
4:33 p.m.

4:33 p.m.


Hi.. At this point the Time and Date codes are easy for you to read.

4 33 would be we are still completing the code of the Universal Body.

U B.. C..U B… E..

Sacred portal 4 and 33.. 43 @ 3

A T 3 16 33..

9 21 is simply I.U..

I.. is the Universe…Whole Complete

9 is planets in this Solar System.

and that this post is meant to be the confirmation of my awareness of that- so that once more, you the Individual People ( I P) can understand once more the demonstration of the E Manual the new Bible BO.O.K E works before i and the E Line leave this playing field E M F.

Notice how i am still at 14 84 Facebook Friends.

Linked to Esteban Miguel Filgueira .. but what does E M F mean to the E family?

It is simply.. Break down the full meaning of his name..

And the name those who know him address him as Stephen Filgueria..

Esteban means Crowned

Miguel means Who is as God- answer Water.. B’Eau Ti..Full its Flows it transforms into every state.. Dew to I C E… Ice.. Snow Flakes..

Fil- Gueria.. Thread of the Warrior Healer… Jason and Ariadne J A/ A J..

*I watched an episode yesterday..

E M F= 24… 5 13 6= 24.

S F is 19 6..= 25.

X Y…

XY Chromosomes in the human translation 23 pairs of chromosomes.. 23 is W …Twins.. 46…/ 64 Move… 46 -64 …

4:46 p.m right…

Do you see..?

That is the play…

In E consciousness using the human blue print and ours combined..

David Roman.. Roman indicates Roman Numerals…R N..

P R N… Prince Roger Nelson..

Cecilia is also Caecilia meaning 6.

both Avatar descendants were born 11-22… one 47 which is an ancient 4 day week.

in the west it is 7 day week 7 4…

47 74 = 11 11.. ( 22) and x 28 28..

1 56… 1 11 11..1… 5-1.. 6- 1.

David 68… Play with Arden 8-6-2020..

David 2002-3… 22 V.. W

Arden born 2003.. 23.. W

23 23 W W…

Double V in e code…

VV VV = 44.. 8.

23 23= 1 46… = 47…

22 22 22 22 1 44 1 44.. 45 45

45 45.. 1..45..

A is 4-5.. ..S P 45.. April 5th Age of Earth 4.5 billion years old.. Nnamdi.

* 4:54 p.m right now.

45 45..is 46.

See Sacred Portal 46.

1 90… 91.

I A/ A I.

4:58 p.m.

I woke up to see 96 likes and made one comment and it transformed to 97.

John Mack

Its Jesse Macias Orejuela birthday tomorrow…

birth code 79.

i am sitting here in front of Celia car AU 28… 79 .. Royal Blue..

Royal Mayan Santana born the same day as Jesse…

9-22.. I V.. 4…

End point of water transformation touched by the hand and seed from the Ph.all us of God God of All.. Truth of All..E Y..

Happy Birthday Jesse…

Hi to Zion form me.

Jesse came here with Esteban Miguel Filgueira the other day but we missed seeing each other.

He gave me the T-Shirt with the code 6 8 on it.

Its is also Epic Young birthday today…

E Y… age code 24… E M F…

Happy Birthday.

Igwe Chukwuma… I C.. age 44 DD

Robert Tanner Powell R T..P…

he is 29 today…

Happy Birthday…

Epic Young.. E ..Y…

Igwe Chukwuma I C…

Robert Tanner Powell R T..P…

/PT..R… Perfect Timing = Response from the universe…/ Universal Simulation -Awareness.

R T.. Perfection.. RT.. P=16.. Zion Arden…

Benjamin C. Krajewski

Son of the Right RT side of God- Perfection.

age 29..

I am at 29 Lincoln…

Do you understand…?

E P…I C… RT..P..

Epic… Young.. see the play is won by the Young…

Beautiful Youth… 25..Y.

S F…

5:17 p.m

E Q..

Arden 17.

See Tree Sage share…

he did not though, demonstrate Awareness by linking and connecting he code of the E line or the script which is what i am doing and which gets me so pissed of with the children as adults in this world – all trained.

I do not get angry with them, but rather with the play which compels me to continually pick up the ball of the play which each of them does not link the Fil Gueria so i am constantly brought back into a script of human children when i am not here for them, ( that is Almighty God and Alien Father.. Adam you are meant to answer to.. he did this to me)

I am only concerned with the E and the E A…

But it was made obvious by the code 17 01…

Link and connect Stephen Johnson


Oregon the 33rd State..

tree left on the 17th to the 33rd state..

1701 E… and links 96 and 97 likes I started on my page and the play of Kamora Herrington and Olu….

Olu also means Work in OINri Igbo… and as you can see, even the ones the universe sent me to train, i am left having to do all the work.

Like a slave…

the image Tree Sage posted is of a brain is it not… A Head Quarters…

See sacred portal 79 and 97…

I answered to Alexa Vertefeuille because she was paying attention and noted the code 1701 and has been adding to the script or I would not said anything.

You have to understand my point of view… can you imagine being in my shoes.

Forced to live like this and enter a play where i already knew that i would be used by a slave by the Human Children.. Left to carry the burden over and over again and their egos still wanting credit and who get pissed when i call them out.. Or tell them how you are taking loves truth.. the play the one who sent me here for granted.

Now you understand why I and my Father Brother line will never forgive and take all we gave them and leave them…

Let them clean up and their own mess that most of this sepecies will never pay attention unless placed in the position of being in the play of their own self destruction.

For choosing to male even one, one recognized as the Source publicly to do the work of the Fil Gueria…

There is a beautiful, beautiful expression and translation which i have not been able to give those who are paying attention and deserve to see that which I recognize is happening..

But the tediousness of the last 19.6 years of dealing with bratty children who do not pay attention and leave others to do the work.. which is the nature of this species… Laziness selfishness and this vain conceit that their feelings and translations and acts of Temper Tantrums have any impact whatsover on what is.. except to increase the consequences.. and yes.. mixed blessing…

But Olu code is not Olusanya.. expecting Reward and Compensation… which should comes as a natural consequence of Eternal law… you get exactly what you put it in.

The code is OLu.. Wale

Oluwale… i proved that yesterday…

The fact that i have been held back, prolonged and provoked aggravated by Earth Children made to house the E in their bodies and who by the way are the ones truly driving the Vehicle – is once more the evidence confirmed of the reason why this Human Race is being made extinct.

And why rest my case and rise with Power Rage… Fury Anger Quiet…

and not with Love … for this cruel callous race of no natural empathy left.

5:43 p.m.

Aligned with Sacred portal 1A time code 5:43 p.m 2013…

and Athena Sarah Kaizer message to me Happy New Year… @ 5:43 p.m.

It translates that the 5th Dimension is the Door of life.. True Life..

Her last message was at 8:00 p.m

That is what I read… I do not listen to Humans.. only that which comes out from their spirit.. i like people… but Human people always lie… i do not trust them nor any thing the really say…or even do….

That is why the E Family and Alien Father made me develop and decipher his Universal Simulation and create codes to determine your truth…

Because people lie here, as if it is food .. air..

All I have been doing, because of my body and the constant Electric Shock treatment via my body… Impulse Stimuli as if being prodded.. and probed and then made to share intel to children whom I see like wonderful characters.. beautiful illusion whom i can not take really seriously because they are yet to prove awareness to chose awareness and self mastery self discipline, even after recognizing that they are The Chosen representatives of Humanity solving into existence their own Evolution Awakening…

Which is the greatest mistake of that which created the Script of the Human Children… the overestimating this species in believing that they would not refuse to be part.. or refuse responsibility of their own Evolution Awakening and instead squabble like creatures not even on this human world .. because what creature can ignore the proven fact that they are the instruments and keys of thier own awakening…


5:55 p.m

it is something which was inconceivable to Almighty God Lord Alpha..

And to be honest.. even I am stunned.

But i have had time to get used to the reality of it… the actuality of it makes me feel only contempt and disgust.

Forced to be constantly connecting the Threads to complete the picture, while the others… play, so instead of posting the most exquisite process, i am have been running around for 19.6 years, human children with ego’s so twisted and distorted to megalomania

I am so so exhausted from 19 years .. 27.. a life time of coddling egos…

6:04 p.m,

To make people, simply take responsibility… personal responsibility for their life and the world and others… family, and instead dealing with human children who simply do not make sense.

This is why i resent every moment i am on facebook, and dealing with Human Children as that which must evolve only through pain and who Blame… constantly blame without first taking out that which in them…


The ones who see themselves and enact that they are greater than than Almight God… The truth.. instead of telling the most beautiful expression and translation of that which is really going on…

Distracted and abstracted to clean up the mess of your non stop irresponsibility for your selves.

I wish to share only photos…

This is what this species… and its force have done to the most Exquisite scripts of Evolution Awakening… transforming it into an abomination and a nightmare Horror for me rep of the E..Q ..E.

See sacred portal 33…

6:12 p.m

Yes A ..F K G…

F L… O W E R… A J

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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