
4:03 p.m.

4:03 p.m.


D C…A C D C… Hells Bells..

See sacred portal 36…’AC DC… Alternating Current.

Thomas Lang

*See his comment..


D H.. T S..

See Dana Hawkins…

And meaning of here name…

48 is Sacred Portal Beautiful Death as well as 4th Dimension @ 8

Through the Echo play represented by you but Directed and Organized by Moi.

4:19 p.m.

19.. S 1+9= 10 J… 1 O= A O… 1-6..A F…7…G..7=8…( 15,Letter O…Symbol of Perfection Beauty Symmetery Order Logos.

D S… H

D J…

D A…O….4+1+O= 5


E F.

E G… Enders Game… Who Ends The G A M.E…

E H…5 8/ 85…

E H H E…

M M..


B F…




At 7:50 p.m I received a message from Kasien Thompson

K T… Born 11-29-1963…

Zodiac Sign.. 13th Zodiac Ophiuchus Aclespius.. O A..

The 13 Zodiac is the only portal in the Astrolgical System oif Stars as Portal of the Hevens linked to the Earth…

Represented as a M A N..

13.8 Billion Years Universe

4.5 Planet Earth…

13.8-4.5 = 9.3… I C…

THE Gap was proving Infinity is Consciousness and

I Create.

Through I C…

i Conscious…

And what is Consciousness but C…

C as Speed of Light which means one has reached the same alignment as Consciousness and Creation which is perfect timing which allows you to See Cee creation and existence as it unfolded from the begining of Time by bridging 13 8…M H…

Manifest Harmony

4 5 Through Dark Energy… D E…

Rep Namdi April 5th as Thomas Lang ATOM AH TOM..

The Twins M H D E… M H ..I D E…

Particle and Wave,,

Reflection Mirror…

and the manifestation of both, from that space in between

93 IC..

See me 1993…

D HAWK was the name of the person whose gif Kasien Thompson sent me…

Dana Hawkins H A WK I N E… 9 -14-5-19

5 -019 My First bed number at Delta Manor.

E OS Means Eternity and Dawn…

E S Emeka Stephen… reflection Echo… Esteban Miguel Filgueira Stephen…

E OS Means Eternity and Dawn… 4 every 4 Years…

4:48 p.m right now.

E OS Means Eternity and Dawn… 4 every 4 Years…Portal 48

Beautiful Death ( B D Being Doing Through Sixth Sense)

as Transformation.. B D T…


Nathaniel Thomas Bywater

N N… Nourishing necessities the company owned by Aaron Weston 509-511 Farmignton where John Mack and Rays McKayla both work ( how strange R M transformd to M R.. And now today it is back to R M.. She is not a MR.. I AM as is John.)

So M as NNamdi age 13 is aligned to me..


NN = 28.

B H… Being Harmonious

* I was born 11 28… 2 28… 1 28… 1 to 8 Being of B H

H B.

Haris Babic

Nnamdi left age 13 in 1982…

28 Date

82 Year..

Twins of John NN and AA..( 2-27 A-Z A) J J..

M M…

J A M… 1966 His Father, Mother Christine, sister Holly and John..

J C H J…

J H C J…Flip J Hendrixs Flip is J H… C J…3 10…3 1 O…

Age code Christopher Filgueira Tree Sage

J J= B J B..Balance.

A A…1 1- 2…B… 11 =1

M M…13 13 26 8.H

B H..2 8

A B H…Andrese Harris Burton

ad N N TO J J J

J B… M A N….

My name is not Aaron ( Bible Story)

it is Alexander Victor.. A V… Alexa Vertefeuille.

M AND Alicia Norris

M A N… 13 1 14…14 14…NN..28.

Thus Man is H B…Harmonious Being…

2+8=10…J… Balanced.

1 O.Awareness full Circle Naturally

Manifest Awareness Nature Naturalness

M A N… 28 10 1O.. 1 6..7-8

MA N N 14 14 14… 42.


Twin of Thomas Lang line

thus J J A A B B C C D D E E F F G G H H… I I =I.

the play ends at H H..J J… B B

Harmony – the Grace of The Creaor Balanced through

D B…Doing and Being though it started out as Being is Doing through Naturalness 6th Sense, and then a second loop Doing Being which 66… 1 3 9 Created the full 1 3 9…

A C I…

From DD EE… 44 8…. 55 10.

8 10… Flip J Hendrixs Flip J H/ H J.. H A O!

4 5 5 4.. 99 18 9…

D E E D….I I R..reflect I.. Infinity is I…


Through the Individual..

A M A N..E..


I.D MANN whose Base and Foundation of His Idenityis I Define Awareness Manifests through NN=28 B.H

Being Harmonics Universe- is by Understanding E.

Which John is, Reflecting Manifest Harmony E

( M H/ H M. Holly MacDonald Twin)


John is rep the New Man N M… 27

line of Paul New Man.. P M 29

See the meaning of the name Paul..

The EC HO Play represented by You as the Sum Total of Human Conscious Expression through out Time-13.8 -9 Full Circles (Billion)

3 33 333

1 3 33 333 1 3 6 9

5:40 p.m.

Planet Earth is 4.5 in the Reflection Mirror

Represented by Rays McKayla

and then manifested in the ROOM With a View

This World, where despite 43 -51 years of Misery and Suffering

5:43 p.m.

I Sustained That Sunny Sunshine state of The Beautiful View of All as the only thing being real and of True Existence for 51 years.

5 1 Evolution is Awakening E A manifested together or in this case, by one man.

Loyal even to the Evil Script of Israel (1948.. 4-8-2019)

…. Where God struggles with a Usurper ( Esau-Jacob..E J 510)

But really means: Is Real…Area 51

H.E Rose well as Eros Sacred Portal 51Sex , God of Creation

…Erection Arrow New Direction..

*See meaning of the name Montega Mingo

* Fritz Venneiq Jamaica Montego Bay. J M B.

J M (23..14 J M W..J Milky Way 13.8 Billion yrs ago, J N..Johnny New Man..)

…J M W N..Sacred Portal 14…

Evolution of Consciousness Star E


To understand the meaning of the Synchronicity, Harmonies Expression.. His Her Point, which is Perfect Timing, you first have to read the Script, meaning there is a Back Story, ( B S 2 19 South Whitney) which is your Life Story Individually and Collectively

as a Species and cominity and then finally together as a Species and Comuinity by merging the two..

I C… I.T…!

For the Holy Communion

Eucharist ..the E Version

Called The Gathering of a the Elect.

And so we are born after 9 months Pluto to Earth – Venus Mercury

( Link my 9 month stay with Jonn Blackwell Delguidce and Donna O Sullivan at 18 Mountain View.


Men are Mars women are from Venus

Actually Men are from.Mercury and Venus)

And thus you are born 9 -3

I C.

I am the Gap who bridges the Gap

9.3 Billion yrs between Heaven Universe 13.8 and Eath 4.5..

And the Gap is Agape filled with Brotherly Love.


Through this life time and role and Script I was unfairly given to play and demonstrate the truth of a Magical Race of 8 Tarot Magic Infinte Harmony M.I H.

H I M.

And so you were Born at O and Borne at 9 months to understand and undertake the Journey of I…who is e.


Isis Osiris

Ya Figo just sent me a picture with him in a place of Mirrors, a Museum with Egyptian Queens and Pharohs in Tombs.

See Sacred Portal 9.

And then the Door of the Tomb Womb Opens ( April..19th.. 9 months to the day I left 18 M.V on Donna O Sullivan Fathers Birthday

4 19 D.S.

Bed 4-019/18

Then your are sent into this realm Blind Folded to then move through this World – a Story

Alice in Wonder of Landing.. on solid ground, and as you go exploring, adventuring, by seeing the synchronicity and Synchronizations of Perfect Timing, anomalies, sign posts, until you soon know how to read, and very soon recollecting through Linking and Connecting the Epiphanies, Moments, realizing that you had been here before, the decor and babble are ugly and confusing, making it dark and in a Nightmare and Thunder Storm.

N.T.S…Nature The Script True Script..Tree Sage)


Until serenity descends as you read the Epiphany Momentums Beyaz True Lights- Those E.N-Lightening Moments- which gradually turns the confusion to The Calm ( T.C/ C.T..True Clarities- Common Thread)

6:18 p.m.

F R.. E E DO..M..E

Until with Serene, and soon, Majestic Confidence, you move with purpose to the Event Horizon,


to themselves Harmonious Dawn called Eternity where E Ros E Well Rose Area 51 Phoenix Arizona. P.A

Public Announcement

The Planet is Awareness and Universe is Being.

And who now comes with the Rod as well as The Door

Dharma Santana.

4 19.

Donnas Father was called Robert also now my name because I passed all the Roberts Portals

10:10..11 pm


See the meaning of the name Robert R =18

99. 9. 27 ..72. 9


Bright Famed Shinning.. B F S.

of Light

B F. S.OL 5 Note Harmony


With total recall because you now know the way, is by linking what is True, by understanding what is False.

6:22 p.m


Fritz Venneiq 2010 Pelham Bay Park The Bronx


Erek Eclass Mateo


M E..E The Bronx.

6:24-5 p.m.


E.L A M E Family.

6:27 p.m

Eternal Sunshine State.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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