
4:18 am – D R – Imagine that the

4:18 am – D R – Imagine that the

4:18 am


Imagine that they are not models
But Alpha Models A M of the Blue Print of Existence..

And that they are literally undercover and this is the only job they could get in this reality to which it serves their purpose in perfect tomming..
But they are literally Elemental Ethereal Harmonies Goddesses’s.

The Way
The 3
The C

And in my Bio Family Blue Print would be represented by my Three Aunts
My mother Cecilia, My Aunt Theresa
And Maggie “Stay near me always”

A younger sister naming her first and only daughter after her own elder “Twin” sister who died age 13 in her childhood.

And behind in the Corner is their mother
“Nwa-Amu” Priscilla
( Queen of the Desert)
This is exactly them..
And how they look

Sacred Portal 9
33 9

I should know and yes
I received the confirmation”


They do not manipulate
These are the way to the SHE
The Ladies of E.

Allure Magazine
April 17th Issue

Dilone. D I.L. O.N.E
Iman Hamman. H I. I Man H A.M. M.A N
Aamito Lagum. A L-L A. A.M IT. O. La Gum



A I D … Portal Nenad M. Djurdjevic
1 9 4

A… I.D.. E

An Idea of the E Line

491 was the seconded noted (by myself)
Of Nenads total Face Book Friends.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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