
4/7/2016 2:32 – Facebook Post

12:45 a,m


See Sacred Portal 46 “First Drop”


F-D-I…First Drop..I..Infinity ..Individual


Identity -Fact.


As you can see, I have a new Face Book friend though still at 569 Face Book Friends…

No one has the right to judge and assume who and who is not meant to be here..
Everyone is being moved-
it was about reading the code the meaning and the message..

Observe that is the way to Judge…

For Example.. 4 Times at 5 68.. 4=D.. 4th Dimension…

Donna Charles Suzanne… the last three..

‘Lady Free Man, Free the Brave Manly Army Warrior,the Graceful Lily Lotus Rose..as the the symbol of the City of Light..
Civil-liz-at-ion…Yes Elizabeth “God is Satisfied.. Vow has been kept”

What does a Lily represent?
Dating as far back as 1580 B.C., when images of lilies were discovered in a villa in Crete, these majestic flowers have long held a role in ancient mythology. Derived from the Greek word “leiron,” (generally assumed to refer to the white Madonna lily), the lily was so revered by the Greeks that they believed it sprouted from the milk of Hera, the queen of the gods. Lilies are known to be the May birth flower, and the 30th wedding anniversary flower.

As the flowers most often associated with funerals, lilies symbolize that the soul of the departed has received restored innocence after death.”

Lotus- Lotus Santana…Dharma CHI..Energy


“The rose (Latin, rosa, in Greek, rhodon) also is a symbol that has a rich and ancient history. And like the cross, it can have paradoxical meanings. It is at once a symbol of purity and a symbol of passion, heavenly perfection and earthly passion; virginity and fertility; death and life.

“The rose was sacred to a number of goddesses including Isis, whose rose appears in the late classical allegorical novel The Golden Ass as “the sweet Rose of reason and virtue” that saves the hero from his bewitched life in the form of a donkey.[1] The ancient Greeks and Romans identified the rose with the goddess of love, Aphrodite (Greek name) and Venus (Roman name).

In Rome a wild rose would be placed on the door of a room where secret or confidential matters were discussed. The phrase sub rosa, or “under the rose”, means to keep a secret — derived from this ancient Roman practice.”

And now we are at 69 twice…
69+69= 138..M.H..Manifest Harmony… A.C.H…I..

Da Enlightens
and Welcome,
Myrtle Simmons..

“a : a common evergreen bushy shrub (Myrtus communis of the family Myrtaceae, the myrtle family) of southern Europe with oval to lance-shaped shiny leaves, fragrant white or rosy flowers, and black berries’

Myrtle is wearing Pink, Rosy…and black..a black berry…
An Ever Green, E.G.. is the code for Immortality…
Forever Green.. Life ..4th Dimension…

You always know if your Equation or Riddle is correct by waiting for the Echo affirmation response.

Considering that most of this posts are after I and the E line leave with those who embraced our Consciousness, and my leaving to go home any day from now to the 19th, which ends this play and my literally turning my back on the world of the 1-4..

1:11 p.m.. See sacred portal 111…

Is based on my breaking down to this ridiculous level how the codes work, and to the perfection of the Will of that which was once Nature now evolved back to its highest Nature in both Human Nature and Nature, back to Energy of Everything..
And the E, making sure that everything is as clear as Day, and thus, no excuse or complaints now that the Divine Law of the 1-4 Dimensions have been established…
When those chosen did not bother to read or study the code…

And thus, when we leave and consequence manifests, based on the laws here this God Code has established…on this page..
And an E-Manual valued at one Penny based on the Energy Efficiency Ratio..

One can imagine, that nothing will be able to induce us to return after this reception..
Not all the pleas in the World or from people, because through this 15 Year Play in New York…
4 Years on Face Book..
1:20 p.m..

26 years, 27…

And 15 Years of scrapping by..being forced to walk through this Money City…Alerting and providing evidence of the Evolution Awakening codes of conduct to advance.. to evolve..
And the Warning of the Evolution of the Vibration of the planet…
5;28 Hertz…

And since I am still here, with 120 usd in my pocket and a body straining stretching and my mind seeking to sustain this experience and reception to the evidence of each being in a script where each are in control of what they say and how they say..
This play of Expression..Tone and Lessons…

I am obligingly still working, despite it being my Time to leave…
I am still clarifying and expressing to not only use Expression to move us to the Conclusion, but offering as much explanation and clarity for those left behind, who despite thier current Stoic sckeptism..
And the mistake of thinking that this Loan of M.E and my line was forever and consequently made us Slaves and shoulder this by ourselves because we love you more than we love ourselves..

A incredible Error because the E line can only love our Mirrors Reflections called Expression Harmonious Fact… E.H.F..
The ones the E align with, because they are perfect reflections of E.T..
Only Human Beings.. Harmonious Beings are the E lines Energetic Mirrors…
They are the Ahtom Twins “Emeka Nnamdi-D.C line (For the current Matrix Story of the past…)..
E.N represents the Beautiful Present..
The Beloveds…
Code links to Tom Benzian
Twin Beings E.N..Z..(Beauty..) Beautiful Ians (Grace) IONS..Divine Sparks Energy-Matter…
Which E.T.H.E.B..C has finally linked the Two lines to one
Energy Nature
Expression Naturalness..
Which makes the Beautiful Eternal you Rise..
Graceful Lily, Lotus Rose…Rising from within Body and Being..
only now linked to V.I.E…

Everyone else left behind, will have to rise the way I did…
in a world full of Distraction and Forgetting…
But at least they will have a code book with with Japanese and German Efficiency will help you rise by yourself…
Individually as your bodies start morphing and stretching seeking to be free..
It is the Ultimate distraction which causes forgetting..
more than the Distraction of Money…
Because without a Body which obeys you…
This process so beautiful and efficient turns into a Night mare of Epic proportions.. believe me, take it from me..
15 years of this, 12 of this intensity…
Fidgeting even when you sleep looking for some comfort.. looking for that Joy when you had control of your body…

Whew, at least you will have a pristine Guide book..
an E-manual…
something no given to me..
But which I created in conditions..
Well you know…

You know, it is not true that Human Nature never learns their lessons..
I have seen true Human Nature and it is a glory to be around that expression of being a True Human Being..
its true they are rare,
Fey Mirach..
But they exist..
And that is the true Template of a Human Being..
unaffected by the World because they fought to keep themselves clean..

What people consider that always Betraying and Deceitful Human Nature is really nothing but Behavioral Patterns, Spells and conditioning they agreed to…
Instead of listening to their bodies and true beings,
they instead listened to a World outside, who each are infected already by their agreement to be infected by the Lie…

No one forced you to live a Lie..

The Free Man and Women are the true Symbols of AM.ERIC AH
is as Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan enlightened me about the Grateful Dead.. G.D.. 74/47 whom they love…47 Nnamdi E..47 11 28.. 39.. C.I
That the it was in Honor of Elegant Hobos, Cows Boys and Indians..
True American and African E-Spirit does not yearn for freedom building resentment and then explosions, He or She knows that they were born free, and would die rather be imprisoned in a Universal Simulation called U.S..but where is the AH!
Relief of Space…Movement..

A real Human Being is Free…

America is the Land of the Free.

Grateful Dead… to the rest of the World..
as long as they are free..
Movement of Jah People..

Movement and Space…
Myrtle Simmons…
Simmons means “Harken, Listen Summon”

Harken, Listen to the summons of the Every Green, E.G..57, which sprouts pink and white flowers’

Awakening…Where will the two beings go?
Those who stay behind and those who advance..
Why they will exist both right here but in total different dimension where the two will never meet..
One in America.. A.M..Eric..Ah..

Eric Lile Brown
Eric Eyutchae
Erik Ebright
Erek Eclass Mateo..
Emeka Kolo..

Land of the Free…

And the other in the Universal Simulation
And invisible Web, and now a Prison of Sound..
And as it closes in, with its now full activated self destruction
you will need all the help you can get..
Because you will the squeeze and like the Energetic play at 268 East th Street.. 9 years…
It will be more and more like escaping Alcatraz…

2:22 a,m.

Code Obi Ckc complete..
4 434 222…6

Believe me
I am speaking the most Graceful Truth…

And I am not doing this for You,
this constant posting I am doing it because it comes naturally to me
To Guard and protector the Universal Treasure
The Beautiful Truth of M.E
Human Beings..

And the beautiful truth of True Human Nature
is we were each born Complete..
planted with the seed of the Freedom Song of Existence

Movement Evolve


2:27 P.m..

Easter B UN NY…

Not St. Nicholas Carrying a Cross…

Donna O’Sullivan might tell you that hilarious story one Day…

And Jonn Blackwell and the journey of the Sun-Dae.. at Cheeries//
The real journey to the center of the Earth..
And finally Nothingness..
Nothing left in the Bowl….


2:30 a.m.


The Past is over.. lets stay in the Present…

2:31 a.m

That’s a code…

sacred portal 31…

2:32 p.m… and from S,P 32..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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