
4:10 pm. – Amazing. – I am at 19

4:10 pm.


I am at 1980 Facebook Friends.

Meaning someone born in 1980, is now 41.

That is the age I said my mother was the last time I saw here, 1947 and not as she claimed, as 1944.
I am the one who walked that code. 15-44 C.Town.

Meaning that I am the code of Sacred Portal 43.
David Chukwuemeka. D.C and since we are both still “Alive” at least in this playing Field, it means , I represent Life, and my Mother, Death-aka the entry into the Illusion represented in Sacred Portal 79.
Death is the Illusions and that was the mission of Nnamdi and I.

Nnamdi would evolve to Eden E,
Nnamdi Ezika by my proving the truth of Death being simply a Dye-
Viel and illusion, until the mystery of death was solved by me staying alive and Nnamdi-Onuabuchi aka Harmony little Sister- Woman- transformed into Wu-Man at the completion and thus ending this idea of Death, via Beautiful Death as Transformation at Q.

4:19 pm.
D.S.= 23. 6-12-2003.

E/E= A.
Via Aurelia but the first A is Arden as I.

But how does one meeting yourself prove to the whole world that Death has been conquered- you both may know, and even if it is then documented and proven that Emeka is Arden, each thier own version, how would the entire planet know?

Awakened Memory, Manifest by the Dead- or assumed Dead and Gone forever, waking up here with full memory.
That is Evolution and Awakening, but first the Resident Evil which brought Death into existnce, that Black Out, and forgetting created by disease of actions and expression of cause and effect.
The Cosmic Mess, and belief that this Nature, is real, and all there really is, not matter the Spiritual Beliefs and experiences of people ( just like the evidence and belief in Extra Terrestrials) was not enough to make it a fact for everyone, especially skeptics and people who only see through Facts and not Faith or Belief- as that story of Doubting Thomas, in the Yeshua Christ story, was a factor which I too agreed.

It was not that Doubting Thomases of this reality did not Belief or Know that it was Yeshua Christ who had resurrected from death, rather it was Sanatana Dharma. Eternal Law- to ascertain that it was not a deception, but that it was a solid fact, which required Evidence Facts, Touch, Conversation- Sensation hence the last equation of Energy experiencing knowing, was the completion of the equation via empirical evidence Facts, Proof and feeling sensation via the 5 senses, that indeed it is indeed a fact.

Judas ?scariot as well as the line of actors playing Doubting Thomas had a role and function to play.
That would connect what most may describe as a Traitor and the Jerk, -Betrayal at last to the Truth by he or she waiting, resisting denying to the moment when this equation was met.

Enter the Play of the Line of Thomas Lang ( 13 Mutual Facebook Friends) and Liberty C

Yes, Nnamdi left at age 13.

John Mack and Thomas Lang
48+13= 61.
Me 61 Days in the wilderness to reach Generation X Gardens- on 8-26-2009.
East 4th Street.

See the pause at 1961 Facebook Friends, really 1661.

I really do not want and had no intention of coding this, because I had made it clear, that I have, and had said no to this play.

But here I am, another day, it always amazes me this being Arden C who knows me so well, that I would not leave my body, and lord knows, I am willing, anything to get out of being cornered in this script.

4:43 pm. Claiming to be Life when it is the illusion as the first Idea of Death-really Transformation allowed to go too far- that it became set.

Laura Walsh
Troy. Helen of Troy has been established via yesterday’s completion of the code Beautiful Sadness, rather than Joy of being proven Being Supreme.
With Yasmine, Vivivene, and finally the true version as the 16 years Yelena, with Pascal chosen by me, to play the Title role in my 2000, production, “The Story of Colors” ( T.S.O.C), aligned to the date Ferrill Gemino was born.
T.S.O.C/ C.O.S.T.

How did He-She know, I would not decide in a spur of a moment, to simply walk away and leave this body- especially after all this.
This is something for the last years, which has bothered me deeply- the answer lay of course in something I already knew, and which Arden Gemino said to me, with exasperation… “I know what your thinking and feeling Emeka, often before you even fully know.
Spirit E, Devi Devoted- my E-spirit Aware.

I am fully aware of what this 1980 means-1680 it is 80 Spring Street, Balthazar – Restaraunt and Bakery. The place I was drawn to even before I moved to New York, and when I did, I would sit there almost daily. as if waiting for a rendezvous, and it happened, I met all the key players, while sitting there, Meghana, Naim who led me straight to David Roman Nicholas, the list goes on and on.

What is 😯 Spring street, Bakery, and Restaraunt, (B.R.. and yes, I am sitting on the Balcony, facing 218 Whitney Apartments, right now,
Spring is transformation, is it not?
Autumn, then Winter – Spring
Have you not noticed that Alicia Norris does not come on my page unless I call her out?
And do you recollect her play with Frank Archambault and Dakota?

F A D- E. 5:09 pm

She was born Halloween day, 10-31- 1969.
And I was alone with Arden and Autumn-Smol, and Morgan and Arden’s friends that day, and met Chris Gemino alone at the door.

5:11 pm.

And her seeming refusal to let go of the story of the Native American Indians story?
She is a Professor or something at the University of Phoenix and lives in Florida.

Do you recollect the play with Alicia Sieferd.

Pegasus according to mythology was born of Spring, and the Phoenix which is tattooed on my right shoulder merged with an Eagle with Japanese characters, according to mythology, rises from the Ashes- Link Mt Etna.(E.T.N.A).
Tell me, how did the first Land Mass rise from the first- One Ocean, Sea-S.E-A, was it not a volcano- Vol De Mort? Mortimer. Ink The Stort ( I.T.S) of I The Source- A Man= 1 13 1 14= 29.

Jerson Lange+U.C. A.G.E.

5:22 pm.

Yes, I can feel it, losing patience and tolerance, getting pissed off.

5:23 pm.


Let me pause.

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