
4:30 pm. – I was just meditatin

4:30 pm.

I was just meditating on that via Being and Doing with music and a Film Series called “Gold Digger: and making Coffee and recollecting Elephants to Memory symbolically, while conscious and aware of the Micro-Wave at 135, and seeing in pick up a glow, a frequency… a Thread, Discovery Of Witches. “Witches Landing” Laura Walsh. Sacred Portal 67 She is Blonde with a Helmet of her hair, and there are Woolly Mammoth ( W.M) Tusks on her.

I thought of Liberty C and her bull-like tenacity and stubbornness, to hold onto questions, doubt, I thought of the French Caves where they discovered the painting of the man who was over six feet tall, and his painting of a woman merged with a bull.

Memory Elephant.

They do, but how do you prove it?
Kolo means “Circle Round, hands linked, connected Elephants life long, they Link trunks, forming a long line, they remember their dead and make a ritual march to the Elephants burial ground.

An Elephant never forgets…
And The Leopard?
Aka Black Panther.

How is it in Ardens recounting by his mentor at Wilderness school, but not two coyotes, that he had recounted to me the two friends, One and Elephant, and the Leopard? One with massive ears and a long, long nose who goes all the way back to the Brontosaurus dinosaurs, and the other fast, furious, who does actually change its spots by covering it with darker, or more melanin, to become the Blackest Night. The symbols are all adjectives. adverbs- action motion used to describe.

It makes sense that a Titan-like Bull Effort and a young Black Panther. Pant- H.E.R. E.L.E. PH.A.N.T become bosom friends.

Playful but what turns the Savage, wild, destruction and death, the devastation is what the hear, like Ishmael, and Isaac who Laughs…Dangerously. Beautiful Pride- Light and Expression… I heard you!
A and then I saw that as I opened my page I was now at 33 47 Facebook Friends…Gods Gift. G, G. 7 7…?

33 47

C.C. D. G. 11 28.
I gave enough hints, how many years right till today.
39 C.I.

I.C. E-A.G.E.

Wolly Mammoth first of the warm-blooded creatures link to warm-blooded creatures including Humans or Natural Man.-Before of which there were the cold-blooded Predators, Repiliians.

Angel Barron A.B.

The Story and the history, of man, Museum of Natural History.
Walked and lived via True Imagination, the Silk Threads, Invisible ink, the Fil- Gerrior… Have you wondered of the Bond with Stephen Esteban and I, connected to his bio father killed who was…, is called Alexander, and to Liberty, the children and my being conceived and later sent home to 18 Alexander Grove.
Arden Gemino.
E.M. E. K.A. I!

Angel Barron

Rob Barr

AB is a line A to B. There is no Curve, it can not form a circle that links full Circle memory. KOLO.
K.O. L.O.W.
K.O. L.O.V..V. E.E.

K.O By L.O.V. E. V. E.

5:11 pm.


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