
4:06 pm. – 46/64. – 10 10. is 2

4:06 pm.


10 10. is 2 and 10 hex = A

*Conversion to other bases
Base 32: ”

As those who have been paying attention, we walked through all of these numeric codes of 1010 in the Matrix system of 1010 Yes No.

And the last play was with Liberty and Jeron when they last visited Tree- Kim and I.

Jeron Liberty = L J= V= 22.
( Tree T.V)

And the intel given to me by Liberty was the Square Awave at Delta which is the Square and then Square Root. SR.
South Road.
Spectrum Rainbow.
S R.
Rose Sutton

So the resolution of this play of 19 and 18th today’s date
1 1 98…
1 17.
A G.
A 17 years old.
1918= 37= 73/37 10 10.
*”fourth in order or rank; belonging to the fourth-order.
relating to or denoting the most recent period in the Cenozoic era, following the Tertiary period and comprising the Pleistocene and Holocene epochs (and thus including the present).
the Quaternary period or the system of deposits laid down during it.”

See Sacred portal 67
Prehistoric Times.
and the 4th Order as Delta.

22. V.

Today is the 18th.

I am fully aware of the play today and have been having a quiet struggle as to whether I wish to say anything today after the 3.17 time to date play of the photo of Arden age 9 to 16 and finally to 17.

My feeling is God God this is enough.
I was lied to at 900 South Road where the play was meant to end completely. Arden was astonished as well that it was not complete.
After spending 11 months there and establishing himself and his entire family except for liberty and Thomas as 11 Gemio Twins.
I was lied to at 29 Lincoln Street made to stay 3 months instead of the manifestation or, my leaving.
I stayed once again with false promises- Lies for 3 months.
Then was unceremoniously made to leave publicly and come here where a door opened for me and now it is almost 5 months since I have been here.

My head is reeling.
I have been lied to nonstop for over 15 years since Hells Kitchen in 2005.
It was over, done and yet the false promises kept on for an astonishing 15 years at Hells Kitchen in Manhattan.
And then 14 years since I found Generation X Gardens and waited there for the portal to open again for an astonishing 4 years- living there waiting, equating and each time being confirmed that I was correct that this was the porta out but nothing.. but work misery and dealing with people who refused to take personal responsibility for betraying the sacred intel given to each of them.
None was surprised by my arrival at their doorsteps.
They were literally waiting for me.

15 years.
14 years later.
O N.

* See the Evidence with my most recent Facebook friend Kemisola A. I A. born 8-11… H K.
and then connect to 15 years later to Kim Hines and Kamora Herrington
H K- K H a full Circle.
15= letter O.
14 is letter N.

Rep Obumneme 88
Nnonyelum. = 133

88+133 = 221. V A
Alexa Vertefuille.
Victorious Arden.

Now see the post which Liberty C Liscomb shared it lasted 43.55 mins.
The “Door of Life 43.
See sacred Portal 55 Back “Vertebra of the Universal sensei and the E family of the Goolden Age – The past descending from his back- Vertebra.

T R + E E. 20 18 + 5 5.

If you notice there are 5 beings and the place of my greatest discomfort is around my shoulder blades, where the horned blond “Thor” arms are pushing it open.
T R E E = 48.
Sacred Portal 48 is Beautiful Death as Transformation.

The being in sacred portal 55 as the Universal Senie is Chinese- Japanese.

Nnamdi and Hines both numerically equate to 55.
55 + 55 = 1 110.
111 O is Perfection Full Circle.
O is Fact. Family.

4:48 p

14+15= 29.
I spent 29 months straight in the assessment Shelter 2 months and 27 months at Delta Manor.

B is B I… A T. E 001
Square Waves from Liberty.

5:19 pm.
E S. E O S.
N O S= N= 14= 1+4=5. E.
E O S.
E F S.
Eternal Family Supreme- Stephan- C R – O WN E D.

11 Months at 900 South Road.
K but not L.
and then 3 months and 2 days at 29 Lincoln alone.
and now almost 5 months here waiting- working- enduring.

How many more lies should I endure.

Liberty sent contacted me at 5:39 pm.

And now I just received intel from Tree- Kim where he is working with Kamora Herrington that she has 39.43 on her gift card!
and then Serenity called him to come over here at 3:09 pm.
I have not seen the little rascal for months.

Jeron and Serenity are sooo lucky and smart that that they came as now 2 year old and 5 year old.
2 5

Send a photo out of 5 of Arden I took the 2nd out of 5 is the one taken at 3.17 pm.

Hmm How old is Era-Bella now I wonder 2 3? Era-Bella is Sabrina Lemeuix and Dylands daughter.
Sabrina Dylan. S D. Era-Bella.

5:29 pm.
Lies of Omission-
All aligned to the Sacred Feminine. Liberty L = 12 moves now to 1+2= 3 C and yes, all can see that she can See and Cee.

being lied to for 15 years… Nnamdi was born 4-5- 1969.
Kim was born 11-4-1987.

I went to bed seeing his code 11-04 so I am not surprised that so much of this endplay links Nnamdi to Hines. N H.
Please see my Sacred Portal 148.

Marna Biruni recognized it as her Higher-self via the Breasts.
Nnamdi Hines – Kolo.

Kolo means “Dance hands linked joined- of the Circle Round. C R.
And today is the 18th letter R.
3 18
Circle Responds.
C.I R C L E… Cle” Key” L E= 17 Q.

C I R CL E.= 50 E O. T E N E O.
R O U N D= 72.

A V.

PAR A D I S E = 73.

Boom Boom is Obumneme Ndubisi Mike Kolo. Born 5-20-1973.


73/37. 10 10= 10/10= 1.
and 20

A T E 001.

You have to remember that I was sure in 2004.
And when it did not manifest I went to Augusta Georgia ( A G) to see my first Cousin. Instigated against my will by a man I met at Lucien’s restaurant where I used to visit a brother there who was Portuguese and worked there as a Barman.
Returning on the day Pople John Paul Died- 4-2-2005.
I knew it was over in 2004 when the family of TEN literally rose in my body.
Recall Liberty gave me the Tuning Fork with the code 24 O.

See Sacred Portal 24- and all teh sexxual abuse done to me, keeping me celibate in this 3 D lie for 20 years- 21 years while in the Unseen realm, I was being attacked twisted – calling out day and night and no one would listen or even care.
Not even medical attention or able to afford a doctor for my body, rest, or what was done to my skin, teeth, hair- body being as I was attacked “mean-while” by the disease of human corruption.

Do you have any idea what it was like, facing down an entire world and people who thought I was a fool?
Who abandoned me, family brother sisters, extended family, so-called friends.
You have no idea what they did to me and how confused and alarmed by the “betrayals” and cruelty, their rage and love.
That 6 years after holding on to this truth they appeared to Fritz and me at Pelham Bay Park as Light Energy in July 2010.
And then again left me alone -remained silent for another 9 years until reaching Arden and then another 7 almost 8 months alone fighting sustaining in this reality the truth that they exist while leaving me in Non-Existence… How I worked 24/7 while trapped in a glitching body facing down the world peoples- coding solving in the absolute silence of a response which came over and over again through you all but which never manifested. No, I D, no security, no place to live except where I was directed- solving other people’s riddles.
Nobody and trapped in my own body glitching.

6:00 pm.

Of course, I knew they were real and present, but I no longer had trust or faith in them because a play of Natures Harmony had refused to acknowledge or release them?
To manifest the End which was meant to have been completed in 2004?
Till this very moment.
After all this confirmation?
After all the insults and my calling my power of truth never manifested except in quiet concealment to those who paid attention and never to a conclusion.
The will I had to summon to fight and battle on.
To prove that I was Nnamdi and that this Nnamdi used against me was a lie because I would never do such a thing to any being.

6:04 pm.

Look what was done to my life, my existence.. my celebration of Life and truth all because of the Sacred Feminine and that Nnamdi holding me back until I evolved all to completion alone- made dependant on others and their constant abuse when that which I promised would manifest did not?

6:12 pm.

I had told the Beautiful Truth- fought for every single one of you- made to.

And this is the response?

There is no reason to stay in this play or even this body is there?
Would you?

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