
4/7/2018 12:05 – Facebook Post

4/7/2018 12:05 – Facebook Post

10:20 a.m.





John Thomas… John is Twin… O.P.E.N.I.S. Penis and Balls.
O P E N IS …Perfection O-Proton Electron Neuron Infinite Splendor…

Delta Golden Ration

Divine Grace True Reflections…

@ 1108…Face book friends… K O H.
Knock Out is Harmony.

Meaning that which Knocks Out this reality is proving Harmony Infinity…

Dear World People,

I passed a pretty intense night, after finding myself still moved ( and pretty much cornered) into going to Starbucks last night, and then the post which once more flowed out of me, the Knowing even in the Not knowing.
And then face to face with the truth of this script.

I became aware that this is not really about any of you the public, though it involves you, perhaps this is why an intensely personal investigation which I would have preferred to keep private, was made public.
Made public, so that you would bear witness to it, because it does actually involve the future of the species.
And yet the Script as well as the play theater is based on my personal blue-print of Existence and I felt that the reason I was being asked to share it, was because you were being asked to take responsibility of it.
And yet as I have finally understood, you are not even part of the play except as beings unaware that you are being moved in a Cosmic Chess Game totally unaware, and the Script which I am in is fully aware of that fact.

There has of course, been meddling with the script but not by you but by the collective idea of what many call the spirit realm which I call activated memories, brought alive from the sum total of Human Expression through out the Human Time Line or the notion of TIME.

But time naught but that which passed yet exists in sum, in the present moment. Each moment we live as a species or as Individuals can not be separated from the that which proceeded it.

And that my calls to arms fell to deaf ears because the script was designed that way.
The Meddling was this Expression of Humanity, it Cause and Effect was designed for me to Face, and this is the the Evil from Beyond, the Evil which can not be which I have been calling out since the very beginning of my posting.
The Evil of Humanities irresponsibility and Individuals irresponsibility in not going back to clean up expressions of the past.

I found myself like the “Good Doctor… G D.. G O D, And the Professor of Beauty.. the Amant.. the Lover’ calling out all these things to people throughout the years, and then proving it on Face Book, the importance of being clean, staying clean.
Grooming yourselves.. pointing out that it was in all your sacred documents.

I called on people to help, that we are all in this together, to send donations. I find myself wasting precious energy, giving evidence of my credentials, my sanity, my reasoning even as I found myself in personal battle with a force and play which has only been entirely made aware to me.

This is what I could not accept.

This being the play of the Awakening, Evolution..
That the Kolo Journals” Sword of Truth by Good Kind was true.
That Geoff Lacour had told the absolute, awful truth when he wrote to me a hand written book, telling me ‘Everything under the Sun”..”Your brothers have betrayed you, they planted the sum total of evil of the species in you… And it took form of a Demonic presence, the Evil is not your but Theirs…”

Dror B Ashuah author of conversation with Angels testified to doing a meditation on his boat, in Woodstock when he called me rattled with disbelief as he saw the impossible, Evil attached to my waste and being, in the form of a long line of Creatures stretching out from here to the threshold of Infinity.
And when he called out to them in outrage, that this is against the law of Existence, and to begone, they refused.
Saying that they too wished to evolve and would not let go of me…

I knew all this but I could not give it credence.
To me it was of course real but only as a story book a fairy tale written and conceived from imagination and not as Truth.
Truth was on my side, the literal beautiful truth so I was not that concerned… That was in 2004, and then 2011/12.
33rd Street and Akil Apollo Davis home which he shared with Tim and Evan ALexander Judson…

But as the days progressed to months, and I unraveled more and more of the Script and the reality which I found myself contained in to my incredulity, it began to prove that impossible as true.
And my attempts to get peoples attention, help in this area was met with mostly indifference, denial and literally, “It is not my Problem”
The basic laws of of decency which exist still, even in this reality ceased to exist.
Most who I was led to I found was already pre-determined.
I was not living in the World, not even this World where I had met human beings of compassion and decency. Instead I was meeting people who were more avatars, of this Script programmed it would seem to fulfill a function and purpose with e and then move on, or pass me to the next place and I was soon out of mind and out of their “Responsibility”- the responsibility of the Truth I was bearing, which I so naively felt that was the responsibility and burden of all.

But it was not, and I cursed and moved to such a fury, promising them a consequence which I have literally encoded in this Script.
But all the consequence I knew should have manifested, I noticed was delayed or so greatly muted, that they could brush it of, blame me, avoid me and get on with their lives.

And finally the play of the money codes, meaning that each person who did share or send me monies had been already designated,
Everything was Scripted!
Everything… this was meant to be…
Even my being in Delta Manor 17 years later, here for 17-18 months…
Everything is as it should be!
Everything was, and is in harmony of the Script- but that is not what Harmony means.
And that I began to see was the Challenge…
It was not to all of you.. It was to me.
Even to the 3 cents left in my wallet for the past three days was in Harmony of the Script which had I had imprisoned myself in when I had entered this play, this stage knowing that the Beautiful Truth would rise and protect me even in this play of New York. I had no idea that it would betray me, to leave me alone in a Script designed for me to meet the standards it set, to determine if Harmony as It knew I meant, Harmony Infinity existed, exist, and could be proven by me.

But It knew it existed, It created this Script!
Which I had to follow and it is the Script of Evil Beyond possibility.. right to the 3 cents left in my wallet.
I had to ask Yasmin for coffee last night, despite my pride revolting.
I had to ask Sam for coffee the night before, it was part of the script and each time the confirmation was made manifest immediately to me through the codes which I am the only one at present who can read, because it is based on my Life, and My Personal Existence….

Dean Dunkwu sent me 800:00 usd
Patrick Okolo 510;00…
DD is 44= 8.
P is the letter on my locker I found here 17 months ago 3-002..
And now the person in Bed 51 is someone I recognized immediately.
Randall Witltz.

And yet I have wrestled with the notion of why this should be my lone responsibility.
I have fought and lashed out and faced the darkest most violent part of my Nature, only to find that I can not dwell there, and that I must transform those feelings back into beauty and lightness because I can now tolerate such emotions… such feelings…
Even when they are just and righteous…
It had to be transformed into Truth.

Yes, my brothers betrayed me, there is no doubt, and they are that Evil planted within me, they are the poisoned books which kill the monks in the book In the Name of the name of the Rose.
Jealousy Envy Lust ..all the things which Geoff Lacour mentioned when he rose to transcendence to write that book for me.

But I did not betray my Self, the Sum Total of Being and Body..
My Truth and my Beautiful Truth.
I am here.. still aren’t facing the Evil, the Disease, the horror of Humanities Existence where they focused on that which they lusted for, the greed, the covetousness…
Never mind all the promises and covenants They, You have broken, taking refuge in that pathetic human expression “No one is Perfect” yet knowing that everything was created in perfection as is. and yet seeking this perfection in others in the guise of Beauty and then the pleasure in mutilating it.

Yes, this is the Script of The True Conversation Between Energy Existence and A-H, Tom but that book, that manuscript as I wrote it was meddled with while I wrote it and began to edit.. taking on a direction which was not of my own will, but by this Illusion of te sum total of Evil in me.
This abomination and masterpiece which it was to become which Rachel Young read, but which Samantha Yurkosky could not finish.
It was the same perversion which took over my manuscript of the The Original Creation Story the family of Ten.
This was the meddling I was speaking about and the meddling was planted in me, but in my being but in my “Akashic Record” my body by way of Food and contaminated water.

And so, yes The Evil was planted in my, it was a Book of records which I have been cleansing.. Age.. Old Age.. the Evil of a Species which refused to go back and clean up Its mess.

Why this became my responsibility, was given to me as my sole responsibility?
Well you can only ask the source of the Evil, itself, your selves…
Laziness and that infantile desire for another to do it for you…
“Please Please can you do it for me… No!…
But what if you had or where given the power to make others do anything you tell them to do…?
And you make that the true Poisoned Book, the book of Abominations- a book which looks sweet and innocent but on reading it, you fall in.. are bound by yes, Yonathan Kahn, by language and even Sound…
Yes Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones….
and the only way out…
Penetrating the Veil of Language and Sound…
Himrod … Laura Croft .. Tomb Raider… T R.. 20 18….

He is the Rod… O PENIS.. Private Dick… John Thomas…
Penetrating the Veil of the See…
Not Woman’s Vagina, or Man or Woman Anus..

‘Like a Virgin…”

Simha Joshyam Krishna Chaitanya

Simha means ‘Joy’
Joshyam means “The Lord is Salvation”
Krsna means “Black..Dark Dark Blue…”
Chaittanya means ” Awareness’

‘Chaitanya meaning – Astrology for Baby Name Chaitanya with meaning Cognizance.; Knowledge, life; Life, knowledge. This name is from the Bengali; Hindi; Hindu’

Rene means ‘Reborn’
De Valle.. Means “Of the Valley…”

* Recall Johnny LE Valle who led me to the Green House in Soho in 2006.

Psalm 23…Though I may walk in the Valley of Death, I shall fear no evil, the lord is my ‘Rod” and my ‘Staff… R.S.
( Rise Erection Semen.. C men.. See men Sacred portal 27)

Shamsa Saddique

Shamsa means ‘Golden Moon Hair Pin .. or Light and Radiance…”

please see the origin of the Golden Moon.. G M… H P.. Heir PIN..Code below,,,

Saddique means “Truthful.. Righteous.. Rightly Guided.. Veracious..

*The title “As-Siddiq” (Arabic: The Veracious) was given to the first Muslim Caliph (one of the Rashidun, or “Rightly guided” Caliphs)

It does not take much to link the three face book friends names meaning and the message.

‘Joy, the Lord is Salvation, Black of the Dark Blue. Awareness, Congnizance of Life, Knowledge. Reborn from the Valley of Death, from the understanding of the Black Stone of the 360 Degrees of the Moons Light and Radiance ‘Sine’ which moves through everything ( like Neutrinos) Water..Eau.. B’eaute.
He is the Hero of the Golden Dawn- ( Link Refection- Zarathustra Mohammadi!) The Heir of the Pin C.o.de…
( Com pass ME Says Terrible Death…* See yesterdays Post)
You are the Truthful one.. rightly guided.”

*From S A L T…

The moon god – Allah (part 1)
Islam History
The moon god
Many Muslim leaders oppose research into pre-Islamic Arabian religion. But Western scholars have done it for them. What they have found is quite a blow to Islam. In the last 100 years or so, archeologists have gained a pretty clear picture of what the religion of the Arabians was like before and during Muhammad’s lifetime.

*’Long before Muhammad was born, the Kaba was the home of 360 idols. One of these idols was the moon god. He was considered to be the most powerful of the gods of the Arabs. He had several names. He was often called “al ilah” or “the god.” The poets called him Allah. In fact, the Kaba was called, “The House of Allah” before Muhammad was born. This is because he was the chief god of the Kaba. The idols there were called the daughters of Allah and intercessors in pre-Islamic times. His symbol was a crescent moon. In fact the crescent moon has been found on all kinds of objects everywhere in the ancient world. The moon god cult was quite pervasive in ancient times.

Allah was a god that was especially worshipped by Muhammad’s Quaraysh tribe. The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Religion says, “The Quaraysh tribe to which Muhammad belonged to was devoted to Allah,

12;05 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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