
4:13 pm. – D.M. – = 17. Q. – Dark M

4:13 pm.

= 17. Q.
Dark Matter.


10+6= 26. Z. Or B.F.

World War Z- Zombies, or Best Friend – Harmony- I.

I currently have 26 U.S.D, in my wallet, and I am about to go out to buy a few things.

4:18 pm,
D.R. Death Ray.
/R.D.= 22/ 22


I have been watching a series for the last 3 days, It is called “Amother Life”- and when I was posting 3 days ago about Dark Matter, and my Mother -Harmony codes- I did not realize until later, that the Title of the episode series I had been watching was called “Across The Universe.”

That was aligned to the post of My Mother’s Highest aspect as M.H.
13.8 Age of the Wave of the Universe.
It aligns to Cecilia and to Arden- Naturally-E.

She, He as Universe and me as Cosmos which created the First Eternal Harmony- Order, Logos. Santana Dharam= 23 as Eternal Law. E.L= 17 Q.

The person who occupied my room before I moved in to the guest room aka C-Z-Guest was called QUE.
I met through John Mack his sister, who sent me Erebus Beer, and works at the Labyrinth. She lives at 8 13- her partner was born 8 13- it goes on.
8+13= 21.
I am sitting yet again in front of 21 8 Whitney Appartments.
Today is once very beloved close friend’s birthday, Rob Barr. ( R.B/ B.R- 2 18). I knew him from another realm and he knew me too, but memory always begins to fade. Recollect while I was in Delta Manor, he invited me to join him and his friend at the Met- and I called him rep of H.Q? And we met in 2002-2003 at the University Place- he was wearing a Purple- Violet Dragon T-Shirt which he posted. His age code is 51 today.

It is also Valerie Tumulis birthday today. V.T- T.V. ( Triumphant Victory Sacred Portal 3)
Her age code she placed is 79.

79 is the Blue Print if Existence, “Talking To The Silence” = TTT.S= 79.
51 is the age code I met Arden and Sacred Portal 51. SEX.

79+51= 130. M.O.

Thomas Lang has 13 Mutual Facebook Friends.
Nnamdi left this world at age 13.
I am Nnamdi the original one. 13O.
At the Full Circle O at my 62nd portal now twice.

Yes, me at South Whitney, 3rd Floor in 2019 and 5. months and now 11+months on the 2nd Floor.
5-11. E.K.

2 18 is B.R/ Robb Barr.
It is also 18+3= 21= and 12= 3/3. 33, 33 Vertebra.

4:41 pm- yes 41, my Mothers age when we last saw each other, not 43. as in, born 1944- but 1947.

That is why I call her my Little Sister Harmony- I came from Infinity 8-13 at the speed of light C and cleaned up this reality so that Harmony would inherit the true world, that was the arrangement made, which became a power struggle by Nature in this simulation that it was really Mother Nature who manifested the earth and universe.
Actually, it was Father Nature in the play of Universal Simulation Awareness and Matrix. But I have been proving that to my astonishment, as to who came first.

4:48 p.m.

The series I am currently watching is an evolved Star Trek, and it deals with a team of astronauts passing through Dark Matter, in order to understand the event going on in the Earth World of the where that event spoke about throughout Human Time is taking Place- First Contact.
The problem was they have yet to understand if these visitors are Friends or Foe.
The more accurate play was of course represented in the series His Dark Materials- which is really the use of a veil, called Dye.
Red Dye- Scarlett Silverman, @Scarlett. It was a children’s story as they crossed through the 9 planets Solar System in which they the Human Potential were asleep in a Mother Ship- aka the Cosmic Egg- C.E- Dreaming watching T.V and the Narration while in a Coma-*It is called Soma in the series and felt that The story they were in was real and not a school- Nursery to High School of learning the orientation and curriculum Vitae of the realm of Eden Paradise, which was thier final destination- the Fith Dimension- but they had to learn the true nature of Being before they could Land and Cee- and awaken in harmony with the 5th.
So they travelled through the illusion of time, as you say, 4.5 Billion years really Nnamdi’s Story April 5th-69.
5-4-96/ 4-5-69.
5-4-O/ 4-5-0.

5:08 pm

/ 85.
Thomas Lang was born 4-7-85.

5-10 pm.
See Sacred Portal 85.
H.E. I.E.
“De mystyfying the C of Consciousness, which I have done over and over again, but becuase this play was taken over by the Human Illusion of Mother Nature, there was a resistance to that truth already confirmed, but by way of a challenge by the Universe, who forgot that She was a Story, who thought she was real- This idea of the Birthing as the True Mother of Universe and source of the blue print of all.

I had always been present in Eden Paradise and came into this world via the illusion of my mother’s womb, M.W/ W.M, aka the True Version T.V, of the Immaculate Conception I.C. and in this play, the script of my Younger Self, The Immaculate Suggestion.
I came as the Early Bird, to Guide the Earth Children to Beautiful Youth and instead, I found this world in a mess of ages.

Lost In Space. L.I.S. C.O.M.B.-E.

5:21 pm.

The rest most of you already know, since I was forced to enact that whole truth for 9 years and 9 months here publicly on Cyber Space and before that walking this reality living through a nightmare of what your perception and action, attitude, manners and behavior had transformed this reality into, by Mother as simulation and Nature had turned you into for not paying attention to the Transparent Script.
So, I was spirited away, by Spirit E-A via Devi Vevoted and Nnamdi and Unity -Harmony.

5:26 pm.
And had to align the mess of ages back to its original truth via the Origins of the Family of T.EN really One Two. And then back to letter 10 Balance I.O and yes E as Jay.
Jay Brown. 21 8= 29.
5:29 pm right now.

My script reflected in Jeron Satya S Lang whom I met 29 Lincoln Street, with his parents when he was 5 months in his mother’s womb- Azure was 3 months when I met him in his mother womb when Liberty came here with Jeron and told me that she was pregnant with Thomas Lang’s second child by her, conceived on 9-7-2020.
Jerson Satya S.L / Lincoln Street was born on 2-25-2019, B-Y-T.S and I Jumped Leapt to my 64th portal on 8-29-2019- H-B.I- T.S.

and B-B.E-T.S.
I-A-Z-C-T.S. The Source.

The carton which Arden had placed Jeron had that code 8-29-2019, if you recall.

I have said this and coded this for the last 3-2 years over and over again, but to no avail, you would not pay attention and there was almost absolutely no respect for this script of Father Nature-Naturalness.
Just Challenges, Contesting and finally War.

I am now at 1987 Facebook Friends. In 1987 I was in University with my reflection as my girlfriend Adaola “Jewel- Gem of the Sea, aka Mary Jane. A.M.J.
Chris Filgueira was born on 12-14 1987 and was with me and M.B and J.M on the 3rd floor, and now I am on the 2nd Floor, with Kim Arthur Hinds Jr who lives on the 2nd Floor also born 1987, 11-4-87.
Both are 33.
Kyle Murphy who I passed through Delta Manor- Dark Matter with is also now 33.

6:02 pm.
62nd Portal Twice.

In the series I am watching “Another Life” the Humans discover that the alien intent is to Destroy the Human species, and that Aliens know of Humanities secret weapon, which can destroy planets, but the Aliens knew this already, and have a bomb greater than theirs and are way more advanced than Humans are.

It is a corrected version of Ernest C-Line’s Enders Game, and that this destruction is on T.V as well as in “real life” R.L.

6:07 pm

I am not sure what more I can say, I woke up this morning once more fighting the Binds, but I was calm and quiet.

Destroy them all.

6:08 pm.
And as for the descendants of the E Family, let them land, but forever cut the bonds of E Family form the line of I. Me.
Even thier Paradise Eden, at some point like this reality and abominable mentality, will end too.

And only the I & I line will inherit, there is something greater than Harmony.

I.E/ E.I.

6:12 pm.

Hey Arden.

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