
4:14 pm. – D N. – Book V. – Book o

4:14 pm.
D N.

Book V.

Book of Love Victorious
Book of Victory and Vengeance.
Fritz Venneiq.

Sacred Portal 120.
A T.
A T. E … 001/

“Yes, Tomorrow is the 20th, but this is not about Time and Numbers is it?
Time is relative is it not. Albert Einstien.”


I have shared my Facebook Memories of the day which came through Fritz Venneiq.
F V.

What struck me was the order and sequence of the Memories going back 8 years.

It told a story as if the Facebook Algorithm had arranged each memory to the alignment of my expression, telling a story in its sequence… like DNA- DNE.
I did not post all of them, but only the ones which stood out.

Such as the “Impossible being simply that which has not been done before.
The Equation of E= C M.e 4/3.

And “AH” as the element of surprise 123″

It has been 9.3 years on Facebook and I have been posting these images since 2013 over and over again until the images have become literally aligned in a sequential order to create the meaning and “Order Logos”
That is 8 years which represents Infinity Standing Up.

And Lord knows I have stood up and proven the Impossible is simply that which has not been done before.

I had no idea that it would last this long- or that it was was my literal body aligned to my Being and Doing which keep me here posting for that long.

Or that which was patently clear to me and to others, such as Billy Hung- B H… W B H 8 years ago would require more expression and endurance of aligning.

I could not comprehend that while in this 3 D reality, that at this point there has been no outside interest for what was being done by and through me.

That as Liberty commented- that it seemed as though there was a veil, a quarantine.. a conspiracy of refusal to acknowledge that which I have been decoding and presenting to the world.

Each expression I solved would manifest as an echo response which people in the Attention Deficient reality could not see.
But people could see, they rose up through the years on my page calling out it out.

It was not my script I was resolving, it was that Expression of B o D Y and B E I N G which I recognized was moving me, it was his- her script.

There is no doubt that I was incredulous.
When would this end?

How much more Over Time would I have to go through.

Time was over in 2004 and then in 2012 according to the Personal Script of Kim Arthur Himes. 2012/21 was his personal script when he left the Army.
And the arrival of my very last Facebook friend Kemisola A Ibrahim A born 8-11… H K confirmed that.
Kim Hines.
33 – 55.

33 55 is 88.

E M E K A K O L O= 88.

His middle name is ARTHUR = 86.

My Middle Name is I K E M E F U N A. V I C T O R. Y

85 H E- “A W A K E N I N G.
97. Sacred Portal 97 link John Mack Mother And Child K are Doppelgangers 11 Parallel Universes until the Child reaches age 9 as represented by ARDEN -42

My name is Victor but what I did not realize was that A F K G- 25 had to be added to the code Victor to create Victor-Y

( Of course, no one told me, no one or nothing of the E spoke up… How could they? If they required my completion of Their Script before they could rise and speak for themselves?)
They have recently begun to do so in their One rep of All as Arden and Aurelia A A as 11 Kim.

KIM 33 Hines 55.
33= 1 55 = 1.
1 1 A-A.

Middle Name 86.

My Middle Names I V equate to To Royal Mayan Rodriguez Santana born 9-22-2010.
And Jesse Macias born 9-22-1979.

79 is the Blue Print of Existence.
Royal M SR… South Road. R M S R/ R S M R.
* Rose Sutton

*”MR E” Arden called me.

John Mack 1997.
16 16= 1. 63 63 = 1 26. 27. A-A in the Alpha- Bet=-C.

And in 2006, at Generation X Gardens on August 26-2006, 14 years ago, to my astonishment I began a play that should have completed in 2004 ( 24 as letter X and 10 in Roman Numerals T E N)
A Play I realized in Hindsight which was all about reaching A R D EN as A F K G= Y, and the meaning of Existence.
A Play which began in 2005 on my return from Augusta Georgia. A G.

* Recall the Carton on the Deck which Arden had placed Jeron?
It had the code 8-29-2019- Atlanta Georgia A G- which was the date I moved to his portal at 900 South Road.

Me Ikemefuna Victor.
I Victor-Y
I V./ V I.
4 6/ 6 4 in Romand Numerals.

Indigo Violet in Rainbow
6th and 7th Color in Spectrum.
(R S/ SR.)
6 7/ 7 6
Aurelia Ferrell
Arts Forum.

Royal- R M S R via
J M O 79=97.

* You do recall that Jesse Macias gave me a T-Shirt when Esteban rented a room for me in his Home- and how I was wearing it when I was “kicked Out” of 29 South Road.
The number on it is 86.
That was given to me on 5-29-2019.

It was the first time that I was free of the obligations of living in other people’s homes. I had my own room paid for-and Esteban moved to Oregon and we said our goodbyes.
Oregon the 33rd State and the Beaver State.

On 1-11-2020 John Mack returned from his travels and came to see me- us at 900 South Road with a gift of Satya Incense and the confirmation of a Check Mark that my codes and his literal journey through most of the states in the U S A is all Satya confirmed my Truth. Sataya.
He met Jeron Satya who recognized him.
That was again 1-11.
111 is Perfection.
Over a year and 2 months ago.

Esteban then Kim, and Benjamin all came to visit some days after.

Satya was confirmed.

But there was no respect, no true authority of manifestation which occurred to end this harrowing experience in the United States I had been summoned and then dragged here to prove and complete that Harmony Existence – that everything is in Harmony Perfection of E The Creator. E T C.
Instead, I spent 11 months having proven the Parallel universe of Emeka – Arden as one. 11= 1. 111 and Stephen Johnson moved by his Natural Expression of sixth sense called out Perfection attained and the code 330.
I was instead held there, fighting a Liberty’s and the influence of something moving in conflict with the E Family related to competition and the idea of Mother Earth.
-To wait for the equation of manifestation of the family to manifest- Sacred Portal 56.
( recall Anne Mack – Anne McHugh whose truth convinced Liberty to come to me and invite me to her home?) I waited for the knock on the door as promised by the sacred portals and my experience in a script in which the sacred portals were created by me, but by the a will not mine- on my birthday and the 29th of November.
( I actually draw better than that and would have loved to have made them the way I could have and with greater beauty and clarity but they flowed out of me with what I could only describe as an Alien Force… Nnamdi and I used to draw together as boys)

I moved to 900 South Road on 8-29-2019.
I had been summoned by the Light Fantastic in Dec 1992.

I understood that the Script was not in Arden though it was all about him and the completion of his line Aurelia Kim 1 11.
Ref Andrey Klebanov A K who was present with John Mack when I moved to Arden’s portal through Liberty.

The script was about reaching and passing through Kim’s Portal but not for myself but to complete the script of X Factor but it was not about what is called the X Gene or Chromosome- it was the X Factor- Generation of X Marks the spot-as the female chromosome and the notion of Mother Earth as the portal of Birth.

And yet that did not make sense, since the truth was already established- but not in you the public, and the ancestors of Time.
But in that force which moves seen or unseen through all of you, which many here call the Holy E-Spirit.
Truth Satya.

But I could not understand why I required the acknowledgment of a species who were being primed for extinction or evolution.
They knew nothing of the Truth- they were living in the realm of non-existence.
( Though some suspected through the ages that they were being moved as so many films even way back then depicted)

And so blindsided yet again, by the 4th and 3rd dimension as Liars, realms Dimension Planes of Existence which I could not even acknowledge as real- because there is only the 5 Dimension as E Energy Expression E E 5 5 5/5= 1.. 5-6 which is the realm and yet they- you were given authority over the Truth Sataya… To determine if what I was demonstrating was Real Fact True. As if they were not convinced and that I had to convince the Dead- the ones in Coma and not in memory.

5:11 pm.
E K.
E A-A.

Nothing made sense except for the fact that over and over again my equations, expressions proved that I told the Truth, passed through the Blue Print of Jump Man.
Jesse Macias to John Mack.
J M/ J M= O. A.
Omega Alpha. which is 6-1 in Greel as Alpha Omega.
1-6/ 6-1 Full Circle. ( A F F A)
And from R as 18 the Reflection as R=18/
*I was born concieved at 18 Alexander Grove Islington North London – England.
Thus I as I & I = 99 = 18… 1 8 AH and then to evolve them to I.
Though in Truth there was no 18 real since I & I= I.
1 1= 1.
Two parallel universes are 1.
1 1 1. I I I.

And yet I moved through the illusion of an enormous Gap between the Particle and Wave.
The 9.3 years Gap of AGAPE “Phil-Adelphia” a Gap of brother love.
13.8 billion-year-old universe and 4.5 billion-year-old Planet Earth.
proving that there was no Gap in the Brotherly love between Arden and I.
Nnamdi Obum ( N O) and I or even with my sister Nnonyelum.
Because not only are all of them Moi ( Sacred Portal 90 Spirit E) but that they each proved it via the E-Spirit as well as that of my Mother and even my Biological Father playing the Illusion.
Nnamdi Obiekwe.
Ikegbunam Obiekwe and that my Brother was linked to my Bio Father through their shared middle names. N O
I O.
There was no Gap and yet a Gap was created by Your Perception and not the perception of Truth Sataya

It did not seem possible, nor the containment field and the embargo on keeping me from being acknowledged by the people of this world.
keeping me in the trap of my body but not trapped in this play which I have used my own Free will and choice to prove despite the insulting conditions.

Keeping me in Non-existence, disregarding the Evidence Facts- Truth itself.
T.R U TH= 87.
Kim was born in 1987.
S.AT-Y A= 66.

Kim’s door has the code 66.

T S. Truth Satya.
T S Tisquanto Samoset.

5:17 pm.
E -A G. Arden Gemino.

E A G- L E E Y ED.
L E 12 5= 17 Q. A G.
5 25 -5 4.
E E = A

It was as if literally that which Kim was made to represent was deliberately ignoring the truth- intentionally not paying attention or ignoring the facts in order to refuse anything I said, I represented and instead chose to use their own chosen representative of the Truth to determine the truth of manifestation.
And steer it to their will of the Spirit Realm being Supreme and The Creator.
Chukwu- Chineke- God was made to be invisible and unknowable and so they took over and spoke for him making themselves God and those who had the final say.

To force me to pass through their version of Truth and it is “being” represented not by Emeka – Arden but by their own choice of who represents Truth.
Who is Arthur and who is The Author.

AUTHOR = 83. 83/38 H C./ C H.
Harwington Connecticut.
Hartford Connecticut.
Harmony Cee. H C- 8 3
Infinite Consciousness.
Infinite Creator.

Arthur = 86.

AU. THOR … Odin Thor?
Over Time?
O T-T O. 15 20-20 15.
T O T O = Means Vagina.
Squaw = Vagina.
Pussy = Vagina.

O T T O is a name which means *”Otto is a masculine German given name and a surname. It originates as an Old High German short form (variants Audo, Odo, Udo) of Germanic names beginning in aud-, an element meaning “wealth, prosperity”. The name is recorded from the 7th century (Odo, son of Uro, courtier of Sigebert III).”
Wealthy Prosperous.

W P.
Wave-Particle / Particle W. A VES – Perfection
111 all 1.

Prosper Botwey P B./ BP Beautiful Pride.
Pride in Being.

Instead, I was subjected to a play of Big Mouths instead of Manifest Beings- Bob Marley?
Robert Marley R M.
The Beings of Manifestation are the Orignal Family of T E N E O.
And all thier lines right to the Ancient O I N RI igbo Nze Priests where known to express and manifest and hence had no Army and are called the Unconquered and who used the principle of which became corrupted of the Full Circle
Knights of the Round Table and the Holy Grail.
Anywa wu but which the west usurped in the story of Kind Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.
Clearly attributed to I, MY S E LF – Arden and then Kim which all saw when he went down to the south returning of Thanks Giving date the 26th A=Z complete.
Vagina Monologues which Liberty performed on stage in a theater production.
Me @ 18 Mountain View.

Middle Names.

Ikemefuna 85.
Victor Y. 97.

H E the original John Mack.
Mother and Son,
Father and Son.
Moher and Father in one. M F – F M. E M F E.
A E M F.

Who is the author of the story of Arthur?
King Arthur and the Circle Round Table.

And yet the answer was in the very date which I had been made to re-enter the play and return to New York from Agusta Georgia
4-2- 2005.
42 is ARDE N.= 42.
2005= 25.

The Day Pope John Paul Died.
J P/ P J.
10 16= 26.
26 26 = 1 52.
53 8
62 8


They as the watchers in the Spirit world- Unseen already knew.
I knew that- I saw it when I was in Agusta Georgia.
I knew from my youth in Nigeria that my bio Family and Spirit realm knew but chose to not tell me.
My First Cousin Odera was so outraged that she told me “Your the Golden Boy”.
Her mother had tried to hush her… yeah right try and hush Odera who was so much like my sister Nnoyelum it was freaky.

But I already knew and watched to see just how far they would go.. while my utter Pure Hatred of them grew.
As well as my vow to not only send these Forest People who would use the lie of Omission to keep me as their slave- to prove their Truth and not The Truth.

Over Time.
Time was over in 2004.
And again in 2012-21.
( 20 33)

* Tomorrow is 20 years since I was dragged here.
But I came here before that in 1999 Dec with Jon Jason Lee.
My intent was to destroy even as far back as 1999.
And that has been the script I have been following
* (I just went out after finishing this post and I finished the card from Kamora Herrington at last and was left with 21 USD in Cash finally spending the 41 US D I have had for weeks which was 61 USD before that)/

That was 21 years ago and 3 months.
21 3.
U C?
B A C… K E… Aurelia- Kim is E.

Kim whom they sought to use to be their Hero is M E.
The Author of the Arthur tale story is me.

I wrote and created that story for the Human Species to Evolve to E Family through.
It was not an African or Western Story.
It was an E O True Story of I O.
Humans “fucked it up” each vying to make a claim of it- corrupting it.

86. See sacred Portal 86
*Kim Tree Yo-Yo Ma ( not Flip Flop…but a Yo yo which when leat loose always returns natural by its own momentum back to its source. If you do not recognize or acknowledge that truth of your Source then, of course, you do not exist can not exist, Your E-Spirit does not require you to acknowledge why I was brought into contact with you- does not reaquire you to recognize that Emmanuel Nnamdi sent me to you all- To give you Comfort and for you to chose by what you act out in my presence our definition.. And not your of Appreciation and Gratitude for comming to answer your prayers and question which quite frankly all should have answered yourselves as I was made to do by myself in this reality by being put through a much worse life play and by the age of 25 went back like a yo-yo back to the portal of S F Sensational Feeling because the only way to become an Individual is by your selves- No one can do this for you- all they can do is show you the way they did it.
But this way… slavery by the Spirit realm?)

– The Heater is now in my room Kim, bought himself a Space Heater. S H.
Serenity Hines. S H.
E S H.U S H.E B A. C K. E.
Eshu Eleggua Elu is sacred portal 41 D A.
Douglas Adams.

5:39 pm.
E C I. Liberty.

Meaning of Existence is 42.

The Spirit realm knew and most of you did also, as the 3D Lie knew but did nothing. said nothing and left me to pass through all the trials tests lies.

Even you the public who have been reading my post, you knew but most of you said nothing, did nothing but of course gained, and waited to see if my truth would manifest.

5:41 pm.

Fully aware that I am.
But as far back as people like Nadee Nakendela calling out the, I am Authoring Harmony.
Feeding the world in 2013…
Did nothing when you saw no power manifesting because you were intentionally not paying attention. You were all playing God and the Judges.

5:42- 43 p.m.

I saw it and I have despised you, quietly and in my heart and depths of my expression made transparent Supremely I made clear and made it vocal my Voice ringing thundering out on my page over and over again, I had said: “Kill Them All” ( K T A/ A T K) send them to a Hell Fire of my own design of which they will endure suffering so indescribable, and they curse that will never rise, never escape it until they make their atonement through pain beyond that which they could ever imagine.
That I will demonstrate that I am beyond the Evil enacted to me personally and my Ken, and even when they in this non-existence Nome Alaska ( N A) that they will abide there is a hell beyond belief beyond anything they could ever conceive and they will know that I am the Evil that is Life which is beyond them or any Evil Beings they have and could do to me. And even then when they experience this over and over again “Catch 22” ( Oh yes I have with change 22.07 USD left in cash)
I have created quietly where T I ME as /E M I T, does not exist, Hope does not exist – a space where time does not exist, and they through agonies and pain which they… you so desire so much as their only way to learn, that even after that pain suffering non-stop, they will not be redeemed but then at that moment they will at that moment of clarity be sent out of Existence still.

5:47 pm.
5:48 pm

That was the promise I made and the vow of Vengeance.

5:49 pm.

“Remember Remember the 5th of November…?”

I made that vow over 12 years ago.

Aurelia ( 67) was is born on that exact date.
See Sacred Portal 67.

Ancient Sumer.

Satya Truth=
66 +87 is 153 – O C.
Onuabuchi Cecilia.
A-E C. Arden EC H O. Kolo= 53. Arden Kolo. 42 + 53= 95 I.E.

Author Arthur
83+86= 169 P I. TT
/I P.
Date I moved to Delta Manor 9-16-2016. I P T.P. True Point.

33+55+ 86= 174.

The soap I asked Kim to get for me- was 17.40 USD.
The last code on my Card I gave him to use was 17.04 USD.

I have 1.34 USD left.
Kim added a gift of Apple Cider.
A C- D.
Alternative Current.

Curse of the Pharoah.

Slew- 19 77.

The Slaying of all was and is justified.

Horse E-Spirit. Liberty- Jeron.

My middle names?
I V.
R M S R.
J M/ J M.
J M O.
/ O M Sacred Portal 42 is J. 10 T E N
Jay Jeron John.

6:04 pm.
64 move
10 10 10.

And to my quiet astonishment- it was his script I was completing.
I had felt that it was Arden the completion of this script at my 64th move.
After all, it made sense 8 88 ( 16) square is 64.
But it went on to Over Time.
O T ( 15 20 Height of Facebook Friends attained at 900 South Road.)

I came to retrieve Kim Arthur Hines truth and my Mothers His mother’s father’s truth that’s all, from the setup he was being used against me and sacrificed for his entire life which he has testified to a seeming Curse on his life.
And yet he is I- his own version of I. K A H… Is K A I.
Tree and Chief-Y I.S I.
Isi in OINri Igbo means “Chief-Head” Totem- MET O.F E
He was is in my truth enacting out the truth of this investigation by his won will.
Just as is Arden Aurelia
Jeron – and now Liberty. did by Awareness and Observation

I sought to get Nnaemeka I Ezeuffona out and spare him that Fate.
I even fought for Jae Sherman for 16 days to spare her from the fate that she was being used as an Ultimate Sacrifice for.

6:07 pm


I am the Purity of Hate.
Pure Hate.
P H Poverty Hollow.
P U R E H. AT E… 0001/
/ E T .AH. E R.UP… T. I O N.

Earth Quake!
Sacred Portal127 side B

And Kim Tree Chiefy did not disappoint nor did any of the ones so cruelly set up to take the fall- to be sent out with these Spirits- Evil Spirits and Source of Evil.
For even that role, I assumed as E O S ( Dawn) and yet my hatred for those of you who simply watched and told Lies of Omission. Who did not speak up and instead gave hints- lies that they were aligned but said nothing, did nothing and simply gained from my “Suffering: to make you rise…?
No, I made it very clear that the Evolution Awakening does not interest me… it is a foregone conclusion- it happens even if I had decided to leave my body- I would just manifest in another at the body in perfect timing. I am Death and Terrible death.

I just happened to like this body and form I took.

I made it clear from the moment of my arrival in this realm that I came to destroy.
I came as the Black Panther in this guise of Age as 53- 36 years old but there is no such thing as Time is there?
Or even Over Time.

TO TO… Wizard of OZ.

V. A G I N. A= 54 E D. E D E N..
54 = 9.
E D I.
I – D E 4-5- 1969. N N A M D I.

6:40 pm.


17.40 U.S.D.

Q Delta.

9:45 Edit,

It is way too late to make amends.

9:46 pm.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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