
4:34 p.m.

4:34 p.m.



J.L.I…E… J is the Lie…



I am now at 773 Face Book Friends…

I was writing to Dean Dunkwu a E mail and after receiving the code of 2 2 2 from him…600 usd…

Sixth Sense…

and found myself expanding upon an equation to him…which though I am finally moving out of this Face Book Play…

I feel should be added to this the Script.

73 As most recall relates an aligns in the play represented by my younger Brothers Boom Booms codes..

1973…May 20th…5-20-73…. E.T…G.C…E.

4:40 p.m.


Which obviously means that Dean Dunkwu and O As myself, signify that I have reached the Full Circle of the 4th Dimension which I had already reached in 2004, then 2005… and challenged for 11-10 years…

A code which I have used since 2004 when I wrote the first Creation Story of the Family of TEN…

It is an Email to Dean after he asked me to send him a synopsis and introduction to the the Face Book..Transcript Book…

The End play linked to Dewight Smith.. D.S..

And now finally after the last challenge and test of Supremacy (Envy and Jealousy) has been played out for the Unseen who agreed to this hideous play and set up to observe the Truth for themselves of my Brothers sacrificing me to the cruelest fate possible which Geoff LaCour Testified to and which I experienced..

David Enk..

Heath Woods..

Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula

Patrick Okolo. were used on Face Book to illustrate this play….

And then it was played out here right to Delta Manor….

People were used, including myself as pawns to establish the Truth.

Of which I myself will say nothing but allow the consequences of the Eternal Law response in my stead to that story of Joseph -Benjamin… J.B… And his Brothers.. used to illustrate the play not off brotherly love…

But Hypocrisy and the Mans inhumanity to his fellow man…

Represented by the Cruel Indifference to my condition and even in Delta Manor only three people being concerned enough to note and even care that I (representing anyone and everyone )…am in 24/7 pain even as I solve each persons riddles, and am undercover linking the puzzles of finding making sure the clean ones all find a way home while solving the codes of the Demonic Forces which are seeking to drag them into the Human Abyss and flush even the innocent out of Existence in the most awful way…

The E mail to Dean tendered as Evidence plus the code

Dean sent me…

1096808991..M.T.C.N… Bringing the total to 2 2 2…

and I know he did it out of Love… since he does not know, nor has the play revealed the Truth to him yet…

1O..96…(96% Dark Matter) 8O…(See sacred Portal 😯 Twin Ladies)

89..HI..(See Portal 89/98)…And the last play of 91… Sept 1st which is the the date of the third text from Doctor Patrick Okolo Ikem ..

P.I.O…At 6:31 a,m..

Which of course links to Dewight Smith.. to rescue his line from the Pitt…

My bed is 32.. And I was already at 5.. room 5A.. bed 50019, but sent down into room 3A… back 3002…

To Dean Dunkwu…

Linked to Rob Barr… B.R.O….T.H.E..R…Where art thou?

University Place… U.P… (U=21…P=16…3..7…37 is I.. 73 E,T is I)

Will Call you after I complete the equations of the arrival of two new Face Book friends.

bringing the total to 773 representing in code- The Arrival of a Consciousness and frequency affirmed now as fact but only in the 4 and 5th dimension See- called by this world, the Spirit Realm (Dimension of the Supernatural- animal senses..Yes my Father a Vet Surgeon) and Ethereal Energetic Realm (Evolved Dimension- already in Existent)…

Together it creates E.S.P….

Extraordinary Sensory Perception of E…(S is the 19th letter..19/91…which is when I moved to Paris..1+9=10…which as a letter J – never existed in Ancient Time and the beginning of Language and Sound.. only G.. 1-7 Colors in a rainbow…8 is th merging of the two into one.. this There is no J.. Code in this play John.. Jesus….but rather Giovanni- Geseus Geez-Us..Thus, 0 had to be proven out of Existence by proving with facts the Science of the Full Circle- or the Symmetry in all things which creates Meaning-Manifestation.. M.W.. Milky Way.. M.W 87 as designated by NASA, and W.M/M.W 78/89 by myself…

Thus, by proving the Full Circle and the merging of one of the 1-7/7-1 notes of the Solfeggio- known as the Human vocal range.. Do Rey Mi Fa So La TI.. and then Full Circle complete, it returns to Do as the First and the 7th Notes forming 8O..And 8th Note by returning full circle to the first note.. This creates O8O…OHO!

Thus language created by Early Ancient Man only had the vocabulary of the 1-7 notes.. A-G…

Which is why the Greek Alpha Bet, has Alpha Omega… As represented really by First to the 6th Letters, despite the Greek Alpha Bet being 24 letters long…

24 is letter X…in the Roman Alpha Bet.. Hence, the reason why in 2006 (26..A-Z), I arrived at a persons house called Edwin Albert Rodriguez Santana- in front of his community garden decorated with the Flags of the United Nations.

The Garden depicted images and sculptors of the Stature of a Man made of clay, but represented as a Tree Man, standing on top of the A Globe, sounding a Counch of the Awakening….

The Garden is called Generation X Garden.

And the person called Al, having sixth sense about me, and the fact that I had come roaring into his Garden in a manner which I had no control of Beating my chest and moving like a Gorillia-

Moved him to ask me why his Statue had fallen…

My response led him to invite me into his home, where he later informed me that his mother had told him that a tall African Warrior such as myself would b arriving..

She had passed away a month previously…)

Thus, I had established in 2006, that I had arrived at the end of the Mily Way or better still the Human Expression of Creation…

And instead if the portal opening, find myself instead at war with The Unseen Forces, Nature and the Consciousness of Death for 4 years and then 10 years.

I had first arrived in New York with a close friend who I had met the 2nd year in London and who was English Irish and Javanese and my brother.. who was aware… His name is Jon… Jonn Lee… Link Bruce Lee…

John had challenged me…Because he thought I was too gentle and polite to fight this battle he felt was to come…

Revelations of John- yes, in the Bible.)

Thus Alpha Omega ..Alpha to X was challenged…

And I was forced to live in a Void, the Abyss, the Pit of human existence as Zero 0, until I proved through reason that Zero as a numerical value did not exist, and replace it with the O as the Full Circle- which had to replaced the foundation of Zero used to build this present reality which manifested as a Matrix because of course, there is no such thing as Zero.


I had to prove X called the Anomaly Singularity (A.S… Albert Santana..my host) as being 6th Sense E.S.P…

which I did publicly and in actual and real time, on Face Book with him…as my Tester..and given the power to play my Sensie..

The X Variable of course was Harmony…

His address is 268 East 4th Street- Lower East Side- the same venue almost to the street where I had rented an apartment when I came to New York for the very first time in 1999 with Jon to shoot my short film on humanity entering the new Millennium The Ethnic Odyssey and is the year which David Roman Nicholas born 19 68- the incarnation of Nnamdi with full memory awakened by our meetings, and who I recounted had a morphed body and showed me his secret, and alerted me to this would also happen to me..

Jon David…

J.D.. And the very name and initials of the person who sleeps in the same cubicle as I.. and who along with Dewight, share the same locker number.. 31…which aligns to my sacred portal 31.. Called Resurrection Restoration Regeneration Rejuevination

As you can see in the sequence 268…The year 2006… And the Generation X… X=24… The missing link in the sequence 268..Is 4..

Delta.. and the 4th Dimension I have been trapped in and tortured in for the last 10 years because if the Spirit world of Humanity called the Ascended Masters.. 144.. (12×12).. not wishing the knowledge of what people called magic. but really Ancients Sciences to know because they felt Humanity would abuse the knowledge..

And they refused to see that they were wrong to not trust the People could handle it and that the Play was already in Harmony- because it was all created as a riddle, a play- to inspire human Evolution but eanming it through merit.

I stated that the ascended masters where an illusion themselves… because Creation manifested as Perfection on the first beginning…

And that all one can do is Add rather than Expand upon perfection…



Albert is the name of Dewights Brother…

Albert Dean Dewight… A.D.D..

Instead of 144..14 4…N.D…Nature Delta?

No Nnamdi David…. Emeka Nnamdi David… 1+4+4=9…I..

(I had 4 usd left in my wallet and when I went outside I found a 5 USD bill with the words Jose written on it…

Jose means Joseph which means May God Add and Increase

Thus, having proven X and the anomaly 6th sense and Harmony…26 8…I had to go back and prove the missing factor of the True 4th Dimension being not Time and Space.. or simply the Color Green or the note of Fa- but prove its meaning…

Perfect Timing… 2 4 6 8…1O…3O..4O..5O…6O…7O..8.O…

.. I then had to prove Y as Yellow.. and the 3rd Note seen from this reality…

Yeshuah Christ…as really being Y as Yellow (Identified here as the color of a Chicken and a Coward- which they tried to label me for not being more violent with all my physical advantages which make people expect me to act Strong- when in truth Strength is of Spirit- not in the ability to physically Violent subjugate a man- which I could do. but is the true Cowards Ways…

And so I had to transform not only the Y as a Question, to Yeshuah Story, to the Y chromosome, to the Y as the Trinity. to the Peace Sign being a Circle and Y.. but is really a One Line dividing in two to form the V as Victory as well as the V as my by English name Victor..and 25 As B.E…Being Embodied, played out recently with Ogechukwuma who just gave birth, and whose childs intials are I.B.E..

*All played out on Face Book..

But even to proving the Evolution of Y to 2+5=7…G… then 007 Going deep undercover even to Delta Manor- the Mouth of the river to prove what I already knew 10 years ago, when I arrived and stepped into Albert Santana home, invited in- and informed Isaac- a Face book friend and the first person I met, when I was possessed by a phenomena and Albert was frightened of me and wanted to call the police, but instead Isaac came and spoke to me…

I had roared at him Quietly who was counter weaving against the Weave of Existence- Who had changed the Script!

I already knew who it was, despite few people realizing what it really means when I state..

I am the Awakened Being… A.B.

The Awakened One… A.O.

But my word was challenged and this hideously Evil Cruel play was set up to prove my Truth, but which was really to find away to destroy my Spirit, and on realizing that I can not be destroyed since I am Energy..

To break my spirit, tame me, make me compliant to their will be enacting out horrors beyond human imagination…

And as you see, I continued as the assassin and went even to this Delta Manor voluntarily to see out the Source and complete the play of the 1444…And found myself back in the story of Ancient Pharohs…John Dudley is of the consciousness he proudly states is the Black People- the Ancient Egyptians..

While Dewight represents the story of the Smith… Not Mr and Mrs Smith and Joe Black (The movie with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie..And Brad Pitt as the literal energy of my Father Line playing Death, with Anthony Hopkins.. A.H.. Of the Silence of the Lambs, not Sheep- Silencing the Lambs of God.. the Individuals)…

But as the Greek story of Daedalus Minator and the Maze… D.M..D.M.. Also the Greek Stories of the past..

African as well as Caucasian… A.C…

This was not the story of African to Caucasian…A,C.

But C to A… Moving backwards, after moving Out of Africa in Migration

*(IMMIGIRATION..Reform… the Big Presidential Issue and the Issue which is now the Focus of the Western world, after their greed and acquisition of colonization and taking the Wealth as Natural and Human Resources from all corners of the world to build their Great: Nations- all founded on a right to superiority for being Christian Nations Fighting for God… Who in their hearts of Hears felt did not exist and thus was simply a means of Controlling the Masses…)

The flower of life.. had nothing to do with even that story…or Race…

But rather Migration was about the movement of the Awareness to Consciousness and Consciousness back to Awareness- which then creates a Full Circle as well as a Crossing.. Creating the Symbol of both Eternity O and Infinity 8…

It was about Expanding Increasing the Mind…The Brain…

Moving Light through ‘Investigation -Curiosity.. I.C..Of this Garden and world… and most of all the interaction with each other..

Thus interaction with each other, experiencing each others world and perception of Reality enables us to expand our experiences and our understanding.. Moving Electron Light to the far reaches of our brains.. Until our Brains, the true reflection of the Earth, the Planet and the true meaning of Pangea reached completion..

Turning all questions, Darkness, Mysteries, into Light and then after reaching the Apex of understanding the Human Experience…

Chose and Discern that which is Real.. Harmonious which leads is full Circle and with an Eternal Energy Source now activated called Harmony Frequency…

Which now activated and explained in my Document and the Script which you are now in possession of up the July…

Which creates the activation of Eternal Law…

Which means anyone not in or on that Frequency 5-28 for the planet…

Goes out of Existence because they are no longer on a Frequency which supports their Existence..

And that this time period to solve these riddles of Existence, delayed and delayed for 10 years was to buy Humanity Time to pay attention and Merit and Earn their Evolution…

Which is Individual and which no one can do for you…

And so I was lied to and delayed by the very Family of Ten…

John… Which I came here, went this far to Destroy and return the Favor of what could not can not be done to any being in Existence.. Which was done to me…

Because to do this to any person- make one being carry and be sacrificed for the whole,

when each is born with equal chances and possibilities.. to choose how to perceive and how to exist,..

Then it moves one to the Ultimate Question..

Then Why Exist..

And if this Question is not answered it brings about the End of Everything except the One who endured this and has the right to ask this Question…

And so I have asked this Question…

And though I know the Answer..

I will not give it..

It is for the People. an Individual to Answer..

And if there is none to who can answer this question..

There will be no Evolution or Awakening or Anything..

It becomes a Reset Button…

Which moves everything back to the Orignal beginning when there was only One..

The One… T.O.

And so Y was morphed into G…. which linked Z… Zoro.. meaning The Eternal Hero of the Golden Dawn…

(T…E.H… O.T..G.D…20… 5 8 O 15 20 74..

Albert was born 1974….his mother 1947.. 74/47…in 2006..

The Play of Zorro was completed in the Alchemical Magical Play in Miami Florida, 3 months ago…

it lasted Two months at 26 N.E..60th Street…

There were three of us left in the End before I left…

initials E.E…I.C (M.H.M) and myself… Victor E.K (V.E.C.I.K.

So, all this has played out to my being in the Room 3A… But first 5A…

And then brought back down and challenged once more in the play with Dudley who ended up being Jon.. and Dewight and yourself Dean..

With Dewight linked to Dean…And the audacity of teaching me what Love is…

4:06 p.m.


John Dudley J.D.. 104.. Usurped my Authority, and the authority of the Eternal Truth and Law…

And Dewight was used, to make him an accomplice.

Of course, nothing of this has anything to do with you Deam Dewight or John Dudley…

You were all being used mercilessly in this play like pawns- lambs being led to the Slaughter..

Sheep, the Expendables.. Casualties of War, Shields…

Sacrificial Lambs…

By the Past who considered themselves the Original 144 and thus, they could always make more Avatars and Descendants..

They used Human Beings who had the Beauty still alive in them as the decoys and collateral damage….

Chase Borrignton…and on bed 3005… 35…C.E…He saw me the very first day…C.B… 32… I am om Bed 3002…

Borringon comes from an Barrington which is an occupational name…in Gloucester …

*The Flat I lost in London was on Gloucester Terrace… G.T… 7 20…

It means form the Town or Barr…

See my Face Book Friend Robert Barr.. R.B…

Who I met at University Place (U.P) 13 years ago…

And my instantly recognizing him and his recognizing my going up and down using Expression…




Alpha Omega… A.O…

1-6…x 4.. 24…46… It forms a Box…a Square,…

Thus.. E.S.P…. is S=1O…P=16…7…A.O.G….



That is the code of Harmony.. Effortlessness…

Not Effort….

4:24 p.m.

And my two new facebook friends.. Jállòr Hélnrích Hlmmlár.. J.H.H…

10 8 8….10 88..

1O 88…A.O..H.H..

And Kathleen Beard..K.B…/ B.K….

The B.K.. is of course, the Book I have delivered after such a Hell and Torment to stop me, into the the designated person…

Dean Dunkwu.. A man after my own Beautiful Heart… and mischief but discernment… not anyones Fool or Tool..

34 years later..

5:11 p.m.


Emeka Kolo..

After meeting him in 1978….38 Years ago just shy of 39 Years.

5:12 p.m.

E.L… Is I.

5:13 p.m.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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