
4:02 pm – 42. – 462. – 6-9-2020-21

4:02 pm




On the Original True Script, I am fully aware of why all the focus and attention is on Arden linked to I.

I was reflecting on this last night, how on the approach of his 17th birthday, I had found myself coding like a mad man to keep away all those forces intent on destroying his Eternal Truth, to negate him as they had done to me.
And here, again at the approach of his18th birthday, I find myself in the same position again,

The Idea of course being that on the Lowest or base frequency as he a Youth in this realm and I a man, are not in harmony to Infinity as Individuals, of this reality.

Friend Lover Best Friend Harmony I.

That at 16 and 34/35 ( and age code 51) we were not one.
See sacred Portal 116

Then at 17 when we were apart that I could not be in harmony with him as a grown man with the 16-year-old in me aligned to his age code as well as sacred Portal 147 AB ( 17, 17) as well as he is in harmony with me age code 34, 35, 51, 52 even to both of us as 54 to 55/ ED, EE.

The Truth of course is that this is about proving ESP and using numeric codes to prove with David, Nnamdi, Alex,-Arden- Being Embodied.

D N A B./ BAND ( Band Anthony)
Which you all witnessed confirmed in the play with the 20 USD sent by Alicia Norris.


Then to DNE. B
B E ND Z to Ressurection through a super black hole of world war Z- A.

And the real reason for us being made to be apart with no contact or communication was that on his own (while both of us observed watched by the Unseen and the false Big Brother line B.ID EN rep George Washington to Donald Trump to Biden Government “meaning Control, doing everything to destroy that connection of our being The Beautiful Doppelganger Twins despite the age difference 11-1 and using human Avatars and their diseased way of being, their hidden. often buried resentment “why him?” why not me?

There is no evil twin or opposing twins
We are Best Friends Lovers, Brothers, Campions we choose each other without Need.

* See our play with Sacred Portal 116 & 117.

The idea was to make me feel bitter and resentful, and him, inadequate, resentful, and overwhelmed.
And to top it off, all in front of a live audience, even his family and friends watching his, our every move and my being made to write work like a slave with the illusion of his being a spoilt brat who does not care and cares only for himself and his life.

Nothing could be further from the truth except for one thing, we do not care.
Not about your perception, point of view but most of all this play.

To be honest, he would be more intent now, than I, to finish this script and bring it to its conclusion of Z the to A-BC.E to AF
AH and Finally

I have not slept in 4 days-the battle in my body leaves me thrashing about my bed, the moment I try and sleep.

As I stated for years, its pressure points in my body which are used in martial Arts;

Chinese Acupuncture C A.

*The theory and practice of acupuncture originated in China. It was first mentioned and recorded in documents dating a few hundred years before the Common Era. Earlier instead of needles sharpened stones and long sharp bones were used around 6000 BCE for acupuncture treatment.’

Japanese Acupuncture J A

*In fact, Japanese style acupuncture is often called ‘meridian acupuncture’ for this reason,” says Dr. Hyundo Kim, chief clinician for the acupuncture program at NUHS. Western medicine moved into Japan much earlier than it did in other Asian countries through Dutch influence in the 1600s

*The differences between Chinese and Japanese acupuncture methods are detailed below: The size of the needles: The Japanese tend to use smaller and finer needles than the Chinese, as a result of which, the pain is considerably reduced. Japanese Needles are thinner and sharper than their Chinese counterparts’

‘In comparison to the Chinese style, Japanese acupuncture uses thinner needles and a gentler technique, with shallow insertion. Their diagnostic assessment relies heavily on palpation of the abdomen, back and various pulses along the meridian system.Nov 1, 2017

Chi – Qaun.
One as Energy Flows and the other as Energetic Transformation.

**[Tao] means a road, path, way; and hence, the way in which one does something; method, doctrine, principle. The Way of Heaven, for example, is ruthless; when autumn comes ‘no leaf is spared because of its beauty, no flower because of its fragrance’. The Way of Man means, among other things, procreation; and eunuchs are said to be ‘far from the Way of Man’. Chu Tao is ‘the way to be a monarch’, i.e. the art of ruling. Each school of philosophy has its tao, its doctrine of the way in which life should be ordered. Finally in a particular school of philosophy whose followers came to be called Taoists, tao meant ‘the way the universe works’; and ultimately something very like God, in the more abstract and philosophical sense of that term.[14]

Feng Shui FS.
* Feng shui (Chinese: ??), also known as Chinese geomancy, is a pseudoscientific traditional practice originating from ancient China, which claims to use energy forces to harmonize individuals with their surrounding environment.’

* ( I do not know why its is called a Pseudo-Science- Architecture and Urban planning uses these same principles and is not called Pseudo-Science. The very basis of my alter art science which you have all seen me post for years affects and moves reality aligned with how the RM called Universe, Universal Nature works, and even goes beyond UN since I am moving everything which is beyond Nature to E = 5 in 1.
Using 6th Sense as Expression Naturalness to ESP to solid Facts for all to see, step by step for the last 9 years posted on my page to that which it has completed now aligned even to my whole room as Japan.
Just as it was in Tom Truman loft in 2011.
Tom Truman was born the same day as Mark Zuckerberg founder of Facebook with his friends.
MZ.And one year- later I was led to Facebook on December 21st, 2011.
For a play.
But I was already on Facebook by 2008.
But not in this play.
Same as my arrival in New York, I came here by my own volition in Dec 1999 and Jon Lee,(J.L) asked if he could come along.
Then was forced to come here against my will on 3-20-2001 for a Challenge Play.

Feng Shui a pseudo science?
When everything is moved by Nature the 4 in one Cardinal Directions, the 4-5 Elements which you of this 4D,3D are made of Nature.. Is that no so?

Just as that which is not of True Nature have been moving you via sound and economics Supply and demand, Need and Greed.

Even controlling the weather.
And it can be done, after all this is not the real world.
It’s a Matrix because you can bit quantify and prove that you are all part of a script, playing characters in true life.

And so with no fan, heat turned up, to challenge The Source as a Man, Nature and the Universal Simulation challenges me.
Where is Spring? Why is this like Summer? Where was Autumn?

The Big Brother and the unholy alliance with Nature Energy Truth ( NET. T EN) fight me with the smallest things which really matter ‘Do not allow him to sleep tire him out. Hells Kitchen.

But I am here, truly barely able to sit in a chair.
I found it torture and torment to walk yesterday, but that did not stop me, I went to CVS – Guess what was on sale?
Chess cookies- I shrugged, I bought them and steeled myself for yet another Chess play.
Then I went to527 the Bodega- was so groggy I kept on losing my balance and my orienting my body with its moving me one way and I the other.. that is where my jerking really comes, orienting my muscles via my core and spinal cord.

I was quite when I realized that I had 10 USD let
I had spent 11 usd

Smh. 21 – 11 10.10 11. now I have 10?

Do you know the name of the modeling agency that recruited me in Paris, who said they wished to make me a star was called ‘Specimen’ it was a new agency, the owner was called Christian like Chris Gemino, Chris Filgueira. Their offices were on rue St Antoine ( Antony Band Anthony Anthony W Beinstein)

I felt for long time compassion for Arden.
and now even more for I, Myself.

The reason, the true reason this play and script is so focused on Arden is because of the meaning of his name.
Edden Paradise.
The Garden of Eden.
Mary Arden, yes the post of the Vagina like Mary Magdelena Mary Mother- and yes me 1989-1990 Marylebone then to Belize Park.
William Shakespeare W S/South Whitney
His name means Highest Peak, HP.
Loves Truth- Consciousness Eternal- Infinity beyond memory, reason. simply Eternal Knowing. Infinite Knowing.

I am fully aware that most of you do not care about him, or how he is faring, the same way you do not give a damn about me.

Do you know how many times people come and message me asking how am I doing
They have not read my page or if they did, they ignored that part just as they ignore if I should be foolish enough to respond.

They care only for their agenda what they can gain.
I am always reminded of that famous photograph of the starving ‘boy in Somalia, which ‘shocked’ (BAND AID) The Vultures gathered waiting for him to die?
Oh no, to be too weak to fend them off as they tore at his flesh.

I am the Gate Keeper GK as is AF KG/ G K

Keith Grant.
Knox Gemino.

You have no idea how I see you.
apart or the so few.

5;59 pm.

Karmen Karmen K K
Gemini Gemino G G.

11 11
7 7 is my new Facebook friend.

I received messages from 4 people today once I got up.

Tony Peter Palmer
Llama Knights who last I saw and connected was in 20 13 while I was living at Kew Gardens -he asked me what about Billy.

6;04 pm.
And then from Laura Walsh.
@ 11; 07 am.
I engaged with her, slumped on m seat with exhaustion and we completed the exchange.

Meaning of the name Karmen K-ARM.EN.

*Hebrew Baby Names Meaning:
In Hebrew Baby Names the meaning of the name Carmen is: Guard.

Latin Baby Names Meaning:
In Latin Baby Names the meaning of the name Carmen is: Song.

Spanish Baby Names Meaning:
In Spanish Baby Names the meaning of the name Carmen is: Garden.

Gaurd (Eros EK Sacred Poratal 7), Song ( Onuabuchi), Garden ( Arden Eden)

** The Spanish form of the Hebrew Carmel. Famous bearer: Bizet’s opera ‘Carmen’, first performed in 1875.

In American Baby Names the meaning of the name Carmen is: Song.

6;11 pm.

6;12pm right now.

Arden Gemino
Perfect Timing.

6;30 pm Edit.

At 1,630 Facebook Friends.

6;31 pm That Time Code… again

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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