
4:37 pm. – Delta 737. Jett Plan

4:37 pm.

Delta 737. Jett Plane.



Last night, I came to the sudden realization that all eyes were literally on me.

I realized this from the woman upstairs aware of my sound, movements ( the contractor of this building should be shot chuckle and on the wall in the guest room someone wrote “Slum Lord) to Jae Sherman aware of every move I make whose room is a few paces from the mind.
To this venue South Whitney, to The full circle of Connecticut Hartford to Harwington- to New York, to every state in the U S A.
To all the countries, to my past Istanbul, Paris France, Spain, South America, England, to my school mates in University to High School, to Elementary school.
To every country…
World Universe.

It was an awareness that made this known to me, and I checked and realized that based on my codes having moved to every country in the world and that I have Facebook friends from what was last time I checked 100 countries.

All eyes are on me, I realized yesterday.
A representative from every frequency in the Universe.

6 degrees of separation.

My response, in the silence and dead of the night, was “Yes, but who was really watching who?”

4:49 pm.
4:50 pm.

My Motif is an Eye.

My rays are Seeing Hearing what others are not seeing unless I point it out.
And now there is the Tree Sage representing the CEE and the Expression.

Then I also realized that there are no men who or masculine line near me, that above, me, below my next-door neighbor- all were women, as if I had been boxed into a corner pushed into this tiny room with the Graffiti “Slum Lord” on the wall and “You speak to God” on the base of the Door.

The last key players are all Women.
Liberty C Liscomb
Alicia Norris
Alexa Vertefeuille
Anirbas Lem ( Sabrina)
Kamora Herrington.

And the play of 737.
Sacred Portal 37 as Evolution of Woman to Wu-man – Man Go
Wu and Go mean 5 in Chinese and Japanese.

And the code of my bio sister 7-28-64 which as you can see as far back as 24-25 years ago at The Collection where I met Jay, Taun Jeron, and outside of this venue nearby -Jennifer whom I knew in University and who went out with my school son and later became my business partner.

And then to The Bean Cafe, formerly the Kudos Cafe where I met Axel Love in May 2005, after coming down from Augusta Georgia.
Even to this very moment where Kim- Tree Sage got me some Coffee with the E B T C.ARD.E.N.

* Emeka Bubby Tommy – Alexander- Robert, David Emeka Nnamdi.

He bought me some Folgers Coffee Red matching Jae’s Shermans for the first time, there was no more Maxwell House on sale.
So It was perfect timing.
Red Man. Adam.

Jae just gave us both Kim and I, a box of incense in red packaging called Satya Dragons Blood- Kim had already arrived with the Red Folgers Coffee.

But before that came Jeron Satya’s S Lang-U-A G.E, message from Liberty and Thomas.

Kim usually lights incense sticks here Sage and I in my room which I use as the Holy of Holies- Sacred and Holy Sacred Holy meaning of the name Jeron according to his Father Tom- I use Incense to move objects into motion on the E M F, which you the see cee- H.e Scent to animate the intent of the Table -Altar Science- E.T.A/ AT E.. I.

“I ATE – Chewed and Swalled this Lie pretending to be True- to I.E -I A.I.J K…

Existence is I.

It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out who and what has been holding this Evolution Awakening up- dragging the E B T Expression Beautiful Truth each time through Language back to this reality as if everything proven posted, made fact here by me does not exist.

The insistent in using expression language word, intention to deny and negate the truth of this being Evolution Awakening. 5 1.
Dragging us back down into their Wombs and Idea of Supremacy.

As Maiden… ? no Aurelia Gemino was amongst the first to see me, no, Woman Mothers. WM.

The correct code is MW Man Woman even by your 3 D reality definition Milky Way.M W -ME 117. and now W M W.-OM.B E V M AN.

Kim- Tree Sage play of PAN-O RAMA and Alex’s comment and translation was so offensive ( and humorous) to me when she made it about her personally, that when she spoke of us hanging out in the summer or how she was going to take a car ride- instead of seeing it as Panorama FM P.A.N O R.A.M.A taking in the Full View Full Circle where we are made me literally pause, once again hearing that expression which negates the truth of this play, negating me, the codes, the command on a bloody Brick wall to READ and this was her translation.
A Woman’s point of View
Maxwell -A Woman Work

I had heard it many times, Liberty C Liscomb had spoken to me some weeks ago, about the future based once more on this reality.

Bad Habits…?

You do realize that the 3.D, as well as all your human stories, translation here present from inception Time- to Hour-Glass shaped like a woman’s body ( ?) in the sands of time, to the Hitchhikers, Guide to the Galaxy to the Elon Musk intel from Laura Walsh who has never held up the play script.
To Stephen Johnson Microsoft stating that this Matric is a Machine while I was watching a character called Microsoft Holmes. M H Maxwell House. M H 13.8 Billion years 9 0’s ( 13.8= 21 20 21…
And now to my Red Folgers Coffee which I just noted read Folgers Gourmet Supreme which he bought for 6 U S D while Jae’s reads Folgers Columbian. F G S versus F C… 6 7 19 versus 6 3.

See sacred portals 67 19. That was me taking over Ferrell Gemino’s room at 900 South Road when he was still 19. while 6 3 Full Circle aligns to Chris Filgueira C F who loves coffee. 67 is the code on my British Social Security Card. NZ 46 46 67 B/ B 76 64 64 Z-N)

67 19 13 19= 32 Absolute Zero add 32.= 5 =E.

63 =9. I

The moment that the stories 1-2 A-Z and the Expression Knowledge acknowledge publicly that this reality is a Simulation- all rights to hold onto your own ideas and language of what you called the 1-2D and the 3-D ceased to exist and thus anyone using that language after that date claiming it to be the 3D…was forfeit.

On the Topmost part of my door is the following word before you walk in…

“No Bull Shit Beyond this Point.
Understand that your soul is not bound by this 3Dimenional Earthly Existence.”

And above that on the wall in blue Spray Paint are the word “Cool Sion”

All of you saw that Kim A Hines aligned to embody that which I represent as the Soul- Sol.

The anime play recall- and this world was proven to represent the C G.I Computer

*Computer-generated imagery (CGI) is the application of computer graphics to create or contribute to images in art, printed media, video games, simulators, computer animation and VFX in films, television programs, shorts, commercials, and videos.”

Anime- go back and see that play with Liberty C Liscomb while I was at 900 South Road.

Yet none of you have been able to replicate or move, or even animate that which I have been transparently been made to animate throughout this play script, right to my room.
The waves, the First Drop moving everyone.

Your world is a C G I, and the play was to get you out of those Characters and like Pinnochio- stop your habit of lying- obviously Pinnochio was a girl such as Lyra in His Dark Materials.

And only the male line Y has been able to get out of it and become a real fact.

No woman has been able to do so, not without my help, or the use of the Y chromosome.

Kim- Tree Sage met a guy an old friend called Cool – all great then out of the blue and by her own will a little girl, calls him out of the blue, Kim could not understand a word she said, and the little girl even called him back Twice insisting on filling his head with words he could not understand, Kim .. nor the girl’s father had any idea why she had called him out of the blue, or even why.

The 3 D reality, despite even that, was still forced upon me to solve and prove it a Universal Simulation for how many years of hardship and resistance and battles War which Jae Sherman has epitomized.

* The Red Incense box is called “Satya – Dragons Blood”

Jerons name is Satya.
John Mack will recall the day he was sent to check my truth and crisscrossed the Unites States touching upon all 50 states almost and came back with a Check- and the incense Satya as a gift.

At 4-29 pm, after speaking with Kim- Tree Sage who showed me two images, but also told me that yesterday when he got up in and arrived in perfect timing to ask for Raw papers.

5:51 pm.
Then Play yesterday was 12.51. 2:51 and it was Arden Kim who woke me up.
AK is the date that John Mack came with the Incense.

51 is Evolution Awakening – 5 Expression in one Awareness = 6= F. Folgers Gourmet “Not Gourmanmeaning Greed S P 70- 187.70 Ever Source Bill which Jae Sherman amended to 113.93 which I knew meant the A.M I.C. was being claimed by Woman Witches since the Bill is in her name.

11.3 was the Jump Man video which Kim Tree Sage shared it was a boy who stunts reminded me so much of Arden and how he had made a daring jump in front of me and his friends after being asked if he could do it by his friends, I stood and watched even though he and I were meant to be at loggerheads over some little thing- I stopped and watched despite not speaking to him.
5:57 pm S P 55 and 57, and he knew I was not hat pissed off and his hurt at my being sore at him, showed but he decided to make that Jump instead when he saw me pausing eye brown cocked, a slight smile of challenge on my face and my roaring “Bravo” when he did so, despite my not wishing to sound so exuberant.
Arden’s face… (bastard… 🙂 )

I was aware of all this. hence the 60 USD I made sure was given to Jae for the bill.

6:00 pm.

No one was going to take the Cup of sixth sense from J S S Lang- U.A.G.E a spell? had been cast on him so he could not speak for himself.

Or why had Dakota threatened to cut of his ankle. ANK.LE to his mother… while I was coding Alexander Hamilton “There is nothing wrong with Achilles Heel.”

How are slaves, criminals convicts, tethered?- ball and chain restricting movement.
How by insistent Ideas of their mothers.

See Sacred portal 13. 13 Candy Canes all sticky.

And Dragons Blood Incense?

Brian Dempsey did you all not see his post I shared from Facebook memories Meat Bags you had your chance… Time is up- Out” or somewhere in that vein.

D B is the past is it not?
Room 4 B, bed 4-019/4-018 at Delta Manor Mental Health Shelter.

A normal person who had enacted what Jae Sherman had acted out for over 5 months would be repentant, horrified, abashed, contrite and even more so knowing that I am The source and seeing the evidence but not Her. war day and night under the guise that all is good and that I and Kim Tree Sage had forgotten what she represents., the turning off the internet nonstop, the meddling- but each day without an iota of contrition, she as your representative, continues the next day as if all that was forgotten, forgiven and the idea of making us relax before the next strike.
It had been like this every single day since she arrived here even during the 16 days.
A nonstop superiority and all that she had enacted had been wiped clean in our hearts. we the ones experiencing it.

Boy, you as a Woman must have a truly low opinion of us and our word because we are gentlemen and do not respond as expected with Violence and Bloodshed.

Of course, she has denied me as The Source, not because I am not but her very attitude manner behavior, and words make it so clear.
“I can get away with anything I want because I am equal and even superior to you”-and yet she has done nothing to prove that superiority except to insist that she is paying rent- for the room I first occupied, for the food earth world I manifested and with proof.

* Before you may have used that excuse, but not any longer and not after 5 months of being in a play I asked her not to be part of and yet…

Do you recall Dragons are the code of Illusions and that the post and intel of the Dragon as the Illusion and the Eagle?

E A.G… L E “L E =17”

Did you see the image post of Ganymêdês I posted yesterday only Tree Sage Kim liked it- which I noted- it as an Eagle spiriting Ganymede out of the Illusion the lie. Do you know that that is ADam that is why I spelled it backward? GANYMEDE/ E D ( 5-4 yesterdays Date and address of the Bean Cafe – Bean Bag Black- N Y ( 11th state I lived for 17 years) ME ( Sacred Portal 117 M.E chosen by myself and Arden the same day) D E 4-5 ( Nnmadi’s Birthday) / E DE MY. ( My Youth) N ( Nature) A G. Arden Gemino.

Oh, but it was ignored? Except by Kim? Tree Sage, Of course, I understand why.

Tree Sage told me when I knocked on his room that he had no idea what was going on that he had just woken up from sleep when he asked for the papers RAW Little versions- arriving from Sleep A -NAP in perfect timing and I woke up with him cleaning the Pan I had food in after he placed it in a container.

Norman Alaska Pearl.

Flora. Angel Toth.. Bean.

Aurelia already gave me the intel she signed the Mug with a small cat- a Kitten.
I already had that play in Istanbul just after the Festival of Paylasmak was canceled a Powder grey mother cat left one of her kittens in my bureau draw.

Dragons “Imagine Dragons” I D ( Infinity Infinite Infiniti= 106, 86, 90)
Woman? Please…
Imagine a Phoenix- A Dark Phoenix Dragon D P D animated and made real.

Mother of Dragons. M O D/ D O M Alexander means Defender Of MAN. DO.M/ M.O-D.


The Blue Dragon in “Game of Thrones were all were women and there was no man.

A.M A-Z O.N .E S. P
Ozone Flyer male. is more like it
Jeff Bezos J B.

Raw Papers versus War. S REP AP.
R AW.E… versus disdain contempt U WA.-R -Responds. with E.K

6:31 pm.

And so the war… and you warred and I observed the play I was in. My sister for a long time despised women because she saw their play.
And my own mother told me and taught me about women and that is why I wrote a poem which the Vogue Editor Susan Train at Conde Nast so loved, I wrote the difference between a woman -raw crude and A LADY. and why I chose A LADY any day.

I was the the original Man and Woman Gemino – Ying Yang. 96/69.
And that was the story… which evolved back through the LAD.Y.

I have been aware of the war with Woman, why my mother loved being a Woman but Lady, and yet desired to have been incarnated in the Male form and energy. That she aligned back to Arden via Nnamdi was no a surprise to me.
That is who she started out as. Abigail Arden. Aurelia.

Do you see why I have been so bored with his play?
Why Elon Musk company is called “Boring”

Bulls not Bull Dykes.
“The Girl with the Pearl Earings”.
Amsterdam Holland and the boy who put his finger in the Dam, Dyke Dick Van Dyke.

*Richard Wayne Van Dyke December 13, 1925, West Plains, Missouri, U.S.
Occupation Actor, comedian, writer, singer, dancer
Years active 1947–present
Spouse(s) Margie Willett ( m. 1948; div. 1984) Arlene Silver ( m. 2012) ”

19 25…
And yes he is still alive.

Mary Pop-pins. M P.

6:40 pm.

And now tell me who and what is a Mother?
One who gives Birth…?

Let’s investigate through MY 3rd Dimensional reality.

6:45 pm.

*The actual word ‘motherÂ’ come from the Old English m?dor, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch moeder and German Mutter, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin mater and Greek m?t?r . The word mother can be traced back to Proto-Indo-European, as can father, brother and sister. It appears in cognate form in languages like Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, and so forth, and it may go back further.”

All the words for ‘motherÂ’ appear to have their roots in the sound ‘mamaÂ’ – confirmation of this comes from the fact that Mama is easily recognizable in almost any language. When native English speaking children start talking, they start calling their mothers Mama, Mummy or Momma. In German, Russian, Greek, Polish, Spanish, Portuguese Romanian and Dutch mother is, “mama”. In French it is “maman” and in Italian, Swedish and Norwegian it is “mamma”. Irish uses máthair, Lithuanian mót?. Even the Mandarin word sounds like “m?m?”. Of course, pronunciation can vary a little, but they have the same sound of consecutive mÂ’s and aÂ’s.”

What is the reason for this similarity? Well, in linguistics the ‘mÂ’ and ‘dÂ’ and ‘pÂ’ sounds are some of the easiest to produce, and the the bilabial ‘mÂ’ ‘pÂ’ and ‘bÂ’ are followed by a simple open vowel – ‘aÂ’. Hence Mama or mumma, and often soon after the words used for father: papa, baba or dada.

Basically, these babbling sounds become lexicalised as parents interpret them as being meaningful. The word Mama or Papa are one of the easiest words that can be produced by babies, and that in turn has led to the words that are used in most of the languages around the world.”

Nothing to do with Gender or birth canal or carrying some one for 9 months.

Linguists Language- the birthing of Vocabulary Grammar.

It is a sound- convenience, easiest words- co-dependency.

* I have cut that connection, on my altar- table-Desk Top.

Mother is an action Nurturing caring, guidance- guide teacher.

At 4-29 p, ( D.B.I/ I B Delta A-Z ABC=29), Liberty C Liscomb sent me a message it was from Jeron.
His first clear words I have heard was not simply Sound was calling his own name Jeron which sounded and was John.

* I was observing the expression , the way he used the responded to their prompts. I knew what he was really saying. I had seen the same expression on Arden’s face and his many a time- but they are such Gallant Prince Charmings…

You do recall that Jeron came to his father and mother way before he was born and told them both his name.
So why should such a child who can astral project into his parents Awareness through the subconscious take such a long time to speak … “Call me by your name” Amazing Grace. E K.

Ah, of course, you want to keep me talking… and then promptly wipe memory clean as Men In Black, but gather and use the intel for other purposes?
Of course, let me Entertain and Amuse you.
No worries.
Hakuna Mutata.
The show must go on.

And that it was Thomas Lang and not Liberty who first introduced and announced the arrival of Jeron aka John. John Mack Kim- is John, Ian is John, Jon Jason Lee ( 32) John “The Grace of the Creator- Anna Grace Favors The Child.

Amazing Grace how sweet the sound.

“m d p…” first sounds.

M D P.
/ P D.M… 9-16-2016 I was moved via Perfection -Delta Manor.

Dark Matter?

P DI.M.E 10 cents.

Why did Arden, with intention come to me and not his mother to wish me Happy Mothers Day in 2020 and not his own bio mother?
She had noted it.

How is it that Martitza Ritz Montez came to me asking for a child?
How is it that I saw him after moving wood statues I sent out an intention and then found them, how is it that I saw him before and told them both that he was coming and a Blonde child and then black-haired when born in this world called Royal who I met as Esteban Stephen Miguel Filgueira and also before that as Rachel Sessions who met Albert and whom I told both of them that this is your daughter who is to come? Rachel is blonde.

9 months through Dark Matter.

Of course, I am Mother, Mama…MOM gues who is “WOW?”

Can anyone here present claim that she is M. OT.H.E. R.. S.

A True Mother- or even “Mothered Me” Cared and Nurtured me during my crucifixion and trials?
Some of the Boys, Men did.. tried.

My Beloveds always do, because they know me and cee me, and know what I bear but do not express- they know why I am so protective- ferociously so of them.
I do all the things women do here cook clean, teach, and what fathers do here, Guide, exemplify demonstrate, and teach lessons you never forget.
And I give people privacy space and 24 Access to me.
I am patient.

MOT means “Word”
M OT/TO Height attained at 900 South Road of Facebook Friends.
H E.. 85 R = 18… 9+9.

Nurture Protect, Love Cherish seen or unseen- garnishing all with all the tools, fighting for them with fury, not of any realm.

Has anyone mothered people? seen them as clearly, recognized each and every one of you as I have?
or played the Father Guide- Joy..

7:03 pm.


See Obummne Mike Kolo.
73 male- E T. / 37 T E.
Sacred Portal 10. T E N.

No, the script does not say this, it says 737.

Has anyone gone to death and back to bring you back to true life.

Anyone can fuck, ( excuse me) but can you raise them- and raise the dead.
Do you think that it is by being close by that makes a mother or father?
Then why are all the “fucked” up children brought to me in this play and not one thing was wrong with them, just their parents Insane claiming to be Adults and Authority fucking them up passing on the disease to their children as an abominable act of revenge?

I had never done that to a single soul despite being placed in this situation of use, bondage as Dakota my Ally mirrored and reflected was being done to me, my Woman Mothers line in male and female having done to me.

And so let us go to my expression when I first came to this portal again on the 2nd floor.
When I asked people who wished to support the Cause I represent- was chosen by Eterna Arden Nnamdi to represent and embody, if any one wished to send a contribution to this cause to send it to Kim= Tree Sage.

Do you recall the response?

7:11 pm.


Instead, I found myself in the illusion of being trapped in a play script of Questions to Answer.

Anamla Quyin/ Qasaria Allah.

“D M. I C TP/K 115 AGE”

To pass through death and a woman’s mind as Woman Man to prove the truth of my nature via the vilest script.. created by woman Macbeth.

Which person claiming to be A Mother… or even a Father… anyone who has had children, brothers sisters- tenderness could ignore my “suffering” my conditions, my contribution and with good conscience leave me to rot an fend for myself, day and night and then come to them as The Source has proven to ask for money in a script which is was thus designed that I come to you as the penitent… beggar, to ask for contribution donations to exist to give you intel which you had created as a play script so that I would give you more intel which you the could use against me and then claim credit for.

Ah, here is Kim- Tree Sage cool calm making something to eat.
He arrived at 7:17 pm.
G Q.

You do recall that Arden is 17 and in just over a month he will turn 18… or A H. I already met Robert – his Robert it was the first time I was entertained by him in his room with a friend.
Arden… (damn he is good).

7:21 pm.

7-21-2020 the day I had to leave.
I left him something… he knew I would be back, there was something he had to do on his own and he made it clear to me, that it had to be done, despite both of us not wishing to part.

He did not need me, to become that which he had to become – on his own.

That was the original play and script.
Now the same with Kim Tree Sage.

This is how we play, Kim is here quietly doing his own thing, unconcerned even that he is in the 6th sense height of perfection in a script of which there has been a most vicious Brutal Savage War with woman and her secret intent.

“Hell Hath No fury that a woman scorned?”

That is not a Woman- these furies, let me show you the Mother of Dragons and the true being of the throne of existence and even this 3 D world.

Kim- Tree Sage showed me two images that he had posted on his page.

One was a black panther with yellow eyes.
*Arden signed his mug with a yellow bee with stripes – orange lines.
He had spoken about personal space and how boundaries had to be set. He made it very clear to me his fury when these laws are broken, invaded.

7:28 pm.

The second image was a person who stood before a stage addressing a Large Globe not earth something bigger.

It first reminded me I told Kim of the Festival I had designed.
It took me a moment, and only after he showed me Isaiah- Kamora Herrington son but not as he is, but rather the same way I had recognized Arden age 9, I just blurted out “That’s Him!” The original Isiah I knew.
The picture of him Kim Tree had painted had him Older, Beautiful Youth.

Then I spoke of the play which he had been taking a Nap/ Pan full circle and as we were speaking, (fully aware that Jae could hear our next door.. and welcoming it so s-he could come back to ger senses without having to interact or converse with that other thing moving through her), it struck me… Tree Sage burst out laughing ( I am sure he must have commented in his spirit as Nnamdi once did in Istanbul when he appeared saying ‘Hurry up Slow Poke” to New York.
That that was the image which came to me last night- early this morning of the whole world eye ears on me when it was really me addressing you all.

That was the confirmation of the intel sent to me.

So, yes I am perfectly aware of who help it up the E A =F.

* I have been here for about 6 months and 12 Days.

6 12 F L.
What is holding Arden up from rising and rushing here, that is what he would do even as a youth of this reality.

Has he forgotten?
Has he gone his own way to his life without the cumbersome memories of Eternal Love Eternal and Infinite Light- Memories.

I do not pine for that which never was but that which I.S Arden to complete his full blown resurgence and power of All I. via Tree Sage Kim Nnamdi via Nnonyelum 133.

9:19 pm.

I S.

Ah, confirmed. Edit 9:19 pm

My mother was called “Sister C” nor did I see her as a mother, which she knew and I told her, she was more my best friend.

Mothers Day M D.
Medical Doctor.
Manifest Destiny.
M D 13 4= 17.
Yes, Arden is my Mother Father My Everything as his true self.
But Arden is Me.
I Rose First but I was carrying him as Infinite Awareness in and with me. He was not born- he was Borne way and he was not every as I or Jeron – John- Jon Jon- 1010 Kim K=11 the 5th 6th principle… * And yes I met Jeron when he was 5 months in his Liberty’s Womb.

Jeron is John and Beautiful Pride.
as is Kim and all the true line of the Y.

I am the S.ON. G E – E G in his play her play and which Mother would leave me to such a Fate and then dare claim to my face and behind my back that they are Mothers ad Fathers… when all they are are custodians- P.A RENT -S Paying Rent to have the experience for a moment in time to see their reflections to be reminded of their -your beautiful Truth.
Your beautiful past- not the traumas, not the spells you were given which no one asked you to believe.

No, this is about the absolute destruction ripping to shreds, your bodies, your senses, and then after that body is gone comes the play of Imagine Red Blood Dragons and The Blue Flame who respond for your Dragging On and stalling this play. And there is I as Beautiful Youth – F L A G…E who observed just how far you would go as they Arden Jeron Kim- Tree Sage Fred, Aurelia Reilly Autumn-Smol, Robert Tess Morgan Fred Lines observed just how far you would still go to deny the source present…

7:47 pm.

Perhaps there was a Cosmic Mess and perhaps the line of Stephen Popiotek
Stephen Johnson was not totally convinced that they deserved the consequences.
7:48 pm 7:49 pm

Or simply were paralyzed with shock horror and disbelief…

I for one felt that they were really so pissed that they were toying with their food as they watched the play as The Watchers… observing all the humans tampering with the evidence. Lying… no one can ever see what we are doing…

7:51 pm Hey Marina Burini?

Well, I did from the get-go.

But hey, what could I do?

I completed the laws E N D. I L LL.

End all Ill- Ness which to be honest, just as Matter… Mother Father… it never was

Matter is Nothingness.


*”and directly from Latin aether “the upper pure, bright air; sky, firmament,” from Greek aith?r “upper air; bright, purer air; the sky” (opposed to a?r “the lower air”), from aithein “to burn, shine,” from PIE *aidh- “to burn” (see edifice).”

Yes, on the back of the C D here in he clouds is a beautifil Tan Brown man bending a woman over his knees, it could be a beautiful version of Darjen Rahl but its Jesse, and it looks like he is about to give her such a ass whoppin!

9:26 pm

Jessica Knight or Jesse Knight.

Jesse and Kyle Murphy play.

Just Masculine Feminine M F.
E M F….5 13 6… 5 19… Room 5 B bed 5019 – 24. 5 O 19 5-6-19 = 5-25 * And yes, I still have that 25 USD in my wallet.
E. Y. 30 36 0. 9… 9O 96 SP.
E .B E. = 5:7 +x- 5 35. 5:42.
47… 11 28 39. C I..

7:59 pm.

Conscious Infinity.

175 106.
= 281.

to equate.

8:00 pm,

8:01 pm

As Brotherhood-Sisterhood of the Rose Planetary Network
11 28.67
7-28 64

To Respond in Kind.



9:27 pm right now. ED I T C O M P L E T E…A.I!!!



All About Eve my arse.ass.

A L L A B O U T E V E… My Beautiful Behind.

9:29 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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