
4:21 p.m. – D.B.A. – D-U. – One pa

4:21 p.m.


One part of me, says that it is not necessary to ask you this question, but part of me, just insists.

So I will ask it, considering this script, and the play of recent with Stephen Johnson wow. now at 30 Mutual Facebook Friends and Stephen Popiotek at 15. Sir Pius – Sacred portal
30+15= 45.

Age of this planet 4.5 Billion (9 O’s or Zeroes)

And the play of Esteban and Kim Arthur Hinds Jr as E.K.

Then Emeka & Kim E.K.

And then Keith, who arrived here and worked on the extension of the Balcony wood floors, and our interaction, ( including my intuitively and spontaneously telling him that I was going to call the police- once my phone was activated)

So Kieth Emeka.
Emeka Kieth.
And my being on 3511 Facebook Friends.
C- E.K.

And my explaining what is happening literally to my body yesterday, and then that which happened with the Noise all day today with the Little Dog used against me.

What would this conclude to you?

4:30 pm

What does this Inform you of?

Oh yes, and Nadja Hope and her Perfect Intel WAR. And The Source direct downloading.
My Facebook Friends today equating the K, B, B- A W A R.

And A.R on the Micro Wave
as well as 6:12 on my page when I got up and was being attacked by sound, 15 +months later…

And A.R and 6:12 Ephesians,
F.L.as Ardens Birthday- 6-12-2003,

F.L. / Light Fantastic.

And Liberty C and Azure L.A. C A appear in a photo she sent of Azure Skies.

And one last thing, Anirbas Lem now at 36 Facebook Friends, asking me if Er is a Hebrew word,
and it is… Meaning Observant, Guide, and Watchman.


And on Alexa Vertefeuille she shared with G.& V in the background. G A V – E L. C.E.

4:39 pm,


What does that Conclude if you simply stepped out of your mind head, and simply linked and connected the dots?

Lord Father L.F. – Arden Gemini.
Azure Finch Lang. F.L.

18 18
1 36O
10 21.
31. Azure Lee Finch Lang. A. L.F L= 31.
C A.


4:43 pm.

I am so, so sick and tired of people acting dumb and stupid and leaving me always to spell it out.

4:44 pm.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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