
4:30 pm. – 2-26-2021. – Everythi

4:30 pm.


Everything in Existence Creation-life has its representation in Human form.

From the Pebble to the Stars, the Universe, the Sand and yes the Earth and the Universe.
It is why Humans were created as to become Hue-Mans, all representations of Creation Existnce.
And of course, there is the Human representation of the Eternal, the infinite.

Unrecognized in this realm until that riddle or frequency is defined, proven into Existence.

All things carry a frequency.
Humanity was created as beings of the 5th Element, so in humans there is the representation, like pieces of a jig saw puzzle of everything.

But for that truth, and all the pieces of the puzzle, to piece together the fragments of the puzzle which forms the True Picture of the Earth which has had to be aligned to the World, all had to vibarte on the frequency of Energy.
If not they are just Numbers- Drowning by Numbers- The Painting Kits we had as children. NUmbers which when colored in, form a wonderous painting- picture view.

But the problem was the World.
And the World Humans had created using words, and the mess- babble – Tower of Babble which was created.
That become the darkness, The wall.
And that overwhemling futility and sense of helplessness, that nothing will change- transform.
Because to correlate that which each represented as a number which when colored to present a picture, Sound- which would set the painting in motion, frame it and align it to the original picture created by the Source, The Creator- the Blindness, the Darkness- that Pitt of Poverty and Hollow feeling had to be filled with expression which is Crystal Clear allowing each line and representative, fractal of the big picture to be seen… each seeing and understanding thier purpose.

4:43 pm.
Why they are the chosen ones- elected by their ancestral Lines as well as their Eternal Selves to play a part in piecing the Cosmic Egg back together, Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall..”

Without that clearing, cleansing of the view- the world, and aligning the Earth to the World via Words ( for it is Words which creates a World View) and without words having meaning, purpose function even in our every day exchanges with each other… No small talk, no empty talk.. but where every echange serves a purpose to edify, clarify, elevate meaning and purpose of even the smallest things “Micro- Macro” that original view and painting of the world which lets say “Chukwu Okike” created as his intention and Original plan for the world peoples- it smanifest destination would be lost in chaos- confusion and conflict.
That ability to converse, connect and confide the truth of ones heart and the nature of the hearth would be lost.
Paradise was never lost. Eden Paradise.
Planet Earth.
It was always here present, but it was in the species called the Naturals or the humane.
But it was covered in layers of the mess of ages.
The Babble, the Non Existnt took over.
The fears, worries, anxieties and illusion of being stuck in past traumas, and the hopelessness of anything ever changing.

And yet the key was in every individual person born.
Each person who came into being and existence in creation and in this World of Words – War- Raw found themselves instead in a war of comminication.
A war of emotions and words.
And most of all, not seen.

Earth is numerically 52.
Hearty is 52.
World is 23 15 18 12 4.=72.

That code is sitting right across the table- written on Ever Source bill by Jae Sherman. She has no idea what it means, or why she was moved to write it down. Its her code for a 20% dscount at C V S she wished to share with us.
For whatever reason and intention, it was not with the awarness of its meaning.
Just as s.he is not aware of the meaning of her internet code.
or that 72 – 92… 7-292- 929 “CDC” was intel from Alien Father moving through her as the rep of Non Existence.

4:59 pm.
Delat at Sacred portal 59.

23 15 18 12 4….
you may recall my post yesterday in which I wrote the code 4 12 twice as Donald Liscomb D L.
And Delois Larkin- the Mother of Kim ( Tree Sage) who is the only member of his family I have met.
just as Donald Liscomb, Liberties Father is the only member of her family I have ever met face to face and actually lived with at thier home when I first arrived.

Or that Yesterday, was Jerons Birthday and that it would completed the equation of Emmanual.World.
The literal World.

52 52…= 1.
and 72 being Sacred Portal 72 Escaping the Womb of Woman and the geat Web.

While U W A- the Indigenous meaning for the word the World.

5:11 pm,
is 21 23 1= 46.

Yes, 46/ 64.
My 64th move.
Sacred Portal 46 “Eri Chukwu”
And since I walked the path of 46 and 64 to reach the World- 72 brought back to its snses.
72/27.. G B/ B.G.. Being Gemino- Twins. A-A rep Arden =Aurelia age codes 17 and 15.
Quaker Oats.
“Friend of Horses”
“Dakota” ” Meaning “Friends Allies”
Aria- A Solo Voice raised in Song – Opera…
Guide Father… Jay.
What is a Guide Father.
It is Breath… Breathing- Being AWware as you move that your words expression is Guiding you- parting the way. “Part- I Cle-( Cle meaning Key)
to Liberty Horse Spirit love of horses.
to Kim, confirmed to me last night as Half Man, Half Horse. Sagitarrius Centaur- Bow and arrow.
And the name Philip.
Darko Philip.
Page Dewey
David Powers
Pierre David.
Philip means Friends of Horse.
Poseidon- Hephaestus.
Alexander and Hephaestus.
played by Collin James Ferrel and Jared Joseph Leto. ( C F and J L= 9-22. I V.
Royal and Jesse’s born date I.V. Indigo Violet.
I V.
I Vie.
I Life.
I Live.
I L is the the numeric code of the birth of both Serenity and Erabella.
9 22 = 31.
L S= 31.
J S… 29… and the story S L. 31.
60. 6O… 66… 6/6=1.A.

31 Sacred Portal
31= 4.
13/31= 44 = 1 8. AH!
I 9 N I N E.

Manifestation of the O Invisivle-visible occurs at 1-9.
1-O.. 1-10.
hence the merging of the Energetic which manifest the Physical is 1O+9- 19.S.-A.I.
T E N -N I N E.
39+ 43.
C I, Door of life.
Investigate if you will, sacred portal 39 and 43.
Todal 82. H B.J.. 10.
T E N.
82… 1982 the years by brother left this play age code 13.
Code of Benjamin C Krajewski 11-3-1982.
I am a class of 1982. Federal Govt College Enugu.
83 Opi Boys Hign School.

* the only time I saw my Bio Father Young and Joyous was in a picture of him riding a black horse.

The Horses Spirits which drove the Chariots of The Legend of Poseidon Neptune.

Words anointed Vibrationg Expression Supreme. Perfection
W A V E S P… Purity.
We can understand

Horse Power.
H P.
P H.
So you can understand the true power of Words.
Words clarify actions.
Imagine a world where we have lost the ability to Communicate with Words.
Where it meaning is deliberatly created to cause Choas and confusion and to be used as a weapon with veiled meaning hidden and when discovered the true malicious intention- Diseased and create to negate other… you and elevate itself as the Superior.
The desire for that which is Non existent to be seen and all that which is true to cease to exist.
Enslaved by a terribel malicious use of words.

It reminded me of Arden, asking why he should trust my dextricity of words.
I knew why he asked me that question- but I asked him anyway,he said what is people gifted with words, can tie and bind you up in knots take what you really mean to say and make it mean something totally different and you are helpless because you do not have the same mastery of words.

5:45 pm.

I understood where he was coming from, but I replied that anyone who used words in such a way, where rather than cause clarification and make you feel better, it creates that other reaction then they are of nonexistence for that is not what words were created for.
Hence the reason that this play is based on Simplicity and the codes of A B C.

Universe= 21 14 9 22 5 18 19 5= 113 A.M.- K C-A-A.C

Earth 52… / 25 A F KG
Heart 52… / 25
Uwa 46…. / 64
World 72. / 27
Universe 113../ 311

E X I S T E N C E…
5 24 9 19 20 6 14 3 5
/ 5 3.14 6 20 19 -9 24 (tunning Fork E M F X Factor) 5.

Existence = 104.

Earth Heart= 52 +52= 104.

Earth Heart= 104.
Existence is 104.
Same Thing.

U.W.A= 46 “You” 25 14 21=*61.
World 72.
A =1.
46+72+1= 119. / 911.
119 is A S.. On the photo of Arden age 9.
K I.

Universe Existence.
U E= 113 +104= 217.
3 17 Fair Field Avenue Chez Jesse Maccias Orejula.

B Q. Being Quantum. Beauty -Quantum.
I am living right now in the building 219-217. 2 19. 2 17.
Last two years I left here on 5-27-2019 and moved to the 3-17-3-19 Fair field. Jesse and Taun. J T.

219-217 South Whitney.
Being Supreme- Being Quantum

The Bodega Kim and I visit is number 527.

Universe-Existence Earth-Heart.
113 +104
Arden is 17.and he is in Being.
B A G. My BA G. E
Being Consciousness.
B 175.
Be A G E.
25+ 175. 200.
20 0.
T.O.= 20 15… 35 C E.

EH U E… “H U E M A N”
Earth Heart =Existence-
104 104-Universe.
208 28. T H. B H.
208 +113 =321.C U. C B A.

E H-E 104 +104 104/104= 1.
1=A +113 ( A M)
A N.
Sacred Portal 114.
Kim born11-4…= 15.
Alicia Norris 1 14….15


Life- Ndu-Ka. Vie.

12 9 6 5= 32. Alexander age 32.
14 4 21= ..11 1 = 39 +11 1= 51
22 9 5 = 36.

32 51 36- 3 meanings of the world for Life in Igbo, English & French representing Universal Language in this world story.
= 119.
1 19….

Art Science.
A.M 113
Awareness Manifest.

A W A R E N E S S.- 100 100%
1 23 1 18 5 14 5 1919. = 100= 100%.

MANIFEST… 13 1 14 9 6 5 19 20=87.

FIRST DAWN… F D. 6 9 18 19 20. 4 1 23 14.
72 + 42 ( Room 4 B bed 5109.E.O.S)
= 114.
114 Grant Moore Motel.
Neil Armstrong.

A W A K E N I N G.
1 23 (1 11) 5 14 9 14 7/
7 14 9 14 5 11…(E K) 1 23 1
= 85.
H E.

7:04 pm Right now.
G O D.

A.M- F D A.

1 13 6 4 1.

100%+ 106+ 72+42+85.
= 405.
D O E.

* Doe A Deer- A Female Deer.
By her Eternal Stag.
On Stage.
Eternal One Stag.E.
O S.
E O S .E.

S.T A G..E.
19 20 1 7 5.
39 1 7 5- 85.
39+85= 52.

Earth. 52
Heart. 52
/ E.X.IS.TEN.C.E. 104.

A.M.F D A.
D O E. DO.E.
STAGE- 52 E.B.

ON = 15 14= 29…. 292 Fill circle.
S T A G E. 52.

29 Lincoln Street.
52 A-Z-A-Z. 1-26 Twice.

B I. E B.

7:20 pm.

*B I…AT E.. 001./ 100% E T.A I..B.
E B. B E.

29+52= 81.

On Stage.
O S.
15 19=34/43.
C D…C.

Center of Disease Control is I.E.
C D C… Compact Disc Creation.

Compact Disc of Creation.
C D O C.
“C D Oh Cee.
/ C O D.C.
C O D E S .P… Perfection.CEE. E.

P E R F E C T I O N.

16 5 18 6 5 20 15…14.
is 106 ( 16)

PERFECT ION.E is actually 111.
K is 11 122.
Knowing. K
Knowledge. K. 133.

16 5 18 6 5 3 20 9 15 15=111.
*Now it is 111 +E K.
116 Sacred Portal A and E. +11 K
127. L G.
11:56 Edit.

* You have no idea- how my sixth sense was niggling me about the code of PERFECTION= being 106 instead of 111.
I had missed the C and had equated it as E=5 which should have made 119 instead I arrived at 106= 16. instead of 111- and then add E.
But it is the C as 3 which was missing…?
I came back because of my 6th sense.. to Check it only to find that that the 5 was missing subsituded for 3.
E C. 106+5.= 111.

Do you see why it happened?
I do.
This test of Perfection… smh.

12:04 pm.
L O D.
/D.O.L. Sacred Portal 43 “Door Of Life” D O L.

7:33 pm.
K/K 11 11 =1.

P E F E C T I O N… E A. E A-A.
5 11 1.

WE GO BACK AND Check Our Feelings- Muscle Memory.
Our Own Perfection and Expand upon it… A Feeling.

It was a Test… Consciouness= Feeling…

Why would Tom Bushnell publicly say it is 111 and I had been coding since without checking.

smh. This is why this play tires me so.

E M E…5 13 5=23 … 6 12 2003.
E M E= W.
K A. 11 1.

23+11+1= 35. C E

K O L O… 11 15 12 15= 53. E C.

C E/E C.
1 A.
35 53 8 8…16 1.
16 1/ 116 Sacred portal.
Age 17 E.
17 5= 22 V.
Victor Chukwuemeka Kolo.
Victor Emeka Kolo.

C H U K W U.
3 8 21 11 23 21= 87.

Kim 11-4-19 87.
Chris Filgueira 12-14-87.
Page Dewey 1987.
Sacred Portal 87.

Arithmetic Math.

Just as I had promised that solving this riddle was simple and easy, as you can Cee-See.

But without Clarity or consciousness.
Self Discipline.
S D.
How can you see in order to read the writing on the transparent wall, Space, much less connect the Epiphanies -Dots if you have no Faith or Trust in GOD.
The Truth.

Or The Facts.
Friendly Actions
Gestures of Appreciation of even some expressing before your very eyes, under your very noses that which is called, defined as Amazing Grace?

You will just take it for granted.

That power to be the embodiment of the meaning of Patience tried to the very limit of endurance and still and Explains.

True Power is being able to explain how you know…
Your always Right- Correct and in Harmony with the play even one on stage.

Alone in front of the Entire Universe -Universal Existence addressing the Everything from here to Eternity Infinity that ever was, could be and can be and Is from a stage in some world illusion of life, in a country, a city, a space aligned in perfect alignment and unity with the Intention and meaning of the Original Designer Of Everything?

9 14 4 9 22 9 4 21 1 12

=105. J E. A O E.
* 105 Wiltshire Bay, Winnipeg Canada.

E.T E R N I T Y.
5 20 5 18 14 9 20 25

116 .. Sacred Portals were chosen by Arden and I.

I N F I N I T Y…
9 14 6 9 14 9 20 25

=106. Sacred portal 106.
Three meanings of the world Life “Igbo Igbo English French” I.. Infinity E Family.

105 +116+106
C B G.


9 5 9 = 23 Doule You. Double Vie.VV.
Y Y= 1.A.
U U= 1.A.
V V = 1. A


E Family First Last and One and Only Family.
They are the Individuals who rose in the Eternal Beginning.
Eternal and Infinite.

G E N E S… P

9 13 13 15 18 20 1 12
101 Beds at Delta Manor.
101 Dalmations- Cruella De Ville.
J A.
A O A.

7 5 14 5 19… /16.
= 50… 50 USD.
=66 Yes, now Kim’s ( Tree Chiefy) door and Line.

101 +50.
= 151. Sacred portals SIAMESE TWINS.

101+ 66.
= 167. P G Perfection @ G.
A-F G. Arden Ferrill Gemino.

Eternal Youth. 75 + 89
E Y= 164

Eternally Attractive, Young, Healthy, Wealthy Virile, Sexy Seductive, Sensual … Strong.

112+119+ 82+79+94+75+73+91+108+93
= 926.

A-E Y H W V. S S S S

Full Circle.
6 is 9.
TWO in the Center.
One as B. Being in the middle.
of 9 6… 96/69.

926 I, A-Z.

Today is the 26th.

2-26-20 2 1

I B F.act.

Total 17.

8:55 pm.
H:E.E= A.
H A!

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