
4:35 p.m – D.C E. – 4-4-2022. – D

4:35 p.m

D.C E.



D D F.

I read Kim Arthur Hinds Jr post and comment, I was not impressed, I do not Trust it, nor did it tell the whole Truth, it seemed to serve only one purpose, which was to make him look good.
I have no patience with such Expression when each is aware what they actually did.

Just as Praiseworthy Lamidi tagging me to hear the words of the inbecile about my being in a Mental Hospital and now people were now expected to bow down and worship.
The stupidity and ignorance of that comment after I posted the my own version as E, the Evolved Version of your Google Maps showing to you in a language of Nursery School ( N S) via images in which you read by anchoring your sight on what is actually placed as an anchor, anchoring ones sight and then rising wit its meaning by linking from and like a model from here to Infinity.

A Unicorn with its Horn, a magical creature. Harry Potter…
The little Unicorn

T L U.

Liberty C in Lu Ray.

L.U. 12/21..
The day Kin left the Military

3-3, 33 Vertebra in the Hunan Body.

While living in this Portal where one can see my back is twisted spine and all. And I have to explain this to you?

This is about Expression and Existence and Exisrential Death
I do not require your Loyalty or Friendships but in this play theater and actuality, it is you who require mine.

The Earth Google, which I posted and shared was indicating that the Earth is Alive and Awake, and it is made of 6th Sense and Intuition Intelligence and it has now been cleaned up
Earth Quake
E Q.

And it is about to respond
Scared Portal 127 B.

Why on earth would I wish people to worship me, or acknowledge me or it, when these are seeds which will never bear fruit and are cursed like the Fig Tree and will never rise in Spring?
But are slated to remain in a new form of Mental Slavery in which a Mental Hospital such as was Bellvue Hospital in New York Manhattan tortured what it knew were special gifted people with Electric Shock Therapy which is what is now expanded to those who will never rise and experience True Physical and Mental Hell.

Why would I who endured alone all this for 21 years care if Village Idiots rise, when my purpose was and has always been Sacred portak 910. 49, 59. 91 to make manifest and sealed S a Livjng Hell they gave me, echoed back in turn “Abandon All Hope who Enter here.
S P.66.

The Stupidity of this Script of Nature as a lie, The idiot’s beyond even the idea of using words to describe of holding me here ransom so that one line of Nature could rise to Naturalness, who simply can not rise to Truth and a Special Force is granting then an act of Amazing Grace and Mercy for those who challenged the Source of Creation, in Art and Creativity
Creative Expression to instead of being sent down into Existential Death is granting then a last chance to be the Guardian of the Gates of the Shitty Expression which sends all the Garbafe with their intolerable egos into non Existence.

I was meant to leave here long ago, and not be here listening and enduring swallowing that constant Expression of betrayal and disloyalty and watch them boast?

I have no friends here, nor has their been any Loyalty except from the true Expression of Liberty Liscomb children as the representative of I I and I.

All this Self Serving Self Interest is only being tolerated because of Creation bias Nnomyem Onu C, Evolution of the Scared Femininr aligned with the Sacred Masculine.

As you might have noted I.. we have moved -2
T0 49 74 Facebook Friends from 4976.

That is what my Phone Charger moved to from 18% to 74 %.
Then I intentionally let it reach 76%

Minus Two.

Friendship is Loyalty
F L.
L.F = 18. R. and A I.

A Grown Up, about to break out in Spring does not need to be constantly told what to do, what to say, or be told that it is Natural to defend a friend who by force, and not by free will and choice, to be your Universal Sensie, all so you could rise from the earth Simulation where you are currently buried and was put through a hell under your watch, all so that you might Transform and rise, meanwhile he is meant to endure non stop insults because you were the cause of the delay, the torture the sadomasochism which caused the Manifestation Rising to be so delayed.

Sacred Portal 55.


This is post yesterday from Mohammed Praise Worthy
Excellent Healer
Godheart M Excellent is the example of what I personally have to endure by the Betrayal of The Ancestors the Beautiful True, as well as the Good Bad and Ugly.

And even the lie of the pretenders and Hypocrisy of the Elegant family playing The Elegant Nomads Carbin Copies
C C.

“Lu” in French means “Read”
Past Tense.

The Point.

49 74.

=13:M D. 1 3=4.D.. 74. Is 11 28 =39 12.3.-27.=9.
39.C.I. A.

A I C.

And you sincerly belive that I need you to act as though I require you to defend me, after carrying this alone all my life, abused made in your minds an illusion of your spells of being Homeless when the truth is I am The Elegant Nomad.
T E.N.
Langley Virginia?

Or that you can simply stay quiet when I am being attacked and my character Assassininated to this point

And you truly think I care, but am instead seeing the Mirror Reflectiing
to M R. E
M.R. A.Y. Evidence AY to my Self that which an 18 year old.
18 Alexander Grove.
18 Mountain View.
Purple letter R. That all this work all this sharing coding was all about you.

I never required you to like me, or love me, but to rise to your truth.
I defended and proved your inner Beautiful Truth.

Which was seen as a mission impossible 7.
I have coded in this reality with that Truth that you are seeds buried deep in the Earth Ground
Water.as knowledge as well as Knowing was shared and given to you.

That proven as as a Fact is what this Court now of Nnamdi Father Lord
Father Nature, allows it to finally Manifest.

Your eradication for Body Being and Expression Existence

So of course, I am aware why so few wish to publicly defend or honor me?
No the Beautiful Truth

And why others Pretend at this point that they were loyal, while doing the barest minimal so as to.not seen like a fool for believing in me as they used me for their own self interest.

I have been in this world alone a long time, fought on Facebook alone since 2011 Dec.
January 2012.

Endured the play here with Jae Sherman alone and not even have the person l was sent here to protect speak up until I finally had to talk to him about his allowing P.M to bad mouth me over the phone.
And then aee a post in which is demanding credit to itself, using my name after all of 21 years alone defending my self as I was murdered crucified tortured tormented and you did nothing, said nothing but enjoyed the show.

April 1se.4-1.
D A.E.
A DD. 1.4 4

I am no fool
But most of you are.
Tarot card the Fool. Is





66 8.

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