
4:39 pm. – D:C.I. – 6-25-2020- 1

4:39 pm. – D:C.I. – 6-25-2020- 1

4:39 pm.


6-25-2020- 1.

F-Y. TT is Being Aware.


So here we are at 16 39 Facebook friends.
with the arrival of Noor Noori as my 16 39 Facebook Friend.

A.FC I. Yes, confirmed by Kim Arthur Hinds Jr
A F C I.
E F C I.

Before I go on, I would like to stress that this is a script that I have been following and decoding for 9.5 years- 9.6 years publicly.
And 20.3 years in the U.S.A.
The day-by-day journey which I have been through can not be put into words.
But what I have been through is the sum total of human perception of reality where most of it has been shame blame and guilt which you, your selves created either by not seeing your own lives clearly and the cause and effects of your holding on to a point of view.
Some times it was innocent and people just required a talking mirror, other times it was the illusions of self projections of self which was not anchored on the truth, but rather holding onto an idea of your self, which gave you a sense of power and dominion over others- and a habit that no matter how much reason and compassion was shown you, you would go back to those habits because they served that false ego.

I have witnessed this in the last 20 years, nor was that a surprise, and that is why I fought ( as any rational being would) for so many years, refusing to be cast in such a role.

We know as a species what they would do to anyone, who stepped into such a role.
We knew what would be done to such a person 5,000 years ago, 2000 years ago but now, in this modern-day and age.. to be compelled to call people out, because it is literal Judgment Day and you were forced to see the truth of it manifesting and no one around you could see it, only you.
What would you do?
What if you were trapped in that story and the role of having those revelations.
What would you do if you could see it, and you felt no one else could, only to discover that everyone could see it, but after 10, 000 years, 2000 years of prophecies and people calling out “The End of the world” that an entire species had become blaze with what they now saw as False Alarms.

I chose to refuse, and then my use of my body was gradually taken away, to make me stay and do the work with people, fighting for one own survival became about fighting to get out of such a script, while at the same time touched by the people whose truth and experience you recognized as the experiences you, your self went through as a man, recognizing the decisions they made and why, but decisions you did not make.
Seeing the truth of their higher self and inner child, and the decisions made by their human self and what they had experienced on the journey to be grown up, but became adults instead.

What would you do if you were in a script, where you see that you were chosen because of the way you have with people, able to charm them, not because you desire anything from them, but because you could see them and understand their point of view, but that you had to tell them the Staya Truth of what you could see.

Of course, if you were not in a script which your See and Consciousness allowed you to see deep into people’s souls, the lies they tell themselves, the reasons they made choices, you could just walk away.
Telling yourself, all you can do is tell them the truth, provide the evidence and facts, and walk away…
But what if you could not walk away.

What if you had to stay in the realms and portals of these complete strangers, who are familiar to you because you can see them, that they are an offshoot of the original family of Ten of the Blue Print of Existence.
And each day you exist in these realms not of your own making, not of your own truth, you continue to be “punished” until you experience all of them until at one point they ask you to leave, and you see as you peer at the Records and logbook that its in perfect harmony.

Or that to fight for these people to come clean, to clean up their mess of ages, lies with them.

5:11 pm.

And that their own Evolution Awakening back to their eternal truth lies in your having to somehow play a mirror to their day and night while negating your own feelings, and if you do not you would be stuck in that uncomfortable situation which brings you such physical and mental pain.

Imagine being caught up in a script where you see now evil, but only the evil which people choose to do, because they have been made to feel so content that there is no higher power to hold them accountable, and if they realize that there is, they believe that they are above that law, and if you point out that they are not, instead of recognizing that truth, they challenge you, come after you.

Some will try and bribe you, seduce you, get seek ways to get you in their camp, despite them seeing the truth of what that same power has done to you.

You tell them, show them, point out what is being done to you, which they may acknowledge but since it is not happening to them, they absorb it, call out the horror of it but it is not happening to them.

Nor can you convince them that you are being used as an example- the “Angel Messenger” and this force is judging humanity by how they treat you, the one sent by this force to be its messenger of the Truth.

And that if you do not tell the whole truth of what you see in their hearts and souls, that the suffering instead is inflicted on you, your body over and over again.
And yet you know in telling that truth to them, and then finally forced to call them out because they will argue with you, challenge you, test you and say in thier hearts, you do not have any power, we can see that you are in our homes, you are eating our food, despite your giving the evidence that every blessing they have comes from this force which is using you, yet you are the source of this force who has done the unthinkable, the unimaginable to you.

You yourself no longer see this force as benevolent as you once did, gradually you see it as Evil Cruel an abomination while at the same time aware it was not always this way.
And through this imposed use of you, as it Channel, its transformer, and it asking the impossible of you, you gradually see its point of view, how what was once so benevolent and so Beautiful had transformed into the horror, forcing you to move through its script and point of view.
Of its hatred for Humanity and its desire to move them to extinction and pain which no human being can imagine.

Knowing all this, you fight with every ounce of your being to show them how these people have been set up by a Hatred so great, that it did this to you.

You yourself understand its point of view and Humanities point of view, but it no longer becomes about who is right or wrong, who is good or evil, and not even about that which you are being put through.
It all becomes about the outcome… The Bottom Line.

For every Truth, in these people, it sends you to, and your defense of that truth, it counters by setting these people up, so as to reveal that that truth in them you a defending in them, they will betray,
The expression which you wanted to see as sacred, that they are set up and watch them betray.

You see it, that they will betray, either from forgetting, either from a script which you defend them, that does not take into account their History, the world history, the circumstances of their lives, and the mindset of this reality.

But you are now in a trap because the only answer you found when you discovered yourself in this impossible, was as a human to recognize that no one would believe you, heck you would not believe it yourself.
But the one thing you do know is that true humans like yourself are open, and since this is the 21st Century, you know that if you somehow got the Empirical Evidence and presented each person with all the Facts, which align to the age of reason and then to vision and finally that truth within their hearts, that that should be enough for a Human.

So you spend the first 10 years in this play ( while seeking a way out) devoting every moment of your existence to getting the Evidence and Facts.

But Hatred, this power of Hatred owns the script and chooses the way you present the facts.
It feels hopeless, each day as you weave and link full of hope as each day the proof and facts manifest, you’re so sure that they will get it, and that you will be released but your not.
The People get it, they see it but you realize that their excitement and good behavior is only because they see that it is true and that their is a higher power and so they listen and wait, but after a month, a year nothing but a long trail of Evidence and Facts but nothing manifests dramatically to change their lives and they see that you have no power except to be the messenger of this long-winded message and they go back to be arrogant assholes again.
Suddenly you are the Asshole, and then the force behind the script who has been silent response to you in quiet, a sardonic smile “You see”

Rage fills you, “Why to place me in this situation if you have already made up your mind to destroy them”
It replies, “I wanted you to see why I became what I became”

But you shout back, “I will not become as you…!
And that I can see yes they are prone to move back to that nature, but there are some who will not”

“Where are they?” It asks.

Is there anyone apart from you fighting for the truth of the Script I gave you?”

And you respond angry “There are many, okay not many but some who are doing everything they can”

And it replies, “Oh yes, they are doing it their way, with pure intention but what has that yielded, and this is not their play, it is mine and I created this script to see if they would do it my way… If they would Obey… as you did?”

“I did not obey and scream out in a strangled voice, I saw no choice and I did it because I wanted to know why would that which I loved and cherished create such a script, go so far to do this to anyone”

It replies, “You are obedient to me because you can see the truth of me and my point of view, but would you became as I became, this abomination which you call me, could you do any better than me if I gave you the experience which they gave me?”

My reply, “I do not see this as a competition, I do not see them asso important as you have made them appear in your script, This is only about me, that I will never become like you, that all I have understood from this experience is that its about me, and that I can not be affected by what others say or do to me, that it was never about them, but my own Truth, my beautiful truth that no matter what you through at me, have done to me, and you alone know what you have done to me and my core my beautiful pride which I know you can see where others do not, that you knew exactly where to wound me, in places other could not see and are conscious of because they only see themslves in the mirror you cast me to play, so I know that those places where oly you could wound me, that I was able to find the strength in me to see that those places of my secret, hurt and vulnerability, that those places where my most sercret strength lay, that those places, all those things you attacked and you knew I could not, would not tell a living soul,
My desire to have a Family, the depth of my wishing to dance, sing, celebrate life, be with my friend’s lover companions, all these secret yearnings of my heart which no one knew, because they did not care, did not see me, you took that all away, what age am now?
The dreams I had of my beautiful youth, do you recall how desperate I was to enjoy my youth.

6:12 pm.
*Arden again, I saw that last night on Manifest series the name of their child to be born is Eden”

“And you saw me turn away, I had understood by now that even that who was my Eternal Twin, my truth of being in the Eternal Beginning, even he, he and her would be used against me.
I have no need of him her, them.
It was Desire, it was never Need it was fruition and it was he, Jeron, her they representing my most secret dream of rescuing that my beautiful youth which you script intentionally took away.
I knew that by that play and my leaving on 7-21-2020 and my last calling him 8-6-2020 that this was you taking away that will and desire of my beautiful youth yet again even after I found it again. I watched that play with Thomas Lang and then Liberty C Liscomb, I watched what you set up, I watched the set up from day one, and I understood what you had intended to me, that even after finding full circle that my youth you so violent snatched away from me as a boy of 8 when my mother asked me to give up my boyhood and become her knight in shining armor, ending my childhood, that carefree way of being, that at the very moment I accepted, that my childhood and Youth were being sacrificed to take on the mantle or responsibility. I accepted for the sake and love of my mother “Little Sister Brother Harmony” I accepted because of the story you reminded me of which I wrote in 1974- 1975.
And you knew how I was in a hurry, that I felt if I could do it quickly, then I could still enjoy my youth and play.
24 years old 25 is when I finished and you remember how Happy I was, I had spent from the age of 7/8 to 24/ 25 ( 26- 27 in the lie of age to play) and then you took away that joy to make me spend 25 more years day and night back in a play and each day, promising me it was done, until this very day.
I did not know such cruelty and hatred could exist.
Jae Sherman more than Kim Arthur Hinds Jr assured me that there was, is.
She- He just bowed his head, and said I understand more and more what you had to endure, so strange that out of all the thousands of people, it was this one antagonist and yet strangely companion who understood by the words she said.
And one in particular when I spoke of Nnamdi Yeshua having one part of him, his body, his truth still being the world and not able to depart from this realm until his truth was clarified…

He had paused for the briefest of moments and said, “I hate that when they are stuck here and not able to join and pass through the light.

What is the light that they pass through if not the colors and sounds dancing in one again, merged back into one as Original Expanded True Light of the Big Orgasms?
Humans called the Big Bang.

Yet that way was always open, it was the Human View and perception of Creation who did this.

Do you know I asked Alicia Norris to send me a money code, any amount she wished, I just received it today? Do you know how much she sent?
69 USD.
Nnamdi 4-5- 1969.
5-4- 69/96.

He was born in England so the code is actually written 54, not 45.
E D E N.

5 4/ 4 5 – 4 5/ 5 4
D E E D.
E Delta 9 Deep Space 9. D S. = 23 W= 5. E and 9. E=I. W I, VV.I.22 22 9. 8/H=I. 8-9=17.

See Sacred Portal 99.
Delois Larkin lives at 99.
Kim Arthur Hinds Jr her son 66.

Please see the Sacred Portal 99 and 66.
Kim is not Nnamdi, nor is Delois Larkin my Mother, and yet this extra-added Script as the Carbon Copies of the Original Truth has aligned to complete at them.

99 = 18= 9.
66= 12 = 3.

3 9.

I am at 16 39 Facebook friends today.

6-25 – 20 21.
F B E. T.

6:42 pm.

I will never be like you,

Erek Ebright brought me to Miami Florida using that code of 69, 69 USD in 2016, and because of his play, I had to go back to the Assessment Shelter and was assigned bed 007.
I was neighbors with a person called Eric Esposito. he was in bed 009, and I was in bed 007.
and my neighbor was Harold an, American Indian on bed 008.who told me that he felt moved to give me a book he had found called Enders Game by Ernest Cline.

And some weeks, perhaps a month later, the book “Witches Landing”
E G. 57… Haris Babic 929 575
A.G Arden Gemino.

W L / Laura Walsh…
Fahad Hassen 3-22 C V

Laura is no witch, as evil.
I am fully aware of who the true Witch is.

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr told me at is a job he has a boss called Steven everyone there gets on his nerve except for Stephen who the other day said he could not help being adopting a Fatherly role with Kim Arthur Hinds Jr.

I do not have any Fatherly feelings for Kim Arthur Hinds Jr rather more like a Sensei, a Pupil- who is gifted and I was given the responsibility to ensure he is safe and comes home inside to his truest self and Outside the same thing in the world.
Hence Sensei-Father-Guide.

Noor means *”Nur (also spelled Noor, Nor, or Nour, Arabic: ????: N?r IPA: [nu?r]) is a common Arabic unisex name meaning light ,The Divine Light. An-Nur, meaning “the light” in Arabic. It can also be feminized as Nura or Noora.
Meaning: light”

The Light.
T L = 20 12= 32= 5. E.

Noori means * Nuri is a name which may refer to: Given name[edit]. Nuri Badran (born 1943), Iraqi Minister of … Origin. Meaning, Arabic for “my light” (???+?), Aramaic for “my fire” (????), old Korean for “world”(??), Persian from Arabic. Other names.”

My Light.
My Fire.

Light and Fire of the World.

**Meaning of Nuri. Nuri means “fire of God” in Hebrew and “my light” in Arabic ( from Arabic “n?r” = light). Pronunciation.

**User Submitted Meanings · According to a user from the United Kingdom, the name Noori is of Korean origin and means “The world”. · A user from New Jersey, U.S.

**Muslim: from a personal name based on Arabic nuri ‘bright’, ‘shining’, ‘full of light’. Source: Dictionary of American Family Names ©2013, Oxford University Press.

Sacred Portal 86. Light of the World’s Existence.

Noor Noori N N A M.DI

/ I D.M M A N.

Texas is the 28th State Stephen Johnson.
Arkansas is the 25 state.

25 = 5×5.
28 is 14 +14 and 4x 7= 28

Total 53 / 35 is Emeka 53 Kolo.

So, let Nnamdi return home to the Light, I, his Elder Brother who played his son, have retrieved his body of Truth and Trust which I never betrayed it for that would be to betray my self.

NN 14/14 is A.
Morgan M= 13
D I- 13.


I A, M A N
And Alicia Norris completed the Equation.

A N K H – E.

Supreme Judge.
Justice Supreme.

7:38 pm.

Truth is not cruel.

It is Satya
Truth is Full Circe.

7:39 pm.

The Whole Some Truth Oh!

It does not bring Pain and Suffering but Relief.

7:40 pm

74 11 28- 39.

7:41 pm
G. DA-
7 5


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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