
4;24 am. – I am still up, and j

4;24 am.

I am still up, and just somehow opened my Phone and saw I have another Facebook Friend waiting on the wings.

Chris Cynthia. C C.

That makes it 5 Facebook in the Wings.

I was tripping on this play Script .

But yes. I know what this latest request means after seeing Chris at C.V S.
And Cynthia representing Chris Gemino and Liberty C close friend, aka Thanksgiving Day 11-28-2019- and the last place Liberty stayed with the children before she left at last for Virginia on the 20th after her 12-19th stay extended till the 20th

Wiley Coyotes 20th is Sacred Portal 20
Lady Echo True Clarity

You can not lie or deceive the Codes or play…
Or attempt to challenge Terrible Death
20 4.

Com Pass me Says Terrible Death Declaration of War
N.E W.S.
Cloak of Death Energy Supreme
C.O.D E.S. P

But as you all witnessed it did not stop the Liars and Decievers from trying.

5 USD in my wallet

Now 6 Mils Bagley just arrived so that ma k.h E it now 6. M.B.

My body is unfolding as it was folded. It was, I was contemplating how this had gone so far and it really did not matter one way or the other…

Even in a play of Extinction of an Entire Species….and Evolution.

This is not the way to manifest it.

4:47 a m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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