
4:12 pm. – D L-R -O W. – / – W O R –

4:12 pm.
D L-R -O W.
W O R -L.D.

3-6-20 21.
F-C -T.B.A
Full Circle 360.

I sat back yesterday, to take in what I recognized I had achieved.
I was always aware of what I was solving, and by 2004-2005 it was clear that It had been done.
But no one was aware of what a lifetime work had manifested.
I used a private language to translate and solve and when It manifested in my body and being as confirmation, I sat back with quiet amazement.
And was ready to rise.

But then in 2010-2011, I was given instructions that I had to convert that which I had accomplished into a language that the public could understand. Meaning that I had to come down from the height I had attained, and come down into this realities mindset, and then enter their use of Knowledge and explain it through Humanities and this world of Art Science Philosophy.

I absolutely refused, what I had already translated and aligned took me long enough- but to now translate an E.T pure language and expression into the language of this realities physics, expression of knowledge through the ages, with its foul language and seeing things backward… It felt like an impossible task, or better still Tedious, effort, Time consuming.
To take all the knowledge here, clean it, correct and align it…
To come down into the minds of this reality was literally physically and mentally painful- because the Expression, language, the perception was like asking an Extra-Terrestrial Being to re-enter the Toxic waste and mess of ages he had never accepted as real, to dive into it to find a way to convey but in the recognizable expression, science, tools which people here could understand and follow.

9 -10 years later, here I am.

When I resolve the code Arden =42.
Gemino= 63.
and added AFK G= 25.

42+63 is 105. J E./ E J.
Emeka Jay.
Emeka Jeron.
105 Wiltshire Bay, in Canda.

AFK G+Gemino= 25 +63= 88.

E M E K A= 35.
KOLO= 53.

105. Arden Gemino.
88. A F K G +G E M I N O.
88. Emeka KOLO.

A F K G 25 + KO LO. 53.

A R D E N G E M I N O= 105.
E M E K A K O L O= 88.

105- 88=

Arden is 17 years old right now.

V C E I K=50.
V E I K= 47.
+A F K G= 25.

50+25= 75. G E= 7 5. M .I N O- 63.
W Brad Pitt- 12-18-63.
Age code 57.

57/75. 12 12 = 1 24= 25. Y.

Arden Gemino +Emeka Kolo=
42 +63= 105.
35 +53= 88.
=193. S C… South Carolina 8th State.
A.I C.
C I… Arden.
A-Sacred Portal 93.
A is the Gap filled as 9.3 billion years, space between 4.5 Billion-year-old Planet Earth and 13.8 billion years old Universe Milky Way. MW (69)
69= 15. letter O and A E.
Arden Eden.
Eden Emeka

P A R A D I S E=73.
B E I N G= 37.


I realized that I had taken a mess of ages, and a vast amount of Data, on synthesized it, to it simplest common denominator of numerical codes to Letters to the meaning and to an expression which aligned perfectly with my own original expression and script despite my having used a different language, codex, and method.
Now I had used the empirical methodology and language of this reality to take the last years of data, including 15 years of research of taking in all forms of information from you, from the newspapers I read each day cover to cover, to peoples private and personal intel and experiences with reality, the World news, and then intel from scientists, Facebook friends, mathematics, philosophers, artist… every day people and like a person on a loom, a weaver takes the mass of entangled and knotted up silk and wool; waves of Words, and aligned them to create threads, painfully tediously “Combing through the “Cosmic Entanglement” C E “Conversation between Energy E and Atom=AH-Tom”
which created a weave and which formed a tapestry and formed a picture which aligned and mirrored in perfection the Story.

What is the meaning of Existence?
So says Douglas Adams D A- Author of the Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy.

5:11 pm.
E K.

He was on L S D.
Lincoln Street Delta/ David. Waves.

*”Delta waves are high amplitude neural oscillations with a frequency between 0.5 and 4 hertz. Delta waves, like other brain waves, can be recorded with electroencephalography[1] (EEG) and are usually associated with the deep stage 3 of NREM sleep, also known as slow-wave sleep (SWS), and aid in characterizing the depth of sleep.”

* Yes, I passed through Delta Manor, and have been in the 4th Dimension since I left Michelle Lobsinger ( and her brother Joe) on 57th Street, and then 33rd Street where met Geoff LaCour, Johnny Larkin, and Johnny LeValley, the latter who took me to 25 Green Street in January 2006 when I had fought to leave the country and the British Embassy.
I had completed my task in 2004 and by 2005 January I was ready for the Awakening but I was waylaid at a French Cafe restaurant in called Lucien’s.
*”Address: 14 1st Avenue, New York, NY 10009″

Yes, note the address.
Lucien means “The name Lucien is a boy’s name of French origin meaning “light”.”

I knew the guy from behind the bar- the same line as Geoff Lacour, and the man I met who asked me, implored me to go to Agusta Georgia- he was an avatar to my uncle Lord Charles who has passed on in 1995-6.
He had implored me to go to Augusta Georgia and visit.

Yes, that was the code Arden placed Jeron in, and which turned out to have the code literally if the date I moved to 900 South Road via the code 56:56 which was the main reason I went.

It had the code Atlanta Georgia. A G and the date I had moved to 900 south Road.
And other codes all of which I have walked through.
They were playing on the outside deck.
When I came back, it was from a realm my aunt represented- the OINri world and the Catholic world.
I arrived on the day Pope John Paul died. 4-2-2005.
42 is the Numeric code of ARDEN= 42.

What is the meaning of Existence?

Douglass Adams.
D A.
1 4/ 4 1.

*The person living upstairs is called Douglass… He came down with Ray the other day.

The meaning the two “empresses” asked the Great Computer in the Sky was 42.

ARDEN- meaning Highest Point, Great Forest, but most of all Eden.
The Garden of Eden.
E D E N= 9 19. “Bella 9-19-20”
I S. T.
MAN. +20
@ 10 20. T J.
John Thomas. Penis.

EDEN= MAN… Beautiful Man is T. Thomas- Twin.
Eden Paradise= 101.
Perfection = 111.
HOME. 41. D A…
H O M M E= 54.
Man Homme. 28+54= 82.
Man Home : 28+41 = 69.
M H. Age of this Universe. 13.8.
Maxwell House. M H.

*You may recall that Nnamdi left this world at age 13 and in the year 1982.
I am born 11-28…

Meaning Of Existence.
M O.E./
E O M.
* Sacred Portal 42 is OM.
E O is 5 O.
Thus 42 as ARDEN has equated to the meaning “Eden Paradise”
Perfection. 111.
101+111= 212. LandLine New York the 11th State.
212 B A B…Y. Jeron Sataya S L.

212 +H O M E-41
Douglass Adams.
=243. B-Sacred portal 43.
212 +H O M M E. 54
=266. B-Kims Door. 66.
B A.
A V.
Lighter Bringer- Lucien-
=5. E.

Body Awakening.
=133. A CC. M C.

Being and Body Awakening in One.

B E E.

I drew 155 Sacred Portal from November 29th, 2010 in just over a month.
O E/ E O.

The Portals represented the play of A=1.
Awareness= 100.
Which manifests A-B.
B-E E. 5 5 10, 1, 25.
B E.
B Y.

10 1/ 1 10 See Sacred Portal its Starting Point- completing at 101
and 111.
* 101= 11=1
11 111 5(1)

So what is the meaning of Existence?

A Garden of Pleasure and Delight.

Arden to Eden Paradise-Perfection= Home/Homme.

= 243.
266+243=509. 50 9. E O.I.
22 43 66
4 7 3
1 7 1 9. I.
1 7 3.
1 73
17 3 C. Quantum, Alpha Waves C.

The Meaning of Existence is N A M E to Meaning Exemplified/ Embodied- Frequency emitted on the E M Field.
Krishna Radar. Full Circle.
Aligned to Man, his Youth.
M Y.
Meaning Y- 13 A F K G. 25.
“Gemini Man” ( see the film)
G M= 7 13= 20. T. Bella”9 19-20″
G E Man.
G E M I. N.O. I, 14 15, I 29. B I. AT.E…001″

38 is Consciousness Infinity Standing Up.
C Harmony… Infinity + H=17/ 1 7/71 8. 88.. 8/8= 1.=A.
Arden Eden Paradise Perfection Home-Homme.

It means that the meaning of Existence is Arden as Eden Paradise -Perfection is Home of Homme-Man.
A.Kolo. ARTHUR =86.
Kims Middle Name.

Arthur Alpha Waves.
And since the code 86 began and ended with my-self and then the date the last time I spoke with Arden via telephone. 8-6-2020.
And the heater, Sacred portal
Arthur Kolo.
A K.
Andrey Klebanov with John Mack.
* Seeing the number 58 everywhere.
A K.
Kim Arthur. KA.
Began as A.K.
Arden Kolo.
Authur Kolo.
Last to the First name.
L F.
Loves Frequency from First to Last.

In the Christian world, it is the Last name you inherit of the linage automatically, and the first name is given.
Gemino- Kolo.
KG- Keith Grant- Bed 53 me, 49.
Kathleen Graham of “The Post”
The same initials as Jae Sherman’s later sister. K.G.
And as Okolo. O G. F G… Ferrill Gemino.

K A. 11 1
A K. 1 11.

This has been the number staring at me on my Facebook page for hours, it bean and 14 and 15 then stabilized hours ago to 1 11.
It puzzled me a bit since I was aware that I was meant to resolve that in this post but was not concerned, nor did I seek to figure it out.
But here is Arthur- Knight in shining amour.
Knights of the Round Table.
King Arthur.
* we have no Kings in the E Realm. So it is a story.

Arden Kolo.
Arthur Kolo.
Emeka Kolo.
A K.
A K.
E K.
A Story of Knights – King Arthur. who sought to unify the Ancient ways “Old” Religion with the “New” Religion.”
O N…. * “Good Grief, this was actually an assignment- a piece of the puzzle- fragment required of me…
Fahad Hassen left a message on my page which you all can see stating Monday.
I was suspicious, that leaves more time to add.

C R.. Circle Round. R=18=9
C I. E.A.RT. H. C I. C I.

E ART H .C I. C .I. ICI “Here”
/ I C H. T R. A E ( Ray Douglas Back door)

E A R T H… C I. I C I.. E D E N PARADISE represented by a Man Here and His Youth. H Y ( 8-25 2000… 200, 20.. 2 = 22-V. )

No, Kim Arthur is Backward.
A K is a code.

11 moves to 1 Last name to First Name but only two here have the First Name as sovereign complete.
E A.
A E. C.. Complete.

Kim is 33… Arthur = 86, Hines 55.

See Sacred Portal 33 and 55.
First and Last. F L. 6 12 2003.
Sunshine State 27th.
Bodega 5 27.
Moved from her to Jess place on 5-27-2019.
and then from there 56:56 29-8-2019 to prove “29”= A MAN”=29.
B I.. AT.E…001.

K IM is 33.
Hines = 55.
EMEKA KOLO… 35 53= 88.

What then was holding up the manifestation?
It was not the First and Last or last and First. It was the middle.
A Story.
Resolving Beliefs.
Pope John Paul 4-2-2005.
42 My last room at Delta Manor. 4 B= D B or 4 2.

Middle East Conflict.
Story of the Past aligned to the Present.
Middle Names.

Ikemefuna = 85. “Awakening”

V I C T O R= 72

Fred-Erik = 33 +41 “74” “33 KIM- HOME”
Knox= 62. F B.

Ardens Middle’s name is Frederick Knox. F K.
Mine Ikemefuna Victor.
I V.
Jesse Macias was born on that date in 1979 and Royal Mayan same date 2010.
A gap of 31 years…12+19. L S.
31 years since Talking To The Silence- T T T S= 79.

I V.F K. 9 22= 31.
F K= 6 11= 17.
31 +17= 48.

Sacred Portal 48.
Beautiful Death as Transformation.

Immortal = 101.
Eden Paradise. 101.

Eternal = 75.

AF K G.= 25
C V I E K.= 50.

75/57… 12 12…1= 25 Y. B E.
3×5= 35. 35 35= 1 70. 17 O.
G A.

A K… 11 1
A K A makes it a full Circle.
1 11 1.of a story of King Arthur and the Holy Grail, to the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.
“LS D”
And to its transformation of the answer as 42.
Me arriving through Delta Manor ( Deep Sleeping of this realm human- thus coming down into their dreaming state and moving through Delta Waves to Gama Waves while centered on the One way.
Alpha- the First wave as the 3rd. I I I Trinity in One. Sacred Portal 86.
It wasn’t the Middle Way MW(69) it was what you call the Milky Way.
13.8 Billion years ago- and there was no Gap of 9.3 ( Sacred Portal 93 Response from within / 39 Gateway Sacred Portal) Arden is the Proof of that.
69=15… 96 =15. O O.
Age 9. O O.
@ 900 South Road.
O O 7. 6/6 7. 1 7. A G… F.
A I C!.
C I..A..Arden- Eden P.P.H. O M. E.
H O M. M.E!”

King Arthur. K A./
A K 1 11.
from K, we 11. moves to 1.
2 1 B.A.
Being of Arden.
Being of Emeka..
And it began with E-A. Ea
E K.
P E A K. Already at the Peak.
E K= A K.
E A = K K. 11 11 – 22.
E A -A.
5 27. 27= A -A.
the 27th State.
F L.
The first name is the Last name full circle.
Kolo means Princely Manly Warrior” In Igbo Edo and in Slavic- Circle linked Moving in the dance of the Full Circle… Round.

C is Alpha Manifestion.

But it had a Back story beyond Gamma and Delta.
But it was filled in by Expression Alpha Delta… A D.
Alpha Gama. A G
A-A D.G.

Emeka means Praise Well Done.
Arden means Eden Paradise 101 Perfection 111.

That is what I had understood and figured out as a man by the time I was age code 37 in 2004-2005.
37 is Being.
73 is Paradise.

That I am emitting the frequency of Paradise.
That as I had stated, each person represents a Frequency of Existence a piece of the puzzle as well as those representing the completion of the fragments.
8:37 pm.
Infinite Being.

And thus the last players are the fewest boiling it all down to Two. Two who are now Three.
TWO Three by having brought into being and existence that which was but never was… their S.H E.
Supreme – Splendor of H E.
A W A K E N I N G.

M A D E= 23. 2003

M A N I F E S T= 82.

= 190.
S O.

I I= I I I.

B=D C (7- G… Gamma.
B =FF=. (1-A… Alpha)
B A.

B B A G/ G A. = 8. Infinity or H Harmony.
2 2 A G/ G A. 17/ 71= 88.

* 88 Emeka Kolo= 88.
1 1. A-A
1 8… 1 H.
A P.

Alpha Chill.
Gamma- Alert-Awake.

D A G…
Delta- A G.

D-G. 4-7.. 11 28= 39.

* Recall that Thomas Lang was born 4-7-1985.

*”A gamma wave is a pattern of neural oscillation in humans with a frequency between 25 and 140 Hz, the 40-Hz point being of particular interest.[1] Gamma rhythms are correlated with large-scale brain network activity and cognitive phenomena such as working memory, attention, and perceptual grouping, and can be increased in amplitude via meditation[2] or neurostimulation.[1][3] Altered gamma activity has been observed in many moods and cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease,[4] epilepsy,[5] and schizophrenia.[6]”


You will recall the play with A F K G= 25.
and 140 which began at Jesse Macias portal

6:12 pm. Arden… :).

And continued to Arden. 140.
“N O”… G E M I -N O.

*”Typically, this activity is understood to reflect feedforward connections between distinct brain regions, in contrast to alpha wave feedback across the same regions.[14] Gamma oscillations have also been shown to correlate with the firing of single neurons, mostly inhibitory neurons, during all states of the wake-sleep cycle.[15] Gamma wave activity is most prominent during alert, attentive wakefulness.[13] However, the mechanisms and substrates by which gamma activity may help to generate different states of consciousness remain unknown.

Some researchers contest the validity or meaningfulness of gamma wave activity detected by scalp EEG, because the frequency band of gamma waves overlaps with the electromyographic frequency band. Thus, gamma signal recordings could be contaminated by muscle activity.[16] Studies utilizing local muscle paralysis techniques have confirmed that EEG recordings do contain EMG signal,[17][18] and these signals can be traced to local motor dynamics such as saccade rate[19] or other motor actions involving the head”

Conscious perception
Electrocorticographic movie showing changes in high-frequency broadband gamma activity in specific cortical regions when visual stimuli are presented during a face-/place-naming task.
Gamma waves may participate in the formation of coherent, unified perception, also known as the problem of combination in the binding problem, due to their apparent synchronization of neural firing rates across distinct brain regions.[20][21][22] 40-Hz gamma waves were first suggested to participate in visual consciousness in 1988[23], .e.g, two neurons oscillate synchronously (though they are not directly connected) when a single external object stimulates their respective receptive fields. Subsequent experiments by many others demonstrated this phenomenon in a wide range of visual cognition. In particular, Francis Crick and Christof Koch in 1990[24] argued that there is a significant relationship between the binding problem and the problem of visual consciousness and, as a result, that synchronous 40 Hz oscillations may be causally implicated in visual awareness as well as in visual binding. Later the same authors expressed skepticism over the idea that 40-Hz oscillations are a sufficient condition for visual awareness.[25]

A number of experiments conducted by Rodolfo Llinás supports a hypothesis that the basis for consciousness in awake states and dreaming is 40-Hz oscillations throughout the cortical mantle in the form of thalamocortical iterative recurrent activity. In two papers entitled “Coherent 40-Hz oscillation characterizes dream state in humans” (Rodolfo Llinás and Urs Ribary, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 90:2078-2081, 1993) and “Of dreaming and wakefulness”

Do you see, what was asked of me, demanded of me just now.

More Clarification Clarifying Expression. C E.
Monday is the 8th.
5 3 E C.
35. C E.
I & I… Infinity E. 106.+5= 111.
Infinity E +Emeka Kolo 88=
Being Perfection.
Beautiful P.R..I D… E.

not 2021…
as 21 sixth sense. 3 6.
Being Perfection.
37 111.
13 M.
5 E.
E K= 16.
Being E.K.

9:27 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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