
4:36 pm – Delta 360. – 4-11-2022

4:36 pm

Delta 360.





My greatest concern has always been that I should not be present at the moment that the Awakening Manifestation finally becoming apparent to the world people.

I have shared all that I have with you all to prepare you for what is about to manifest at last to your own Individual Awareness.

My work was long done, but I was restrained and kept here by the 10 as The Elegant Nomads.
Because they were concerned that you did not truly understand and are not fully prepared.

My argument to them and that which has now caused a rift between us- them and I, is that you are all prepared and that no amount of posting and proving can prepare any living thing for what is about to come.
That you are ready, and that is the miracle of true Naturals.

That the moment that the truth manifests that those who paid attention will surprise themselves by finding that they know exactly what to do.
But that by not trusting me and my knowledge of you as Naturals and your true essence and lives here in this reality, is what has led to the irreversible breaking of Trust with them on my part.

I…we are now at 4991 Facebook Friends
Scared Portal 49 91.

D.I. I.A.

I am already aware by Stephen Johnson and Kim Arthur Hinds Jr that it has already begun.

Jonie Hye J.H.

Dorthy Hope D.H

Lovie Lulu L.L.

Deborah Aimee. D.A

Message intelligence

J.H. D.H. L.L D A.

First Letters.

J.D. L.D.

Last Name, First Letters

H.H. L.A.

4;57 p.m

Delta End Game….Done.

9 Facebook Friends left to the Facebook Limit.

That is all I have to say

4:58 pm

Your reasdy.

4:59 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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