
4:27 P.M.

4:27 P.M.

I rose today to see 1 F.B request.

1 text from Eshe Chuki Asale with 12 messages within and 35 likes.

2.35 F B friend as of yesterday B.C E.

And now 236..

2 36..O.

Exhausted Shocked Outraged by this play does not even begin to describe it.

But here we are at Facebook friend Abraham Jahova Sinnott..

A Bra H.A.M…means A helping arm to manifest a Harmonious Dawn or Awakening or rising of the Sun..Ascension.

It also means Father of the Multitude

Father of Many…

Jahova is as we know the name of God.

Mentioned over 7OOO times in the Bible…

It is a form of the Plural Adonnai Gods as in singular, Adoni Adonis…meaning Human Lord

The Greek Story of Adonis the Most Beautiful…

Yahweh is also a Sound Vibration of the Tetragrammaton.

*Yesterday on Joshua Thomas linked I was called to task for my grammar and sentence running into each other in my comment which brought forth the three Anthony (Tony) , David John…A.D.J…

At D.J…Disc Jockey… Sound..

The rider of the Horse Spirits- music sound

Code Name Davud Phillip Gil..

DA VI-DE…Belived=Energy

Phillipe=Friend of Horses.

Gil =the gills of Fish

Energy Air Water…


Sinnot means Victorious Brave Boldness

The message to.me from the Source within me and outside of me speaking through the meaning and the Names contained in Sound Vibration Echo Resonate Reverbrate Response moving each person to become my Faceboom friend…

A Awareness us Helping Arm of the Harmonious Dawn.

He is the Father of the Multitude, the Many the Masses osv99.9999% Open Space (O.S.SO!

Which contains the Akashic Records of Everything every said done or permitted)

He is God of Abraham and Isacc and Ishmael..

The one who Laughs and the one who listened.

He is the God of Egypt, Africa.

The Universal U.F.O..the O.F.U who is both O.N.E and one and 1 Beyond.

The E.

And he is the most beautiful one man of a family of many beautiful ones, many Gode’s.

He is the Hue-man Lord.

The Full Circle in being.

The Victorious Brave and Bold Expression of Harmony Peace even through Strife Hatred, a warrior weilding a Sword and the Supreme Word of Peace and Harmony till complete.

Emeka Kolo.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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