
4/8/2016 16:08 – Facebook Post

Beautiful on so many levels…

The path way through the 5 points..

2 stars, The Wrists..What you do with your creative force..

2 Stars,The Ears- What you listen to..

1 Star- The Four in One which makes the Third eye..

5..Letter E.

Then a pathway of Colors through Light and through pattern like waves..

Through Lady Ego..Abundance…Lakshimi, Aku..La! Of Sixth Sense..

Namaster Jonn Divine…And all the lines and waves your line and the line of Donna represent..

* I will give you a hint of which lines of the old story, of this reality which they represent..

Recall, that the Equation linked to parents of both Jonn and Donna?
I did the equation of Robert and Lorenzo..Meaning “Bright Famous Shinning Light..crowned with Laurels of Victory from the Laurel Tree”
12+18= 3O.. Link this to C.O..

Code- Chibuzo Okolo- Chibuzor Okolo..

Then Ruth Elizabeth..R.E..(Ra)..

“A Lover, Companion and Friend- A Vision of Beauty, The Creators is Satisfied.. that his Beautiful Vision is a Fact..”.. E.R..P.I.E Word for “Earth”
R=18, E=5..23..W..Double V..VV..Twin Victories…
Cecilia Wiebers

Ruth Odom
Elizabeth Clarizio… ..R.O.E..C “Roe- Hard Roe Eggs from the Ovaries of a female Fish, Soft Roe from the Testes of the Male fish made of semen…”
Used to make caviar..”

R.O.E.C. Roe X.Y from the Fish..Age of Pisces, Symbol of Pisces..”

Yesterday, Jonn Blackwell casually handed me a Ralph Lauren magazine which comes free in certain stores…
We had a healthy discussion on Style and appreciation of Beauty and Life, and its perversion into become a facade and a status symbol..false instead a natural state of being and consciousness- which consequently not be snobbish or associated with a certain way of behaving dictated by ridiculously unqualified dictators or rip offs or the original expression of Elegance and Grace.. Reflecting which the Japanese culture does so well..

I looked at the magazine, the back instantly caught my eye..

Older face book friends recall my documenting on my way here, on the Train, the two codes with alerted me about what was the play of this last portal at 18 Mountain View would be..
I observed a sign saying GRATITUDE in capital letter on a Bill Board,
then I saw a yacht with the with the words “Cloud 9” on it..
Most will recall the play of Cloud 9.. a post Joe Fisher really appreciated..

Cloud 9 had to be converted to 9=I.
Ga La XY..Z..C.I..1O 11…

And “Chrystal Palace” was the code I was given at 147, The Bean cafe…
P.C (Personal Computer), have to be transformed, through a P.C back into the Chrystallization Palace of the Evolution Awakening process..
See Super Man.. S.M..
I.C.E..Palace.. I.P..Mann..

On the back of the magazine R.L.Y.C…
Robert Lorenzo Yeshua Christ..

Then Donna later informs me that the 19th, the day of my departure happens to be her father Robert’s birthday…

Yes, The Line of Yeshua Christo and Mary Kristine…

M.A.Y..5th Month..
Y.A.M..The God of the Ocean..”Yam-aha”- Japan.
Adu..Of the Igbo..
Fish Semen Eggs.. “Caviar”.. The Best.. Omega 3…
Pisces Poseidon..P.P…Neptune Yeshua Age of Pisces to Aquarius..
Aphrodite Mami Wata.. A.M.W… AM VV.. A Milky Way..
Yam and the Eze Nri..the OINri People..

M.Y.2C’s..33.. 6 9..CC-O..
M.Y..F.amily…of Infinity..
M.Y..F.A. M.I.L..Y O..
O is Symbol of Eternity..

My Family of Eternal Truth Christo..O.Kristine… ..E.T.C…..O K..E.

Davinci Codes..

“The Da Vinci Code is a 2003 mystery-detective novel by Dan Brown. It follows symbologist Robert Langdon and cryptologist Sophie Neveu after a murder in the Louvre Museum in Paris, when they become involved in a battle between the Priory of Sion and Opus Dei over the possibility of Jesus Christ having been married to Mary Magdalene.”

Eggs C-Men.. E.C..
Testes Ovaris…T.O..


Code Elizabeth Clarizio T O..Two…


Completion of Harvesting -Gather the Eggs Semen of the E line planted undercover as the C line in the Fecund soil of the Human Bodies-hosts..

Full Circle….

4:08 p.m
3 5…

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