel could ever exist as part of a play.

6:58 pm.

Not in the E True realm but, it turned out that Evil exist here in the majority of you.

6:59 pm.

Sacred Portal 59.

7:00 pm.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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