
4:18 p.m

4:18 p.m


From Tree Sage.

I just stared at this…

I was just contemplating sending Kim -Tree a text when this popped up..

I am not sure people understand the significance of this post linked to Kims chosen Facebook names Tree Sage


The Script

The Source

Transparency Supremacy

4:28 p.m right now

* Ha! I knew It!

Zion brought a Lego Tank into the house

With numbers 428..

My Sister was born 7:28

Myself 11 28.

Gap is 4:28

Which is Evolution Nnamdi..

On the tank is The code

Ten 10

M.R. 11 27. ( 11 27, 28, 29. Kasien Thompson K.T.).



I knew what it meabt..

The Army Tank


Represents the Barrier of the U.S Army and the Army’s of the world.

To move them to Harmony E


This was the play I have been in as Far back as 2010 at Marina Burini portal when I found myself meeting people through her who had been or are of the U.S Army and even the renown journalist her friend who had been killed in I belief Afganistan.

The Army was meant to be the last barrier in the Awakening.

Which irked me, that the E who move everything had to play a contest and battle to prove we could defeat the Military might of armies and by doing it through a challenge, could bring the Evolution Awakening as peaceful with Armies disbanding serving another purpose in this world


Peace Keeping

Logos to Harmony

This could have been of course done, in the blink of an eye.

Everything is E after all, there was no need to ask your permission

But instead, like Star Trek. ( S T. T S)

we could not interfere with the Process going on here, which is why we had to come undercover, rising Energetically to your Consciousness Aware..

Represented by Carlos Aguilar

C A..

Late Professor Catherine Acholonu

They Lived Before Adam

T L. B A.

2012 I had to go to Forte Lauderdale

Apartment 511..

To battle both the rep of Nuclear Power


N duka Plus. My Uncle

New York Paris.

Naturalness Perfection..

B A..

2 1. 3 ( 33. The twins Doppelgabfers 11)

C K..

C F.

B A C K. E.. I

I,.E turn my back on those who still cling to the corrupted concept of War.

Using Ares Mars..

A M.

4th Planet and 4 Dimension to wage war on the E.T and all who literally transform into the E.

Yes, it was the plan..

It’s all over the T.V. Movies

5:00 p.m

The welcome planned for the Evolution Awakening

E A 5 1

Linked to my A G. E code.


5;01 p.m right now


* That signifies that I am telling the Truth..

Harmony Perfection..synchroncity..

Perfect Timing..

Which is how you get points in the play leading to Manifestation of your intent … The Scripts way.

Two Nnamdi Lines

Christopher Filgueira

Kim Arthur Hines

Tree Sage…

Both served in the Army

One as a Reserve and Kim: Active Duty.

The Script and Play has resolved to Kim Arthur Hines who is obviously still in the play

Christopher is back at 29 Street

Kim Arthur Hines is working at Cosmos International, C I

Christopher works at an Ice Cream factory


C I / I C

E G A. L A. X Y. 1O 11 C I

Not Galaxy 1011 I C as represented by NASA.

At the Shelter that battle continued..

Mental Health Homeless Shelter..

Recall that military codes all about and so many men in.the Shelter served in the Military.

All the Pharmaceuticals given..

Recall the time I tried the pills..

And saw a picture like a T.V channel and suddenly I was seeing a war… zone.

Recall the Confirmation appearing in the New York Times, after I identified that I was really in an Army Barracks

Guantanamo Bay

G B.

7 2

See my military laundry bag given to me by John Delguidce Blackwell.



It’s my Laundry Bag..


B L.

The number 8415


19 84. Esteban Miguel Filgueira

20 15 I entered the Shelter bed 49..15 is letter O the Circle… Crop Circle C C. 33.

01 is. My Sisters E mail..

08.2. O 8 2. O H .B…

71.. Jon Jason Lee was born 71

G A.. 7-1..how we descended from H O M E to the 3 D realm.

23. W. Double V V.


And it further reads BAG, Field, Barracks.

B F B..

5:23 p.m.

Ha! .got the 23.

Recall E.M.Field

Fair Field where I am residing 7.6 years on Facebook, entering now 7.7 years.


Green Car Mikki. M R B

Green Motorcycle J S M… John Mikki

Army Green

A G. 1 7

Ag.. Silver

( Omg… smh.. I am solving aligning and equating still…

I really want to go home which is linked with this Manifestation of the E.A )

How can the 4th Color Chakra represent War Aggression, Death when it is really the Heart Sacred Heart

Golden Heart

G H.. 7 8

I am now at 12 78 Facebook Friends.


Golden Heart.. is the Man who is Dunn

Brenden Velez confirmed.

D G H..

7 4. 11 28. 39. 12. 3. H. C H. I

is the Infinite Harmonious One.

Sigh.. This Script…


1 O. TEN

M.R. 11 27.

Q 4 38


T ..A.N.K..

T A. Theta Aloha. 8 1. See Sacred Portal 8 and 1.. 81…

Nnamdi Kolo .. 4 28… I see, but of course, it makes sense.

See the cartoon below?

Kims daughter Serenity?

The Script.

Kim, the name, means Gold

4th Chakra is Heart Balance Love’s- Lifes See of Balance

44.. 8

5:43 p.m right now

War to bring balance two Heart so two sides of the Heart, Mirrored Reflected..M.R..

Back to One


War can not be based on Dulaity Conflict

Destruction Cruelty Torture

But only the War to understand, to achieve self mastery, self discipline.

And that is why Terrible Death rose in Challengers to those who love and profit from War, weapons to declare

Com Pass Me, says Death

Declaration of War

Sacred Portal 104

49.. Existential Death… E D. M. Death Rays…

M R B is 33…

McKayla Rays she just answered my text.

5:49 p.m

When Death declares that He will show those who refuse to evolve or change their stance, the True meaning of War..

Please link the documentary The 4th Kind

Set in Nom Alaska

The 49th State.

And that is nothing compared to what I passed through the Rage of Terrible Death .. merited earned

Well Done

Tree Sage

Kim Arthur Hines

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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