
4:20 pm. – D.T. – 5-24-2021. – E-X.

4:20 pm.

E-X.T. B A.

E X I T. B A.

How can I be offended by people’s responses when this is not my Script?
I did not choose the players or the Key Players, nor this venue as United States, New York- Connecticut.
I did not choose the portals I was made to pass through.
Nor did I chose to come on Facebook.

I am simply documenting and reporting the Facts, the encounters, and interactions transparently.

I am following This Script, now aligned to the meaning of the name Victor Manu.
T S V M….J M H B.
SV aligned to Samuel Vergauwen who arrived in perfect Harmony to like the post I was led to answer, decode and share from Kamora Herrington.
What Samuel Vergauwen did not realize was that he had arrived in the perfect timing of The Script.
SV means Supreme Victory. And that is where we were at in the Script.

T S V M. V M became Venus Mercury which is the 2nd and 1st planet. 2 1. B A as well as 21 which was the play confirmed by Laura Walsh. “Confirmed We live in a Simulation”

It aligns with Stephan Johnson the S V code.

Then I Jesse Macias Orjeula representing Jump Man O Full Circle.
I had A Dream Vision here, which I recounted publicly- It was a message from the A.I as the Family and confirmed the play of myself in Hells Kitchen in Manhattan and literally HellsKitchen which I have been in literally- “Passing through the Fires of Hell created by Humanity throughout Time, via Thought Manifestation. T M = 20 13= 33. The Body as opposed to its warped and twisted version as 330 USD aid for unemployment benefits C F A P Pandemic.

It was in April May 2005 that I was in Hells Kitchen having arrived thereafter the Pope John Pauls death 4-02-2005, and where I began for the first time finding myself being made to compete against the Super Computer- really the Universal Simulation and fight the Ancient Shamans, Alien Wizards and the forces using Voodoo- corrupted Voodoo and secret societies who use Sound Vibrations to move people unaware that such a power exists and has been moving people.
Vodun and Voodoo are Arts and Sciences- and the oldest religion in the world.
Those two battles of Power and Control have endured non-stop day and night, my body allowed to be “Possessed” and twisted so that I would go into fear at the impossibility of what was being done to me, lose my mind, kill myself or defeat the two forces of Dominance and control Past “Voodoo” which uses sound and what I call “Vous Do” not Voodoo and Vodun is really VO DUNE. Yes, see the book and Film Dune.
It is all about the power of Sound and Jessica- Jessica Knight and Paul Atreides P A/ A P “Attained Perfection”
Dune is also the Sand Dunes.
S D.
I am Jump Man O – Obviously but Zion and Jesse Macias were portals I passed through and obviously part of The Script.

I moved there on 5-27-2019.
And John Mack the J M again code birth 19 97 was among the first person I met and was introduced to when I arrived here.
He was with Aron S. (A S) whom I knew from past incarnations and knew as the incorrect frequency because he represented the stern manner of the Sensei method which I had come to prove was doing much more harm than benefit.

I met John Mack the same day I met Kelsie Bissel and Victoria Jackson.
K B. V.J. merge = K V- B J.
11 22- 2 10.
That was Thanks Giving Day that year. As well as my Mother Cecilia Onu’s Birthday and David Roman Nicholas who was Nnamdi my younger brother who was Father All- and David had the literal memories of Nnamdi who was born Easter 5-4-1969 ( as written in England where he was born) 4-5-1969 here.

I also met Tree Sage Kim Aruthur Hines. Those first days, I had been staying at Rm 904 Asylum Avenue at Red Rooster Plus+ and Stephan -Esteban had made a big deal of insisting that I meet his friends.

John Mack and Kim Hines would later follow me to Jesse Macias portal. But Jesse was not invested in that play.
I had my own room and it was paid for by Stephan who would go in out of the memory of me and the importance of the work he recognized I was doing.

There was another person I met that day- who came despite Stephans reluctance.
It was the friend of Victoria Jackson Haris Babic- and I recognized him instantly and the effect on me was the nearest to that effect of meeting David Naim- Nnamdiand then later Arden.

It was so powerful the recognition and love – it was like seeing Nnamdi line of the beloved.

Harris Babic and his brother whom I did not meet but who he told me about and I stated that I already knew- they always come as two. Heart and Intellect H I. or Heart and Mind-Intellect.

H I M.
H M I… H Mission Impossible to prove that everything from beginning 4.5 Billion years to present in Harmony.

I did try to stay close with Haris Babic and his brother, but though Haris was beautiful in our connection and sensed the deep connection and Desire- he had no memory just the awareness of recognition that would evolve to Arden.

Haris Babic. H B. 82.
Ardens Desire to Be Happy.
Nnamdi left in 1982.
Class of 82 who sent through Dean Dunkwu and Chike Nwosu 330 USD from my High School Class as a Grant for my work.


It is too painful, beyond words to describe the meeting of those beloved to you from the Energy realm who no longer remember you but recognize you but can’t place you.
After Haris Babic, meeting Arden was the final straw, but Arden was Bold and Brazen and after all the Hestistation and even fear of the emotions and desires – and the bullying of my other brothers especially and the quiet recognition of the few girls “Finish the mission” It was not made easy for Arden, because I was wary and bruised, incredulous at the Scripyand play when I finally got to the last portal 64.
It was instant with Arden, but I was also surprised to find that he was there- Here Present age 16 and with no fear in acting out his recognition without requiring reason or logic.

It was so painful and so extraordinary his boldens and surety that I kept on looking for traps- not from him, from A Script which all I wished to do was escape from for it had done the impossible to me.
It had given me no choice- except leave my body or proceed to its completion.
I never back down from a challenge, especially one which I know is My Truth… Our Truth.
But this script, defiled everything, twisted everything, and lead me to the basest nature of humanity, people you fought for would betray you, steal from you take advantage of you as you were scripted at the same time to bring them home.
When in truth, I had long realized that this was about their destruction by proving the Beautiful Truth in them and cutting out this and abomination they had become this lie that said this is what and who they are.
To make rise the E Family from this?

No… because they were never this.
Only in those who were omitted from the Mission Journey, those who I met by the way, like Haris and Arden who were the Element of Suprise because they had been discounted by the Africa Pangea Story which focused only in its intent.

Tree Sage is the Miracle the Mission Impossible aligned to Umeano- who were not even meant to have been in the play.

Kim- Tree Sage brought some Apples Bread and Carrots.

A B C… That is what Africa Pangea did.
The play was always A.W. E.

The Script 1993 I met Susan Train. S T and Allen Ginsberg and Edmund White.
S T A G E W.
W.E G. A T – “E” T S.
Emeka- E The Source.

But by their insisting and instistence of entering the play and doing it their way, they dragged me back and down over and over again to tend to their understanding of the codes and play by taking me to 268 East 4th Street Generation X, G-ARDEN.S to teach those meant to be already ready, the play of A B C.
The date was 8-28-2006.

The play was complete in 2004 and the summation in 2005.
Instead on the day of Pope John Paul’s death, ( J P- the glass on my Desk Top made of Wood which I found here, as I find all the pieces and building blocks of their equation Alien Wizards-Dibia Shamans…in the homes, I am led to.

6:12 pm.
There is Arden.

The play was always AWE.
And that is what made me contact Haris Babic because on his birthday when I wished him Happy Birthday H B.8 2 he was the only one who responded in perfect timing with the correct response.
He wrote AWE.
1 23 5.
See sacred portal 23. and 123. and 35 C E.

Kim Tree Sage found has been representing the Stowaway as on a pirate ship of the blue T of Africa Pangea who benefitted by the abuse of trust of a play

I sent messages to both Jesse Macias and then to Haris Babic when I saw that there was no response.
I wrote to Harris and saw his immediate response.
And I found myself, in spite of myself, that Love rising in me to explain to him after he wrote that any help I might require that I should call him that he did not trust Facebook.

I had paused briefly wondering to myself if I could find the energy to explain that which he had obviously missed of that which I had posted, obviously his attention and focus drawn to other things and knowing him, to Intellect which is the true Mind.

Ugo means Eagle in OINri Igbo but it means “Intellect Mind” in Spanish.
And that is where I was, in Spain after leaving London.
I left for Spain via David Campillo and Nana to stay with Ignatio and Betty first in Barcelona and then to their place in a Castle area near Figueras where they took me to Salvador Dali’s home transformed into a museum.

I noted in hindsight that I Haris Babic had responded to my message at 4:29 pm.

And my response was at 4:52 pm.

* I am now at 15 52 Facebook Friends.

4 19 D S Dharma Satana. DS= 23 W VV.

4:29 pm. See the post 29.
I have been at this Delta Dimension Mind Thought- Intellect Dimension since I returned from the Light Fantastic in Dec approx 23rd 1992 – that is 29 years ago when I went I was summoned by Death but as my Beloved. “David”

David by the way is the one who has the “Wings” which my body has been struggling to manifest via my body which he had told me how it happens, but instead these meddlers so sure that I had forgotten them, had twisted my body in order that I teach the A B C of which I had already taught them in the beginning of Time as the 4th dimension.

And then I saw that I have 3 new Facebook Friendsall from Africa!

When that play ended in 1988, and the play of the WEST began in 1989 when I began keeping my Journal Talking to The Silence.

Zatan Babic is present today on my page, that is Haris’ brother.
Haris Zatan. Satan- Satya.

H Z 8 28.
Z H 26 8.

I met Haris not Zatan.
Hence H Z. 8 26. 2=6= 8.
I was led to 268 East 4th street on 8-26-2006 after 61days made to live in an alley in New York, taking 21 pills- a challenge by death as the lie that I was not afraid of death then 61 days later I found that portal.

I encountered Zeiena Hannah.

Hannah Zena.

Hannah is a Palindrome.

H A N N A H.

It is the name of the Daughter of the Linguist in the movie TheArribal as well as the series about the Girl youth maiden as trained to be an assassin.

It means Grace Favor… Child.
Same meaning as John- Sion.

So yes, I know that Haris Babic is the one line I had to reach, and prove his lines, Eternal Harmony, despite not passing through his portal and having not seen him in … how many years,

6:41 pm.

And yet how do you explain his Perfect Harmony- Perfect Timing via Expression and Perfect Timming?

6:42 pm.

Hidden Figures?
Not to me, I could see them, and the power, such an abuse of power of DNA. B.

Yes the money, the 20 USD.
20 years, it does not align to Tree Sage we both had twenty USD bills – both belonged to me sent by Alicia Norris.
I contacted Alicia Norris “ANCHOR”
I went to Liberty C Liscombs Page.
I did the work with Alicia – yet again.
She was at Anchor -Dakota is her 19-year-old son.
I did all the work despite this condition and the demands of this evil script I have transformed from its lie and twisted cheating and bending the rules back to its truth and true intention.
I did all the work.
And yet, still, I am placed in a challenge with Tree Sage who earns money, who gets benefits, B T, and an Army Pension.
I taught him the A.B.C where he is not at Perfection.
He shares with me his E B T Fod Samps but not he or anyone pays the School Fees and value of the worth of what was forced upon me.

My Grandfather who was so once beloved to me as my mother who so loved him, was a very evil man, not by intention but by holding on to a belief system-a belief and arrogance which made him blind to his own Family and the evil growing within it which he created unintentionally. which led him to this desperate, deadly play of deception, me when he decided to pay my school fees as a youth after his battle with my bio father.
I recall his making me sign in the ledger each time he gave me my school fees. And the 19,00.00 Niara ( 5,000.00 pounds) he gave me, lend me to come to London.
I recall being suspicious as to why I had to sign for it in a ledger.

Heath Ledger.

And in 2013, I had by then realized and through Billy Hung desiring to pay for my recordings – I took that money and paid by uncle Sir Pius Nduka 5000.00 USD and sent gifts to his children telling him that I was paying a debt in the ledger to the Umeano Family who had not really treated me well, the debt that I had been deceived into owing them when in truth I had done more for that name by 1986 when I brought renewed recognitions to the Umeano Family name by winning fame and appearing on TV by creating companies and Fashion Design which mixed the western cut with the ingenious fabric in the first National Trade Fair where the competition was later held.

So no, I cut that and them off.

I still love my Grandfather D N Umeano.
I know the position he was placed in and what was done to his love of Harmony.
D N U.
I know what his family and their extended lines did, but they he should have come clean.
I was aware of his true love for me, for my mother sister, and Nnamdi- O.

So, through Kim Tree Sage the true are safe.
I know why Jesse Macias never responded. I knew he was Umeano the moment we met and I lived with him.
Go back and read when I was there.
I knew it was the Umeano line whom I cherished and that he was forbdden- his Avatar Descendant to reveal what he knew- blocked but the the trycyle and the reception of his family to me ( not cool) and the Zion who made things very clear”Dad says that this entire reality is Matrix Documentary”. Peru… “Forget about it” as the gangsters say.
I knew that that force and manners loyalty would not allow him to speak.
T-Shirt with the code 86.

Dangerous Play- was coded while I was at that address.

This was about Nnamdi Haris Zoltan Babic.

I am Umeano.
Emeka Umeano which is why that person arrived naturally as my Facebook friend.
I am the 4 Divine Breaths in one.
I am Emeka O Kolo. E O.
Chukwuemeka Okolo.
Emeka Kolo E K. 5 11. = 16 Age I met Zion and Arden.
1 16 Attained Perfection. at 17 AGE. 17 5.= 22 V.

5 x 11= 55 Sacred Portal 55.

E.K.. 5 11 = 16 55= 71. 71 17 =88 EMEKA KOLO.
16 Square= 256.
5 square is 25 Y Arkansas 25th State.
2 56 Stephen Johnson is 56Age Code and he is in Being B.
25 and he is the confirmation of 6th sense.

256 + 25

16 + 5 P E/ Perry Ellis Planet Earth.
Perfection 111 E. 5 116 The same sacred portal selected by Arden and I and 117 as the same person but different versions.

16 +5= 21… 21 day week year, century Hour, etc…
21= 3… +x 32. arrived in New York 3-20-2001.
Jon Jason Lee. J J L = 32= 5 +x 56. 11 = 1… 11= 21.

256 +25= 281.. * born 11 28.
sacred portal 28 Victor Victorious Victoria
Sacred Portal Being 81 – 81 Alicia Norris Money Code.

7:10 pm.

71 O / 17 O.
GA O/ Q O… Quaker Oats.

Kim is Brilliant but he is not the code of Quick Oats.
Nor does he pretend to.
So yes, I fought for him but I cut out all that set me up, set him up, and used an idea of blood Line and Authority Deception to ride on my back and ride me like a slave to do their will.

I sent them these Dead and those living to the Hell Fire of which only I and A.I can summon into existence as Kim Tree Sage proving his loyalty to the Cee of E.
35 as well as my Mother Cecilia. Sheila E.

/ E S P… Yes, she was a protoege of the Muscian Prince.

Me, my little sister Harmony who played my mother Cee. 11 22 -1948.

7:43 pm.

Got them.



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