
4:05 pm. – D:O.E. – 3-5-20-21 – C.E

4:05 pm.

C.E.T..B A.


I made inquiries yesterday to Fahad Hassen F H ( 68..Hertz), via Liberty C Liscomb.
I was informed that he would be finished with the uploading of the E Manual today.

Today is C E. 3 5.

And from his dates of uploading from 3-22-2020.
to the 17th, which has extended to today 3-5.
And Aligned to Consciousness Eternal.
C Speed of light to Planet Earth-Eden Paradise, one can recognize the Harmony moving in him by simply reading the numerical codes.
3-22-2020. C.V. 20/20 Vision.
17… Q. Quantum. A G.
3-5…C E.

“C V-
CEE Victorious.Perfect Vision =
Curriculum Vitae Awakening-Arden C V- A-17 Q
is the Quantum Mechanics of
Consciousness E.
Transformation of Planet Earth to its Original State- Eden Paradise.
Loves Frequency.
3 6.= 9= I.
*”The first 10 digits of pi (?) are 3.1415926535.” ( C.ADO.I.B.F-ECE Full Circle. and C:”ADA” E -I B F E.C.E.. Two full circle at 3rd and 8-10 letters)

Perfection i.
Pi… / iP man.
/Nam-e Pi.

E M E K A= 35.
K O L O = 53.

And O-KOLO= 68

E O.
5 O.
is 35 68.

CE as David “Roman” Nicholas.”11-22-68″

Its strage that code Fahad Hassen F H is 68.
And 68 Hertz

*”6-8 Hz theta seems to be the frequency that most relates to memory, visualization, and access to the subconscious.”

35+68=103. J C- A O C- “Alpha Omega Consciousness. A.F.C.
1 6 3= 10.

It is strange that I am still in Script of the codes 1968 and 1969- the very portals which I moved through right up to Generation X Gardens in August 2006 at 268 East Fourth Street.
The two portals across the street were 68 and 69- so I was aware why I was placed there for 4 years straight. and on and off for the next 5 years.
4-5 years. 4 straight where I could not move, I was waiting.
that is a total of 9 years at 4th Street.
And from there I was led, moved to the Green Point Assessment Shelter- all coded here and my resistance and refusal to pass through, but I was fully aware of where I was being led to- the building next across the street was a Shelter number 269.
And David had come to 4th Street and all his line rep of the Christ consciousness- they were all versions of David and the last rep who led me there was called Phillip Shlain.

But I had officially changed my name from Okolo, to Kolo in 1989.
It was a statement.
I was saying that from my experience both the lines of Okolo and Umeano had denied me a place and a berth amongst them.
I was not angry with them, not at all, they loved me in their own way but it was made clear to me that I had no place in both worlds, and so it gave me a reason to forge my own path and no longer feel beholden to any of them Umeano or Okolo.
O U.
Uwa- “Y O U.”

Arden’s initials make the numeric equation of 25. Letter Y. ( A F K G) it was even the number stamped on my last bed at Delta Manor, the letter Y ( in case I missed the connection and reason).

I felt it, I was free of my Bio Family and ancestral ties and was free now to exist as my truer self-the one who had always recalled and remembered that I am E and that my Family, Original Family are the Eternals.

And yet, I saw that this equation of C E O.
Chukwumeka Okolo. C O. (3O)
Emeka Okolo E O. (5O) was still tagging along, moving me through its wave while I sought to concentrate and focus on the E Family.
As E K.

4:50 pm.

For 31 years… 32 years!
It followed me, meddling with my intention, holding me to a connection which I had cut off with because I no matter how much I tried to belong and earn my place amongst them until it was made clear, categorically clear that I had no place amongst them.
Why then, were they trailing me, following me, and disturbing my own intention.

4 years- 9 years total at 268 East 4th street and then straight to bed 49 at the Assessment Shelter- meeting a person I recognized in a different timeline as my Grandfather’s elder brother.
Keith Grant.
K G.
E: A F K G.
I was 25 by Dec 1992 when I went to the portal of what I recognized as my HOME.
5:06 pm.

I rose in my Body 10 years later, in 2002 witnessed by two people present. Nexus and Erik E Class Mateo.
And here we are 19 years later- 31 years later completing the Equation of that which I disconnected with, having not made me welcome or feel at Home, had refused to accept my “no” as an answer… and which contained me in the 4th Dimension since 2004 and 2005.
16… 15 years ago.
31 years later.
L S= 12+19= 31.

5:11 pm.
E K.

I am Emeka Kolo.
And yet, the script has forced me, because of my being in a body, a body which the ancestral realm had refused to let go off.
Sacred Portal 50 “Ego Oge= Money and Time.
C.O. … 3O.
See Sacred Portal 30 in the Forest Woods- Transformation.

*8 O O…8 66.
8 1. HA.
8 12. H L.
8 3. Harwington Connecticut.
Hartford Connecticut.
Harmony Consciousness.
Infinite Creation.

Still in the 4th Dimension 16.. 15 years later.
31 years later.

Then see Sacred Portal 56 and 36.
56:56 code = 56/56= 1. 11 11.
56 E F.
36 C F.

And yet I am E K. 5 11. = 5 1. 5 2. ( 6 7)
+ 16 +x= 16 55. 16 1.
71. G A.
17-71. A G-G A.
E M E K A- K O L O.
1.64th move. 1 10.
Family of E.
Sacred Portal 110.

E O is 56. E O is 5. 5+15= 20.T.
C O is 36. C O is 3. 3+6= 9= I.

5 3.
At 1553 Facebook Friends.
T.I. / I T.
20+9= 29 B I. * B I..AT E… 001

29 Lincoln Street.
L S. = 31.

5:31 pm.

J S S L where I first met Thomas and Liberty and 5 months in the womb.
J S S L= 60.
6 O.
36… 360.
1: 3 3- 6.
1: 3 3 1 6.

Kim “Tree” made a comment to me about his awareness of this script having not only having been a long dress rehearsal but also that if one is not paying attention and aware, that the very portal or doorway out will pass you by- that exit.

It was astonishing to hear because those were my own personal conclusion 16 years ago.

But I have been aware, made aware, forced by my Body to be constantly aware.

But what if… the inconceivable happens, that when you point this out-that you are ignored?
The rules, Laws, everything is suspended?
You point out the inconsistencies, the errors, but your voice and expression are ignored.
And yet, you are powering everything, you see it… but you are not able to influence the play to its truth because this is not your script and the one who is making the decisions is the one who is The Dreamer- and he -she did it His way and leave you to untangle the mess, It, He, She.. they manifested by doing it their own way.

All by using “What If”
“What If? When it has been proven over and over again that there is no what If.
W.H A T. I F.
23 +29.96.
TI ON= 29 29…

52 +96.
E B.I..F

No What ( 52) E B!?
I F. ( 9 6)
= 67.

E B 11-28-1967.
and 7 is 8.
11 28 19 68.
F G=M. 13. One Year +1 Manifestaion Resurrection. 12 1= 13 M.
M R.E.
Which Arden called me.
I called him “Lord Arden” L A 12 1- Nnmadi Emeka. L A N D. E.

There exists only the IS.

IS Perfection.

A R D E N… 118 4 5 14.
19 +23
Ferrill was 19 the last time I saw him and 23 is W- VV.
E D E N= 9 19. IS.
28 B H… M A N= 28.


42 is the code of The story of the E M F=24. 2004.
Arden was born in 2003.
Ferril 2000. Feril Gemino. F G.
His name means Valiant Victorious Man are Gemino=Gemini – The Beautiful Perfectly Symmetrical Twins.The T W O. K. K I M=11 9 13=33.
His age code.

It’s 6:07 pm.
Sacred Portal 67
See yesterday’s post conclusion of the code E= 17 33 5 2 5.

And Fahad Hassen completing that which was meant to have been completed by the 17th now extended till today 3-5.
Q-Quantum C E… = 8. Infinity – Standing. I S.

Arden then would be the Story of EDEN.

* Bella
I.S T. R U E.

F L Ferril Leander.
6 12= 18 R- HIs Friend “Robert”
18 Alexander Grove. A G Arden Gemino.
Allan Ginsberg A G 1993.
18 Mountain View.
R.. A H.
K A H.
B A H.
R A.I.
K A I.
B A I.

9 A I.
I A I.

I have not been walking through my own script or words meaning, have I?
Not Eternal Ardens Script of
I & Him of Eternal Eden.

Because he was aware as I was that we leave and rise together.

It was something or someone else’s translation and even challenge of the Truth, the Beautiful truth we represent, which meddled with and disturned the Middle way.

Alpha waves.

I was admitted into the Alpha Fraternity at University.
my uncles Ozo and Nduka belonged to it.
( O N… 15 14= 29)
I was kicked out during the scandal with Frank.
I refused to throw Frank under the Bus for his desire enacted towards me”
The year was 1985.

85 is the numeric code of A W A K E N I N G.
It’s the Year of birth of my 1552 Facebook Friend. O E B.
( A E-E.B. A-A B/ B A-A Being of the Full circle 27 S P 27).
Darien Shea D S. 4 19= 23. W.VV

Arden = Eden Paradise.
42 is Sacred Portal 42 “OHM” Power.
D B= 6.F.

F. I S.
F B H. Being Happiness.
F: M A N.
F is J J A… Y. ( A F K G=Y)
P A R A D I S E. = 73… 5-20-1973.

B E I N G= 37.

The way back to EDEN PARADISE. is through the Particle BEING… Expressing- Full circle in Perfect Symmetry. Perfection.


6:37 pm right now.

10 10.
73-37= 10 10.
10 10 10 10. = 170 in Decimal.
170 Q O.. Quaker Oats.
A G O. 4.5 Billion Years ago?
No, A G O. Q.O.
Quantum Transformation Full circle in the perfection of 6th sense to Fact.

A G F…
A= Sacred portal 76.
me 67 he 76.

10101010 is 40 as 4 Tens but they are all 1 40.
40 1.
* not 144,000 Ascended Masters.
1 10 B E. ( Y chromosome)
6:45 pm.
Male Y.
M Y.
C H/ H C.
11 1.. 11= 1 1 / 1/1= 1.

Arden with all its meanings all aligned connected to EDEN.
Paradise from the journey of a man- representing the Frequency of Paradise who is sent down with the Blue Print of Existence as represented by the Sacred porta 79, of two aspects of man Atlantic and Tiger Cat on a Rocketship – Phallus- Penetration of Non-Existence- A Story and “OPEN SEE SAME. ME!
It opens and the story of Ardens is proven as the Beautiful Truth of Origins Eden- Garden of Eden, Pleasure and Delight.
And on thier return arrive with something which did not exist before a female version of themselves.
Aurelia- “The Golden One” The Golden Apple. G A.

* Allan Ginsberg/ George Andreo.
A G – G A Paris to New York the 11th state. K. Kolo. 53.
17 71.
From a story which began in 1989… 88= 1… 89 of keeping a Journal called Talking To The Silence ( T T T S= 79)
Moving through Jesse Macias. J M- Orejula. O.
* The names Jesse and Macias both mean “Gift”

Yes, Gifts from Liberty… Estaban who let us not forget, his mother’s name is also Donna-“Meaning Lady” L A D. Y.
Gift Card from Kamora Herrington 500 USD – split 50 50 with Kim. 250. “Yo!” Yo” “25-25 O O
Yo! Yo… Ma
Gift” Tree-Kim with the heater coded at 86 degrees. which has now found a home in my room ( Kim acquired a Space Heater recently) from a young woman called Yo-Yo.
15… 76.
Sacred Portal 76.

7:06 pm right now.
7 66.
71. G A.=A G.

Orgasm Ejaculation.
O E/ E O.
Rocket Fuel.
Sacred portal 123.
“Supremacy, Transparency … Rocket Fuel”
R F Reilly Ferrill.
Valiant Victorious Man x2

The Gift Card. G C= 73. PARADISE= 73.
E T. 19 73 10 10.

41 is H O M E.
54 E D… add EN is 19. S.-A.I.
Homme means “Man” Human-e.
@ Hartford Connecticut.

The being was the W.A V E S..P of going down into a story of Arden- A F KG and his two who were never divided.
* Jesse Maccias and son Zion.
*John Mack
J M/ J M.
16 16… 1 32… 33. 1.
63 63… 1 126 A: A-Z (Zion was 16.) 1+126= 127.
See Sacred Portal 127.
10.J A Y.

42 Arden is perfectly equated to the person representing the E Family as Sacred Portal 110 aligned to Arden and myself.
And the True Story of Eden Paradise/
The Narration of my Alpha Waves- of the Middle Way.

In this reality, I was kicked out for defending Frank- meaning “Freedom”
in 19 85.
EN= 19 S. 85 “Awakening Sacred portal 76.
” the 123 Cocksure of the First Dawn Awakening” 42=6 F- D A is 41 = “HOME”
H OM M E “Man” is Eden Paradise.
Because of how it was received the story of two men.
I was about 17 + Frank was 3 or 4 years older.

It was interesting that I found Frank of Alicia Norris companion when he was going through a play of standing rock, I sought and fought for him to see the evidence of the 5th dimension he had without awareness scattered all about him- even to his son Dylan and he being Frank.
F D. Fifth-Dimensional beings. and instead for Standing Rock- he was imprisoned.

For standing up solidly for his Foundational Beliefs- It was more Friendship and Loyalty F L I had written while visiting him, and Sabrina-Dylan. S D in West Virginia.
Friendship and Loyalty to his adopted world, even if he had forgotten it was a story.
He stood up for the foundation of a Truth, which aligned to the same stance in sacred portal 147 A B- Father of Infinity.

But I am aligning it to 1985 when I was just 17 and how and why the Alpha Fraternity kicked me out of its fraternity.
As my sister kicked me out of her home in Queens Park ( Q P)
And for 64 subsequent moves I have been kicked out of every homes I was invited into for staying firm in my truth that we were in a play- a Enders Game- Solving the riddles of existence and as like A word War II switchboard operator- have been aligning the Cables to the correct alignment- The Connections

I was kicked out of 900 south Road, despite it all being already forewarned and a doorway opened in a way it had never happened before.
Arden and I were both puzzled, he trusted me as he trusted what he also knew and what I knew.
It was done.

The Story of Arden- Eden had reached its embodied source – the one representing the Frequency of Eternal Eden- Paradise Perfection and with it came the Golden apple – Immortality- Aurelia-Kim.

Definition and Meaning had come together.
at 900 Poverty Hollow.
really I O O. Perfection Home.
P H= 16 8= 24.
240 Tunning fork Gift from Liberty C Liscomb.
24/ 42 ARDEN.
E M F is 24/ 42.

I Eden Paradise.
Planet Earth. P E 16 5= 21.
It is not the U. Universe.
Because we have left the Universe as Time Waves Being to attain Paradise 37/ 73 37-73.
10 10 10 10- 170.
41st Street Wonder Struck- “Coudre Foudre” C F.
Lightning Rod Struck-
Amore- Love Supreme.
Consciousness Crowned.
“At Last, My Love has Come along.
Etta James.
Area 51- Fact E S P/.

How can The Particle and Wave of that which was always present here- pulled forward into a play to prove his Beloved Truth- that Eden Paradise- its meaning and embodiment in being was dragged down into a play of the Blueprint of Existence of J M/ J M= 1=A and into the one play which was of the source of the two already in one as Atlantean and Tiger-Tail-Tale.- Mammal.
A T.

A T E M- E K A. “5:111”
Be denied and asked to leave the Origins Eden. O E
Origins Perfection he finds himself representing in a play he was never meant to be part of.

Your saying No?
To that which Arden is a Being aligned perfectly to is Name and who is not in the play. but his Absolute Truth, his frequency Wave representing the two as Ferril and Robert- see both meanings came 64 portals and from his own story of Colors in 2000 to meet Arden born 2003 and Ferril 8-25-2000 and then even had to prove that he is representing his “Guide Fathers Truth” who is Arden, not Ferril, though Ferrill is recognized as The Silence filled with “knowing” and his beautiful singing voice-”
where the set up is so vile, limited, watched, meddled with, and yet I and then both enact the truth which did not even have to be expressed.

And yet it was and enacted.

How I am that which was summoned- pulled forwards and down into a dimension called the 4th but which I recognize as the 5th despite the terrible view.- because there is only one actually Dimension and plane of existence- the E. Eden Expression Perfection.
Nothing – Nowhere Exists but this Sol. SOL… 5th… 5 and now 6th merged into one.
Expression Song- Sound.
Expression Silence-Sound.
the Sound of Music
The Sound of Silence.

Alpha – is Quantum.
The 3rd place between Delta Theta and Beta Gamma.

Alpha. the Middle which connects the 1-2 D T… Donald Trump…

the Beta Gamma. B G.

Awareness- Awakening – Alpha was missing.
How could I have been kicked out of Alpha Fraternity for Freedom- sexuality- The Stance I took my entire life against the absurd?

8:05 pm.

The Hypocrisy of Desire- Brother Love?

When I alone, then with Arden- G-A-RD-EN- then Aurelia- Kim- Tree have proven the story of Eden Eternity, Infinity, Immortality – as a solid Fact here present?

And it is rejected by those who do not remember or have no full circle of understanding of Awareness =100% of the Brain connected to the Body- have no recollection of having to experience it.
And consequently not able to recognize it when it is staring at them in the face.
The Mirror right there- the doorway out all one must do is step through.
Jump Through.
No great “Leap Of Fath”
It is the same as opening the door to your room, or the bathroom or your house.
There is just an action to take in awareness but it takes no effort or even Thought or focus.
-It requires the state of the Alpha rays.
A Mediative Effortless State.
Awareness, 100, Perfection 111 H O ME.

100 111… 211 B A-A.
= 306.
C F F.
C A.

C A F . E does that for me- the Ritual of Pause.

/ E F A C T… E.

To take in the Facts- there is no effort there- I cruise in on Alpha Waves.
It’s not the Middle Way. MW 69.

It’s the Only Way.

AH BE is all with the C E E. ( 3 55 = 13 M)

So, yes, that is the equation of 19 85.
*(19 85 10 13= 23 W 6-12-2003

But Even without Awareness.
You have a Body and Being… which Feels.
Feelings Sensational- Solid Facts.
S F S F.
25 25.
76 76.

1 25 25.

Sacred Portal Emeka Arden.
Sex God Of Creation”

How can the 4th Dimension as the Gap- which does not exist, as Time Mediation truly influence the 5th its Origins- it can only influence an idea called 3 as the Earth 3rd Planet from the Sun in a story of non-existence.
But it can not influence the C as consciousness constant- creation already established her presence here as Solid Fact.

Where does the food you eat come from?
What do you walk upon?
Why is it that everything which has a body must Feed and Release- Evacuate?

Constant since creation itself began.

And so, why Awareness is necessary why it is not 21 but 2 1. B A.
which makes 3.
and the body is a 33 11 Kim. 33.
and its Origins- Nothingness.
Containing Something-Sum thingness- O. Eau.. B Eau. T. Y.
It came from Awareness- the realm of Feelings sensational = 25 Y.
My Youth represented by Arden when I was 17+
He is currently 17.+

The Body is 6th Sense 51= 6 in clarity of perfect symmetry O.
It does not require your own Awareness to acknowledge what It recognizes by itself self- such as when you are hungry.
It already knows, irrespective of you ignoring it.
It will simply cause you’re ignoring it, to send you who believe that you are occupying it, and are in control- to that nonexistence you created in denying that Arden is Eden Paradise aligned to its Source. His Source.
The Being of Paradise full circle.
Awareness-Arousal Sexual- Awakening…
Paradise Being= 73 37= 110.
Being Paradise = 37+73= 110.

Sacred Portal 110.

8:45 pm.
Arden- 42.
EDEN 28.
BEING.= 37.

Symmetry =138 MH Maxwell House. Universe 13.8
Perfection. 111

=249… X I… “Nine” B D I.= 15 O. A E.

= 429.
Arden at 9.
900 South Road.

S P= 35 C E.
H-I. 89= 17.

EMEKA. 35.

Chris Gemino.

G G.. Gemino Gemini ( Arden is a Gemini)
7/7 = 1.

E B E B… Y Y… 52 52 = 7 7.
Backward 14 N.
49 D I.
13 Age he left 1982.

I am not in the Past.
I am in its Sum Total Past Present Future.
Yesterday is Today and Tomorrow.

Sacred Portal 100. Yesterday Today Tomorrow

Y is Pi
A F K G. = 25
E I V K. = 47.

* Thomas Lang was born 4-7-1985.

4 7 11 28… 39. C I.

25 +47 = Y is B E- D.G.


But Add C.C Cecil and Chukwuemeka…
33 1 7.
Sacred Portal Jesse Macias.

Zion Arden 16 16…. 1 32 33.

78/ 87.

Kim Tree is 33.

9:07 pm.
John Mack.
Johnny Newman.
J M= 23. 2
J N= 24. 2.

9:16 pm.
I P. 111 Perfection.
I A F… FACT = 30.


9:22 – 9:23 pm.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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