
4:15 pm…

4:15 pm…


First Note…

D.A..E… DA E…

Sun Dae…

In Honor to the Sundaes which Jonn Blackwell introduced me to..

whose ingredients would have been the way my journey had been.. Delicious from Top to Bottom, from Beginning to End..

In Honor of the Lady who sells them here…

I noticed that we are back still at 455 Face Book friends…

Sacred Portal 45 and 55…

Though I was eager to reach 56 Face Books friends, representing sacred portal 56…

Which shows my family ( and The Family from the Future present arriving at the 5th Dimension Frequency represented now here in certain venues in planet Earth…Coming to get me and the specified rendevouz pointed which they have led me to…)

Sacred Portal 55 shows the Same thing but the family from the Back, represented on sacred portal 55, and on the photos Kerem Sanliman took of me about 15 years ago…

Yes, 15 is letter O..Full Circle.

Thus sacred portal 55 would be a sort of twin to sacred portal 56..

but instead of arrival from the Future Present, it would be the Past Present…

You will recall perhaps, how I have continually stated that there is no one who has power in this play, not even myself..

To friend – Unfriend or do anything which is not already in Harmony with this Play and this Presence moving through the world and about to land in certain Humans…

I posted yesterday about the number 455 representing both sacred portal 45 and 55…?

And 45 was represents ‘The Throne of God

Which if I am enacting out along with others, an unseen play..

one can conclude that my solving the riddle of Diamond light to Carbon Coal Black…E lite…Satellite Moon…Symbol of perfect symmetry, along with the Installation created by my bed site table, the basement, the Little Rock I sat upon..

The American Indian Post share of Michael O’Donnell of a Man sitting before a Pond, a Pool…To Jonn Blackwell and my naturally shifting me Suff from a transparent Container, after loosing my Silver one given to me by Donna O’Sullivan, (Which I later found) to a Black Yuin Cylindrical Case like a Tube or Tunnel..Yuin means Universal Sound in Chinese (Another gift from Jonn… yes, a moving generosity) to the Coleman CO. LE Man

seat for Winter (Spring -Mid summer nights dream, Winter Tale…S.M.W..T..Code of G-ode; Supreme Milky Way Truth..S.M.W.T..

and yes It is the CO-D.E..O.F..G.-ODE which I have been Solving these last 45 Months- which gives one a fair idea as to who and what God is..Harmonious Expression= Wait, Affirmation Truth, Echo Response..


Yes, God is H.E ..WATER..

EH we now originates from the Sound and Symbol of the Proto Indo Expression..P.I.E…


Phoenicians Phonetics P.H..ON..E.T..I.C..Supreme…

God is E=H.E..WATER…B-EAU Ti! Full..

Walter PP.K…Ja-mes (Sage) Bonds…

All things Together in one Eloquent moving Song


Gel..Linking everything,

Flowing from a Rock Pegasus!

A Brook, a Stream a River a Pond a Lake, a Sea and Ocean so vast of 7 Sees, framing 5 Continents…57..in Harmony


And the Body 9O% percent Water…


Naturally as is its Nature..



In Laughter Rire!

Creating a R.UE

Street Road (S.R) of

Truth through Ruth

A Companion Friend…A Vision of Beauty

Which moves you to See

to a Vast Collective Stillness

Which cuts through All the Inner and Outer Noise in your heads and your Hearths and your Worlds..

Transforming Anxiety Worrisome Expression



And the Truth of His Cee..

Revealed as that his Crossing paths with you in this world

asking R.U.Eee?

To the River being your Being floating

in the River Styx..While dreaming in thee Sleep

of this World you perceive..

to revealing of the Truth that your were a Spirit and a Bird Traveling in a Boat which is your body in the Rios Rire of the gurgling giggling Air Water Energies Expression, moving you through True Expression of the Blue Lagoon

to land your Beings (Spirit U-BA!) and your Boats (Bodies)

in a Beautiful Marina, to land and See,

the Beautiful Present

and X M.E..S. S A.G.E, He has prepared for All of Thee

True..Who followed the Route of Beautiful Expression

because that is the Source of Nature..

That Beautiful Expression you see..

The Fountain of Life (Eau ODE D’Vie)

River of Life

Tree of Life

Flower of Life

is All the Way of E

Lao Tzu (Tsu)

5:18 p.m

5:19 p.m/

Nduka Collin

Onu Lady C.

5: 2O p.m


5:21 p.m




All for my I.E’s

Welcome my new Face Book friend Shelley Jackson…


It is obvious, that we are now completing the play of Sacred Portal 55..

45 has been activated…

Sacred Portal 55 and 56..are linked as one..

5 55 6..E 55 F

The 55 EE is obviously the one Door..

The Past Present..Presents the Future…

5th Dimension E is through Sixth Sense…

5:36 p.m.

*The Time I kept Marking represents Anchors

to Mark the Harmony of the Route, Rue

True, I am representing as Truth..

Through Constant Expression… T.C.e

45 Months..C-Ole! Man…

A sort of Map, which affirms that I know where we are going to..


La! N.D.H.E!

Red Blood, Circululation..

Map of the Human Heart…

Note, Donna O’Sullivan told me this morning that the temperature is 6O degrees!

Like a Mid Summer Nights Tale…

on a Winters Tail..

And just now returned with Jonn, with intel about the Hues Of Pink..



Happiness Peace..

With Beautiful streaks of grey..

Black and White..Grey Matters..


Tooth Fairy…

Eze Nwannyi…


King of Queens Woo-man…


That tomorrow is a Full Moon..

Dianah! Artemis!

David! Alexander!


And that the nights is magical…

Like a Beautiful Fairy Tale


Anxiety Worrisome Expression..


Peace of Mind..

Peace Bee..

My Ladies…

Have Peace of Mind at last..

Ladies, Sisters, Mothers, Wifes…

Harmony Peace has entered the World



Joy and Bliss..


Jonn Blackwell…

and Extase..


The Name Shell-E.Y…JA-C.K-Son

Shell Eye Pearl of Wisdom..

Aphrodite Rising from the Sea with Eros Cupid with Anteros Back-U.S, Dionysus…her brothers beloved…

Sophia Laurels

Steven Laurence

Larry Sax!..


Victorious Sword!

Sacred Portal 12O..



Son of the Morning Star..

The North Norse Star…

Diana Oh…Moon Lune



Ah my Lady..Open April

April Marie Malone

A.M.M..A -Z..(M=13..26..Z)


Bergensten He-NRI…


Zeina Hanna

See Same Me!

Beautiful Harmony.. Grace Favors..

Perfect Symmetry

Beautiful Expression


25 Y

From BE.Y..ON..D..

And so the Shell contains within it the All Seeing Eye,

The White, the Black Pupil..(Student)

and the Iris..I-Rise..

Which is the true Focus and attention…

Of the Source..


Understanding of the Truth of H.E..

Thantos Eros Erebus..


Even M.E…


Sacred portal 55 Emme Complete…

Shelley means Ewe Female Sheep- Rachel -Purity..

Little Rock Rest, Sloped meadow…

Very similar to the back Yard here which slopes, where I Rested and sat on a Little Rock…

It also means, Wood Clearing Clearance..of the Air, set Sail..! Home

Dweller by the Wood Clearing by the Ledge…

Jonn presented me yet another gift today..

A sleeveless winter Jacket…

via the person code named E.P…

I read the label…

Lands Edge…L.E…


The L 12 Completion of the Play Lucifer..

of living on the Edge for 15 years..

A Full Circle…

on the Rim, on the Brink of success of completion of Opening a Door, Linking, Tunneling, Creating a Link, through the Hardest Bed Rock of Alcatraz

Papillion…Butterfly…Transformation of the Escape from New York (Snake)

of building a bridge a canal, a Channel… of the Truth of the E World Exists,

is real and fact…

Not a Vision but a Victorious Cee,

And View, which I have shown is no only true..

But the One Fact..

Portal to the True Life A W…(Double U.Vie), Exists..

The one True you who inspires Awe..

Jackson means the God has been Gracious he sent his Son


To help explain how each can turn the Light Switch On…


To Observe how Supreme Balance.

6:21 p.m


O.F.U…(Meaning One in OINri Igbo)


*See BamBamm Rcg Vegaa Share Edvard Munch the Scream..

Of Beautiful Expression…

Manifested Existence..


By a Voice Christo Krishna…


Expression which moves you to the Point of the Source..

A Beautiful Point of View..

Creates a Route to A World which Exists..

Beyond your wildest Imagination..

Not a Dream come True..

But the Truth at Long Last…

Do o re mi..

Door em


Diana David and Harry..

St Nicholas….


At Last my love has come along..

Open My Lord and Lady E..

April Opened in Winter Expression…


Iwe means Anger..

I Anger…

Alpha Omega ..I..Double Vie…

Alpha Omega 1-24..X

The Secret X Files on you…

The T.E.N..Know


6:3O p.m


First Contact.. Oh Diana Eunice…

Oh..Circle Filled

Glass Full…



See sacred portal…

It all began with A Conversation..

then a Buzz.. Bee of Excitement..

then a C of Expression

Drunk with

Ecstatic Expression of





Day E

24 Hours

6th Sense


6:35 p.m

6:36 p.m



Fritz Venneiq

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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