
4/8/2017 21:13 – Facebook Post

4/8/2017 21:13 – Facebook Post



See sacred Portal 48…. T.Q…C.G….A…. O.G.A…E G A…

“The issue for Phaedrus was not whether Achilles and Patroclus were sexually involved but who was the lover or erastes (older and active) and who the beloved or eromenos (younger and passive). Neither Aeschylus, nor Plato, nor Xenophon could have imagined Achilles and Patroclus as gay”

( Such a Foolish Concept using your only your perspective to judge and view that which is see as you do…
A Vulgar human idea to focus on the idea of one being Passive and the other Active.. P.A..
When even that foolish question is answered by their is in the Initials of their Names… of the investigator… P…
Recall when Patrick Okolo mistakenly gave me the Address of the Restaurant as APE…

E.P.A…G.E… is the Answer.. Gay Means Happy…
Gary Huffman… G.H… 7 8..
Spear .. Farm Settlement.. F.S.. Feelings Sensation…
Spear of Destination Finally Settled on Man…

5 in 1 All E…
The same Person…
And Now the 6th and 33.. The 7th…
7 is 8…
Man All Men…Woman the illusion of Man…
Now Evolved in Her Own Right.. AT 37…

There is no doubt that I am becoming increasingly, really increasingly and truly Irate,
not with Humans…
We have left Time.. the Story of the Galaxy Universe
Earth… Humans-Children.

Humans Children should never be allowed to participate have a say or even a vote in this..
Because they were still CHILDREN.
Illusions of themselves.

And it is their Ideas of Aliens which manifested not only this play of Time but even Outer Space…
But we have finally left all that behind…

23rd Letter in the Alpha Bet is Double V…VV…
23/32… 5 5… TEN… The One V manifested the Two VV..
The Man Dolls… The one with the Tiger has Two V…
A Tiger has a Tail.. The Human has a Tale…
Story of Pi?
Is the Journey through the Golden Ration…
Not Gold Mean spirited people… Human Cruelty, Animal Cruelty…

The Doll which has a Waist… Is the Hue Man..
Animals do not really have a Waist line…
Rahul just came back to collect his 15 USD…
I gave it to him..
I noticed it was 7:11.. Seven Eleven… Open.
When he spoke to me he noticed that I was closed.
I had nothing to say to him…
I did not ask him about his Job…
I am Indifferent.

On the Male Doll M.D.. With code C 022 B… C.O..V.B…
15= Letter O.. He just have gifted the 15 USD… Kenneth from the Shelter came in and was sitting besides me but opposite…
Emeka Kolo Kenneth… Kenneth Ezekwe is no longer present..
So that means E.Kolo is literal front and back full Circle O..
Unique.. no Double…

The code on it was AT OO.. 39.. C.I… 45…

So that which is moving me, the one who I am responding to…
is not Human or of this World or Universe or any known universe except for a representation of a galaxy 11 01 I.C which is how it was originally listed as on the Internet…
What a Surprise to see this 10 11… Smile…
This is what I aligned it to when Dina Singh brought it first to my attention.

*IC 1011 is a compact elliptical galaxy[3] with apparent magnitude of 14.7,[4] and with a redshift of z=0.02564 (SIMBAD)[1] or 0.025703 (NASA),[4] yielding a distance of 100 to 120 Megaparsecs.[4] Its light has taken 349.5 million years to travel to Earth. IC 1011’s calculated age is approximately 12.95 billion years.[4] The IC designation comes from the Index Catalogue.

11 01…11 O1… 1 O O 1…A Thousand and One nights…?
No… A O/ O A… A O O.A…A-A.. 27…+12… 39..12/21.. 33…6…39 93…12 12… 1 212 Men Cologne… Perfume.. 24.. X… 6…

Do you see why I am Irate with the Play…?

It is meant to be the most Glorious Play of First Contact…
instead in 2011 Lisa Levine informed me that the this whole process was alienating people that they should be made inclusive.
Lisa of course, as the Human had the right to her opinion but the Goddess line in her, listened to her and that is what happened and the mess.. the Mess….Meddling..
See Sacred Portal 7… “She will not pass through…
Se sacred portal 70.. Queen Bee, Stings the Defender of Man E… “Many” Man E!… Men of E… not R… E is O..E is I…
R is 18… Completion is at 9.. I…
Already done…

My new Face Book Friend is called Play Playboy… which is what it translated…
Bed 5-013… Is Raheem.. ( not 5-014)… E.O.M…
/Meaning Of Existence..
The First Day on the Job.. Moe introduced me to Dee telling her my Food Habits.. Jose Roque who was right behind me…
Then on leaving, I met Moe going to his first task in his new job…on my way down stairs.. “What Room are you in?” He asked though I know he knew…
I did not pause to ask why..
Jose Roque was right behind me, and when I got outside I found my self waiting for Jose..He came later.. then told me that Moe had his first assignment in our room..5.
And that he had inquired and went back to organize his bed…
“You will probably find your stuff in a mess”
He had not considered that it would have been elegant to come and tell me..
After he was gaining monetarily from me when he had a job part time.. And All the services which the state gives him.. Americans..
But I said no Worries.. Moe is there…

And of course there was no worries…
My things were taken care of…
In almost 6 months of leaving my locker open nothing has ever been stolen…I thought perhaps a charger had.. but I found that extra charger today…

Envy Jealousy grows in this realm.. without common sense and is the main reason that one should always be amongst ones own peers ones own equals…
If not even in the cleanest of Spirits that stain in their own lifes will manifest and be projected onto the one who has only been the Shinning example in their moments of Need.
Paul expressed this many times..
But when I stopped sharing money with him, he got offended…
Now he does not speak to me because I put up a Wall…
And he cannot see, they do not see that I feel nothing but relief…
Because it would never be Equal or Worked out,,,
And that is why I have been here too long.. in the wrong place…
Inspiration is great…but stay to long as that example…
Jealousy Rage…

Cassandra who I saw for the first time yesterday in 4 weeks, though charmingly saying in not so many words that she had missed our conversations…me.
Was more concerned that I should not be here…
Nenad M. Djurdjevic was meant to call her..
But this play…
The Meaning Of Existence took care of my things..
When no one else did..
Not even my Brother as the Rock…
He was more concerned for himself because Emeka the one pulling and jerkig 24/7.. the Foreigner he called Sir.. and still does at times…
Is always suffering so well…
That it makes them…look to themselves..
And that is not good.. And what was once sincere Respect…
becomes “Familiarity Breeds Contempt”

975 Face Book Friends

19 75… Recall my post about 1976.. And 1975…Yesterday…

* Ha there is another lady who just left.. there are two women with their children here…
And they the other lady opposite came here to work…
She turned to me got up with her pink cap and said, I can”t do it…
Focus with all this noise.
Chandra was here a ,moment ago dressed like a Somalian Lady Sheba.. And had commented that she could not believe how I was able to work and focus here…
That she could not do it..
Same at the Shelter when I post..
They thought noise sound made me go jerky and crazy.. cause I kept saying that it affects my body, and I watched as Kelsey made sure that every place I went was noisy…
Nearly everyone noticed it the staff security..
All the men who have been there as long as I and of certain character have rooms of 4 or at most 8…
And so the Staff and clients noticed… And said that it is the Whites seeking to put me in my Place…
They did not realize that nothing can move me from my Focus…
Look at where I posted from and the conditions for 58-59 months..
16 Years…
No home of my own and the one time it was sponsored Billy Hung began to haunt it every day…
Familiarity on;ly breeds contempt in those who do not believe they are Equals…
And they are not but I treat every one equally because All have the E in them…
And it was not is not my role to make it rise in them…
That is the Choice and Free Will which everyone has
and its Author was myself in the Eternal Beginning and even this Play of the Eternal End so brutal…
I chose to reach within me and draw forth the E in Me…
Because when he appeared Face to Face with me… as Spirit E..
9.O..Everything.. Even he said You are the Greater than M.E..
“You Chose Me”

I Did…
I Deed

Focus Concentrate… F.C… Interest…I.



plural noun: foci
the center of interest or activity.
“this generation has made the environment a focus of attention”
synonyms: center, focal point, central point, center of attention, hub, pivot, nucleus, heart, core, cornerstone, linchpin, cynosure
“schools are a focus of community life”
the state or quality of having or producing clear visual definition.
“his face is rather out of focus”
synonyms: focal point, point of convergence
“the resulting light beams are brought to a focus at the eyepiece”
sharp, crisp, distinct, clear, well defined, well focused
“submit only those snapshots that are in focus”
blurred, unfocused, indistinct, blurry, fuzzy, hazy, misty, cloudy, lacking definition, nebulous
“the shots are slightly out of focus, which gives them an eerie quality”

*Nothing Nebulous about E Galaxy I O I I / I I O 1….13 Binary 31….

“Each one is called a focus, and an ellipse can only have one pair of foci.
fo•cus n., pl. -cus•es, -ci (-s?, -k?), n. 1. a central point, as of attention or activity. 2. a point at which rays of light, heat, or other radiation meet after being refracted …

1 is I.. and I is 1…

C.I.A/ A.I.C..
A.C.I/ I.C.A…


8:53 P.M P Mbwede..

8:59 p.m.

The young lady came back…
As You might have observed, the Time lapse…
I went out to smoke a cigarette, the noisy women Moslem’s left after clearing the place on the Metropolitan side.. a smile on their faces as they left knowing the noise they had created.

I saw a a person from the Shelter pass by an elder grace full elegant man who I always wondered why he was here..
He was the one who witnessed when I had collapsed in Exhaustion.
Then I saw a sign “Converse” – I know that code and who it comes from..
I said “Yeah Right”.. having no intention to do so as I saw others come in…
Chandra had politely asked if she could sit so we could converse but had respected my privacy when I said I am working and would like to finish…
But when the young lady… A Small person, not a Dwarf but a very Small person came back in she began to talk to me..
She spoke of peoples manners and that people come to cafe’s to get out of their homes…
I noticed her cap…
It has the words “Yes, Yes!” om on it…

What are you working on…?
I see you here all the time…?

I could not be rude but I was pissed.. still am…
not with here… but this E.I..N…Who gives me no Choice…

I told her briefly.. Her Eyes opened.

And so what is the point of proving this, that human beings are the literal equations of Existence..?” She asked…
And on Face Book?”

Oh I am demonstrating that the Truth Manifests…
That is the point.. The Equation creates Manifestation before everyones Eyes..

9:12 P.M.

Like your hat…

Y.E.S…Y.E.S… She exclaimed, bursting into laughter…

9:13 p.m.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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