
4:20 pm. – WE.ED. – Mary Jane. – M.

4:20 pm. – WE.ED. – Mary Jane. – M.

4:20 pm.

Mary Jane.
M.J/ J.M.

I am now at 33 88 Facebook Friends.

Sacred Portal 88.
Ascension of Her Royal Highnes of Absolute Death.
But is it a Her or a Him?
Look at the illustration closely, it is all of them and the one.

4:22 pm.

David and Brendan came.
William was already here present as I. Emeka Kolo

Will I A.M. E… E.K. Perfection- Perception.
William Tell.

O W T.
/ T.WO.
Double V. Vie V.I.E.

4:25 pm
D.Y. E
D.I. E.

D: B.E.

You can begin to understand my fury of all these delays, already aware that it was all a con.

20.10 years!

Joseph Taylor
Long Gone- Yet my body is still here used like a programmer-Coder, without a Body in Being, as If I were only a Talking Head E.

Amberlyn Amberlyn A.A.

Fletcher Chloe F.C. / C.F.

Gordian Ndukwe. G.N. / N.G.


A.A. F.C. G.N.

F- C.G. N.
Fact Full Circle – First Contact. 3 7 SP 37- Nature.

N.G. 14 7 = S.P 147 A. B. ( 17 17- 34 .. 35) 14 & 7-8.

C.F Circle Full= 9= I. FC/CF 99= 18 A.H. Anastasia Hart
9= I.

A-A is Constant as A.
A=27 A-Z-A
27 as B.G.
Bliss -Grace/ Goddess Bliss.
Sacred Portal 44
1544 C-Town Supermarket.
O-“F” Devi Devoted “David” Spectrum Rainbow. S.R. R.S.
Aka Space Cow Boy.
Color Rose. David Rose 5 Mutual Facebook Friends
Twin to Clara Star Child 3rd of the Family of Ten ( Vibes) Color Pale Steel, and twin to Space Pirate as Spirit E- Awareness.
Color Dark Richest Blue- Royal Blue to Black.
Azure- Blue Marin -Agean See to Sky Blue.
Light- Blue.

4:43 pm.

A-A. F.C.G.N.

A.F. G. A is 6 7. Father God/ GOD.

A C.N. Arden Chris- Nnamdi- Nonyem/ Noni Promise 4th aspect of the Family of Ten- A Trick.
Representing the Tree of Life
Teacher of True Life
3-4 to 4-3.
Completion at C.

4:48 pm.

Gordium.*”From the Roman cognomen Gordianus meaning “from Gordium”, Gordium being the capital of Phrygia in Asia Minor. This is the name by which three Roman emperors are known.”

Asia Minor. A.M.
Where Roman Emperors were known to have been Crowned.

Ndukwe. *”A user from Nigeria says the name Ndukwe means “Life agrees”. Search for more names by meaning. Submit the origin and/or meaning of Ndukwe to us below.”

Life Agrees.


*”Irish origin. The name is a regional (La Flèche) and an occupational name for an arrowsmith a maker and or seller of arrows, derived from the Middle English, Old English “Fulcher” or Old French flech(i)er (in turn from Old French fleche “arrow”).”

Arrow. Cupid and Diana.
Bow And Arrow, B.A.A.

B A A L.

*”Fletcher Name Meaning … English: occupational name for an arrowsmith, Middle English, Old French flech(i)er (from Old French fleche ‘arrow’). Source: Dictionary …”

Arrow Smith. A.S.
Arrow. A.

*”The name Fletcher is a boy’s name of English origin meaning “arrow-maker”. Fletcher is a common surname with a touch of quirkiness; it definitely fits into …”

Arrow Maker. A.M.

Chloe. *”victory of the people
The meaning of Chole is ‘victory of the people’ and it is of American origin. In its Spanish origin, Chole is also said to be a nickname for the name ‘Soledad’, meaning ‘solitude’. It is a girl’s name.”

Victory To The People. V.T.T.P.
Solitude. Garden of Eden- Paradise Earthly Delights.
Mary Arden- William Shaekespeare.

*”The name Chole is primarily a female name of American origin that means Victory Of The People. Diminutive of the name Nichole. People who like the name Chole …

Victory Of The People. V.O. T.P
The Victory of The People. T.V. O.T. P

*”Oct 8, 2021 — Chloe, often spelled Chloë or Chloé, means “blooming” or “fertility” in Greek. Its literal translation refers to young shoots of foliage that …”

Blooming, Fertility. B.F.

*”The name Chloe is a girl’s name of Greek origin meaning “young green shoot”. Chloe appeared in Greek mythology as an alternative name for the goddess of …”

Young Green- Shoot.
Bow and Arrow.

Y.G.S 7-19- 26 Z- B.F.

*”In Arabic Baby Names the meaning of the name Amberlynn is: A jewel-quality fossilized resin; as a color the name refers to a warm honey shade.”

A Jewel quality, fossilized Resin- Reza.
Warm Honey Shade.

Honey Best 8 Mutual Facebook Friends.

Sacred portal 18.


5:11 pm

Emeka Kolo
E, A-A.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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