
4:22 p.m. – Just got back from

4:22 p.m.

Just got back from the local place called Tangiers.

I used to buy most of my stuff there before being directed here.

25.18 U.S.D.
Was the Bill.

A.F.K.G.= 25 Letter Y.
Age code 18.


I paid 25.00 U.S.D.

That is nothing compared to how I used to live before in this reality, before I was brought to Facebook, by The Great Witches, the 3 Graces.
1- 777.
1 -21
1. U- Universe.
Au Gold.
Autumn Leaves ( Smol)

To create from A.Universe.
Awareness Understanding Unity
See Book Cadmus and Harmony.

Chaos Confusion.
C.C… The Terrible Twins

Really Consciousness- Creation.
= Awakening.
Arousing Awakening.
Sacred Portal 33.
To A.= 1.
4:30 pm

Sacred Portal 43. O Full Circle in Perftion= Symtery.
= 1 88. 64. 10 J.A.Y Evidence AY add J = 10
1 0

There was never any Chaos and Confusion.

Go back and read what is Sacred Portal 3 when Mother- Supreme Understanding Man E.
SUM E was put on Trial by the Alien Council of Children Babies. Enfants- Infanta.

Bad Temper.
Self Mastery.
Self Disciple.
Devi Devotion to something outside of your Self.
Perhaps the Children
To a Beloved View, but anything to get you out of your head, to see something ther than you Inner View.
But that of others, which woul allow you to see, Observe, Watch something connected, yet apart from you.
A Lien.
A Link
An Invisible Accord.
Cord. Code.
Love Cee’s as Liberty C just exemplified in watch she just wrote me about her two last children 5th and 6th,
J A. H.E.

Grow Up.

How to speak, talk, move with Silence and Sound.

Write. Author, what you saw, start at the foundation base, by describing exactly what you saw or took place.
Put in words, and see what it reads back to you… Awe in what it all comes together as.
Hence, the meaning of Beautiful Truth. B.T.
Beautiful Expression because you see your own natural expression as Beautiful Energy.
And your own reflection creates an awakening of you seeing yourself, by yourself or through the eyes of all outside of you, in their response.

I started on Facebook the play with around 50 Facebook friends rep is Erik Ebright 1 Facebook Friend, 10 years later, step by step, introducing each of you one by one, coded and then in groups of 9. and One or two as a group of 13 and 15. I am at 33 64 Facebook friends. A Full Circle to my arrival at my 54th Facebook Friend, on 8-29-2019.
I-11- 39-C.I. 3 x9= 27. A-A. B.G.
Gabriel Binky Signar 2×7= 14. N.
Nadee Nakandala
N/N=1 A.

Portal through Liberty C, Liscomb was through sound.
Telephone Conversation.
“56:56 min”
11 11 = 1.
x 30 30= 1.
1 61.
7 and 6-1= 7.
61 Days on the streets of New York, the 11th state until I found Generation X Gardens.
And Isaac and Albert/ Edwin, saw and recognized me and invited me to stay in his 1A Apartment, 2nd Floor as the First Floor.
F.L. where everyone lived.
The entire ground floor was not occupied except an office and the Garden, Generation X.
Albert-Edwin lived on the very first apartment code L.A.
F A.really.

4:59 pm.

That was in August 2006.

5:00 pm.

On record, documented is the Perfect Symmetry since I began to record my Observations in my Journals, and before that I had kept a Diary in boarding school from Jan 1978 when we had moved to Nigeria.
Sacred Portal 87. Chris Filgueria and Kim Arthur Hinds Jr.

I met them both in 2018, but I met Chris Filgueria first and we both shared the 3rd Floor.
Kim moved into the 2nd Floor.

The Story.
But I came as and with the Truth.

I already knew this play hence Foresight and then Hindsight.
But for you and even the Family of TEN, who did not know the whole story of their E Origins, It could only be Hindsight, then ah, remembering, Foresight:”I knew all this but I could not find the Words- Language.
“proving that you were aware”

5:08 pm

56-8. Sacred Portals. 56. 8.

What you create, naturally and spontaneously by what you write, create, see the true play of “Chi” I C.H.I. N.G. E, you will understand why “Thou Art, ART”
Awakening Hindsight and suddenly you have answered the Question Riddle posed by my self through this journey mission to others, which Arden Gemino also does and did.

Can you tell me why you are Beautiful?
Look in – not up-down, but Out. Outward to the reflection mirrored, reflected back at you, of what you created, naturally and without intent, or really anything to say, but simply Express- Awareness.


Royal Mayan Rodriguez, Santana
Reign Maximus, Rodriguez Sanatana. R.M. S.R x Two I and I,

5:16 pm.

E P./
Planet Earth.
Eternal Perfection.
My Witness.

5:17 pm.

E. A.G…

5:18 p.m.

E A.H. Anastasia Hart

E Responds.

5 18=23 Sacred Portal 23.
203 2003.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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