
4:15 p.m.

4:15 p.m.


Louvenia Pandora McMillan L.P.M

Dianne Stokes… D.S.

Paula Phillips

Andrea Butler.

Diane Stokes…

Pandora’s Box…


Pronunciation of Lavinia [lavinia] as a girls’ name is pronounced la-vee-NEE-ah. It is of Latin origin. The name of the legendary mother of the Roman people. Her name may possibly be derived from Lavinium, the name of an Etruscan city more ancient than Rome. Classical name revived in the Renaissance, and again used in the 18th century

* C18: from Italian (Neapolitan dialect), from Latin lavare to wash. Word Origin and History for lava Expand. n. 1750, from Italian (Neapolitan or Calabrian dialect) lava torrent, stream, traditionally from Latin lavare to wash (see lave). …

Pandora means ‘Gifted with all Gifts.’

Behind the Name: Meaning, origin and history of the name Pandora. Means all gifts, derived from a combination of Greek pa? (pan) all and d???? (doron) gift. In Greek mythology Pandora was the first mortal woman

*Hope was left in the Bottom of the Box… Because there is no such thing..

it is H.O..P.E….


McMillan means ‘Son of the Tonsured one.. Son of the Priest.. ‘ Highest Cast…

8;30 p.m

‘Mother of Rome, the Clean washed steady stream Gifted with All Gift, the Cube, Being of X. Factor….

Son of the Highest Cast.. The Priestly….Holy



I found myself going into Manhattan,

I could not abide a moment more the area Delta Manor

or the Starbucks Cafe I have been frequenting for the last almost Five months.

I know I did not wish post any longer, but I see no alternative for the moment… but I know, and feel with all my being that I should no longer be at Delta Manor.

I have called my mothers younger sister in Texas yet, nor have I contacted the British Consulate…. As the Shelter stated that they are not sure what to do but suggested that I contact someone so that they would know where I am going and could send me there, but they wished this person to contact them.

And I have no made any effort to contact anyone who might get me out of here…

Though every part of me says, I should.

This has gone to far, every night I stay here, I feel the depth of the insult and the evil of this reality.

And a growing increased sense of Racism in Caucasians around me…

4:32 p.m.

4:32 Hertz…

Yesterday, the post started at 5:28 Hertz.

… Not to me personally but a sense of something in them, the ones very uneducated and not cultured, since Trump was elected. It is sort of a heightened six sense, but I see it.

– As I ordered my coffee at The Bean- I observed the how one of the girl serving me, wiped her fingers on her body after our fingers came in contact.

I noticed how she had dropped the quarter in my hand, as if avoiding contact, so when she handed me my coffee, I intentionally let my fingers make contact with her…

She saw I had seen her response and did not know where to look or how I would respond.

This is the first time that this has happened at The Bean, she is new here. And I am normally not subjected to Racism, more like the Racism of Get Out the movie- but only after I have served a purpose.

And yet, I have also had wonderful experiences, but I must admit most Americans scrutinize me, test check… I am more like an oddity.

And of course, there are the ones who see you simply as a Human being… but that seems to be getting more rare.

Though I noticed that it is when I Rise…. Grow in stature and my physique stretches that I find them staring at me in the streets and when I look at them- their regard is to Put me back in my Place’

just as I feel the racism at Delta Manor.

But I can not complain of my experience compared to what I see as the subtle and often blatant racism I have witnessed others be subjected to…

Yet at the same time, I can not help but feel as I am being intentionally steered towards such people, to make me aware, to get me angry..cognizant.

But I have experienced the same from Black Americans, Puerto Ricans, Dominicans…Asian… the list goes on…

I was sent to the Doctor today. Doctor Gauge.

She was wearing the Tarot of Justice medallion and I thought of Ab Justice… And smiled inwardly, because I had completed the encoding of There will be Justice and this Racism of Racial superiority will be dealt with in a Fashion which Nome Alaska will manifest for all such of these hideous nature.

I know Donald J Trumps has given a lot of people to exercise that which Obama’s election had made so Politically Incorrect-

But to fish out this evil, it had to be to be be brought out in the open.

But I have not seen anything better in Black people…

Crabs in the Barrel

Which is why I am not very interested in that Black and White on going battle.

And the Hitler story which it is seeking to repeat.

But after Doctor Gauge had checked my Blood pressure she was frustrated to note that it was still at 157…(O.G).

But my weight, to my surprise had reached 199 pounds.

which is 90.2649 K.g


Rosia Asole… Immortal…

Staten Island… Grant Street .. E.B.T Card play.. which linked to me

*See that play six months ago recored here on Face Book.

And I am growing taller, this I am fully aware because I can not longer lay lie straight in the Cot the Shelter provides.

My spinal chord is straightening and I stand taller which I had noticed seems to rub people up the the wrong way when I walk on the streets of both the Poor area of the Bronx, or the streets of Manhattan.

Only the Rich or the ‘Higher Echelons’ of society seem to respect the my stature and ‘Walking Tall.

And I know why…. they know what it means when some one stands like that naturally.

5:00 p.m.

90.26 49… That is my mass… Sacred Portal 90.. Spirit E.A Me..

Sacred Portal 26 ‘Eros Aphrodite.. E.A me…

Sacred portal 49 ‘Existential Death. E.D.I/ I.D..E..Me…

199..SI…Yes in Spanish…

Jose R.. my bed neighbor who I calls me Sir, though we are the same age- the one person I have connected with in bed 5004..504


5:04 pm.

You see, I am in Harmony.

But this set up disturbs the very essence of me, that it has gone this far.. The war on the Unseen, the Spirits of the Evil Dead fed by the outrageous cruelty of the living’

157 Blood Pressure is A.E.G..

Meaning that I am not a Specimen as I have been aware that I have been treated like for a long long time which was later confirmed again and again even to the Modeling agency I was in in Paris which was run by a man called Christian- a black man and his white partner. Who I met again in New York and through whose portal I met Erek Eclass Mateo…

No, I am an example, and have fought against this True Man Show set up and proven over and over again.

As well as the origin of Man, and the Black man from a Gorilla, which is the sentiment many Caucasians use as an excuse to defend the horrendous perception of Racial Superiority.

When I responded to Flor Elena Medina’s post, about being literally an E.T which the Unseen powers, even in this reality to the ascended masters of Africa and the Ancient world are aware.

Even as my former host unwittingly testified to seeing and knowing and how They wished to know my true intentions which is why he had to test me to the point of which I knew was to move me to see if I would become Evil Hatred and Rage…

And a moment later, I found a text sent at 9:45 am..

( I.D..E)…

Asking me if I would be interested in lending my knowledge and wisdom on the subject of Slavery..

My I.D. a Slave…

Yes, I have felt this, known this called it out…

To Fritz Venneiq to how even how my former host A.S treated me.

But my slavery was much more than this current idea of slavery.

I was enslaved in 1-4 Dimension of of Nightmare within a Night mare within a Nightmare..

Within my own body, my mind, my being, my existence, in every level except the one place where I was free… which is of course my Truth…


* Now at 921 Face Book Friends…

My release comes from having proven my Truth in this Set Up to all the Unseen who did this…

who used the excuse of Fear, of what the forced within me, the frequencies which I have making rise and proving into Existence, and who have been using me as their Radar, their link and portal to manifest in this world…

That We are The Beautiful Truth of You Full Circle…

First Contact.

And my ET family allowed this, and so did my past as Nnamdi Chukwu who had becomes separate and Independent as the 11;22…

As Dina Singh remarked… Male and Female… Actually first Male Male… MM… 26… Yesterday and my weight….8…

before they incarnated as M.F..13 6…19..S…

199 pounds,,, S.I.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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