
4:32 p.m. – At 912… – I.L. – Infi

4:32 p.m.

At 912…
Infinite Limitlessness

Just a quick note before I move to 915 Face Book Friends…

Remember the movie Limitless..?
The main character takes a Transparent Pill…

*T.P…20 16.. 2016..D.M.I.C. T.P./K 115 A.G.E
now Switched.. From 6 to 9…
Fact I… 69… 9 to 6… Infinity Fact… and now to 15… 915 Face Book Friends..

36…Chess and Chase… both formerly of bed 36.. room 3A.. 4 B…
36.. 9.. 36.. 9… 9 9..
I and I…
Played out by myself and Nenad M. Djurdjevic whose Avatar was Francis Frick… FF.. Free and Powerful… “The Bean”
Nenad is code age 66…

66 and I am 66 as well as 67.. in this Set Up which is confirmed and transformed to Stand Up… S.U…
Brandon Su.. B.S… /S.B…
Brandon Dement..B.D.. / D.B..
Time now 4:42 p.m. D D B…24…
Which is sacred portal 24…X which is what they put me through in the Spirit World- in rage for what had been done to Woman through Rape…and Sex…
( Though they forgot to mention men and boys who had been raped anally and who had to keep quiet suffer in silence most of the time because of the shame and stigma.. See Catholic Church just one example and fathers rapping sons, and so forth…)

I was at Generation X Gardens and had to prove while enduring that 24/7 violation and transform it into the X men and then had to go to Miami.. Erik Ebright… 26, 60 N.E Street Miami Florida, then come to Delta Manor to prove the Truth of many X Men -Wu-men where being thrown into Mental Hospitals and given incorrect diagnosis and medication…
And yet were being observed, tested, and used as experiments to test them as I have been tested non stop at Delta Manor.
We are constantly watched… Cameras Everywhere except the bathrooms.. And even that I am not sure…

Which is what explains the room changes being an experiment to see if the E harmony will naturally move me through Cause and Effect to the equation I had stated…
There rooms can not be exchanged by the staff because it is all about the availability of beds.
Since the Shelter is always filled to capacity and there are never any free beds…
Except when some is transfered or they find the person housing..
4:51 P.M.

As Cassandra my case manager stated, it is like Shuffling a deck of Cards…
A Literal House of Cards… C.A… 3A… R.D..S…
Rachel Rachael Devon Rios Sessions
4:56 p.m.

Even my posts, and this Face Book Set up is a test, which I am being Used by these Unseen Powers who challenged the possibility of A Human being able to me an unlimited Energy Source..
Emily Stanton .. E.S..as you might have noticed is no longer amongst the recent face book friends…

912 Face Book Friends acknowledge this…
As well as Amit Dhawan also not being here…
Recall his name means ‘Infinite and Unmeasurable…
See the Article New York Times…
Run Away Universe… R.U..E… And Expression is speeding up the the universe motion…
Amit Dhawan… A.D..After Death …
Question Answered…O.E… Eternity.. is a Fact…

It has been measured.. and my response was correct..
A Universal Simulation Awareness.. A U.S.A..

And so the 3 left are and 3 more waiting to be confirmed…

3 3… C C…

Fronda Angelo
Anita Rosya
Sophia Mayer

A.R.,M….Y..or A R M A D A…
Book by Ernest C-line… Room 5C bed 5019… E.S and Bed 22..
Kerwyn Vincent.. 11 22.. Date of Birth Cecilia David.. C.D.. 3 4

F.A.A.R.S.M….. FA-A… R.S…M… Add I.E.A… I am in Room 5A…

Self Restraint…”M.O.E” D.E.S.I.R.E.. S.P..9=I…
R.S.. Rachel Session R.D.R.S…

F.A.A… R.I.S.E…M…E.K.E…E.K.A…

F .A.M. I.L…( 912 Face Book Friends)…Y.. ( Yesterday 5 -5;s.. 25…

Code 200 usd N.M.D… Bergamo…
50 being sent by Vivian Lavey.. Albania…

250..USD 25… Y…

E Family Rise F.R. E E….

5:14 p.m.. Equation Evolution of Consciousness Sacred Portal 14…
And 5.. Bro..oke… ( Zachary is the name of the person in bed 5011..E.O.K….
Zachary means ‘God Remembers…”- I am called the Reminder…

E F.A-A Full Circle the 4th Dimension ( A Story) transformed from Fiction to Fact as the 5th Dimension present right here…

R.I.S.E.. Manifested… D E S I R E…S.P.. 8 and 9…

66=12…L.. Limitless … 33 9…infinite… 66… 3..
Trifolium.. TreFoil…. Tre Tri… 3 3…

Angelo Fronda
Angelo Fronda
Fronda Angelo… A F A F/ F A… T,H.E.R…

Two Males as A.F A.F.. Both Youthful… manifested a Young Lady..
F.A.. The 4th Note.. Noni Promise Tree.. P.T.. Of Life.. O.L..

Now let see the name meaning

Fronda.. Meaning of Fronda is ‘Leaf Branch…’ L.B’

*See Lord Yi.. Li… Panda Face Book Friend and name meaning…

Angelo means

‘Angelo is an Italian masculine given name meaning “angel”, or “messenger”. Angelo is also an Italian surname that has many variations:

Anita means..

In Sanskrit, Anita means full of grace, mercy, favor, variety, a leader, without guile. The name is the Spanish version of Anne. In Hebrew, Anita derives from the name Hannah, which means grace or graceful.

Rosya.. means “Rose and Dew.. in Bulgarian…R.D

Sophia means Wisdom…

Mayer means.. Superior. “Enlightened’ in Hebrew…The Great One”
An English, Scottish and German surname, Mayer comes from the Latin term ‘magnus’ which means the great one. From the High German the term ‘meior’ referred to a major, someone in a higher position.

The Living Tree of Life Noni Promise N.P…C. of Light, extended an ARM of a Leafy Branch, to the Fa Supreme of the Fast
Angelic Messenger of Light, Gracefully moving beyond the Speed of Light C, to The Great One, the Enlightened Superior the Head-Man who first as Rose as Dew….with his family as the E.”

5:51 pm.


B.E.A.U.T. I.F..U.L.L…X Fact… OR.E

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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