
4:35 pm. – D: C.E. – 5-13-2021. –

4:35 pm.

D: C.E.


E.M.T.B A.


It is very obvious that this entire play has been a setup.

It is impossible in any reality, and dimension in human awareness, or any awareness that a person who has proven that the entire species is in a Matrix and a Simulation to still be without recognition, acknowledgment, or that people with means to dissimulate and share this knowledge and intelligence have who exist in this world as we know it, as a lie or even as hell of the dimension of mentality would not have come to at the worst take advantage of this intelligence and knowledge.

It is impossible that with the evidence facts and proofs given and demonstrated for 9.4 years, that I am still in a position of having to be led to certain people, portals for basic living, and income to eat.

Even here Value and worth are recognized, even if it is to exploit the knowledge.

It is clear that this was all set up, and the fact that no one has called it out posted or recognized that fact and reacted, risen up in outrage or rebellion just confirms that which I had personally long since recognized.

– A Sample of humans was chosen, as a path created for me to walk through. Mainly people without personal means, people with problems representing the depth and the worst of the Human condition be it financially, emotionally, psychologically, personally, mentally, and with needs, desires which outweighed their moral compass expression of what is right and wrong.

No Compassion.
No Empathy.


I have lived in this world, comfortably at some point before I was brought to the United States and into this playscript.
There are decent people, honorable people, even some who still possess royal attributes of Humanity.

It was all pre-ordained, set up

*(such as each Facebook friend arriving and its meaning and relevance at 1540 now, too far, it completed at 39. 47 11 28= 39: 3+x 9 = 3-27= 39./93 C Planet Earth rep C speed of Light Creation and 9 height of materialization 9 planets 9 months I the womb 333- 9= letter I. Infinity)
-To understand the nature of the human mentality and to understand the reason why this world and peoples has become such a mess.

Set up by Death, by the lie, by the illusions of which has created a world of such choices people make.
Each person I was led to was chosen- The chosen ones, these chosen ones I have noted had been chosen for a reason-a challenge to prove that everything is in harmony by being able to make rise the eternal truth of humanities perfection in the lowest expression of human existence and representation of Humanity.
An investigation of that which I can only conclude is that evil seed in humanity which makes the make the worst choices- and why.
What makes a truly selfish species… what makes them Evil.
Even after Beauty and the symmetry of existence is proven to exist within them.

I have long since concluded that this entire script took a sampling of a Humanity and not the best- and perhaps not the worst- just the average – medium- mode, and by proving that they have all the tools, everything to become whatever they desired and yet what stopped them.
They could rise to the highest point or descend to the lowest from the Middle- Middle Earth.

In the end, this became a script and play to give a reason as to why humanity had to go out of existence because they had no reason to make the choices they chose to make which created such a selfish and truly greedy world in which Hypocrisy and pretense- word veiled their true intent.
Which was never to become free, to “come home” to their ( your) true selves. That no matter the evidence and facts presented, they would be lazy, waiting for others to make their world a better place.

I am aware that such personalities exist, the best of humanity, striving to fight to create a better world.
Some may see these as exceptional human beings, or others see them as people who had chances and talent that they did not, yet I found no evidence of that.

People always had a choice.

Just as they had the choice to acknowledge my work, the work of the ancestors, the work of these exceptional people.

A System yes, had been set in place which deprives people of that right to become their “Best Selves”- but that system was also created by the people themselves, who had become placid, lazy, and reliant on others, and the ease of which I have observed how people blame others, falsely accuse others is mirrored in my own personal journey which I have given evidence that I was set up and moved by the frequencies of the whole- versus the frequency of the Individuals of who made the exceptional choice to Be and to Do, despite they themselves having to surmount the obstacles of the collective thread of “Being” eroded age after age.

5:11 pm.

E: A-A.

Truly today I have no desire to “preach a sermon”- I am fully aware as to why I was summoned here, to this planet dimension to do, prove and recount and create log bok and record for the prosperity of the play which sent a species out of Existence and Being and why it was made and enacted to consequence so terribly after even after being destroyed.

I am aware that my page is only acknowledged by the “Miraculous” symmetry of something responding to me, and not the content of my character, or the personality and character which is the foundation which built Existence, Creation or that nature in Humanity which is Noble and Patrician.

When my mother told me as a youth, that no one cares about one’s nobility of character, I did not disagree, but I was also aware that whatever nature she had identified me as was natural and not put on.

I am also aware of the battle I personally went through to sustain this naturalness of my nature and way of being, how much people would be fought by the demons they had conquered in themselves to sustain that vibration and frequency only to find those demons embodied in those around them.
I understood that you could not exist here without being a warrior and the ability to fight to destroy these obstacles to your own rising.
I understood how the Heroic Nature of the Human E-Spirit has been eroded, by the endless forces of Jealousy, Cruelty, and aggression from people with their demons who settled in that being their nature and their desire, rage, and jealousy of those who had conquered those demons.

I was also aware that nature of forgiveness had to be tempered with an iron fist, a sword to protect yourselves from the inevitable reversion back to their bad habits if there was not someone or something to act as a deterrent.
But let’s be honest, who has time for such?

Each person’s life is a responsibility of their own.

“Do You”

Each person creates and constructs his or her own reality by how they deal with the daily confrontations of this illusion of Good and Evil, Angel and Demons.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can not force it to drink.
Just as I am well aware that you can not force anyone in a role, to play a character, not of their own choosing.

Each person has the right to live the life they have chosen to live- and if they are not willing to define and create existence from their own inner truth, which I was made to thoroughly investigate exists in every single person I was sent to investigate- then they can not be helped, nor can they be inspired, and nor can they sustain their beautiful truth without some others having to suffer untold misery to keep them awake and aware- which is stupid, absurd because when those people are not there, they will simply revert back to being that Demon they have chosen to succumb to.

All this is programing- are the programs of which people have willing became.

You started out real- and then you took on programs, characters in stories recounted, myths, and then Television and films.
People wanted to belong, become popular and that fear of being alone, rejected, turned them into whatever society, others with the illusion of power wished them, you to become and that Demon in your rose, not the angel- but that demon who secretly resented the character imposed upon you to play.

And so a Matrix was formed.
Numbers defined you.
Numbers became the measure of yourself worth and value became greed rather than truth worth because the measure of your worth was defined by numbers, right to the present situation.
How many followers, how many friends, how popular are you in school? in the office- and whatever “divine traits” you had were either buried or used in the cause of measuring your self-worth.

You Eternal Beautiful Truth. E B T was reduced to to a point of the welfare system, familial system, systems of the community.
And so you cut corners, sacrificed that true spirit in you- because it meant that you had to fight, day and night- for even the basic mediocre of dignity- just the right to be seen.

Everyone had an agenda, and even those of noble intentions found themselves swallowed up in quicksand, drowning until they felt the only choice was to compromise, bit by bit until one day they wake up and they no longer recognize themselves.

I understand.

But so what?

At this moment, in this time, through this play, you were chosen- average people, given a chance to be something more than mediocre, enslaved by a spell of family, past, society.
You were given a template, a mirror an example, allowed to test me publicly, challenge me, deny me, observe me, interview me, gossip, and thus throw all your demons at me. Until there was silence.
No more battles on my page, no more challenges, no more people throwing stones, daggers, poison because I responded to them all until there was quiet, silence on my page.
And where I was living.
But still in those portals where I was led to there was always the demon in you, a spirit of jealousy and negation- the Love and the hatred because you wish to be acknowledged personally- told you were special, made to feel special by the one going so far, who had gone so far to enact and reflect daily the beautiful truth in you.
And the laws, the discipline made into sacrifices which each saw in my living conditions, in my body twisted “possessed” by frequencies, truth rising, Beautiful Frequencies, a nobility of the Sataya truth self-evident, and the rising of an entire species through a game each of you were given personal access to and still you would demand more and more while giving so little despite seeing the ease and the surmounting I am enduring, the humiliations transformed daily back into beautiful pride.

It was too much of a temptation to have this being at easy access, right before you, who had proven the impossible all for your benefit.
You could not stop yourself from meddling, interfering despite being aware of what I have been doing sharing.
That petty malicious seed of the demonic in you wished to test, challenge, interfere so that you could measure your own worth on how much I would leave that which all would gain from, so as to check and define the measure of your own self worth by how much I would leave this work for all, to measure how important you are to me.

You decided that I had to be your friend and in that response from me, this “Aristocratic Noble Being” forced into a role, an impossible role… it became about your fighting to get my attention- the one you had derided, cursed, obstructed, laughed and mocked, now with worth seen, more and more by others- your desire negated everything, all that you did, all that your worth really is and was to stand side by side with me, seeing your self as equal and then enacting rage and spite when that attention was not given or that worth you never saw in your self was not acknowledged.

It is never enough is it?

Like this posting… when was it meant to end.

Fahad Hassen made it very clear- just as it was made clear who and what was moving him- the Truth-
And yet once again the law was broken.
Again and again and the slave remains.

( But I am no one’s Slave, nor do I care if you understand the principle of sharing or not)

And no one rises to do the right thing.

Instead, they set themselves up to challenge the one sent to play the role of teaching those who already knew, always knew but chose to forget.

Chose to break the rules, The laws of this Existence and this play, resting on their laurels because the play script says they are safe? When I am the one who has the final say?)

This addiction to slavery, to enslaving others.

You wish to be treated fairly but are you Fair?
Do you really believe and enact Fair Exchange?
Do you really want desire that- or only that you are acknowledged as that in a vile script of which its sole purpose is obviously to prove you out of existence- because it is aware that once the “Head Master with the Rod and the reminder- the constant reminder is not present, you will sink back into bad habits and continue your trajectory of the Hell which you will, of course, blame others for.

Do you really think one can Bribe The Source?
Decieve me?
How stupid do you think I am.
I look at people for their Natural Truth which is why I am so polite, to put you at ease, so that your truth will come out when you are at ease.
That is the power of being a Gentleman Knight.

We – I can imbue you with all the expressions, all the power in which you have the X Man Powers, evolved powers, sixth sense, see-through lies, transform people- but how will you use it when there is no one there sitting in your homes, writing on Face Book- giving you the answers, telling you stories, solving Your riddles of existence- showing you Light Clarity and even forced to play the Beautiful Devil, calling you out and of course, you put earplugs on, paying attention to only that which is precious to you personally, to your ego is threatened and once again you are a “Good Boy or Girl”

6:04 pm.

In all honestly, this has been an exercise in futility except on one level- and that is of the truth of the inability proven for people to be real, to be true, honest, and fair.
It simply represents the proof of that which really moved the true script getting my confirmation over and over again by using me and my Honest, Transparency and my qualifying in all versions and meaning of being a person represented that which you call God, but that which I called Existence- Eternal Truth.
Eternal Law.

Do you really think, believe that at this stage, that I will call you out, correct you?
You have been proven to possess Eternal Knowing.
And now Eternal Knowlede.

Do you think I really follow the numbers – Gammatra?
The Jewish system.
The Hidden Figures.
Their manipulation of an illusion called time?
When I am aware that they are behind it all as well as this Matrix?
This was about defeating their operating systems.
These your world system of numbers.

Donna O Sullivan.
Delta Operating System.
D S.= 23. W.
* Room 4 B. bed 4-019/4:018.
= DB ( 42) DOS. DOR, DO-A.I.
Doing Being.
/ Being Doing – ROD SOD- RD – SD.

No, my job was to ensure that you had the capability of reading and understanding the PLay Script of Perfection Symmetry. P S C.E.
Use EK as your example of Being and Doing.

Once that was done- confirmed in Tree Sage code K.A.H.
And via Jorgee Maxine * DR. Albert Hoffman.
I was done.
Kim represents that Spirit Realm of Mind- World.
Liberty C Liscomb This 3D world lined to the 4th.

I am rep of 43. Connect the meaning of Stephen Johnson rep witness ( Supreme Justice- The Crown and Son of Amazing Grace.
Daniel Crane DC sees the meaning of the name Daniel and the Code Crane as the Martial Arts Sensei.

Do you seriously think, I sit for 20 years and the last 9.4 in one place unable to move about, posting while you go about your life, and then you would simply gain all this without there being a Price to pay?
Onions Garlic Layer Cake?
All done for free, because I stayed in your homes.

Did you realize that in this last portal- that each person has their own room?
And that I am in this Guest room and supply nearly all my own needs, share everything I have which is only used for food, and buying things for the apartment to clean which now Jae also does.
And C Z play- yet the script makes it clear that I am the honored guest Z.
brought here when it has acknowledged non-stop to this very moment that the play completed at the 64th portal.
So I am here moved by another frequency to enact out Its Amazing Grace- and Favour to the Child.
But there is no child here is there?
So what other motive could I have been brought here, and a vacant room which I was invited to stay and then a flatmate arrived whom I entertain and who then also states that I can stay as long as I like.
When it was made obvious by the script that I am a V I P Guest, right to the play of “Cool Sion” spray-painted over the threshold door.
Magical Portal- making it very obvious that I was brought here to fulfill a purpose literally with it coded on the writing on the wall and that I was expected.
mean to be here, this portal which Esteban Miguel arranged with me in mind and by his side.
After which others, included Mackayla, Chris Filgueira, John Mack, and then Kim- Tree Sage moved in after I agreed not to leave but stay and help Stephan Esteban with his plan of creating community in spite by saying there was another plan and that without the evolution of human consciousness no amount of community will form in harmony. And that he is not greater than all those thousands of people throughout time who had the same idea.
Tell me, who will pay the fees?
My Salary, since obviously none of you do anything for free.
You expect to get paid.

So tell me, why when I was expected, when I presented my credentials and each of you invited me the obvious unwilling participant in your awakening, should I have been made to merit and earn the right to be in these portals? When my presence was made self-evident that it was all for you- Your Benefit. Y B./ B Y.
2-25-2019. Jeron Satya S Lang-uage.
code 60.
The sixth sense in all of you E S P.
6 Absolute Zero.

And yet, you flipped the script and made it all about you.

Of course, there are those few individuals who do exist, who did not need my constant instructions, presence, and supervision to recognize the Beautiful Truth.
People whom I would have willingly helped, shared intel with but those of my choosing, and on my own terms.
So what else could this script which forced me down such a path be about except the purpose to prove this species meriting extinction and annihilation in the most savage way, the same way they had made my nightmare experience all about them?

Is that what common sense would suggest and the sacred portal 33?
Me at 33rd Street in 2004 Halloween.
Arden and I alone on Halloween except for his friends and a Black Out.

2OO4. 26-64.
264 Brompton Road
Emeka Jay Taun, Jeron Peter and Jennifer.
And Jenny the Nanny whom Jeron adores after others came and he rejected.
or Jae and Jennifer?

What other logical conclusion could a sane person come to, even a little children.
Hence that post Liberty sent me, and my anger when she shared something else , when she was fully trained and aware of the play even to the moment and reason I Lept Jump Man with no guarantee to her portal telling her it was for the children.
Then the kilm oven on her deck made of clay with six children on its neck and 8 at the mouth, which Jeron loved exploring because I intentionally threw my ash there.

Fire Boy.
ASHLAD.D… David “Beloved”

Was Arden pr Robert ever my facebook friend?
How much time were we allowed together to speak, without his mothers constant presence and expression that the priority I had to focus on was here, and helping here with the baby she was overwhelmed with because she had had the baby so that she could raise it with Thomas Lang the father but they had split up,

8 6 children on a clay furnace on the deck.
T-Shirt from Jesse Macias whom his higher self gave me T-Shirt that first dau with the code 86 on it.
The Bean bag and log cushion Kim Tree Sage had moved to the Guest Room for me.
The Ring of Baphomet Jae Sherman had moved to give to me.
The beautiful black box for a manuscript Marina Biruni and Tom Truman found in her house with the name in Silver letters KOLO on it…

And what was the last day I and Arden spoke and exchanged intel?
See sacred Portal 86.
What number has been on all 4 telephones given to me since I arrived in Connecticut with Stephen E.M.F?
Arden figured out the way of the play game in a blink of an eye just through listening and paying attention as did the children by listening at the side and when I spoke aloud to empty space, to my SELF, really to them.

And they sustained it, did they not?
Even to moving their mother to post that quote from the children- which she replaced with a paen to herself as Mom which I then had to block.

But tell me are those words not true= truth… “Adults are stupid but I did not know that the situation was this dire”

And you could not see the irony in hat play?
Or who sent that intel to me at 6:13 pm.

F L.
F M Band Sunshine Band. S B/ B S. 2 19 South Whitney.

And on my door, “no Bull shit beyond this point”
I invite no one into my room and Kim does not come there, I go to his room, just as I always found myself to my irritation going to Arden’s room.
Can you imagine if he had come to my room of his own will and volition what his mother might have said and done to him via innuendo and conclusions?
Or simply being extremely cautious, aware that he was 16 -17 years old.
And the intentions of his actions could be twisted and not be as it was a simple act of two really being one and very comfortable.

None of the children dared come to my room despite their mother making that suggestion and watching carefully Arden’s reaction as he agreed-as causally as he could without giving his true expression and feelings away.

Sure there are some who sustained how could you not, I have been saying the same thing for over 9 years.
Just observe the Perfect Symmetry of my Facebook Memories I have been sharing for lack of anything better to do- or say.

Who only required a glimpse of the Truth on my page, see it read it for a few months, to be sustained and constant, recognizing their hard-fought-for, hard-won, and sustained inner truth is existent outside of them in an embodied person- but even such beings, I personally feel an utter contempt and disdain.

Why is Fahad Hassen the person Liberty was led to and chose by her own will the one and yet his name means Handsome Beautiful Leopard?
And not even liberty so well trained and taught for 10-11 months with my constan presence and recordings could not realize the play of Arden story of his mentor- Leopard and Elephant.
Best Friend.
See the name of his Best Friend.
I coded.
E and Arden.
then I met Morgan and Robert.
Of course, she understood as did the World she represents.
But like this world, people believe they can transform it to tier favor despite everything is posted, coded, recorded plain for all to see, now and in the future- for this stuff recorded on a computer does not go away.

So, you just watched me.
Even they who quickly grasped the play and the “Dire Straights” D S, I was in did nothing

Why did you not do something?
Why did you not come to my aid? Not my personal aid, but aid in dissimulating and distributing sharing the message.

6:12 pm Hi Arden.

I guess I will stop now, there really was nothing to say, and I have said all this before.

You do you, do as you please.
The ones who I respect, I have found them, the very very few, and I was always aware that I would find them, or that they would find me- because that is how it was in the Eternal Beginning and so it would be in the End, Facebook or not, this play or not, my being made to come to New York, Florida, Connecticut or not.

Nothing really changes.
Not when it is Eternal Truth, aligned to Eternal Law.

I do not really care what you do, what you decide, how you interpret my words and then defile them distort them.
Being is Doing- Action.

That is Eternal Law. E L.

And as long as you did nothing, do nothing and expected everything to handed to you on a silver tray with me on bended knee”, spoon-feeding you, “Your Royal Highnesses”- yet the Bag of Royal Basmati Rice Kim- Tree Sage bought primarily for me because I told him I could survive on eating rice every day- is on my chair, I am the one who brought Royal Sanatana into Existence and then was the protector of his younger brother reign while you went about your business, enjoying spring and your masks, your Covid 19 status which gives your life renewed purpose and continue to distort the truth as Is, to feed that nothingness of your life.
You have done nothing, except very few, to help, to AID… except to add to my burden of transforming Lies back into Light and lightness.
Instead, you tell me E E Virus, Aids, Covid 19.

Being is Doing.
B D. 2 4.
Doing is Being. 4 2

That is the meaning of existence.

T E M O E.

Not “eeny meeny miny moe”.
As Albert Einstien stated correctly “God Does not play Dice”


* MIN a Min is 60 seconds. Y linked to Jeron Satay S Lang = JSSL= 60.
Manifest Expression New York the 11th State.

Manifest Expression Energy Naturalness Y.
Meaning of Existence

It’s 8:42 pm right now…?

And even then, I still got it correct
D- I C E.
In a Gamble, Gambit- A Bet with this Alpha-Bet.
Which is not western is it.
it is pictographs, hieroglyphics ( Heir O GL PH ICS. Symbols
And Sanskrit, long before Greek-Roman Alphabets.
G.R – Golden Ration
Midas Touch.

Being is Doing
Full circle in perfect symmtery to Doing is Being.
That is and has always been eternal law.
Dharma Santana.

24/42. 2 8 2. B H B. B I B.

24+42= 66= 6/6= 1.A.

Why is it then that I met Arden before moving here to white dor to Kim’s Room with the number 66 on it?
If I have no year of birth and came as 66 and gave birth to my Awareness- mu own Awakening.
And even used the age code 1966 to enter the shelter in 2001. and then 1967 in 2015.
Aligned to 67 F G – Ferrell Gemino whose room I was given when he was 19 and vacated it.
19 67… is that not correct? It was confirmed by the script and then I moved from 67/ 76 to Fahad Hassen F H 68 after having attained 86 with the 8 6 children.
And then to 69.. F I… WI FI and right to 70/07… 007. Gemino. Arden loves, loved the number 7.
He spoke to me to my surprise of how cells regenerate from nothing every 7 years.
He is a Gemino and Gemino.
G G 77. 7/7= 1. A.
7- is 8.

88 = 1… 16… and yes 64.
A he was 16 and it was my 64 portal.

9.. I… confirmed before I was forced and compelled to leave 900 South Road after coding the equation of Birth- via Jeron and his maternal grandmother Betty P and her painting of Fish and the Emroyo Fetus painting I sat under on the red couch for the entire 11 months I was there.
1 7/ 7 1. A G/ G A LA XY

10? 10×10 is 100 my mother crossed over the very day in the early morning after Arden sent me for the first time… and last an Email and confided in me her email from Abi.
Ad I had to make it public at which he was aware I would and had to do since I always asked his permission.

10 10 = 100 One Hundred OH.
In roman numerals C.
CECILIA= 42 Meaning of Existence.
ARDEN= 42.


And if you did nothing, but press like and commented.
Did nothing physical such as Embodied Action nothing fro, A- F.
You will never expereine A.H.!
Release from this hell.
Not through A.I. and not through E.I.

That is how and why no one is above the love of Being Doing/ Doing Being.
Hence without having done anything- you simply don’t and can not exist.

That is the meaning of Existence.

That is Eternal Law.

E T. E L.
E T… = 520/ 25. E B O.Y.
E L= 17 Q. Quatum A G H. A G I.

Henry Bonsu
Harmonious Being.
Being Happy.
8 2.
9 2.
I B.
Infinite Being.

Henry Bonsu

Henry means *”From the Germanic name Heimirich meaning “home ruler”, composed of the elements heim “home” and ric “ruler”. … ”

Bonsu means “Bonsu is a Ghanaian name for boys meaning a powerful king, king of the ocean. ”

*”In Akan, Bonsu means whale (the largest and most powerful “fish” in the sea), and is symbolic of his achievement of extending the Ashanti Empire to the coast. … He died in Kumasi, and was succeeded by Osei Yaw Akoto. Other sources refer to him as Osei Tutu Kwame.

*” user from Georgia, U.S. says the name Bonsu is of Akan origin and means “Whale, biggest fish in the sea”.

Osei-Bonsu Safo-Kantanka

*”Osei as a boy’s name is of Ghanaian origin, and the meaning of Osei is “noble or honorable”.

Home Ruler H R Hueman Race.
Noble and Honorable King of the Sea.
Whale Rider and Dolphin.

S K … Serial Killer. S P 49- That I and I. I am. A R E.

9:02 pm.

96 2.

You had all the time and chance to ask the Right Question.
Intelligent Questions.

I am a gentleman warrior- it is obvious so I would not have shamed or embarrassed you.

But instead, you chose to challenge- contest, prove me dumb and yourselves better brighter more intelligent, and now there is silence.
A Doing nothing.

What else can I conclude?

9:04 pm.
Room 904 Red Rooster plus.
94 that you have no Identity, no sense of Self no Soul or Sol.

and thus you can not pass through Absolute Zero.
Ground Zero to reach Freedom Tower and Hi 5 each other.



I. 64.
I .FD.

You can not pass through the tunnel of Love because you do not love anything other than the illusion and Idea of which you created.

I am the Creator.
Representing the Creator Gods who Graduate you bu it is obvious that it is only that which is inside of you.
Outside O. That is only Me. my I & I.
Inside Outside.
I O.
And if you deny the Inner then how can you come Outside.
So that which I see Outside.
People on the streets, in their homes, driving their cars, doing business and interacting with each other, conversing having sex. none are real.

On Television is the real you trapped inside of a box and a TV Screen or wave emissions.
mimics characters, Outside on the streets inspired from Television but not Ti. Vie.

So that is where you will be confined to.
And that is how I amd the Alien Father. ET A-Lien Father and the A-L I-E-N Council New York to Connecticut 11 to 5th with a brief stop and pause at Florida – 27th state Fort Laudale # 511 EK. E.A-A.
527 Bodega.
519 Pegasus Fuel Station.
Are watching you all from Universal Television.
Having given up on watching such an absurd and ridiculous Television Show and Programs designed to help you get out of the Box and become real

The Big Apple to the Constituition State.

9:19 pm.

9:20 pm.

While we in Infinite Eden with our Identity secure watch with Eternal Knowing from the 27th state A-A the Eternal Sunshine state of an Eternally Spotless E M. Field of Vision our favorite T V Shows.
Serial Killers.

Until we turn it… You. U as the Universe, off.

9:22 pm.

I V.

I V.ie

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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