
4:20 pm. – D: T. – D: B.O. – D: B.F.

4:20 pm.
D: T.
D: B.O.
D: B.F.


H J.-E.


So Death was transformed in the Human story into a Maze- A Labyrinth, and the idea was to pass through the Biological Birth Canal of Woman, and in so doing, you are moving backward through Time towards the process of dying, by passing through Death and Time.

As you pass through, at each turn there is resistance- A Question and Answer, A literal riddle which you must answer, and when you answer the riddle correctly you move to the next riddle but you are moving forward in the utter darkness of not knowing where the next question is and are stalled in places which torment you, torture you, so you can never feel comfortable, demons exist, subtly, subversive, in both Silence and Sound.
You must endure that and solve the riddles of each demon, by solving their essential truth.
Thus transforming them back to their original truth.
Each portal is a Chapter.

Hohjh Sooshh Have just sent me a message. a cool and handsome young man knew that it was the confirmation of what I am currently writing about passing through Egypt and its story made real of the 42 Judges.

As you may recall, I have discerned the 4 aspects of 42.

Arden- 42. Eden Love Paradise.
Cecilia = 42 Sixth Sense- Blind Music.
Self- 42 as your Life Story.
Douglas Adams on L S D. via *”Albert Hofmann, a researcher with the Swiss chemical company Sandoz, first developed lysergic acid diethylamide or LSD in 1938. He was working with a chemical found in ergot, a fungus that grows naturally on rye and other grains.June 14, 2017″

He saw the meaning of Existence while high on LSD as 42.
Hitchhikers Galaxy, which proved to be one of the Scripts.
Rep The Modern World at Present

It’s 5:42 pm right now, and I started this post at 4:20 pm which most of you are aware means.

The Last of the Script aligned to the Past of Man is the 5th 42 code 42 Judges.

*”The very long Chapter 125[3] of the Book of the names and provenances of the Dead (either geographical or atmospheric) of the Assessors of Maat. A declaration of innocence corresponds to each deity: it is pronounced by the dead himself, to avoid being damned for specific “sins” that each of the 42 Judges is in charge of punishing.[1][2]

The deceased was accompanied in the presence of Osiris by the psychopomp god Anubis — where he would have declared that he was guilty of none of the “42 sins” against justice and truth by reciting a text known as “Negative confessions”.[4] The heart (ib / jb) of the deceased was then weighed on a two-plate scale: a plate for the heart, the other for the feather of Maat. Maat, in whose name the 42 judges who flanked Osiris acted, was the deification of truth, justice, rectitude, and order of the cosmos and was often symbolized by an ostrich feather (the hieroglyphic sign of her name).[5][6] If the heart and the feather were equal, then the deities were convinced of the rectitude of the deceased, who could therefore access eternal life becoming m??-?rw (Egyptological pronunciation: Maa Kheru), which means “vindicated/justified”, literally “true of voice” (“blessed” in a broad sense).[7] But, if the heart was heavier than Maat’s feather, then a terrifying monster named ?mmt “the Devourer” (“Ammit”) devoured it by destroying the soul of the deceased.[8][9]”

Hohjh Sooshh Have messaged me again and mention Jay and God…

The things he said, the things he knew and the message he gave me that of how much He- Jay God Loves me.

6:04 pm

6:05 right now.

I can not hear such things right now, but it was appreciated and I know it was all the truth, but I really can not afford to listen to such things in my current state of mind and heart.

One of the things he said was that God Jay, appreciated my writing posting and describing what is going on in this reality-seen through my point of view.

* He just sent me a message of appreciation and acknowledgment at 6:04 pm and a bouquet of flowers and 6:09 pm.

I am aware of all this already since 1989 when I found myself moved to keep a journal ” Talking To The Silence” which has culminated in the E Manual which no one has arrived to take responsibility for, I felt it was through Liberty to Arden.
But right now, I am too exhausted and bored with this play to give a damn anymore. But yes Jonn Deguidce Blackwell who also had visions of memories of ancient Egypt said the same thing- a message he was charged to give me and yes he was born 19 64 and his wife Donna O Sullivan 19 58, but my trust in that force has completely evaporated.
I only trust my Self and I know what I have experienced and witnessed, and it is Evil and Hatred. Lies.

So No.
Only manifestation- Solid Manifestation, Action facts interests me, and my leaving this
play script and until that manifest, I am dealing with an enemy and foe, the liar.

6:22 pm.

So, please, lets us move on.

My Trust in the Truth has totally gone and it took me a very, very long time and such torment and torture of knowing that this was impossible, until I finally let go recently. From 2010 to 2020.

I am at 17 58 Facebook friends.

Abubakar Americana has returned completing the 5 A’s

Hence Arab Egyptians confirmed 42 Judges.
E.G. Y. PT.
The 5th Play. 5= E.

Image result for how many squares are on a chessboard
The Chess board is made up of an 8×8 grid. This grid results in 64 alternating colored squares, 32 light squares and 32 dark. The size of each individual square is identical, and the board should measure the same on all 4 sides.”

64. 8 by 8

*”First of all we counted how many 8×8 squares there were (which wasn’t very hard as there was one)”

204 T.D. ( 24/ 42)

The game has 8 pieces (1 king, 1 queen, 2 bishops, 2 knights, 2 rooks ) and 8 pawns by side, so the breadth had to be eight. 64 squares are a result of the number of pawns and pieces lined up.”

Assetou Traore is my latest Facebook friend.
I am his 40th, meaning we were still in the Africa Pangea story and was held up, lied to and put through living hell my something claiming to Love me, when to me it is Evil Selfishness to the Extreme and can not be of me, hence my cutting forever the ties with the E Family.
Lies by using Silence, the gaps which I am made to sit here waiting it is vile script with its chosen avatars who were designated by their representing the Equation to bring the End of not only this world but Everything.
Kept me waiting here, in Connecticut, on Face Book?

I Curse Them.

I. C.T.

I Consciousness Truth.

I Ce Truth.

6:42 pm.

That you refused to this point to accept that you were nothing but a story.
And behind it all was its challenge of who is the Alpha
The one Awareness Supreme.

6:43 pm.

Assetou. ASS E.TO. U.
Asset coded to Maritza Montes.

A SS E.T.O. U Universe.

What Does Name “Assetou” Mean. Powerful and complete.”

Powerful and Complete

*”Meaning of the name Assetou. African French (Francophonic Asséta) form of the Arabic name Aseta means – “lioness”,

Traore TR A- Ore.
* Recognize this play with Maritza to Liberty who I called the Ore of Woman which is really Arden as he was actually the first Man and Woman.
6:59 pm.

*”According to a user from Turkey, the name Traore is of African origin and means “The called ones”.

The called ones.

T C O.- M.E as I.

*”Traoré or Traore is a surname of Manding origin (Bambara: Taara-oray), as written in French orthography, which is common in Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast and Guinea. In anglophone West Africa the name is often spelled Trawally.”

Nothing to do with Africa Pangea and that first world story.

I coded Chris Gemino yesterday the Full Circle of I. E Family he was born 5-8-1977/ 1978/ 87.
77= 1= A.
And now I am at 17 58 Facebook Friends.
May 8th- August 5th.

13 13 =27.
40 40 = 41.

13 40= 53.
13 40 = 53.

June Gemino.
1 67.

I lived in both Equations on May 8th with Dawn Chimento. 8-5 H.E.
on this E M Filed of 50 States of the U S A.
Universal Simulation Awareness- Awakening.

7:08 pm

Yes, he was born 5-8-78.
5 O.
5 F.
E F.
56= 11 x = 30 sum 41. on my page right now are two facebook windws one with 5 on it and the other 8, and on the corner of my page the number 1 4.

I am not reading your codes you made me walk through “Hidden Figures” 8 6… I am reading mine.
reading in between the lines of my past to A.G A. P E.
Operation System.
Computer Operating System

The Opening Os B- ONE.

Cos. Sine.
Cosmin Being
Delta Operating System.

Os means *”In Norse Baby Names the meaning of the name Os is: Divine.


Delta Computer Operating System OS.

7:00pm to 7:17 pm

And I hacked it.

7:18 pm

G R using the Golden Ratio.
G. A.H.

*”The Forty-Two Judges were divine entities associated with the afterlife in ancient Egypt and, specifically, the judgment of the soul in the Hall of Truth. The soul would recite the Negative Confession in their presence as well as other gods and hope to be allowed to continue on to the paradise of the Field of Reeds.

The ancient Egyptians have long been defined as a death-obsessed culture owing to their association with tombs and mummies as depicted in popular media and, of course, the famous discovery of the Tomb of Tutankhamun by Howard Carter in 1922 CE. Images of the jackal-headed god of the dead Anubis or the black-and-green mummified form of Osiris have also encouraged this association in the public imagination.

Actually, however, the Egyptians loved life and their seeming preoccupation with death and the afterlife was simply an expression of this. There is no evidence that the ancient Egyptians longed for death or looked forward to dying in any way – in fact, precisely the opposite is abundantly clear – and their elaborate funerary rituals and grand tombs stocked with grave goods were not a celebration of death but a vital aspect of the continuation of life on another, eternal, plane of existence. To reach this idealized world, however, one needed to have lived a virtuous life approved of by Osiris, the judge of the dead, and the Forty-Two Judges who presided with him over the Hall of Truth in the afterlife.

Djed Pillars, Hall of Osiris, Abydos
Djed Pillars, Hall of Osiris, Abydos
Jon Bodsworth (CC BY)
The Afterlife
The Egyptians believed that their land was the best in the world, created by the gods and given to them as a gift to enjoy. They were so deeply attached to their homes, family, and community that soldiers in the army were guaranteed their bodies would be returned from campaigns because they felt that, if they died in a foreign land, they would have a harder time – or possibly no chance at all – of attaining immortality in the afterlife.

This afterlife, known as The Field of Reeds (or Aaru in ancient Egyptian), was a perfect reflection of one’s life on earth. Scholar Rosalie David describes the land which awaited the Egyptians after death:

The underworld kingdom of Osiris was believed to be a place of lush vegetation, with eternal springtime, unfailing harvests, and no pain or suffering. Sometimes called the `Field of Reeds’, it was envisaged as a `mirror image’ of the cultivated area in Egypt where rich and poor alike were provided with plots of land on which they were expected to grow crops. The location of this kingdom was fixed either below the…’

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