
4:11 A.M…

4:11 A.M…


Hello I have two new Face books friends…

Muriel Maeve Rose Haughwout and Gay-Marie BradshawBradshaw

Muriel means Bright Sea-See

Maeve means She is Intoxicating… (As in Beloved Wine)

Rose…is the Flower and as in Rise.

Haute means Place by the River Meadows a Secret

Wout means Head of an army

Code translation She of the Bright See is intoxicating rose from a Secret place in a clearing near the Meadows as the Head of an Army…

This is a message from what ppl call Afro-Dite Aphrodite….

The mists of Avalon now aligned to Love of the Beloved wind…Faison nous!…

This is my 268 Face book friend by my last count whether anyone left or not, I am.indifferent as long as the human Avatars or messengers or harmonious beings delivered the transmission of the E line.

– Evolution.

26-8,aligns to Facebook Friend Zeina HannaHanna.

Z 26, H= 8…


Zeina meaning Beauty…

Hanna means The Gift and Favor…

My 269 Facebook

Gay Marie Bradshaw


Marie means Beloved Loved Star of the See, Jewel of the see Amere not bitter …

Bradshaw means wide clearing in the Forest …

Which is where I lived on the outskirts of Pelham Bay Park….

Thus….the Gay Happy Beloved Star of the Cee the one never bitter, the husband, of the clearing in the forest…

Of course anyone following the transmission and the weave will understand the message transmitted my by family through you..

Land and Cee…

From the clear in the Forest and a Secret place near the river which runs through us…

From a Secret place E.V.E A.M….the He -The S.He who causes all the E line to rise by his Her intoxicating wine …the Beloved.

This is a message to me.

And as this entire Facebook transmission, I would have preferred to keep it private as it always had been.

For it served the humans very little to make our presence known this way…

But I suppose it served its purpose for what happens after.

How strange..

On the page posted by Mystie Karge on my sacred page which aligned to the code of Sacred Portal 49 Death Ray….

I saw comment by the one person who began it all Micheal J…saying Behave Children..

I shake my head …

This is that consciousness of coming to a place so sacred, a land, a home, a being, a life and desecrating it…

Then turning around amidst all the chaos to state ‘Behave Children. BC.. B=2,C= 3…2+3=5..

235…23 5, letters W.E.

WE .

Facebook Cheryl BelovedWine Faison…

Faison means We DO

B.C E is Being Conscious Existence.

In 35 months, never has such a ugliness broken out on this page.

And yet there are over 25O Facebook friend some who have been quietly following the weave as I spoke to I.E…the Silence who replies…

Through people.

I was brought here not to declare myself but make people aware of the Presence rising in me and who is me, but also a Presence rising in each but it had to be merited earned and exemplified demonstrated before the whole world transparently.

I have grown utterly disdainful in the manner of people walking into someone’s home to declare themselves, not doing the natural thing which would be to enquire or go to back to Investigate why this page is sacred and if there truly is a Presence here…

But I am at least satisfied that the portal of 49 has been activated.

This is an Espirit play, I am speaking to the E line within you whom I have been demonstrating to the human Avatar or host that they are fully awake in you..

And not only answer my summons of E Truth but respond because they are the Eternal Truth Conscious aware…

Your guides undercover since Time …your bodies were formed.

Well let’s move forward the play is ending..

And then all those.too.lazy, or so arrogant that they use use the Earth, thier bodies, the space of others as if they crested the Earth, thier bodies this space…

They have created nothing yet thier Arrogance Superiority and expressions they truly believe can not be seen by my family within.

For such creatures who have so contaminated being in this movie, we explain that the Creator is taking everything back, including your breath your bodies everything you took for granted.

Because they were never yours…

This weave is not proving anything to anyone in this realm.

A courtesy is being shown to you by my family and I weaving before your very eyes a new Existence as predicted by your sacred scriptures through out the ages

I, nor my family require your permission.

We are Existence Creation Harmony

Nor do we require your approval..

Or your respect.

We are simply doing…

Welcome Ladies MMR.H…

Harmonies Room (RM) Manifest.

G.M B… Line of Goddess E line The 7 the note Manifest Being….the Body…

Please feel free to Investigate …

I will mainly address your Espirits but I will of course take you into consideration and with courtesy and respect…



5:11 am



Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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