
4/9/2019 19:33 – Facebook Post

The word of God is not in a book. It’s the Sound of “OM” which can only heard when your divine 7-chakras are activated by divine plant Entheogens, namely the Crown chakra after the lower 6 chakras within you have been activated. And it sounds so beautiful your Ego cannot survive and you Die into it. Like hearing an infinite number of songs but all being played all at once, and it creates ONE song of all that IS !I It’s so powerful and beautiful your Ego is totally dissolved and you disappear. Your identity and all your beliefs and all that you think you are totally vanishes. As beliefs are NOT allowed, as your beliefs are exactly what your demons are. And OM can never be heard with the physical ears , as it’s in a much higher frequency vibration, as ONLY the higher dimension Soul can hear such magic. It can ONLY be heard when all seven of your chakras deep within you have all been blasted open and activated….

Only darkness, lies and deception seeks to be worshiped which is Ego ( Obviously). Because True leaders do not seek to build more followers ( that is slavery and Ego). But instead, True leaders only seek to build more True Leaders ( which Love and Spirit), .. And that’s why all the wisest ones always tell other people to go within ( where the divine sacred plants like Ayahuasca takes deep within yourself millions of times deeper than your ego mind wants to go) …

Mother Ayahuasca is going to make you laugh. She’s going to make you cry. She’s gonna make you terrified and also put you in awe. She is gonna break you down. Break you down pretty hard. And build yourself back stronger than ever. She’s gonna make you see who You really Are. And it has nothing to do with the ideas you built of yourself. Its far beyond it. Transcends time, space, forms and descriptions. You are the unbreakable and infinite Creator of the Universe. You are the flame of the Divine fire. You are perfect. You are free. You are Love. I AM Love. I am You

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